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Azka Fathiyatir Rizqillah

HLN720 Clinical Education in Health

Abstract of Teaching Program
“Foot Care Education for Type 2 Diabetes Patient”

Type 2 Diabetes patient can suffer some complications related to diabetes such as heart failure,
chronic kidney disease, blindness, diabetic wound or diabetic foot problem. These complications
lead to a heavy financial burden for health care system worldwide and also declining patient’s
quality of life due to lived with disability problem. One of the common complication occurs to
diabetic patients is diabetic foot problems. This problem particularly worse in the night and poor
management can lead to foot amputation The proper management and prevention of foot care in
diabetes could reduce the possibility of amputation (name, year). This proper management usually
started by foot care education (name, year). The purpose of this teaching program is to provide
diabetic patients knowledge and skill to do a good and sustainable self-care and self-management
related to diabetic foot problems. While the objectives of this teaching program are to explain the
key element of foot care and family role in diabetes foot problem prevention and management. This
teaching program is conducted in three weeks to diabetic outpatients who report acute foot

This teaching program is also in a line with Kolb’s experiential learning theory. According to Kolb’s,
past experiences lead the patient to learn through reflection and conceptualization aimed to help
patient praticed the new learning point that they have learned before (Name, year). Kolb’s also
highlight the learning process cycle where diabetic patient with foot problem is coached to learn,
reflect and conceptualize their past experience related to their illness and identified what should
they do next if that problem occur.

This teaching program is a clinical-based program so that ensure the patient’s safety is the first
consideration. On the other hand, enviromental learning consideration is also important to make
patient enjoy their learning process. Diabetic outpatients will spend their time after consultation in
hospital to Center of Clinical Nursing to share, reflect and learn their last foot problem experiences
to others with assistance of a nurse educator. Teaching strategies of this program are think, pair,
share; clinical nursing rounds and demonstration to make sure patients can achieve the goals of this
teaching program. Teacher can also do a sampling home visit of patient to assure patient already
put their learning point in practice as the evaluation process.

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