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Sub Topics:
A. How to be a good



In accounting term it’s so important to have a good presentation when you want to present
some product or just want to present the materials and to showing your report in formal condition.
The term presentation has been very attached to the world of accounting, that’s way in this section
we would like to talk about How to have a good presentation.


1. To be a good and interest presenter we will following this staps:

a. Reasearch your topic

It’s important to spend enough time collecting and confirming information in order to
speak with confidence and knowledge.

b. Organize Main Point

Organize the main points in the most
appropriate order for the topic you’re
presenting. Avoid writing complete
sentences or paragraphs and prepare note
cards to
help you elaborate on the information biw=751&bih=334&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=zuHyWcfcN

c. Use strong images

Your images don't need to be all charts and tons of text. Use a few graphics or images
that will catch your audience's interest and remind you of what you want to talk about.
d. Practice
Do not memorize written texts. Try to understand the topic to the best of your ability
so you can communicate it well during the presentation
and meet the time limit. Practice for a friend or a
family member and get their feedback on your
presentation skills. Presentable your materials.

e. Deal with your stress

it’s common to be stressed before a presentation, try
picturing yourself impressing the audience. Also, it’s
important to relax before the presentation and think
about nothing but how to make the most out of it.
f. Eye contact me-a-Good
Do scanning the room technique by keeping an eye Presenter#/Image:Become-a-

contact with as many people as you can.

g. Speak clearly
Speak in a loud and clear voice to get your
presentation through to the audience even the ones
sitting further away.

h. Engange your audience

Some useful ways to do that are sharing a funny yet
tasteful story, or pose a question to see how much they
know about the subject you’re about to discuss.
i. Answer question at the end of the presentation -a-Good-Presenter-Step-9.jpg
Make sure you listen to the questions carefully, ask for clarifications if needed and
repeat the question to the rest of the audience to give you more time to think about the
answer. If you don’t know the answer for a question be honest and say that you will look
into it since you don’t know the answer in the meantime.

2. Outline of presentation

To make your presentation more interest and your audience will focused you can
play your presentation with using power point as your media. There are some structure
that you can follow:
a. Title Slide
The first slide should have the title of the presentation and the full name. It will be
displayed until the presentation starts and allows the audience to prepare itself for your

b. Introduction
The introduction should last about 10-15% of the entire presentation time. In the
beginning the audience is busy preparing for your talk by finding a comfortable position
and checking out their neighbors - they do not really pay attention to what you are
saying. The introduction allows them to listen with one ear and still get most of it.
Furthermore this part has one important function. It should span the gap form the
common knowledge to the expert knowledge of the talk. Your task is to provide enough
knowledge in a very compact way so the audience can follow the special parts of the
talk. The more a person knows the later the introduction is of interest to them.

c. Main Part
The main part should last 70-80% of the entire presentation time. Now is the time to
talk about the topic and show your results. If it makes sense for your topic you can again
structure each subsection in introduction, main results and summary. Each subsection
could be united by using the same background for the slides. A presenter should show his
own priorities on the selection of what he talks about. Furthermore people in the
audience should be always aware, if they are presented facts and experimental results
(indisputable, eternal truth) or if they are presented opinions and interpretations of the
speaker (who can be totally wrong). Usually the audience is used to discriminate
between both, so the speaker can be subtle by for example changing the way he is
talking. It is a big mistake to sell your own opinion as a fact and trying this complicates
discussions (because now you have first to sort the facts from the opinions).

In the main part you can go deep in to details or talk about special cases. But it is important
to get back the people you lost during these parts or which started day dreaming. Therefore
you should make a short pause after these special parts and use a change in your voice to
signal the start of a new section which may be of interest for the entire audience.

d. Summary
The summary should last 10-15% of the entire presentation time. Here the main
points are mentioned again and presented as a "take-home-message". The speaker should
mention again everything he wants the audience to remember forever - even if they forget
everything else. Its also the last time to win the audience for your view on the topic.

e. Last Slide
On this slide you should mention all persons involved in the work or the presentation
and s ignal that you are now ready to take questions. You could say: "Thank you for you
attention, are there any questions?" It is important for the audience to know when the
presentation is over and the audience should not have to guess.


