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Steps Assessment the objectives Completed Not Comment

1.1 Opened the internet browser and navigated Google website.
1.2 Accessed Google Drive by using the user and password.
1.3 Opened Google Drive interface.
2.1 Created Team Drive folder.
2.2 Named it (Team Drive Workshop)
3.1 Created file into the Team Drive Workshop folder.
3.1.1 Named the file that created in the Team Drive
3.2 Created sample document by using Microsoft Office.
3.2 Saved the Microsoft office document on the desktop computers.
3.3 Created documents by using Google Docs.
3.4 Moved the documents and folders.
4.1 Selected Team Drive Folder.
4.2 Clicked on share button.
4.2.1 Accessed the visibility option.
4.2.2 Selected the visibility setting specified: shared with specific people.
4.2.2 Select the specified visibility option.
4.3 Clicked on share button by invite member.
4.3.1 Input the email address of the other members in this workshop.
4.3.2 Given a scenario, explained what are the types of sharing.
4.3.4 Given a scenario, selected the appropriate editor permission option.
4.3.4 Given a scenario, explained what people invited to a share will see.
4.4 Notifed of members of the file share.

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