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Jose Luis Contreras

Ms. Cruz

English 10

September 24 2017

Cultural Reflective Essay

My first thing that represent my family and my culture is the celebrations and

traditions we make. One tradition that we celebrate that represent my family and my culture

is ​el día de los muertos.​ This is important because it tells a lot about me like been Mexican.

Also this is important because It makes us remind about the people that we loved that have

pass away. Another important thing is that we celebrate Thanksgiving. This is important

because although we are Mexicans we celebrate thing from here because this is our new

home. Also my family wants to experience new traditions and have more opportunities to get

all my family together as we do in others celebrations. Also before christmas we celebrate

posadas. We made this tradiction because Jose and Maria went from house to house to ask

for help and food when Maria was pregnant, and this is important because we support them

by doing this. This is important because this tradition have passed down from generations to

generations. To conclude one thing that represents my culture are the traditions we celebrate.

Another thing that represented my family and my culture is the food we eat. One think

that won’t be missing when we eat are tortillas. This is important because us mexicas liked

tortillas. And also, in other culture people don't eat as much tortillas as in my culture.

Another thing we eat a lot that represents our culture is chile. This tells a lot about us because

no to much people liked chile and us, mexicas like it a lot. This also tells that I liked spicy

thing. The last food item that represented my culture is posole. This tells a lot because were

we are we liked posole and no to much people knows how to make it. This is also important
because in events like birthdays, most of the times my mom makes posole. To conclude, food

is another thing that represents our culture.

The last thing that represents our culture is the games I play. The first game that

represents my culture is changais. This game is important to our culture because when we

didn’t have a ball to play soccer, my friend and I will break a broom stick to play changais.

This also represents my culture because in other cultures they don’t play this game or know

about it. Another game we played that represents my culture is trompos. This toy is very

popular in my culture and we play it very often. This is important because in my culture we

play with toys that other cultures don’t play with. The last thing that represents my culture is

that we played a lot with our friends in the street. This is important because when I got to the

USA I saw that most of the kids will be playing with their phones instead of their friends.

This is also important because in mexico it is very common to see kids playing with their

friends. To conclude, the last thing that represents my culture is the games.

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