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ELECTRONICS ,6111411;151,,R1_
In U. S. and Canada



Capacity -Operated Relay Light Meter
Speaker Cabinet Code Practice Set
Crystal Receiver Electronic Fire Alarm
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All prices F. 0. B. St. Louis Phone CHestnut 1-1125 Walter Ashe Radio Co. PE -10-54
1125 Pine St., St. Louis 1, Mo.
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RADIO CO. City Zone State
1125 PINE ST. ST. LOUIS 1 , MO.
L SMITH hoh teamed TO, men lot Rodm Tr 11,....on
limn one other mon OUR 45.b TT AR

America's Fast Growing Industry Offers

You Good Pay-Bright Future-Security
I TRAINED R1147c,prluesoggIVITIOi;
job security, good pay, advance-
THESE MEN ment. In good times, the trained
man makes the BETTER PAY,
"Started to repair sets six BETS PROMOTED. When jobs
months after enrolling.
Earned $12 to $15 a week are scarce, the trained man enjoys
in spare time."-Adam GREATER SECURITY. NRI
Kramlik, Jr., Sunneytown,
Pennsylvania. training can help assure you more
of the better things of life.
"Up to our necks in Radio -
Television wcrk. Four other
NAl men work here. Am . Start Soon to Make $10, $15
happy with my work."-
Glen Petersen, Bradford. ___,2.,
Ont., Canada. ...A "We - a Week Extra Fixing Sets
"Am doing Radio and
Television Servicing full Keep your job while training. I
`'tine. Now have my own start sending you special booklets
shop. I owe my success to the day you enroll, that show you Tavialni hieltifill Good Jobs, Preggrorityw Even without Tele-
N.R.I."- Curtis Stath, Ft. vision, Radio is bigger than ever. 115 million home and auto Radios
Madison, Iowa. how to fix sets. Multitester built are big market for servicing. 3000 broadcasting stations use operators,
"Am with WCOC. NRI
with parts I send helps you make technicians. Government, Aviation, Police, Ship, Micro -wave Relay,
course can't be beat. N $10, $15 a week extra fixing sets Two-way Radio Communications for buses, taxis, trucks, R. R. are
trouble passing 1st class while training. Many start, their growing fields. Television is moving ahead fast.
Radio -phone license exam.' own Radio -Television business with
-Jesse W. Parker, Meri
dian, Mississippi. spare time earnings.
"By graduation, had paid
My Training Is Up -To -Date

for course, car, testing
equipment. Can service
toughest jobs."-E. J. You benefit by my 40 years' experi-
Streitenberger, New Bee - ence training men at home. Well
ton, Ohio. illustrated lessons give you basic
AVAILABLE TO principles you need. Skillfully de-
veloped kits of parts I send (see
VETERANS below) "bring to life" things you
learn from lessons.
UNDER G I BILLS About 200 Television stations are now 25 million homes now have Television
on the air. Hundreds of others being sets. Thousands more are being sold

You Learn by Practicin built. Good TV jobs opening up for

Technicians, Operators, etc.

Radio -TV Needs Men of Action-Mail Coupon

every week. Get a job or have your own
business selling, installing, servicing.

with Parts I Sen

Nothing takes the place of PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE.
Without obligating you in any way, I'll send an actual
lesson to prove that my training is practical, thorough;
That's why NRI training is based on LEARNING BY 64 -page book to show good job opportunities for you in
DOING. You use parts I furnish to build many circuits Radio -TV. Terms for NRI training are as low as $5 a
common to Radio and Television. As part of my Communi- month. Many graduates make more in two weeks thaii total
cost of training. Mail coupon now. J. E. SMITH, Presi-
cations Course, you build many circuits, including low power
transmitter shown at left. You put it "on the air," perform
dent, National Radio Institute, Dept. 4RD4, Washington
procedures required of broadcast operators. With my Serv-
icing Course you build 9, D. C. OUR 40TH YEAR.
modern Radio, etc.; use Mul-
titester you build to make
money fixing sets in spare
time while training. You MR. J. E. SMITH, ('widen', Reps. 414114
can stay at home, keep your Notional Radii, Institute, Washineren 0, D. C.
job, learn Radio -TV in Mail me Sample Lesson and 64 -page Book, FREE.
spare time at low cost. Mail (No salesman will call. Please write plainly.)
coupon for book showing
other equipment you build Name Age
and keep.

