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CPNI GUIDANCE NOTE: Attack on London Bridge

and Borough Market

June 2017

© Crown Copyright 2017


Attack on London Bridge and Borough Market, 3rd June 2017

You will have seen media reporting of the attack on London Bridge and Borough Market on 3rd June.
This is being treated as a terrorist incident.

As with the recent attacks on Westminster in March and Manchester Arena in May this highlights
the ongoing threat to public areas and crowded places. We encourage partners in industry and
government to review their security plans and pay particular attention to CPNI’s current advice on its
website and extranet. We also draw your attention to the updates and advice on the NaCTSO

What you can do to help protect your site: CPNI advice and

Whilst it is inherently difficult to protect against this style of attack in crowded public places, there
are measures that can be instigated. These include those which help mitigate the immediate effects
of an attack by precluding access to hostile vehicles and those which can help disrupt an attack
through optimising detection of suspicious activity, and disrupting the hostile reconnaissance

Precluding access to hostile vehicles and improving protection

CPNI provides a range of guidance on how a site’s vulnerability to vehicle borne threats can be
assessed and the appropriate mitigations to such threats

Optimising detection and disrupting hostile reconnaissance

Such attacks often require some element of planning. This means that the perpetrator(s) are likely to
have conducted hostile reconnaissance, the information gathering phase that is a vital component of
the attack planning process. If you can disrupt hostile reconnaissance you can help reduce your
vulnerability to attack. Many of these measures are simple, practical and can be implemented rapidly
using existing resource at low, if any, cost.

CPNI guidance on understanding and countering hostile reconnaissance provides background and a
framework for helping to create a site that disrupts hostile reconnaissance.

In open crowded places, it may not be possible to deny access to public areas (although it is worth
re-examining your existing security measures for restricted, back-of-house areas). However,
measures can be rapidly put in place or existing capabilities enhanced to help disrupt hostiles by
detecting and deterring them. The tables below detail how this can be achieved and the relevant
CPNI products to use for maximum effect.


Improving deterrence

How? CPNI product

Managing and See PAS 1192-5:2015 (Specification for security-minded building information
minimising useful modelling, digital built environments and smart asset management)
information available
to hostiles in the
public domain and
proactively deterring
them at the target
selection phase.

Understanding and Countering hostile reconnaissance

countering the threat
from hostile

Improving detection

How? CPNI product

Raising security awareness, vigilance and Promoting vigilance and reporting of public at sites
improving reporting of suspicious activity, by
the workforce and visitors

Employee vigilance campaign

Improving the effectiveness of CCTV CCTV

operators in detecting hostile

CCTV set up and Human Factors in CCTV control rooms

Quick reference guide for set up and management of

security at major events

Control Room Security Personnel Capability for Major


Ensuring security officers can readily identify ‘Eyes Wide Open’ DVD
hostile reconnaissance and resolve
suspicions through questioning. Ensure they
are vigilant, engaged and motivated.


Minimising the immediate impact of any attack

This can be achieved in three complimentary ways:

 Ensuring you have plans in place and staff appropriately trained to respond to an attack, in
accordance with the threat such that casualties can be minimised;

 Ensuring that physical security, in particular appropriate detection capabilities such as

physical screening are proportionate to the threat and implemented sufficiently;

 Where proportionate, ensuring blast mitigation measures are in place and effective.

How to minimise potential casualties and damage

How? CPNI product

Re-examining your physical security –review Explore the interactive diagram on Protecting My
your protective security measures at the Asset page
perimeter and beyond the perimeter asset

Perimeter security and checkpoints

Ensuring robust screening measures for Screening people and their belongings
people and belongings

Ensuring you are properly protected from eg Guidance on blast mitigation

blast effects


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