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Number Transport

Order no. Date Driver's name Item Destination

of items
100001 2/1/2013 John May TV 25 truck 4 Boston
100002 2/1/2013 Peter White washing machine 30 truck 3 NY
100003 2/2/2013 Carl Nowak washing machine 15 truck 3 Philadelphia
100004 2/3/2013 Peter White TV 32 truck 4 NY
100005 2/3/2013 George Ramsay refrigerator 25 truck 3 Boston
100006 2/3/2013 Carl Nowak washing machine 18 truck 1 Baltimore
100007 2/3/2013 John May refrigerator 15 truck 2 Philadelphia
100008 2/4/2013 Carl Nowak refrigerator 25 truck 3 Baltimore
100009 2/4/2013 Peter White TV 30 truck 1 Pittsburgh
100010 2/4/2013 George Ramsay refrigerator 15 truck 2 NY
100011 2/4/2013 Mertl Pavel microwave 25 truck 3 Philadelphia
100012 2/4/2013 John May washing machine 14 truck 4 NY
100013 2/5/2013 John May washing machine 25 airplane Baltimore
100014 2/5/2013 Carl Nowak TV 30 truck 4 Philadelphia
100015 2/5/2013 George Ramsay microwave 15 truck 3 Boston
100016 2/5/2013 Peter White TV 15 truck 1 Pittsburgh
100017 2/6/2013 John May microwave 25 truck 1 NY
100018 2/7/2013 John May TV 30 truck 4 Philadelphia
100019 2/8/2013 George Ramsay washing machine 13 truck 3 Baltimore
100020 2/8/2013 Peter White refrigerator 25 truck 2 Philadelphia
100021 2/8/2013 Carl Nowak microwave 30 truck 1 Pittsburgh
100022 2/8/2013 Peter White washing machine 15 airplane NY
100023 2/8/2013 John May microwave 25 truck 4 Boston
100024 2/9/2013 George Ramsay washing machine 34 truck 3 Baltimore

countif / countifs
number of orders in Boston : 4
number of microwave orders : 5
number of journeys with truck 3: 8
number of Peter White journeys: 6
how many times are no. of items less than 20: 9

sumif / sumifs
sum of refrigerator items: 105
sum of washing machine items: 164
sum of items transported by truck 4: 156
sum of items transported by trucks: 511

number of microvawe orders in Boston : 2
number of Peter White journeys with truck 1: 2
number of orders in Boston after 2/3/2013: 2
number of orders between 2/3/2013 and 2/6/2013: 14
sum of microwaves transported to NY: 25
sum of items transported to Pittsburgh by truck 1: 75
sum of items ordered between 2/3/2013 and 2/6/2013: 309

sum of items transported to NY, Baltimore and Philadelphia: 386

How many
How many
Service How many times total Total price times by credit
times by cash card
Washing and combing
Meeting hairstyles

