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It is at school that I learn so much. I learn so many different subjects. There are many interesting co-
curricular activities too. I also participate in extra-curricular activities like music, dance, art, craft and plays. I
also get the opportunity to take part in sports and games on the sports grounds at school. I am part of the school’s
volleyball team. Our teachers teach us with a great deal of care and patience, and I am very grateful to the
teachers. At school I have many good friends. We study, play and eat together. I love my school very much.


My school is ten kilometers away from my home, and I go by the school bus every morning. I love to go
to school. I learn so many new things at school every day. There are many different subjects I study at school. I
study languages like Sanskrit, Hindi and English, and other subjects like mathematics, science and social studies.
My school is very beautiful. There are nice, lush gardens with beautiful plants and trees. In spring time the
blooming flowers are a spectacle. My school has a well equipped library, and I enjoy reading books. There are
also computers in the school for our use.
I love my school and my teachers. My teachers are very caring. They teach us with a great deal of patience, and
they want us to become good and responsible human beings. I want to make my school and my teachers proud of


I love to go to school. When I have a holiday I miss school. I go to school with my friends, and we enjoy
biking down together. My school is two kilometers away from home. I wake up early in the morning to go to
school as classes begin at quarter past seven every day.
I find my school uniform very smart. The uniform is a white shirt and a blue skirt with a black belt and blue tie.
And to go with it is a pair of white socks and black shoes. The teachers are strict about our uniform being neat
and spotlessly clean. At the assembly the students, all together, look very neat and well turned out.
At school I learn many new things each day. There are many subjects that are taught to us like languages,
mathematics, science and social studies. We also have interesting co-curricular activities that help us learn better.
We also go on educative excursions.
There are a number of extra-curricular activities also that are offered to us. We are afforded opportunities to
participate in various sports, music, dance, theatre and art events. These are fun activities that also help us
develop our hobbies.
My school is situated quite near to my home. I enjoy walking down to school every day with my friends.I
love to go to school. I learn many new things every day at school. The teachers are very caring and kind. There is
no corporal punishment that is meted out to students. The teachers are very hard working and teach us with a
great deal of interest and patience, and they want us to likewise be diligent and conscientious with our studies
and all school activities.
At school I study many different subjects like history, geography, physics, biology, mathematics and chemistry,
and languages like English, Sanskrit and Hindi. There is a great deal of syllabus that we need to cover during the
year and prepare for the final examination at the end of the academic session.
There are also a number of extra-curricular activities that we can participate in. We get the opportunity to
participate in various intra-school and inter-school events. Sports, music, dance, theatre, art and craft are some of
the extra-curricular activities that students participate in. I enjoy taking part in sports like basket ball and in
athletics. I also learn to play the guitar at school.
There is also a large library at school that is well stocked with books and other publications. We have a weekly
library period when we go to the library and issue books of interest against our names. I have many friends at
school, and we enjoy studying and playing together.


My school is more than ten kilometers from my home. I travel to school by a school bus. The school,
from nursery to class twelve, has more than a thousand students enrolled.
The school campus is large. Besides, the buildings, there are two large playgrounds. There is a spacious state of
the art auditorium with a seating capacity of about one thousand persons where many different events are held.
There is a large library that has books and periodicals that are available for issue. There are computer rooms too
where many modern computers are placed for use by students.
The teachers at school are very kind and caring. They teach us with great attention and patience. There is no
corporal punishment meted out to students. The teachers are, however, strict and expect students to be
disciplined. There is a great deal of emphasis on punctuality and cleanliness.
Teachers insist on students being neat and tidy in their uniform. The uniform is very smart looking. While girls
wear a white shirt and grey skirt, boys wear a white shirt and grey trousers, both with a black belt. The students
are particular that their clothes are spotlessly clean and well ironed. The students put on a white pair of socks and
black, polished and shining, shoes. For sports and games, students put on their white canvas shoes.
We study many subjects at school. We learn languages like English, Hindi-our national language, and Sanskrit.
There is also a choice to learn one foreign language like German or French. The other subjects we study are
physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geography and history. We sometimes go to the laboratories for
demonstrations in topics in physics, chemistry and biology.
I have many friends at school. We enjoy studying and playing together. I love my school.