City Zone State

VETS -1,
of tbs./tares

POPULAR ELECTRONICS Is published monthly by Ziff -Davis Puhlishing Company. William B. Ziff. Chairman of the Board (1946-
19531. at 64 E. Lake St.. Chicago I. III. Second Class Entry pending at Post Office, Chicago, Ill. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One
Year U.S. and possessions, and Canada 53.00; Pan-American Union Countries $3.00; all other foreign countries $4.00.

Meet Popular Electronics 0 Read 13
C. TEPFER J. FRIEBORN Amateur Radio-The International Hobby . . . G. L. Dosland, WOTSN 15
Build Your Own Bike Radio L E Garner, Jr. 17
FRANK SAYLES (Director) Studio from Egg Crate Separators J. Corey 23
Solar Battery 24
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Build Your Own Fire Alarm R Sandretto 26
K. R. BOORD R. P. TURNER A Light Meter You Can Build R P Turner 28
Hi-Fi at Low $$$ R. Hertzberg 30
DRAFTING Radar for Small Boats 33
Home -Built Loudspeaker Enclosure A B Cohen 34
DAP, How to Test and Replace Radio and Television Controls . H. Leeper 36
Carl & Jerry J T Frye 38
ex,,,NG So You Want to Be a Ham- R Hertzberg, W2D11 40
Radio Control of Models W Winter 43
Copyright 1954
(All Rights "Collision -proof" Model Train System 47
Small Fi P Popenoe, Jr., W6IWM 48
Capacity Relay H Pollack 53
W. B. ZIFF (.1898-1953) FOUNDER
Editorial and Executive Offices How to Align Receivers 57
366 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y.
Flashing Lamps-An Experimenter's Delight E. D. Morgan 61
PRESIDENT Experimenter's Laboratory-A Modern "Breadboard" Chassis . . . 65
Battery Eliminator -Charger Kit 67
Fun with Neon Bulbs 69
Build this Code Practice Set 72
How fo Fix He me Radios 75
The World at a Twirl K R Boord 80
Adjusting Your TV Height Control 82
Learn Electronics with Multi Use Kits 1 K. Frieborn 84
Crystal -Type Broadcast Receiver 92
Chicago (1), 64 E. Lake St.
Los Angeles (14), Stotler Center,
900 Wilshire Blvd. DEPARTMENTS


All communications concern leg sub-
scriptions should be addressed to Cir- Book Reviews 95
culation Dept.. 64 E. Lake St., Chicago
I. Ill. Subscribers should allow at least
four weeks for any change at address. Tricks of the Trade 100
Contributors are advised to retain a Tools & Gadgets 110
ropy of their manuscripts and illus-
trations. Contributions should be mailed
to the New York Editorial °dice and After Class 114
mut-A be accompanied by return postage.
Contributions will be handled with rea- Resistor Color Code 128
sonable care, but this magazine as-
sumes no responsibility for their safety.
Any copy accepted is subject to what- Capacitor Color Code 128
ever adaptations and revisions are nec-
essary to meet the requirements of this
publication. Payment covers all ate Standardized Wiring Diagram Symbols 129
tlp contributor's, and contesnt's
rights.or's, title, and interest in and to
the material accepted and will he made Glossary of Terms in this Issue 130
Id our current rates upon acceptance.
All photos and drawings will be con- (Also see page 6)
sidered as part of material purchased.
A fabulous field-good pay-fascinating work - PICTURE FOLDER
a prosperous future! Good jobs, or independence and full details,
in your own business!
including easy
Coyne brings you the first holy lower cost, MODERN-QUALITY Televi- Payment Plan. No
sion Home Training; training designed to meet Coyne standards. Not an obligation, no
old Radio Course with Television "tacked on". Here is MODERN TELE- salesman will call.
VISION TRAINING including working knowledge of Radio. Includes
UHF and Color TV. No Radio background or previous experience needed.
Personal guidance by Coyne Staff. Practical Job COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL
Guidos to show you how to do actual servicing I. W. COOKE, PresHeel
jobs-make mono>, *oily in coursts.With Coyne Television Home Training Div.
Television Home Training you pay only for 500 S. Paullna St., Chicago 12,
your training, no costly "put together kits". Dept. 74-HT7
Send Free Picture Folder and details on Tele-
vision Home Training. This does not obligate