There are some terms that we should know and do, when you want to present something:

1. Greetings

It’s the first section when the presenter

wants to present his materials. This is the
very basic, common and important step in
which you need to greet your audience by
wish them good morning/afternoon or evening (as per the time of session in which you
are giving presentation). biw=751&bih=334&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=zuHyWcfcN4P

a. “Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to

this presentation. The honorable Mr. Arjun as the leader of this company, the
honorable the secretary and moderator and the honorable all of the audience.
Thank you so much for coming.”

b. “Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I would like

to say thank you for all of you to come in this presentation. The honorable
Mr.Arjun as the leader of this company, the honorable the secretary, the
honorable moderator, the honorable all of the audience.”
c. “First of all, I would like to thanks to miss Rahma as the leader of this
company, and also I would like to say thank you for all of audience to come in
this presentation…..”


1. Introduce your self

When you are in presentation it’s so important to introduce you self before you
introducing your material. In this section you will introduce who you are, where you are
from, and what your position in your company.

“Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I would like to say
thank you for all of you to come in this presentation. The honorable Mr. Arjun as the leader
of this company, the honorable the secretary, the honorable a moderator, the honorable all
of the audience.”
“Now, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Gea Sari, and I’m is the product
marketing officer in Pt. Indo Jaya Utama. I have been working in marketing for five year.”

2. Introduce your materials

After you introduce yourself, to the next section, now you are going to introduce
your materials. In this material you will introduce about the product that you want
showing to your audience.
“Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Good
morning ladies and gentlemen. I would
like to say thank you for all of you to
come in this presentation. The honorable
Mr. Arjun as the leader of this company, biw=751&bih=334&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=zuHyWcfcN4P4
the honorable the secretary, the n+au&gs_l=psy

honorable moderator, the honorable all of

the audience.”

Now, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Gea Sari, and I’m is the product
marketing officer in Pt. Indo Jaya Utama. I have been working in marketing for five
year. I would like to explain about the best product from our company (……) .Or I
would like to introduce our product , this is about our best product (…..) I going to
deliver the material about our product (…..)

Now, you are in the last section on your present, in this time you will close your presentation
directly without to say sorry for your mistake. But you will saying thank you for your
audience’s attention and audience’s question. You may close your present like this santance:

“Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Good

morning ladies and gentlemen. I would like
to say thank you for all of you to come in
this presentation. The honorable Mr.Arjun
as the leader of this company, the honorable
the secretary, the honorable moderator, the
honorable all of the audience. q=closing+presentation&source=lnms&tbm=is
Now, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Gea Sari, and I’m is the product
marketing officer in Pt. Indo Jaya Utama. I have been working in marketing for five year.

I would like to explain about the best product from our company (……)

“That’s all about my presentation about our product company. Thank you for your attention
and to all the question. I do hope my presentation will be benefit for all of you. At the last I
said thank you and wasallamualaikum.wr.wb”

“That the end of my presentation about our product company. Thank you for your attention
and to all the question. I do hope my presentation will be benefit for all of you. At the last I
said thank you and wasallamualaikum.wr.wb”.

“That will be all for my presentation about our product company. Thank you for your
attention and to all the question. I do hope my presentation will be benefit for all of you. At the
last I said thank you and wasallamualaikum.wr.wb”.

“That’s all about my presentation,thankyou to evaluator/supervisor for the evaluation, and

alsothankyou to all audience for your participation”.

1. What is the benefit to us if we delivery our materials with using power point?
2. Mention the outline of presentation?
3. What the presenter should do if the audience didn’t have any attention?
4. Why we must organize our materials?
5. Please write down your word when you are want to close your presentation?

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