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Liner Regression

Dependent variable is Continous or Numeric (No categories or groups)

It is based on least Square estimation which says regression coefficient should be chosen in such as way that it minimizes the s
distance of each observerd response to its fitted value

Y = b0 + b1X1 + b2X2…. (Y-> Dependent var, B0 -> intercept, X1,X2… -> Independent variables, B1, B2… -> rgression coefficients

Requires linear relation between dependent and independent variables

Errors should be normally distributed
Requires 5 cases/condiitons in the analysis
Assumes normal/Gaussian distribution of dependent variables
Logistic Regression
Dependent variable is discrete (binary T/F, 0/1) OR categorical (students scoring marks between 10-40%, 40-80%, 80-100%)

It is based on maximum likelyhood which says coefficient should be choosen in such a way that it minimizes the probability of Y
X and uses different iterations in which it tries to figure different solutions until it gets max likelyhood estimate

P(Y=1) = i/1 + e^(b0 + b1X1 + b2X2…)

Does not require linear regression

Errors does not have to be linearly distributed
Requires 10 events per independent var
Assumes binomial distribution of dependent var. It predicts the probability of outcome
Qualitative/Categorial Quantitative/Numerical
Nominal Ordinal Discrete
Y/N ratings - 3 star/4 star Interval
T/F Grades of students Temp
P/F time
Urban/Metro latitude
Discrete Continous
Ratio height
ration of height to weight 2/3 weight

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