300 3. Pauline St., Dept.74 HT7, Chicago 12
Coyne-the Institution behind this
training . . the largest, oldest, best

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me and no salesman will call.
NOT FOR PROFIT coupon for details. City State


and Easy Monthly Payment Plan. Also part-
Conditions are changing. Many "one operation" jobs that time employment help for students.
have paid well will not last. Don't be satisfied with a "no future" Get FREE Book
Whether 17 or up to 45 years of age, train the Coyne
job. Send coupon for 48 page
way for a better job and a real future in ELECTRICITY or illustrated book !'Guide to
9rELEVISION-RADIO, fields thatoffer a world of opportunities. Connors in Electricity and Tolo.
vision -Radio." No cost; no
YOU can TRAIN in great CHICAGO SHOPS obligation; no salesman will
call. Get vital facts now !
Train on real, full-size equipment at COYNE where
thousands of successful men have trained for over 55 years B. W. COOKE, President
-largest, oldest, best equipped school of its kind-established COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL
in 1899. No advanced education or previous experience 500 S. Paullna St., Chicago 12,111.,Dept.74-71H
needed. TRAINING APPROVED FOR VETERANS. Send BIG FREE book and details of your
training offer. This does not obligate me and
no salesman will call. I am interested in:
I. W. COOKE, President FOUNDED 1899 Electricity 0 Television -Radio
October, 1954 5
Nature on the Loose 32
Components Assembled Automatically 52
Code Practice Set Serves as Continuity Tester. 56
Short Detector 56
Adaptor Connects Phone Plugs to Tip Jacks 56
Automatic Oven Temperature -Recorder 56
New CD Communications System in Los Angeles. 66
W3NKF on the Air 68
Extending the Range of Your Coil Calculator 74
Wooden Dowels are Handy Items for Workshop 78
A Quick, Easy Way to "Drill" Plastics .
Piscatorial ''Bass Response"
It's easy and General Purpose Line Cord
World's Most Powerful Airborne Radar Unit
Six Hours of TV on One Gallon of Gas 87
inexpensive to build an Fuse Saver .

Versatile Load for Your Ham Transmitter

Running TV Lead-in Through Window Panes. 94
The Mighty Midget Converter 99
ELECTRONIC TIMER Make This Handy Sorting Tray
New Airborne Radar System
Multichannel R/C Wins Meet 119
Safety First! 122


"Portable" TV Receiver 32
(Majestic Radio & Television, 70 Washington St ,
Brooklyn I, N. Y.)

TRANSISTORS "Universal" Breadboard Chassis for Experimenters

(Allen B. Du Mont Laboratories, Inc., 750 Bloom-
field Ave., Clifton, N. J.)

Transistor Experiment Kit 32

(Sutton Electronic Company, Lexington, Ky.)
Photoelectric Cell 68
(International Rectifier Corp., 1521 E. Grand Ave ,
El Segundo, Cal.)
Yes, and it gives Oscillator -Monitor
(Gonset Company, 801 S. Main St., Burbank, Cal.)

The "Heart Microphone" 79

(Altec Lansing Corporation, 161 Sixth Ave., New
you a chance to experiment York 13, N. Y.)
Photoelectric Switch Controls House Lights 79
(The Fisher -Pierce Co., Inc., 63 Pearl St., Boston 85,
with the latest in TV Commercial "Eliminator"
Corporation, Cambridge, Mass.)

Portable Direction Finder 87

(Raytheon Manufacturing Co., Waltham 54, Mass.)
electronics. Raytheon will If you are unable to locate any of these products at your
local radio parts jobber, write direct to the manufacturer.

supply you with

complete information free.
Just write to Department P.
Raytheon - pioneers In large scale
production of trarsistors.

COVER PHOTO: This young experimenter,
shown testing the Heathkit A -7B audio ampli-
e fier, isnot only acquiring valuable "know-
how" by assembling and testing such a unit
RAYTHEON MFG. CO. but is adding to his hi-fi system at low cost.
This is only one of a wide variety of kits avail-
Receiving and Cathode Ray Tube Operations able to experimenters. Such kits offer the twin
Newton 58, Massachusetts benefits of practical experience with elec-
tronic circuitry and a carefully -engineered
RELIABLE SUBMINIATURE AND MINIATURE TUBES unit which makes a professional addition to
SEMICONDUCTOR DIODES AND TRANSISTORS the workshop or home music system. See arti-
NUCLEONIC TUBES cle on page 30 for details on this amplifier.