How many How many

Stylist name How many times total Total price times Shaving times Kids


Summary May 2013

Date Service Stylist name Payment Price
5/1/2013 Shaving Jane cash $ 7.00
5/1/2013 Shaving Martha credit card $ 7.00
5/1/2013 Shaving Lucy cash $ 7.00
5/1/2013 Washing and combing Alex cash $ 60.00
5/1/2013 Dyeing Alex credit card $ 33.00
5/1/2013 All service Rachel cash $ 67.00
5/1/2013 Meeting hairstyles Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/1/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 7.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 7.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Sandy credit card $ 17.00
5/2/2013 Kids Sandy cash $ 3.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 7.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Lucy cash $ 7.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Jane credit card $ 7.00
5/2/2013 Washing and combing Sandy cash $ 60.00
5/2/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/2/2013 All service Alex credit card $ 67.00
5/2/2013 Meeting hairstyles Jane cash $ 33.00
5/2/2013 Washing and combing Martha cash $ 23.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Sandy cash $ 7.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Jane cash $ 17.00
5/2/2013 Kids Ashley cash $ 3.00
5/3/2013 Kids Sandy credit card $ 3.00
5/3/2013 Kids Lucy cash $ 3.00
5/3/2013 Washing and combing Martha cash $ 60.00
5/3/2013 Dyeing Lucy credit card $ 33.00
5/3/2013 All service Rachel cash $ 67.00
5/3/2013 Meeting hairstyles Martha cash $ 33.00
5/3/2013 Washing and combing Jane credit card $ 23.00
5/3/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/4/2013 Shaving Martha cash $ 17.00
5/4/2013 Kids Alex cash $ 3.00
5/4/2013 Kids Sandy credit card $ 3.00
5/4/2013 Meeting hairstyles Sandy credit card $ 40.00
5/4/2013 Kids Jane credit card $ 3.00
5/4/2013 Kids Martha cash $ 3.00
5/4/2013 Kids Rachel cash $ 3.00
5/5/2013 Meeting hairstyles Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/5/2013 Meeting hairstyles Alex credit card $ 33.00
5/5/2013 Shaving Martha cash $ 7.00
5/5/2013 Shaving Martha cash $ 17.00
5/5/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/5/2013 Washing and combing Rachel credit card $ 40.00
5/5/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel cash $ 40.00
5/5/2013 Washing and combing Lucy cash $ 60.00
5/5/2013 Dyeing Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/5/2013 All service Sandy cash $ 67.00
5/5/2013 Meeting hairstyles Martha cash $ 33.00
5/5/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 7.00
5/5/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/6/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/6/2013 Shaving Sandy credit card $ 7.00
5/6/2013 Washing and combing Lucy cash $ 40.00
5/6/2013 Meeting hairstyles Alex cash $ 40.00
5/6/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 60.00
5/6/2013 Dyeing Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/6/2013 All service Rachel cash $ 67.00
5/6/2013 Meeting hairstyles Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/6/2013 Washing and combing Alex cash $ 23.00
5/7/2013 Meeting hairstyles Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/7/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 17.00
5/7/2013 Washing and combing Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/7/2013 Washing and combing Martha cash $ 40.00
5/7/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/7/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 7.00
5/8/2013 Dyeing Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/8/2013 All service Rachel credit card $ 67.00
5/8/2013 Shaving Lucy credit card $ 7.00
5/8/2013 Shaving Rachel credit card $ 7.00
5/8/2013 Meeting hairstyles Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/8/2013 Shaving Alex cash $ 17.00
5/8/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/8/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 40.00
5/8/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/8/2013 Meeting hairstyles Alex credit card $ 33.00
5/8/2013 Shaving Sandy cash $ 7.00
5/8/2013 Meeting hairstyles Jane cash $ 33.00
5/8/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 7.00
5/9/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 7.00
5/9/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/9/2013 Shaving Rachel credit card $ 17.00
5/9/2013 Washing and combing Jane credit card $ 33.00
5/9/2013 Washing and combing Lucy cash $ 40.00
5/9/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/9/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 7.00
5/9/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/9/2013 Shaving Martha credit card $ 7.00
5/9/2013 Dyeing Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/10/2013 Washing and combing Jane cash $ 23.00
5/10/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/10/2013 Shaving Rachel credit card $ 17.00
5/10/2013 Washing and combing Alex cash $ 33.00
5/10/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel credit card $ 33.00
5/10/2013 Meeting hairstyles Ashley cash $ 40.00
5/10/2013 Washing and combing Alex cash $ 60.00
5/10/2013 Dyeing Alex cash $ 33.00
5/10/2013 All service Ashley cash $ 67.00
5/10/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel credit card $ 33.00
5/10/2013 Washing and combing Jane credit card $ 23.00
5/11/2013 Shaving Sandy credit card $ 7.00
5/11/2013 Shaving Alex credit card $ 17.00
5/11/2013 Washing and combing Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/11/2013 Shaving Martha cash $ 7.00
5/11/2013 Dyeing Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/11/2013 Dyeing Martha cash $ 33.00
5/11/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/11/2013 Shaving Alex cash $ 7.00
5/11/2013 Meeting hairstyles Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/11/2013 Washing and combing Alex credit card $ 23.00
5/12/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 7.00
