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IGNEOUS ROCK - defined as types of rocks that when a gas-rich froth of glassy lava solidifies

are formed when molten rock (rock liquefied by rapidly.

intense heat and pressure) cools to a solid state. It
forms about 15% of the Earth's current land SEDIMENTARY ROCK - are display grains that are
surface. cemented together, often with visible layers, fossils,
or unique features like mud cracks or ripple marks.
A. Intrusive igneous rocks - also
They often appear as layered deposits forming a
called plutonic rocks, this surface is known as strata or bed structures.
a phaneritic texture. They have large crystals
that are usually visible without a microscope. Types of sedimentary rocks:
2 examples of intrusive rocks
Granite also called as plutonic rock, it is a coarse- A. Organic sedimentary rock – type of
grained rock found in plutons, sedimentary rock that contains significant
which are large, deep-seated amounts of organic carbon. this forms from the
bodies of rock that slowly cooled accumulation and lithification of organic debris,
from the molten is made up such as leaves, roots, and other plant or animal
of clearly visible crystals of material.
various minerals. 2 examples of organic sedimentary rock:
Diorite is a grey to dark-grey intermediate Coal An organic sedimentary rock composed
intrusive igneous rock predominantly of carbon that is
composed principally of readily combustible. Coal is
plagioclase feldspar, biotite, formed when dead plant
hornblende, and pyroxene. It is matter decays into peat and is
visibly crystalline and usually converted into coal by the heat
has a granular texture and pressure of deep burial
(composed of roughly equally sized crystals) over millions of years.
although the appearance may vary widely. Fossiliferous limestone
B. Extrusive igneous rock - Extrusive igneous a type of limestone, made
rocks are rocks that erupt onto the surface mostly of calcium carbonate
resulting in small crystals as the cooling takes (CaCO3) in the form of the
place quickly. These are the rocks that form at mineral’s calcite or
erupting volcanoes and oozing fissures. aragonite, that
2 examples of extrusive rocks: contains abundance of fossils
Basalt is an aphanitic or fossil traces. They are usually marine
(fine-grained) extrusive invertebrates such as brachiopods, crinoids,
igneous rock formed from mollusks, gastropods, and coral.
the rapid cooling of low B. Clastic sedimentary rocks - composed of
viscosity lava rich in fragments, or clasts, of pre-
magnesium and iron (mafic existing minerals and rock. Is a fragment
lava). Basalt is one of the main rocks that are of geological detritus, chunks and smaller grains
prevalent in the oceanic crust, it is rich in iron of rock broken off other rocks by physical
and serves as an ingredient in concrete. weathering. 
Pumice a very light and 2 examples of clastic
porous igneous volcanic sedimentary rocks:
rock that forms during Sandstone is a clastic
explosive volcanic sedimentary rock composed
eruptions. It is formed mainly of sand-sized (0.0625
to 2 mm) silicate grains. It is
composed of sediment materials that are formed foliated metamorphic rocks tend to be simpler than
from other processes such as weathering & erosion foliated rocks.
of other rocks.
Shale is a fine-grained sedimentary rock that forms 2 examples of non-foliated rock:
from the compaction of silt and  Marble Is a metamorphic rock composed of
clay-size mineral particles that recrystallized carbonate
we commonly call "mud." It is minerals, most commonly
the most common sedimentary calcite or dolomite. It
rock, which accounts for about forms when limestone is
70 percent of the Earth’s crust. subjected to the heat and
C. Chemical sedimentary rocks - This type of rock pressure of metamorphism.
is created when minerals that are present in
rock forms undergo a chemical reaction that Quartzite
causes them to cool as precipitates over time is a non-foliated
before changing back to rock form. It is formed metamorphic rock composed
by precipitation of minerals from water. almost entirely of quartz. It
2 examples of chemical sedimentary rock: forms when a quartz-rich
Rock salt is a chemical sedimentary rock that sandstone is altered by the
heat, pressure, and chemical
isometric crystals are formed
activity of metamorphism.
from.  It forms where large
volumes of sea water or salty
lake water evaporate from
Foliated rocks - are a type of metamorphic rock
an arid-climate basin --
that has a characteristic banded (or striped)
where there is a replenishing
pattern. Foliated rocks are produced by exposure to
flow of salt water and a
heat and directed pressure.
restricted input of other water.
Chert is composed of remains of siliceous ooze, 2 examples of foliated rocks:
the sediment which covers Slate is a fine-grained, foliated, homogeneous
the major portion of the metamorphic rock derived from an original shale-
deep ocean floor. It type sedimentary rock
commonly occurs in the composed of clay or
form of nodules, layered volcanic ash through low-
deposits and grade regional
concretionary masses. metamorphism. Slate is
formed when a
METAMORPHUC ROCKS -. Metamorphic rocks sedimentary rock (shale,
are formed when rock changes over a period of mudstone, or basalt) is compressed.
time due to a lot of physical changes like pressure,
heat and different chemical activity. It is classified Phyllite is a foliated
as either foliated or non-foliated depending on their metamorphic rock that has
mineral structure and pattern. been subjected to low levels
Types of metamorphic rock: of heat, pressure and
chemical activity. It is
Non-foliated - are formed around igneous composed mainly of flake-
intrusions where the temperatures are high but the shaped mica minerals in
pressures are relatively low and equal in all parallel alignment.
directions.  It is composed of minerals that do not
elongate or align during metamorphosis, non-

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