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Assignment No 1
1 Define Hydrologic Cycle. Sketch and discuss various processes
involved in the system.
2. What are the different types of precipitation?
3. Explain how you can check consistency of data obtained from a rain
gauge station.
4. Discuss briefly the various abstractions that take place from the
5. Define Raingauge Density. Briefly explain the procedure to compute
the optimum no. of rain gauges in a drainage basin.
6. Write short notes on
1. Pan coefficient
2. Daltons law of evaporation
3. Factors affecting Evaporation and methods to reduce Evaporation
4. Horton’s infiltration curve
5. Air mass, Air front , Cyclone
6. Non recording Raingauge
7. Recording Raingauge
8. Cloud seeding technique and artificial rainfall
9. Raingauge Density- WMO and IS guidelines
10. Types of Evaporimeters and explain any one
11. Methods of Estimation of average rainfall over a catchment
12. Infiltration indices
Assignment No 2
1. In a catchment area covering 100 km2 the average annual
precipitation observed at five raingauge stations are as

Station 1 2 3 4 5
Precipitation 750 1000 900 650 500
Find the number of additional raingauge station and also the
raingauge density if the permissible error is 10%.
2. In a watershed four raingauges A,B,C,D are installed. The normal
annual rainfall values at these stations are 80,65,75.5 and 92cm
respectively. The station A becomes inoperative in a particular
year no rainfall was recorded at this station. In the same year the
stations B , C, D recorded rainfall value of 90, 72.5, 80cm
respectively. Estimate the rainfall at station A in that year using
Normal method.
3. For a drainage basin of 600km2 isohyetals drawn from a storm
gave the following data. Estimate the average depth of
precipitation over the catchment.
Isohyetals 15-12 12-9 9-6 6-3 3-1
Isohyetals 92 128 120 175 85
( km2)
4. Calculate phi index of a storm for following data
a. Catchment area 430 km2
b. Volume of direct runoff after separation of baseflow 10.75
Time of 12-15 15-18 18-21 21-24 24-03
rainfall (hrs)
Depth of 1.2 1.5 .9 2.2 .2
5. The Hortons infiltration equation for a basin is given as f= 6+16e-
2t where f- mm/hr and t in hrs.
What are the values of f0,fc and k. if a storm occurs on this basin
with an intensity of more than 22 mm/hr. determine the depth of
filtration for first 45 min and average infiltration for first 73 min.
Assignment No 3

1. Discuss the various factors which affect the runoff from a basin.
2. Define Hydrograph. Draw a single peaked Hydrograph and
indicate its various component with a neat sketch.
3. What is base flow Describe different methods of separating the
base flow from a total runoff hydrograph.
4. Define Unit Hydrograph. Explain it with reference to basic theory,
assumption and limitations also Explain the steps to derive unit
hydrograph from a storm hydrograph.
5. Explain S- curve Hydrograph.
6. Explain derivation of storm hydrograph from a unit hydrograph.
7. Define
 Rainfall runoff relationship
 Estimation of runoff
 Components of runoff /classification of runoff

Assignment No 4

1. The ordinates of 2hr UH of a basin are given below. Determine the ordinate of 4hr UH using
a. Superposition method
b. S-curve method

Time in hr 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Ordinates 0 25 100 160 190 170 110 70 30 20 6 0

2. The ordinates of 4hr UH of a basin of area 300Km 2 measured at 1hr intervals are
6,36,66,91,106,93,79,68,58,49,41,34,27,23,17,13,9,6,3,1.5 m 3/sec respectively. Obtain the
ordinates of 3hr UH for the basin using S-curve technique.
3. Derive flood hydrograph from a 1hr UH for the storm of excess rainfall of 2cm/hr, followed
by 4cm/hr then there is a gap of 1hr UH and then 1cm/hr. Assume constant base flow of
.5 m3/sec

Time in hr 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Q m3/sec 0 6 13 22 16 11 7 4 2 1 0
4. A storm produced rainfall intensities of .75,2.25, and 1.25cm/hr on a drainage basin in 3
successive time periods of 4hr each. Assuming constant base flow of 10 m 3/sec and phi
index of 2.5mm/hr. compute total runoff hydrograph resulting from the storm. Given below
is a 4hr UH

Time in hr 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
Q m3/sec 0 25 75 90 68 50 32 22 10 6 3 1 0

Assignment No 5

1. What are the factors to be considered while selecting the stream gauging
2. Explain Discharge measurement by-
a. Area velocity method
b. Slope area method
3. Enlist different methods of estimation of flood and explain any two
methods in detail.
4. Write short notes on-
 Current Meter
 Current meter rating curve
 Methods of flood control
 Design flood
Assignment No 6

