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Charlotte Simpson

My Proposal

Message – The central message of my advert will be that it smells nice and makes the persons
confidence increase immediately.

Slogan – Bursts of freshness to brighten up your day.

Synopsis of Advertisement 1 – (Split screen). Waking up, getting ready (product placement – girl is
using ‘Wave’, boy is using just a normal deodorant), walking to school, arriving home, doing work
etc. Girl is happy, quick and boy is slow, depressed. Both are sat on sofa and girl gives boy
deodorant. Boy sprays it and becomes happy and keen. Quick jump cuts of each shot.

Synopsis of Advertisement 2 – (Split screen). Weekend version (getting up, getting ready, going out
together (girl smells and is sluggish etc.) both arrive home and the girl is embarrassed, boy hands her
the deodorant and she is happy, and smells nice). Quick jump cuts.

Music – Thunder – Imagine Dragons remix

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