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October, 1954 7

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0A2 .74 6AK5 .55 6S8GT .53 12AL5 .37 14W7 .30
0A4 .68 6AK6 .59 6SA7GT .55 12AQ5 .52 14X7 .69
OB2 .81 6AL5 .42 6SD7GT .41 12AT6 .41 14Y7 .62
003 .72 6AM8 .78 6SF5GT .46 12AT7 .72
19BG6 1.39
OD3 .70 6AQ5 .50 6SG7GT .41 12AU6 .46

1AX2 .62 6AS5 .50 6SL7GT .48 I 2AX4 .67 25AV5GT .83
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1 C5 .43 6AT6 .41 6SQ7GT .46 1 2AY7 .69
GUARIITEED 1E7 .29 6AU4GT .68 6SR7GT .45 12AZ7 .59
25L6GT .51
IG6 .24 6AU5GT .82 6SS7GT .42 12B4 .60 25W4GT .59
1H4 .30 6AQ6 .46 6T4 .99 12BA6 .49 25Z5 .66
IH5GT .49 6AV5GT 83 6T8 .80 12BA7 .60 25Z6 .49
1L4 .46 6AV6 .40 6U5 .57 12BD6 .45 26 .45
1LA4 .59 6AX9GT .65 6U6 .59 I2BE6 .51
1LA6 .69 27 .39
6B4 54 6U8 .78 12BF6 .39
I LB4 .69 6BA6 .49 6V6GT .50 12BH7 32L7 .89
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1LC6 .79 6BC5 .54 6W6GT .57 35A5 .58
111 FULL 1LD5
I 2BZ7
1LG5 .69 6BE6 .51 6X8 .75
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35Z3 .59
35Z4 .47
1R5 .62 6BK5 .80 7A8 .68 12SA7GT .65 35Z5GT
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1T4 .58 45 .55
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70% IU5
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6A05 .69 6L6 .64 7V7 117P7 .99
6AC7M .86 6L7M .89 14F8 .69
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Made by Philco, famed for qual- 3 seconds on 120 Volt AC Mfd. by Federal
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because I GIVE YOU MORE!
L. C. late, 11.1., M.A.
President, Radio -Television
',lining A.30( io ti on.
Esecutive Director, Place
&boot d lodio 4 Television.
Combination Voltmeter.

4 CiVI Telephone Traninsittor System

Red.ri Restive LEARN BY DOING

Every one of my students gets enough equipment to set up his own home laboratory. You
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With the equipment I send you, you build and keep a professional GIANT SCREEN TV
RECEIVER complete with big picture tube (takes any size up to 21.inch) . . . also a Super.
Net Radio Receiver, AF.RF Signal Generator, Combination VoltmeterAmmeter.Ohmmeter, b-..
CON Telephone Transmitter, Public Address System, AC.T1C Power Supply. Everything supplied,
Including all tubes. No experience is necessary .. . My practical, lessons IF Signal
hove brought success to hundreds of men, many with no more than a grammar school berseretos


My Courses cover all phases of radio, FM and television. Almost from the very start you can earn extra money while
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1. Radio, FM and Television Technician Course Many of my students earn up to $25 a week . . . pay for Moir
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practicing profitable service business.
Many of my graduates now hold down good paying technician lobs with
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2. FM -TV Technician Course FCC -licensed technicians.
(Previous Training or Experience in Radio Required)
You can save months of lime if you have previous Armed Forces or civilian
radio experience) Train at home with kits of parts, plus equipment to
My school fully approved to train veterans under
EXTRA TRAINING IN NEW YORK CITY AT NO EXTRA COSTI new Korean G. I. Bill. Available only to Veterans
After you finish your home study training in Course I or 2 you
discharged after June 27, 1950. If eligible, CHECK
get two weeks, SO hours, of intensive Laboratory work on modern
electronic equipment at our associate school in New York City,
Pierce School of Radio & Television. THIS EXTRA TRAINING IS
plate without this extra training, however. It is just an added
opportunity for review and practice.
Mr. Leenerg C. Lone, Preoldent Dome. E-14
3. TV Cameraman and Studio Technician Course RADIOJILLIVISION TRAINING ASSOCIATION
02 East 19th Sr...., New York 3, N. Y.
(Advanced Training for Men with Radio or TV
Training or Experience) Dear Mr. Lew Moll rne vow NEW ins 1001, FREE SAMPLE
LESSON, and FIFE ads rhos .ill ,heir se. My I ten seek@ Ili
I train you at home for an exciting high pay lob as the man MONEY IN TELEVISION. I endoniond I an ender no elligetiee end