I love my school. The large school building has forty classrooms accommodating about thousand
students. There is a beautiful fresco at the entrance depicting the sun. It signifies the rise of the sun of
knowledge. There are lush gardens with beautiful plants and trees. In spring time splendid flowers bloom. The
huge trees are a hundred years old, planted when the school was set up.
At school I study many different subjects like history, geography, physics, biology, mathematics and chemistry,
and languages like English, Sanskrit and Hindi. We are also offered foreign languages like German, French and
Russian which we may choose to learn. There are many new things we learn each day at school.
Besides studying in the classroom, we also have some practical sessions in the science laboratories. We also have
a large computer room where we learn to use the latest computer models. We also have access to the library that
hosts more than a thousand books and publications. We not only read in the library, but also issue books that we
can return after a week. There are also a number of co-curricular activities that we get the opportunity to
participate in. We sometimes go on trips outside school that are educative and fun.
At school there are a variety of extra-curricular activities that we can take part in. There are large playgrounds
where students can play sports like cricket. The facilities for outdoor sports like basket ball and lawn tennis, and
indoor games like table tennis and billiards are also available. We also have facilities for learning music and
playing the guitar, piano and the sitar. Classical dance, art, craft and theatre are some of the other activities we
can be a part of. We also get the opportunity to participate in intra-school and inter-school events.
Our teachers teach us with patience. They look after us with great care and concern. At school we are expected to
be punctual, disciplined, and neat and well-turned out in our uniform. The teachers are also strict because they
want us to be well-groomed and disciplined individuals of society.


I love going to school. Each day I learn many new things and do different activities at school. Our teachers work
hard to teach us so we become good and enlightened citizens of the nation. Our teachers are our role models.
We study many different subjects at school. We learn languages like English, Hindi-our national language, and
Sanskrit. There is also a choice to learn one foreign language like German or French. The other subjects we study
are physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, geography and history. We sometimes go to the laboratories for
demonstrations in topics in physics, chemistry and biology.
Our teachers lay emphasis on punctuality and discipline. The students are also expected to be neat and tidy. We
are always well turned out in our school uniform. While girls wear a white shirt and blue skirt, for the boys it is a
white shirt with blue trousers. There is a black belt and a blue tie too. With white socks we wear black shoes.
The school has a large library with over a thousand books. We can read in the library and also issue books each
week. There are also computer rooms with modern computers. There is also a state of the art auditorium in the
school where large events are hosted. A number of competitions are held in the auditorium.
There are a number of extra-curricular activities that are offered to us. There are clubs and we can enroll in them
according to choice. We are afforded opportunities to participate in sports, music, dance, theatre, art and craft
activities. There are also story writing, pottery, philately, photography and gardening clubs at school. These are
fun activities that also help us develop hobbies. We can participate in various intra-school, inter-school and state
level events. I enjoy taking part in sports like basket ball and in athletics. I also learn to play the guitar at school,
and have developed the hobby of stamp collection.
The school pays great attention on imparting value based education. Values are a part of the school curriculum.
We are also encouraged to participate in community welfare and environment protection activities like tree
plantation. We also have a brief meditation session at school every day. It helps in keeping our mind clear and
staying focused. Students also stay more calm and relaxed. I am grateful to my school and all the teachers who
teach us.


Describe a city or town you have enjoyed visiting. You should say:
When you visited the town or the city
What you did there?
How long you stayed there.
Also explain why you enjoyed the visit.
Sample response
I am not a frequent traveler and haven’t visited many cities. But among the few cities that I have visited,
the one that I really liked was Singapore. Singapore is clean, green and safe. It is the cleanliest city I have seen in
my life. I have a cousin who works in Singapore. When he came home last year, he invited me to Singapore. I
readily agreed because he was willing to bear the whole expenses of the trip. When I arrived in Singapore I was
quite impressed with the way the city looked. The streets were incredibly clean and I couldn’t spot even one
ugly-looking building. During my stay in Singapore, I did some shopping and visited places like the Singapore
zoo and botanic garden. My cousin also took me to the Universal Studios in Singapore. The public transport
system in Singapore is pretty reliable. You don’t have to spend hours waiting for buses or trains. People are
warm and friendly. Another thing that I liked about Singapore is its multi-cultural nature. During the ten days
that I spent in Singapore I came across people from many different nations. The city is lively even after the sun
goes down. People are always walking in the streets making you feel safe. Many shops are open 24 hours. I spent
only ten days in Singapore but I would have liked to stay longer.
Would you like to visit the place again?
Of course, I would like to visit Singapore again and again. I might even consider finding a job in that city

