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Camila Morales, Denise Restum, Emily Ceron, Sydney Roston

Professor Szczepaniec- Bialas

ENGL 297-0101
25 February 2018
Team Charter: Professional Writing and Health Care

1. Broad Team Goals

a. Gain insight about writing within the field of medicine.
b. Draw connections between professional writing and medicine.
c. Develop the necessary skills in order to perform well in a professional setting.
d. Enhance the ability to successfully collaborate and work with others.
2. Measurable Team Goals
a. Meet all deadlines and have drafts completed 48 hours in advance of each
b. Communicate using iMessage.
c. Contribute/participate equally as group mates so that the work is split up fairly.
d. Earn a grade of A on the project.
3. Personal Goals
a. Sydney - My personal goal includes exploring the connection between
professional writing and medicine. Often writing and medicine aren’t thought of
as being related but I think writing and language skills is essential in medicine. I
also want to improve in networking skills by reaching out to people in the field
who would be valuable resources to our group.
b. Camila - My goal is to acquire the writing skills needed to pursue a career as a
healthcare professional. Additionally, I want to improve my communication skills
when it comes to speaking to professionals.
c. Emily - My goal is to expand my knowledge in medical writing and research, and
develop a better understanding of the type of writing skills that go into the
medical profession.
d. Denise - Improve writing skills (being less wordy and developing a better flow
throughout a paper), visual design skills (developing a website), research skills
(being able to better grasp the important concepts of a research paper), Be able to
confidently communicate with other professionals but especially healthcare

4. Individual Commitment
a. Sydney - I’ll commit enough time to this project to earn an A. I’m willing to
spend time outside of class to research the topic and complete the project.
b. Camila - Earning an A in this project is important to me, therefore I am willing to
put in a considerable amount of effort and time in order to achieve this goal.
c. Emily - I desire to earn an A on this project and will provide enough time and
energy in order to do so.
d. Denise - I want to earn an A on this project and I will do my best in providing the
best of my abilities in order to do so.
5. Additional Concerns
a. Sydney
1. Frisbee practice: 8-10 M-Th
2. Class schedule: class until ~3pm M-F
3. Work: Sunday nights and sometimes M/W afternoons
b. Camila
i. I am introverted, hence I prefer to write and edit rather than interview
c. Emily
i. I work on Fridays and Saturdays 5pm - 2am
ii. I’m quite introverted but am willing to branch out for the success of this
iii. Class M-Th/ M~6pm/ T-TH~2pm
d. Denise
i. I work: sometimes Tuesdays 6PM-10PM and every Saturday 8AM-4PM
ii. I’m not the most comfortable with presentations and being verbally
expressive but I want to become better and more comfortable.
6. Resolution of Conflict
Firstly, we will approach any conflict within our team by attempting to understand each
other's viewpoints and construct a resolution that satisfies the group. If this fails, we will present
the issue to Professor Szczepaniec- Bialas for an alternative method of resolving the problem.

7. Missed deadlines
The team will aim to complete assignments that have deadlines at least 48 hours in
advance. This will allow us to have time to finalize any formatting or editing that needs to be
done. If smaller deadlines (i.e. deadlines set by the group) are not met, group members should
immediately communicate with one another so that a small issue such as a missed deadline does
not lead to bigger issues within the group. For larger deadlines that are set by the professor,
missed deadlines are more serious and we should immediately contact the professor to explain
the circumstance and how we plan to move forward from there. Group members should send
reminders to one another on assignment deadlines so that everybody is on the same page.
8. Statement of what constitutes unacceptable work and how the team will handle it.
a. Unacceptable work
i. Not showing up to pre-scheduled group meetings as well as not being
engaged throughout the meeting.
ii. Not meeting a deadline and not informing others of the group of the
missed deadline, along with what they will do in order to make up for it.
iii. Not being willing to contribute to the project.
iv. Not taking initiative on the tasks that are assigned.
v. Submitting incomplete work or work that clearly shows a lack of effort.
b. How this conflict will be resolved
i. Set-up a group meeting to discuss conflict.
ii. Contact each other through the group chat established on iMessage.
iii. Review team charter, team schedule, and individual responsibilities.

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