5/12/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 17.00
5/12/2013 Dyeing Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/12/2013 Shaving Jane cash $ 7.00
5/12/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 7.00
5/12/2013 Washing and combing Lucy cash $ 60.00
5/12/2013 Dyeing Jane credit card $ 33.00
5/12/2013 Shaving Jane credit card $ 7.00
5/13/2013 Shaving Lucy cash $ 7.00
5/13/2013 Dyeing Jane credit card $ 33.00
5/13/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/13/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/13/2013 Washing and combing Alex credit card $ 33.00
5/13/2013 Dyeing Martha cash $ 33.00
5/13/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/13/2013 Dyeing Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/13/2013 Dyeing Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/13/2013 All service Sandy cash $ 67.00
5/13/2013 Dyeing Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/13/2013 All service Rachel credit card $ 67.00
5/13/2013 Shaving Alex credit card $ 7.00
5/13/2013 Shaving Martha cash $ 17.00
5/14/2013 Washing and combing Jane cash $ 33.00
5/14/2013 Dyeing Martha credit card $ 33.00
5/14/2013 Meeting hairstyles Martha credit card $ 40.00
5/14/2013 All service Lucy cash $ 67.00
5/14/2013 All service Lucy cash $ 67.00
5/14/2013 Dyeing Alex cash $ 33.00
5/14/2013 Dyeing Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/14/2013 All service Rachel cash $ 67.00
5/14/2013 Dyeing Martha cash $ 33.00
5/15/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 17.00
5/15/2013 Washing and combing Alex credit card $ 33.00
5/15/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 40.00
5/15/2013 Meeting hairstyles Jane credit card $ 40.00
5/15/2013 Dyeing Alex cash $ 33.00
5/15/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/15/2013 All service Martha cash $ 67.00
5/15/2013 All service Jane credit card $ 67.00
5/15/2013 Washing and combing Sandy credit card $ 23.00
5/16/2013 Shaving Sandy cash $ 7.00
5/16/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 17.00
5/16/2013 Dyeing Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/16/2013 Dyeing Martha credit card $ 33.00
5/16/2013 Meeting hairstyles Ashley cash $ 40.00
5/16/2013 Washing and combing Sandy cash $ 60.00
5/16/2013 Dyeing Jane cash $ 33.00
5/16/2013 All service Ashley cash $ 67.00
5/16/2013 Meeting hairstyles Alex credit card $ 33.00
5/16/2013 Washing and combing Sandy cash $ 23.00
5/16/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/16/2013 Shaving Lucy credit card $ 17.00
5/16/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/17/2013 Dyeing Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/17/2013 Dyeing Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/17/2013 Washing and combing Rachel credit card $ 60.00
5/17/2013 Dyeing Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/17/2013 All service Martha credit card $ 67.00
5/17/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel credit card $ 33.00
5/17/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/17/2013 Shaving Sandy cash $ 7.00
5/18/2013 Shaving Lucy cash $ 17.00
5/18/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 7.00
5/18/2013 Shaving Jane credit card $ 17.00
5/18/2013 Dyeing Martha cash $ 33.00
5/18/2013 Shaving Sandy cash $ 7.00
5/18/2013 Shaving Lucy credit card $ 7.00
5/18/2013 Dyeing Martha credit card $ 33.00
5/19/2013 Shaving Sandy credit card $ 7.00
5/20/2013 Shaving Alex credit card $ 7.00
5/20/2013 Dyeing Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/20/2013 Shaving Rachel credit card $ 7.00
5/21/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 7.00
5/21/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/21/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/22/2013 Meeting hairstyles Martha cash $ 40.00
5/23/2013 Dyeing Martha credit card $ 33.00
5/23/2013 Meeting hairstyles Alex cash $ 40.00
5/24/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel credit card $ 33.00
5/24/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/24/2013 Meeting hairstyles Martha cash $ 33.00
5/24/2013 Washing and combing Lucy credit card $ 60.00
5/24/2013 Dyeing Jane cash $ 33.00
5/24/2013 Washing and combing Martha credit card $ 60.00
5/25/2013 Shaving Lucy credit card $ 17.00
5/25/2013 Dyeing Rachel credit card $ 33.00
5/25/2013 Washing and combing Sandy cash $ 60.00
5/25/2013 Washing and combing Lucy cash $ 60.00
5/26/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 17.00
5/26/2013 Shaving Martha cash $ 17.00
5/26/2013 Dyeing Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/27/2013 All service Rachel cash $ 67.00
5/27/2013 Washing and combing Jane credit card $ 60.00
5/27/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 60.00
5/27/2013 All service Rachel cash $ 67.00
5/28/2013 Dyeing Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/28/2013 Meeting hairstyles Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/28/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/28/2013 Meeting hairstyles Martha cash $ 33.00
5/28/2013 Meeting hairstyles Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/28/2013 Dyeing Jane cash $ 33.00
5/28/2013 Washing and combing Ashley cash $ 40.00
5/29/2013 Dyeing Jane cash $ 33.00
5/29/2013 Dyeing Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/30/2013 Washing and combing Lucy cash $ 40.00
5/30/2013 Dyeing Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/30/2013 Dyeing Rachel credit card $ 33.00
5/30/2013 Shaving Jane credit card $ 17.00
5/30/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/31/2013 Washing and combing Jane cash $ 40.00
5/31/2013 Washing and combing Lucy credit card $ 40.00
5/31/2013 Dyeing Martha cash $ 33.00
5/31/2013 Washing and combing Martha cash $ 40.00
5/31/2013 Shaving Sandy cash $ 17.00
5/31/2013 Shaving Rachel credit card $ 17.00
5/31/2013 Washing and combing Ashley cash $ 40.00
5/31/2013 Washing and combing Rachel credit card $ 40.00
Total price by cash

