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A. Background of the Study

Language is used for communication by all people wherever and whenever

people are. Language also can be mentioned as symbol or identity of person or

community. Based on Clark (2003: 1), “Language is quintessentially human.”

People use language every day, as a means of communication and written

language allows them to record and hold on to their history across generations.

According to Clark (2003: 1), Language is very complex. It has a sound system

that allows them to use many distinct words, and a series of constructions for

relating these words.

According to Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2003: 3) “People live in a

world of language.” A world where people can talk and interact to their parents,

families and relatives, friends, communities, wives and husbands, their lovers,

their teachers, rivals, and even enemies. People talk with these societies face-to-

face and over the telephone, social media. Hardly a moment of our lives is free

from words, and even in their dreams, people also talk to their soul. In

communication and interaction, everyone responds with words. It means other

people understand what the speaker mean.

People usually use more than one language to create a better and clearer

understanding of language uses in communication. It is like a necessary for them

when communicate with their listeners. People sometimes use and mix two or


more languages to communicate. It will support their communication with other

people or establishes more interactions. There are some languages that are used in

communication; those are first language or mother tongue (L1), second language

(L2), and foreign language (FL).

According to “Concept Paper: Mother Tongue-Bilingual Education”

(2014: 3):

“First language (L1) is language(s) one learns first, identifies with,

and/or is identified by others as a native speaker of; sometimes also
the language that one is most competent in or uses most. There may be
a change of mother tongue during a person’s lifetime according to all
other criteria except the first. A person may have two or more mother
tongues (“bilingualism/multilingualism as a mother tongue”).
Indigenous or minority mother tongues are sometimes called heritage
languages (often when children do not know them well) or home
languages (implying that they are/should not be used for official

Second language (L2) is typically an official or societal dominant language

needed for education, employment, and other basic purposes. It is often required

by minority group members or immigrants who speak another language natively.

(Troike, 2006: 4). Based on “Concept Paper: Mother Tongue-Bilingual

Education” (2014: 3), Second language is the language learned after acquiring the

mother tongue, or learned and used in the environment, often in addition to


Foreign language (FL) is not widely used in the learners’ immediate social

context which might be used for future travel or other cross-cultural

communication situations, or studied as a curricular requirement or elective in

school, but with no immediate or necessary practical application (Troike, 2006:

4). This language is usually used for people who talk with foreigner. In Indonesia,

foreign language that is often used is English. It is because Indonesians learn this

language in the school.

These three kinds of languages are often used by the people as a mixing

language in their communication, even just L1 and L2, or L2 and FL. In

sociolinguistics, this phenomenon is called as code mixing. Based on Wardhaugh

(2006: 13), sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationships

between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the

structure of language and of how languages function in communication.

Language cannot be separated from the society. It has an important role

and position in society for communicating each others. There is a special

relationship between language and the user of language itself even the language is

mixing. According to Sumarsih, Siregar, Bahri, and Sanjaya (2014: 77) “Code

mixing due to mixing speakers of both languages (code) in a mixed sentence.”

This code mixing is not used just in spoken but also in written. The usage of this

mixing language is more developing. Moreover, code mixing is also found in

literary works.

According to Sumarsih et all. (2014: 79), Code-mixing is a mixture

between two or more languages with different language to make it sound cool and

give appropriate context to the audience or listener. Some authors of books or

novel mixed the code in their works. One of the authors who used code mixing is

Raditya Dika.

Raditya often mixes foreign language like English with Indonesian in his

novel. This mixing make his novel is more interesting and more impressive to

read by the reader. And because of this mixture, the reader will not feel tedious

when the readers read the novel. Based on Liberani (2015) "Every novel which

written by Raditya Dika is not boring at all and Raditya Dika is never boring”. It

is also proved by the achievement that reached by Raditya Dika when most of his

novel be the best seller in many bookstore or online bookstore.

Based on Rafiq (2015) “Raditya’s novel with the title Koala Kumal is sold

out as many as 2.100 pieces only at one half an hours.” It is because the content of

the novel is not boring and many readers like to read his novel. In this novel, there

are many codes mixing, for example Indonesian-English code mixing.

However, there are not all the readers understand or know what kind of the

language used by Raditya Dika whether it is first language (L1), second language

(L2), or foreign language (FL). They also do not know what the meaning and

functions of code mixing. From the explanation above, the writer is interested to

conduct the study entitles “An Analysis of Code Mixing Used in Novel “Koala

Kumal” By Raditya Dika”.

B. Formulation of the Problems

Based on the background of the study above, the problems are formulated

as follows:

1. What are the types of code mixing used in novel “Koala Kumal” by Raditya


2. What are the meanings of code mixing used in novel “Koala Kumal” by

Raditya Dika?

3. What are the functions of code mixing used in novel “Koala Kumal” by

Raditya Dika?

C. The Scopes of the Problem

To specify, the scopes of the problem will be limited in several aspects;

they are types (insertion, alternation, or congruent lexicalization), meanings

(denotative or connotative), and functions (topic, participants, expressing

solidarity, status, or lexical borrowing) of code mixing in Koala Kumal novel by

Raditya Dika.

D. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems above, the objectives of this study as follows:

1. To find out the types of code mixing used in novel “Koala Kumal” by Raditya


2. To find out the meanings of code mixing used in novel “Koala Kumal” by

Raditya Dika

3. To find out the functions of code mixing used in novel “Koala Kumal” by

Raditya Dika

E. Significances of the Study

Hopefully, the theoretical implication in this study will improve and

develop the understanding and comprehending of code mixing for sociolinguistics


subject, and practical implication of the study is expected to give some benefits or

advantages, they are as follows:

1. For the Lecturers

The result of this study is expected to provide a new and additional

knowledge for teaching material which can be used by the lecturers in teaching

code mixing in the class.

2. For the Students

This study will be useful and beneficial as information and sources for

language learners to develop their linguistics knowledge especially for


3. For the Writer

This study is expected to enrich and develop writer knowledge and

understanding about sociolinguistics especially code mixing.

4. For the other Researchers

This study hopefully is able to give more references and information for

other researchers who need source in conducting a research related to this study.

F. Operational Definition

It is necessary to define several terms used in this study to avoid

misunderstanding about the topics, they are as follows:

1. Analysis

Analysis is the process of breaking up a concept, proposition, linguistic

complex, or fact into its simple or ultimate constituents.


2. Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics which study about the

relationship between language and society. In this study, sociolinguistics which

will be discussed by the writer is code mixing.

3. Code Mixing

Code-mixing is the change of one language to another within the same

utterance or in the same oral/ written text.

4. Novel

Novel is a fictional narrative or tale presenting the picture of real life,

especially the emotional crises in the life-history of the men and women

portrayed. In this study, novel which is written by Radiya Dika entitled Koala

Kumal will be analyzed.

5. Koala Kumal Novel

Koala Kumal is one of comedy novels that will tell us about real life story

from its author. There are many amusing experience that put in this novel. Koala

Kumal novel consists of 250 pages and published by GagasMedia. The author of

this novel is Raditya Dika. Raditya Dika is a popular novel author, actors, film

director, and also a famous comic. He has written many novels, such as Kambing

Jantan (2005), Cinta Brontosaurus (2006), Radikus Makan Kakus (2007), Babi

Ngesot (2008), Marmut Merah Jambu (2010), and Koala Kumal (2015) as his

recently novel.

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