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Spinning Review

Yield of Yarn from Pakistani Cotton

by Dr. H.R. Sheikh, Professor Emeritus, Textile Institute of Pakistan

Most of cotton in Pakistan is hand ginned contaminated cotton bales at the It is obvious from the above
picked and consequently it should be the gates of the spinning Mills. The non-lint calculations that the yield of carded yarns
cleanest! content of Pakistani cotton bales is much from 100 LBS of Pakistani cottons is
This advantage is lost due to rub- higher than that of bales produced by 81.815 LBS or say 82% approximately.
standard picking. Further more cotton other countries as listed below: Combed Yarn
quality is also adversely affected due to
1. Blow Room: Cotton Fed = 100 LBS
sub-standard ginning. The adverse effects Country % Non-Lint Content Waste @ 7% (including invisible loss),
of sub-standard picking and ginning are Laps Delivered = 93 LBS
briefly reported as follows: USA 4% or lower 2. Cards: Feed 93 LBS, waste @ 7%
Substandard cotton picking (Including invisible loss) = 93x0.007
CAS 4.5%
= 6.51 LBS Carded sliver delivered
The formal workers employed for EGYPT 3% or Lower = 93-6.51 = 86.49 LBS
cotton picking are generally untrained, 3. Pre-Comber Draw Frame: Feed =
PAKISTAN 7% or higher
demotivated and poorly paid. They resort 86.49 LBS, waste = 0.5%
to rough and atrocious picking and 86.49x0.005 = 0.4325LBS. Sliver
On account of high percentage of non- Delivered = 86.49 – 0.4325 =
remove dried leaves, shales, hulls, burrs,
lint content, yield of carded and corded and 86.0575 LBS
grass, pieces of plant stalk etc. along with
Combed yarn spun from Pakistani cottons 4. Lapformer: Sliver fed = 86.0575,
seed cotton.
seldom secedes 82% and 66% respectively waste @ 0.5% = 86.0575 x 0.005 =
Seed cotton is collected by pickers in 0.4303 LBS
as calculated below:
soiled, dirty and worn out poly propylene Laps Delivered = 86.0575 – 0.4303
bags Provided by the farmers. Foreign Yield of Yarn = 85.6272 LBS
contaminants such as PP fibers, wool 5. Combers: Laps Fed = 85.6272, Noils
fibers from pickers clothing, pieces of Carded Extracted @ 18% = 85.6272 x 0.18
broken comber, hairpins, human hairs are 1. Blow Room: Cotton Fed = 100 LBs, =15.412 LBS
also included in seed cotton Waste extracted inch. Invisible loss = Combed Sliver Delivered = 85.6272 –
7% Laps delivered = 93 LBs. 15.4129 = 70.2143 LBS
Substandard ginning
2. Cards: Laps Fed = 93 LBS Waste 6. Post Comber Draw Frames (2
Most of ginning factories are not including invisible = 7 % i.e. 93 x Passages ) : Feed = 70.2143 LBS,
equipped with seed cotton drying, 0.07 = 6.51 LBS Carded sliver deliv- waste @ 1% = 70.2143 x 0.01
ered = 93-6.51 = 86.49 LBS = 0.7021 LBS
cleaning and lint cleaning machines. The
process of ginning is performed 3. Draw Frames (2 passages) : Carded Finished Sliver Delivered = 70.2143 –
inefficiently as follows: Sliver Fed = 86.49 LBS, waste @ 0.7021 = 69.5122 LBS.
1.0% = 86.49 x 0.01 = 0.8649 LBS 7. Simplex Frame: Feed =69.5122 LBS
Leaf removal is unsatisfactory due to
Finished sliver delivered = 86.49 – waste @ 1% =69.5122 x 0.01
in accurate setting between spiked rollers 0.8649 = 85.6251 LBS. = 0.69512 LBS
and Screens. Most of the factories de not
4. Simplex Frames : sliver Fed = Roving Delivered + 69.5122 –
use extracting machinery to remove hulls
85.6251 LBS, waste @ 1.0%, 0.69512 = 68.8171 LBS
and burrs. 85.6251 x 0.01 = 0.85625 LBS. 8. Ring Spinning Frames : Roving Fed
Due to poor settings gin-stand huller 5. Roving Delivered = 8536251 – 68.8171 LBS, waste @ 3% = 68.8171
fronts fail to extract hulls which are 0.85625 = 84.7689 LBS x 0.03 = 2.0645LBS . Yarn delivered
broken up and Carried forward with lint Ring Spinning Frames : Roving Fed = = 68.8171 -2.0645 = 66.7526 LBS.
along with crushed reed-coat fragments. 84.7689 LBS, waste @ 3% i.e. 9. Auto-Cone Winders: Yarn Fed =
Due to non-existence or non- 84.7689 x 0.03 = 2.5431 LBS 66.7526 LBS, waste @ 0.5%
operation of lint cleaners, most of the Yarn Delivered = 84.7689 – 2.5431 = = 66.7526 x 0.005 = 0.3338 LBS
ginning factories do not extract fine trash 82.2258 LBS. Yarn delivered on Cones = 66.7526
short fibers. 6. Auto – Cone Winder: yarn Fed = – 0.3338 = 66.4188 LBS
82.2258 LBS, Waste @ 0.5% i.e Yield of combed yarns = 66.42 LBS or
Impact on cotton quality 82.2258 x 0.005 = 0.41113 LBS. approximately 66%
Yarn Delivered on wound cones = The foregoing calculations indicate that
The sub-standard cotton picking and
82.2258 – 0.41113 = 81.8147LBS. the yield of combed yarns from Pakistani
ginning results in the delivery of poorly- say 82% cottons is Approximately 66%.


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