Sum of price for Shaving

between 5/10/2013 and
How many
How many
Service How many times total Total price times by credit
times by cash card
Shaving 71 717 42 29
Washing and combing 46 1934 31 15
Dyeing 50 1650 35 15
Meeting hairstyles 32 1119 21 11

How many How many

Stylist name How many times total Total price times Shaving times Kids

Jane 25 688 7 1
Martha 31 965 8 1
Alex 23 701 5 1

Summary May 2013

Date Service Stylist name Payment Price
5/1/2013 Shaving Jane cash $ 7.00
5/1/2013 Shaving Martha credit card $ 7.00
5/1/2013 Shaving Lucy cash $ 7.00
5/1/2013 Washing and combing Alex cash $ 60.00
5/1/2013 Dyeing Alex credit card $ 33.00
5/1/2013 All service Rachel cash $ 67.00
5/1/2013 Meeting hairstyles Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/1/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 7.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 7.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Sandy credit card $ 17.00
5/2/2013 Kids Sandy cash $ 3.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 7.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Lucy cash $ 7.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Jane credit card $ 7.00
5/2/2013 Washing and combing Sandy cash $ 60.00
5/2/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/2/2013 All service Alex credit card $ 67.00
5/2/2013 Meeting hairstyles Jane cash $ 33.00
5/2/2013 Washing and combing Martha cash $ 23.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Sandy cash $ 7.00
5/2/2013 Shaving Jane cash $ 17.00
5/2/2013 Kids Ashley cash $ 3.00
5/3/2013 Kids Sandy credit card $ 3.00
5/3/2013 Kids Lucy cash $ 3.00
5/3/2013 Washing and combing Martha cash $ 60.00
5/3/2013 Dyeing Lucy credit card $ 33.00
5/3/2013 All service Rachel cash $ 67.00
5/3/2013 Meeting hairstyles Martha cash $ 33.00
5/3/2013 Washing and combing Jane credit card $ 23.00
5/3/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/4/2013 Shaving Martha cash $ 17.00
5/4/2013 Kids Alex cash $ 3.00
5/4/2013 Kids Sandy credit card $ 3.00
5/4/2013 Meeting hairstyles Sandy credit card $ 40.00
5/4/2013 Kids Jane credit card $ 3.00
5/4/2013 Kids Martha cash $ 3.00
5/4/2013 Kids Rachel cash $ 3.00
5/5/2013 Meeting hairstyles Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/5/2013 Meeting hairstyles Alex credit card $ 33.00
5/5/2013 Shaving Martha cash $ 7.00
5/5/2013 Shaving Martha cash $ 17.00
5/5/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/5/2013 Washing and combing Rachel credit card $ 40.00
5/5/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel cash $ 40.00
5/5/2013 Washing and combing Lucy cash $ 60.00
5/5/2013 Dyeing Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/5/2013 All service Sandy cash $ 67.00
5/5/2013 Meeting hairstyles Martha cash $ 33.00
5/5/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 7.00
5/5/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/6/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/6/2013 Shaving Sandy credit card $ 7.00
5/6/2013 Washing and combing Lucy cash $ 40.00
5/6/2013 Meeting hairstyles Alex cash $ 40.00
5/6/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 60.00
5/6/2013 Dyeing Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/6/2013 All service Rachel cash $ 67.00
5/6/2013 Meeting hairstyles Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/6/2013 Washing and combing Alex cash $ 23.00
5/7/2013 Meeting hairstyles Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/7/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 17.00
5/7/2013 Washing and combing Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/7/2013 Washing and combing Martha cash $ 40.00
5/7/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/7/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 7.00
5/8/2013 Dyeing Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/8/2013 All service Rachel credit card $ 67.00
5/8/2013 Shaving Lucy credit card $ 7.00
5/8/2013 Shaving Rachel credit card $ 7.00
