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Sedimentary rocks are produced through deposition and solidification of sediment.

Sedimentary rocks are mostly known for the usage in the manufacture of Portland cement,
construction of roads, production of lime and so on. These rocks spread over the earth crust,
coating 70% to 80% of the land region, but they consist only around 5% of the overall total crust
of the earth.

Some of the rocks has rounded shape due to abrasion in the transport process. The
example of those rocks are conglomerate and sandstone .The usage of sedimentary rocks such
as sandstone has good resistant to weathering and mostly use in for construction of building in
the UK and for the conglomerate, it can be crushed to make aggregate to be used in
construction industry.

From what we concluded from the experiment is, each rocks has their own specific of
characteristics such as the color of the rock, origin of the rock, grain size and texture of the
rock. We can easily obtain the color of the rocks by only visual observation but some of the
rocks have more than one color or colorless , for example ”gypsum” that are colorless and
“quartz” that are white and brown. The sedimentary structure of the rocks are visible features
within the sedimentary rocks. If the rocks has lines that cross each other, it is classified as
“Cross Bedded” and if the rocks has lines that draw only in one direction either vertically or
horizontally, it is classified as “Bedded”. If there is no lines notice on the rock, we can call it as
“Massive”. For example: dolomite that has no lines appear on it, we can classified it as

On the other hand, we can identify the mode of origin of the sedimentary rocks by
observing the classification of sedimentary rocks table that has been given in the experiment.
Based on the classification of sedimentary rocks, the rocks can be classified into 2 groups of
mode of origin and that is “Mechanical or Bioclasstic” and “Hydrogenic biochemical or
Chemically altered “. As for the grain size of the rocks, we can calculate the diameter of a
specific grain of sediment. If the size of the grain is in between the range of 0.5mm to 0.25mm,
it is medium-grained and if the size of grain is between 0.25mm to 0.125mm, it is fine-grained.
Generally, geology have some related to civil engineering in the construction jobs. Each
type of rocks has their own variations caused by specific mineralogy while any stones can be
used for building. However, the knowledge of the rock mineral is required to understand the
how the rocks can be applied in the construction site. If a company wants to carry out civil
engineering projects safely, such as constructing roads, water damp , bridges and more, the
selection of sites must have the factors of stability and applicable of construction materials.
Thus, Geology is very important in engineering project because it can avoid certain harm or
damaged to the structure of buildings.

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