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1. Use Common sense

2. Staff can make discretionary decisions to make the game fair and fun, please cooperate!
3. Being toxic or Intentional rule breaking may result in ban.
4. Player models must not provide combat advantages of any kind[1]
5. No cheating/hacking of any kind(Common sense).
6. No mic/chat spam
7. No prop/entity flying or climbing outside of your base with physgun.
8. No exploiting(If you find one, let us know!) especially exploiting to enter a base.
9. NO BOOSTING[5]!!!!
10.No prop spamming/minging.
11. Abusing or exploiting any type of donation product can result in losing them without refund(see our
12. Do not beg for V.I.P or staff.
13. Please do not go trying to find loop holes if you find one and decide to attempt to use it to get around
something it is a bannable offense.
14. All punishments related to staff situations are done at the staff's discretion except for the obvious
warning/kicking/banning guidelines.
15. No pronographic sprays!

Basing & Building

1. A base is considered an area made inaccessible by props.
2. No prop blocking spawn, another players base, or access from an unclaimable area of the map.
3. You may only have one base(even factions!)
4. Anyone who bases with you must be in your faction.
5. No entities outside of your base.
6. Automated defenses must not damage people outside your base if they aren’t raiding you.
7. No stacking props precisely into each other.[2]
8. No entrance to your base can be unraidable.
9. You may not claim multiple buildings unless your faction has an equal or greater number of players
than the number of buildings you want to claim.(be sure all buildings are in one enclosed area)
10. All entities must be removed before a player(s) leaves or is removed from a faction.

Combat & Raiding

1. RDM is allowed so long as it doesn’t break any rules.
2. No spawn camping[3] or base camping[4].
3. No raid interfering(you may defend yourself if someone in a raid attacks you first)
4. No placing props to make raiding someone easier.
5. When your raid timer expires, leave the base you were raiding(No base camping)!
6. Do not raid someone who is basing with you!

[1] Player model cannot give any combat advantages by being too small, large, or transparent..
[2]If props are not individually targetable by a blowtorch, they are stacked into each other illegally!
[3]Spawn camping: Unless someone starts attacking you first, do not attack them if they have just recently
left spawn, and do not wait for someone to leave spawn to kill them.
[4]Base camping: Do not kill anyone who is in their base unless you are raiding them or they shoot you
first(Even if they’ve killed you previously).
[5]Boosting is giving another player wealth by willingly allowing them to raid you or giving them more than
the maximum $10,000 payment through any manner way.

Rules are subject to change at any point in time please check back frequently to make sure you are up-to-
date with the rules!

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