1. The data pertaining to a stream gauging operation at a gauging station are given below. The
rating equation of current meter is V= 0.51N s+0.03 m/sec where
Ns= revolutions per second
Calculate the discharge in the steam

Distance 0 1 3 5 7 9.3 11 12
from left
water edge
Depth 0 1.1 2 2.5 2 1.7 1 0
Revolution 0 39 58 12 90 45 30 0
of current
meter at
depth 0.6m
Duration of 0 100 100 150 150 100 100 0

2. The following data were collected at gauging station on a stream. Calculate discharge by
a. Mid section method
b. Mean section method

Distance 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
from one
bank (m)
Water 0 1.5 3.2 5 9 5.5 4 1.6 1.4 0
Mean 0 0.12 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.24 0.23 0.16 0.14 0
3. Determine the maximum discharge at the outlet of a catchment with an area of 1.50km 2. The
duration of maximum storm is 60min and depth of precipitation is 2.5cm for design frequency.
The maximum length of travel of water is 1.50Km and slope of catchment is 0.0003.
Take C= 0.30
4. The maximum annual observed floods for 20years from 1950 to 1969 for catchment are given
below. Determine maximum flood with recurrence interval of 30 years by using Gumbel’s

Year Discharge (Lakh

1950 1.38
1951 1.25
1952 1.92
1953 1.45
1954 1.65
1955 1.43
1956 1.84
1957 1.74
1958 1.32
1959 1.86
1960 1.20
1961 1.82
1962 1.70
1963 1.95
1964 1.60
1965 2.00
1966 1.41
1967 1.78
1968 1.80
1969 1.50


Assignment No 7

1. Explain the following terms with neat sketch

a. Confined Aquifer
b. Unconfined Aquifer
c. Specific yield of an Aquifer
d. Storage Coefficient
e. Transmissibility
f. Aquicludes
g. Aquifer properties
2. Derive an expression for discharge from a well in Unconfined Aquifer. The well fully penetrates
3. Derive an expression for discharge from a well fully penetrating a confined aquifer.
4. Write short notes on-
a. Open wells – constructional features
b. Tube wells – constructional features


Assignment No 8

1. A 30cm diameter well completely penetrates in unconfined aquifer of depth 40m. After a long
period at steady rate of 1500lit/min. The drawdown in two observation wells at 25m and 75m
from the pumping well were found to be 3.5m and 2m respectively. Determine the
transmissibility of the aquifer. What is the drawdown at the pumping well?
2. A well penetrates fully a 10cm thick water bearing stratum of medium sand have K=
0.005m/sec. The well radius is 70cm and is to be work under a drawdown of 4m at well-face.
Calculate discharge from well, what will be percentage increase in discharge if radius of well is
doubled. Take R= 300m in each case.
3. Design an open well in fine sand to give discharge of 0.003m 3/sec when worked under
depression head of 2.50m
Assignment No 7
1. Explain different systems of irrigation with neat sketches.
2. Explain sprinkler method and drip method of irrigation and its
components in detail. Explain under what conditions it is preferred
and state its advantages and disadvantages.
3. Define duty, delta, and base period. In what units are they
expressed. Derive a relation between them.
4. Write a short note on different crop seasons in India. Mention their
crop periods Also list of crops grown.
5. Define Evapo-transpiration. Explain methods of determination of
6. Write short notes on
a. Necessity and ill-effects of irrigation
b. Water logging- causes and remedies
c. Factor affecting duty
d. Measures to improve duty
e. Explain GCA, CCA, outlet factor
f. Assessment and efficiency of irrigation water

Assignment No 10

1. The base period, intensity of irrigation and duty of various crops under a canal system are given
in the table below. Find the reservoir capacity if canal losses are 20% and reservoir losses is 12%.

Crops Base Period (Days) Duty at field Area under crop (Ha)
Wheat 120 1800 4800
Sugarcane 360 800 5600
Cotton 200 1400 2400
Rice 120 900 3200
Vegetables 120 700 1400

2. Determine reservoir capacity required to irrigate a particular command area with following data
Command Area=40000Ha
Canal Transit losses= 10%
Reservoir losses= 10%

Crops Base Period (Days) Duty at field Intensity of Irrgation

(ha/cumec) (Ha)(%)
Wheat 120 1800 20
Sugarcane 360 1700 20
Cotton 180 1500 10
Rice 120 700 15
Vegetables 120 700 15

3. A field channel has CCA of 200Ha the intensity of irrigation for gram is 30% and for wheat is 50%.
Gram has kore period of 18 days and kore depth of 12cm. Wheat has kore period of 15days and
kore depth of 15cm. calculate discharge of field channel.


Assignment No 8

Write short note on

a. Bandhara Irrigation
b. K.T. Weir
c. Percolation Tank
d. Lift Irrigation
e. Need of Watershed Management
f. Rainwater Harvesting

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