5/8/2013 Meeting hairstyles Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/8/2013 Shaving Alex cash $ 17.00
5/8/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/8/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 40.00
5/8/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/8/2013 Meeting hairstyles Alex credit card $ 33.00
5/8/2013 Shaving Sandy cash $ 7.00
5/8/2013 Meeting hairstyles Jane cash $ 33.00
5/8/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 7.00
5/9/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 7.00
5/9/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/9/2013 Shaving Rachel credit card $ 17.00
5/9/2013 Washing and combing Jane credit card $ 33.00
5/9/2013 Washing and combing Lucy cash $ 40.00
5/9/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/9/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 7.00
5/9/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/9/2013 Shaving Martha credit card $ 7.00
5/9/2013 Dyeing Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/10/2013 Washing and combing Jane cash $ 23.00
5/10/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/10/2013 Shaving Rachel credit card $ 17.00
5/10/2013 Washing and combing Alex cash $ 33.00
5/10/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel credit card $ 33.00
5/10/2013 Meeting hairstyles Ashley cash $ 40.00
5/10/2013 Washing and combing Alex cash $ 60.00
5/10/2013 Dyeing Alex cash $ 33.00
5/10/2013 All service Ashley cash $ 67.00
5/10/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel credit card $ 33.00
5/10/2013 Washing and combing Jane credit card $ 23.00
5/11/2013 Shaving Sandy credit card $ 7.00
5/11/2013 Shaving Alex credit card $ 17.00
5/11/2013 Washing and combing Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/11/2013 Shaving Martha cash $ 7.00
5/11/2013 Dyeing Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/11/2013 Dyeing Martha cash $ 33.00
5/11/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/11/2013 Shaving Alex cash $ 7.00
5/11/2013 Meeting hairstyles Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/11/2013 Washing and combing Alex credit card $ 23.00
5/12/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 7.00
5/12/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 17.00
5/12/2013 Dyeing Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/12/2013 Shaving Jane cash $ 7.00
5/12/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 7.00
5/12/2013 Washing and combing Lucy cash $ 60.00
5/12/2013 Dyeing Jane credit card $ 33.00
5/12/2013 Shaving Jane credit card $ 7.00
5/13/2013 Shaving Lucy cash $ 7.00
5/13/2013 Dyeing Jane credit card $ 33.00
5/13/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/13/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/13/2013 Washing and combing Alex credit card $ 33.00
5/13/2013 Dyeing Martha cash $ 33.00
5/13/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/13/2013 Dyeing Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/13/2013 Dyeing Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/13/2013 All service Sandy cash $ 67.00
5/13/2013 Dyeing Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/13/2013 All service Rachel credit card $ 67.00
5/13/2013 Shaving Alex credit card $ 7.00
5/13/2013 Shaving Martha cash $ 17.00
5/14/2013 Washing and combing Jane cash $ 33.00
5/14/2013 Dyeing Martha credit card $ 33.00
5/14/2013 Meeting hairstyles Martha credit card $ 40.00
5/14/2013 All service Lucy cash $ 67.00
5/14/2013 All service Lucy cash $ 67.00
5/14/2013 Dyeing Alex cash $ 33.00
5/14/2013 Dyeing Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/14/2013 All service Rachel cash $ 67.00
5/14/2013 Dyeing Martha cash $ 33.00
5/15/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 17.00
5/15/2013 Washing and combing Alex credit card $ 33.00
5/15/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 40.00
5/15/2013 Meeting hairstyles Jane credit card $ 40.00
5/15/2013 Dyeing Alex cash $ 33.00
5/15/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/15/2013 All service Martha cash $ 67.00
