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Study Guide:

Haines, K. J. (2015). Learning to identify and actualize affordances in a new tool. Language Learning &
Technology, 19(1), 165-180. Retrieved from

This reading explores how two teachers evaluated the technology tools they used for language teaching. It
should help you think about how to continually evaluate the tools you use, and what affordances those tools
offer your students.

Please use a dictionary on the Internet to provide a definition for each of the following expressions:

• Affordance:
• Blog:
• Pedagogical:
• Technology Tool:
• Wiki:


Think about these questions:
1. How do you choose new technology to use in your classroom?
2. Does your opinion on technology in the classroom change as you get more experience teaching with it?
3. What do you think is the most important thing to consider when you choose a new technology for

Consider these questions:
1. How can we better understand the affordances that technology offers our students?
2. Is it important for teachers to keep up-to-date on current technologies? Why?
3. What does this study tell us about the difficulties of choosing a technology tool to use in the classroom?

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word. Use the article to help you.
• Introduction
o Because of the fast pace at which technology develops, teachers may find it a _____________ to
keep up-to-date on which technologies might be most useful in the classroom
o Many studies have focused on trying to find the exact skills that teachers need in order to adapt
to new technology in the classroom
• Defining Affordance
o “Affordance” is defined as the possibilities that a teacher thinks a piece of technology has for
supporting language learning
o It is important for teachers to be aware of the possibilities and ____________ of each piece of
technology in the classroom before choosing to use a certain tool
o A teacher’s perspective of the ___________ of a particular tool can change over time as they
learn more about teaching methods and about the technology itself
o The study’s research questions can be summed up as: “How do teachers perceive the affordances
of blogs and wikis after using them?” and “Does the way teachers perceive technology change
over time as they use it?”
• Methodology
o The study used ____________ as well as investigation and data collection in order to make sure
that teacher’s opinions were heard
o The study interviewed two teachers to act as a sampling of a wider audience. Their pseudonyms
for the study were ___________ and ______________
• Participants’ Background
o The participants were _________________ of Italian language. They are very experienced with
teaching Italian, and have experimented with introducing technology into the classroom before
o Sub-Section: Lucy and Elena’s _______________ with blogs and wikis
§ Both teachers were familiar with __________, and used __________ often in their class
to get students to write more and to interact with one another
§ Both teachers identified that blogs and wikis were very similar tools, and felt that they
would be well prepared to use one after having used the other
§ When the two teachers tried to use ____________, they found them lacking in features
compared to blogs
§ At first, both teachers favored one tool over the other. However, over time their use of
wikis made them change their view of what affordances wikis could offer ____________
• Table 1
o The chart organizes one of the teacher’s opinions on the affordances offered by wikis
o The chart lists multiple different functions of a wiki and how the teacher saw them as being
__________ in the classroom and for students
• Discussion
o Sub-Section: Perceptions of Affordance Develop Over Time and Through Use
§ Both teachers’ knowledge and understanding of wikis and blogs __________ and
____________ over time
§ The use of various tools in the classroom gave teachers a chance to see how they could be
used in order to help student learning
§ All of the learning done by both teachers occurred naturally and organically throughout
their time spent teaching
o Sub-Section: Perceptions of Affordance are Specific to Individual Teachers and Their
Pedagogical Experiences and Intentions
§ Every teacher will develop a different ____________ of affordances based on their own
experiences and pedagogical choices – that is to say, their own personal “contexts”
§ Teacher’s perspectives of affordances will be influenced by their use of other tools
o Sub-Section: New Tools Have Affordances for Teacher Learning
§ Using new tools can improve a teacher’s outlook on their teaching method and encourage
them to think more creatively
§ Working __________________________ helped teachers to improve their knowledge of
§ Both teachers also gained new understanding of their role as teachers online thanks to
their work with these tools
o Sub-Section: Suggestions for Supporting Teacher Learning About New Tools
§ The article suggests that teachers should be given support in the form of pre-service
§ Other support could include building a team for teachers to work with. Both Lucy and
Elena had many _____________ opportunities to work with other teachers during the
§ Teachers should be provided with the framework and scaffolding to effectively analyze
• Limitations and Further Research
o This study focuses only on two participants, therefore the amount of _______ collected is limited
o Teachers who are less experienced using technology might produce different results
o Haines concludes by emphasizing the need for __________________ into the topic and the need
for affordance evaluation to be valued more in teaching.


• The author concludes that if teacher educators focus attention on "learning affordances of new tools" (p.
177), it will help teachers to concentrate on pedagogy rather than technology. Do you agree that the
concept of "affordances" is useful in teacher education?
• In the space below, list the technologies you use in the classroom and what affordances they offer your


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