Describe a place where you read and write (not your home)
You should say:
where it is
how often you go there *
what you read and write there / who else goes there **
and explain why you read and write at this place.
Describe a café/restaurant that you like (to go to).
You should say:
- where it is
- how often you go there
- what types of food it has
- and explain why you like it.
Describe a quiet place that you like
you should say:
 where it is
 how often you go there
 what you do there
 why you like this place
Describe a place where you (usually / often) go to relax. (Not your home)
You should say:
where this place is
when you go there
what you do there
who is usually there with you
and explain why you choose to go to this place to relax.
Band 8.5 Sample Answer:
– Today, I’m going to share with you a place where I usually/often go to relax/read
and write/ hang out with my friends, which is a small café/restaurant near my
company/my house named “ABC”
– As a full-time employee/student, I have to go to work/ school 5 days a week; therefore,
the only time that I can visit this place is on weekends. I always try to make time for my
little trip to “ABC” café every Saturday or Sunday.
– The coffee house is located on a quiet street with a lot of trees planted on both
sides. Additionally, it has a patio with hanging gardens which I like very much; it makes
me feel like I‟m sitting in a garden of my own.
– Separated from the hustle and bustle of the city life in Hanoi, this place allows me to
sit quietly and reflect, relaxing after a week of hard work. I can concentrate on a
personal project such as reading or writing in my journal without being interrupted by
other people.
– It serves great coffee, tea, and cakes, thus, the place always smells very nice. In
addition, the employees are also friendly and helpful.
– Sometimes, I go there with my friends. Over a nice cup of coffee/tea, we share our stories
and smell the beautiful scent of the flowers. At that moment, we can escape from reality for
a little while and enjoy ourselves even more.


 to share with you: in this context, to share with someone means to tell someone about
something, you are going to share some information or a story with another person; in
another context you could share an actual thing with someone, like share a meal with
another person or share something that you have, like some fireworks, with another; “I‟d
like to share a story with you about my grandmother when she was a young girl.”
“He doesn‟t want to share the fish he caught with us.”
 hang out with my friends: to spend time with friends, talking, relaxing, visiting; “He
likes to hang out with his friends at the pizza place after school.”
 therefore: used when you want to give more information or explain the reason for
something; consequently; for that reason; “I am going to be in New York next week;
therefore, I‟d like to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
 on weekends: use the preposition on when talking about things you do on Saturday and
Sunday, the weekend; in this case we use the plural because you are talking about
weekends in general, rather than a specific weekend; “He likes to play golf on
weekends.” British English prefers to say at the weekend or at weekends.
 to make time for: to prioritize things so that you have time to do a certain thing that
you want; you have to make time for something in order to ensure that you do it, if you
don‟t make time for something, you won‟t do it; “He wants his father to make more time
for him on weekends.”
 located on a quiet street: when we are talking about the location of something we use
the preposition on, something is located on the corner, on the right or left side, on a hill, on
a mountain; you can also use in for things located in another area, like the office is located
in the building on the left side of the street or the video store is located in the mall, as in
inside the mall; “Our new restaurant is located on one of the busiest streets in San
 Additionally: used to give more information; “Additionally, the scientists found that
there were two more species in the area that had never been discovered.”
 hanging gardens: plants and flowers that are hanging in pots from the ceiling; “The
hanging gardens in the train station made the place feel very warm and welcoming, unlike
most train stations.”
 Separated from: apart from, away from; in a different part of a place; “The children‟s
play area is separated from the main part of the building; it is a great place where families
can take their children to play outside.”
 hustle and bustle: describes the noise and high level of activity; “My grandfather hates
the hustle and bustle of the city; he prefers the calm and quiet of the countryside.”
 city life in: used to describe the activity, noise, movement of people and traffic in a city;
use the preposition in or of; “The city life in New York is famous for the variety of things
you can do while there: Broadway shows, concerts, restaurants, bars, museums and so
much more.”
 to reflect: to think deeply about something; “After the meeting, he needed time to reflect
on his options before making a final decision.”
 concentrate on: to think about something in a focused way, without distractions; “He
found it hard to concentrate on his homework while his friends were playing video games
in his room.”
 writing in my journal: you use the preposition in when talking about writing in a
journal or notebook; “I like to write in my journal right before I go to bed.”
 serves: in this context it is referring to what is offered at the café; it‟s what a food
establishment offers to their customers; “They don‟t serve meat at this restaurant because
it is a vegetarian restaurant.”
 the employees: the people who work at the café or restaurant; “The employees were
upset with their boss and didn‟t want to go to work.”
 Over a nice cup of coffee/tea: in this context, using the word over means that you are
doing something, like visiting, while you drink a cup of tea; “We finalized our joint business
venture over dinner last night.” (This means that we finished talking about our joint
business venture while we ate dinner together.)
 escape from reality: to leave the reality of something, like your life or a specific
situation; you want to escape from reality especially if reality is something that is difficult
for you to handle, like a difficult job, having lots of work to do, etc. “Many people drink
alcohol to escape from reality, though this strategy has its own problems.”
 enjoy ourselves: to have fun, to have a pleasant time; “We enjoyed ourselves last
kend at our friend‟s beach house.”

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