5/15/2013 All service Jane credit card $ 67.00
5/15/2013 Washing and combing Sandy credit card $ 23.00
5/16/2013 Shaving Sandy cash $ 7.00
5/16/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 17.00
5/16/2013 Dyeing Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/16/2013 Dyeing Martha credit card $ 33.00
5/16/2013 Meeting hairstyles Ashley cash $ 40.00
5/16/2013 Washing and combing Sandy cash $ 60.00
5/16/2013 Dyeing Jane cash $ 33.00
5/16/2013 All service Ashley cash $ 67.00
5/16/2013 Meeting hairstyles Alex credit card $ 33.00
5/16/2013 Washing and combing Sandy cash $ 23.00
5/16/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/16/2013 Shaving Lucy credit card $ 17.00
5/16/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/17/2013 Dyeing Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/17/2013 Dyeing Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/17/2013 Washing and combing Rachel credit card $ 60.00
5/17/2013 Dyeing Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/17/2013 All service Martha credit card $ 67.00
5/17/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel credit card $ 33.00
5/17/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/17/2013 Shaving Sandy cash $ 7.00
5/18/2013 Shaving Lucy cash $ 17.00
5/18/2013 Shaving Ashley cash $ 7.00
5/18/2013 Shaving Jane credit card $ 17.00
5/18/2013 Dyeing Martha cash $ 33.00
5/18/2013 Shaving Sandy cash $ 7.00
5/18/2013 Shaving Lucy credit card $ 7.00
5/18/2013 Dyeing Martha credit card $ 33.00
5/19/2013 Shaving Sandy credit card $ 7.00
5/20/2013 Shaving Alex credit card $ 7.00
5/20/2013 Dyeing Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/20/2013 Shaving Rachel credit card $ 7.00
5/21/2013 Shaving Ashley credit card $ 7.00
5/21/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 7.00
5/21/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/22/2013 Meeting hairstyles Martha cash $ 40.00
5/23/2013 Dyeing Martha credit card $ 33.00
5/23/2013 Meeting hairstyles Alex cash $ 40.00
5/24/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel credit card $ 33.00
5/24/2013 Meeting hairstyles Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/24/2013 Meeting hairstyles Martha cash $ 33.00
5/24/2013 Washing and combing Lucy credit card $ 60.00
5/24/2013 Dyeing Jane cash $ 33.00
5/24/2013 Washing and combing Martha credit card $ 60.00
5/25/2013 Shaving Lucy credit card $ 17.00
5/25/2013 Dyeing Rachel credit card $ 33.00
5/25/2013 Washing and combing Sandy cash $ 60.00
5/25/2013 Washing and combing Lucy cash $ 60.00
5/26/2013 Shaving Rachel cash $ 17.00
5/26/2013 Shaving Martha cash $ 17.00
5/26/2013 Dyeing Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/27/2013 All service Rachel cash $ 67.00
5/27/2013 Washing and combing Jane credit card $ 60.00
5/27/2013 Washing and combing Rachel cash $ 60.00
5/27/2013 All service Rachel cash $ 67.00
5/28/2013 Dyeing Sandy cash $ 33.00
5/28/2013 Meeting hairstyles Ashley cash $ 33.00
5/28/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/28/2013 Meeting hairstyles Martha cash $ 33.00
5/28/2013 Meeting hairstyles Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/28/2013 Dyeing Jane cash $ 33.00
5/28/2013 Washing and combing Ashley cash $ 40.00
5/29/2013 Dyeing Jane cash $ 33.00
5/29/2013 Dyeing Lucy cash $ 33.00
5/30/2013 Washing and combing Lucy cash $ 40.00
5/30/2013 Dyeing Sandy credit card $ 33.00
5/30/2013 Dyeing Rachel credit card $ 33.00
5/30/2013 Shaving Jane credit card $ 17.00
5/30/2013 Dyeing Rachel cash $ 33.00
5/31/2013 Washing and combing Jane cash $ 40.00
5/31/2013 Washing and combing Lucy credit card $ 40.00
5/31/2013 Dyeing Martha cash $ 33.00
5/31/2013 Washing and combing Martha cash $ 40.00
5/31/2013 Shaving Sandy cash $ 17.00
5/31/2013 Shaving Rachel credit card $ 17.00
5/31/2013 Washing and combing Ashley cash $ 40.00
5/31/2013 Washing and combing Rachel credit card $ 40.00
Total price by cash


Sum of price for Shaving

between 5/10/2013 and

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