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(Studi di Lereng Merapi Bagian Selatan, Yogyakarta)

Agus Hendratno**


The characteristic of Merapi volcano as the most active volcano in the world will be an
interesting special interest tourism. trs characateristic has been made volcanology
phenomenon; geo-ekology; volcano culture sosio-system which veiy interestingforgeotourism
promotion. The research is being done with identifyingMerapi volcano geotourism attractive in
S/eman area. The identification of Merapi geotourism is being done in Boyong river upstream
(west Kaliurang) Pakem district; Kuning river upstream (Kinahrejo Umbulharjo vi/fage) and
Gendol river upstream(Kaliadem Kepuharjo village) Cangkringan district in Steman regency.
The Geotourism of Merapi volcano as a model of the special interest tourism have REAL
Travel (the real travel for volcanology environment aspect) namely : Rewarding (reward for
geological and environmental phenomenon object); Enriching (enrichment of knowledge for
geological and environmental phenomenon object); Adventure (adventuring trip actively to
observe geological object)and also Leaming (tourism trip which contains learning aspect for
geologically and environmental knowledge). The geotourism of Merapi volcano has
appreciation for volcanology phenomenon and it's environment, involve : the strata of
pyroclastic rock, the appearing of spring water in Kuning river upstream,the andesite Java flow,
the scenery of interaction of river valley topographywithland covering, the community trust for
andesite boulder as "something which live", the community perception for it's living habitat in
Merapidangerzone, and also the benefit of Merapi natural resourcesby local community.

Keywords:geotourism,merapivolcano, travel, specialinterest tourism

kehidupan budaya di sekitamya sebagai suatu

Perjalanan wisata alam tennasuk juga obyek dan atraksi wisata alam utama di wilayah

kegiatan wisata minat khusus, dengan Sleman, Yogyakarta merupakan suatu

menempatkan Gunung Merapi beserta pengalaman wisata yang sangat menarik.

bentang alam dan produk erupsi serta Kenyataan selama ini menunjukkan bahwa
Gunung Merapi dengan erupsinya ditempatkan
sebagai kendala dalam pengembangan
• Disarikan dari Penelitian Perjalanan Wisata Mina! Khusus pariwisata di wilayah Sleman maupun
Geowisata Gunung Merapi Bagian Selatan
••oosen Jurusan Teknik Geologi Fakultas Teknik Magelang (Jawa Tengah). Gunung Merapi
Universilas Gadjah Mada dengan segala potensi bentang alam dan

Jumal Nasional Pariwisata, Volume 2, Nomor 2, Desember 2002 - ISSN 1411 -1527

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