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Licensed by the State of New York Approved for Veteran Training

October, 1954 9

With a cabinet kit by

CABINART you get exactly
the style that you want. Paul Klipsch-
The finish is up to you. You designed Rebel IV
get top-quality white pine or You can now build your own
birch-perfect for any finish corner horn speaker enclosure
that you select. And so easy . . . designed by Paul Klipsch.

to put together . . all you

. Identical in acoustic design to
need is a screwdriver. assembled units and easily put
together with a minimum of
tools. Priced for the home -
builder in unfinished birch.
12" model . . .36.00 net*
15" model . . .42.00 net*

Bass Reflex and Equipment Cabinets

The ideal housing for high fidelity components . . . removable
panels make future changes easier. Loudspeaker cabinet
acoustically designed for either 12" or 15" speaker. Overall
dimensions: 33%" H., 22" W., 16" D. Tuner compartment: 20" H.,
21%" W. (inside dimensions), 1514" D. Baffle volume: 6 cu. ft.
Model .80-Equipment cabinet kit . . . . 27.00 net*
Model 8112-12" speaker cabinet kit . . 18.00 net*
Model 8115-15" speaker cabinet kit . . . 18.00 net*

Folded Horn
Reproduces a quality of
bass heretofore only
All kits include %" white pine possible through the use
cut to size, baffle precut for 12' of far more expensive
or 15" speaker, Saran plastic
acousticloth, Kimsul acoustic Model 61
(12" speaker kit)
insulation, assembly and net*
finishing instructions, hardware, Model 63
(15" speaker kit)
plastic wood, sandpaper net*
and glue. 'prices higher west and south.

Write for free catalog and name of ni Irest distributor


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October, 1954
JL What is a Capacitor? .L
A capacitor-or electric condenser, as it was once known-is a device for
storing electrical energy and returning it as desired. It has storage space-i.e.,
Tcapacity for electricity; hence, capacitor.
Basically, a capacitor consists of two plates or systems of mate-
rial that are capable of conducting electricity, separated by an _L
insulating material. The oldest man-made capacitor of record is T
the Leyden jar, a glass bottle whose inner and outer surfaces were
covered with copper foil. Invented in Holland in the mid -18th I.
century, it was first used in America by Benjamin Franklin in
j his classic experiments with natural lightning. These Leyden
jar condensers and the glass plate condensers which succeeded them were used
in the early spark wireless sets.
Today's capacitors usually use aluminum foil electrodes or plates, although
Invar steel, copper, and tantalum plates; lead, copper, and tantalum foils;
I. as well as thin zinc and silver films are in use for specialized applications. _L
T The dielectric or insulating materials may be paper impregnated with an T
oil or wax, electrolytically formed oxide films, plastic films, ceramics, glass, air
or a compressed gas. _L
The combination of electrodes and dielectrics may be a T
rolled assembly such as the ordinary "tubular" paper capacitor;
a fixed or adjustable mechanical plate structure; a disc or hollow ..L
tube; a stacked series of plates or wafers; or a series of coaxial T
Capacitors are essential components in electronic and electrical circuits.
They are used everywhere in our modern electrical life-on power lines, TV
17 and radio sets, in automobiles, in aircraft, in fluorescent lamps, electric refriger- T
1. ators, air conditioners, oil burners, etc., etc.
One capacitor manufacturer alone-Sprague Electric Company-has made
T well over a billion capacitors in the last 25 years. Where do they go? Well, re- T
member that a table model radio uses about 15 and a table model television set
_L about 115.
T Among the basic uses of this important circuit component are the sup- T
pression of sparks across contacts as in auto distributors and fluorescent starters;
I. filtering or bypassing unwanted radio and TV signals; coupling electronic I.
T circuits together; tuning circuits; reducing "waste" circulating currents by T
improving "power factor"; suppressing radio and TV noise;
..ii_ supplying electrical energy for conversion to light in "pulsed ±
Tphotographic lighting systems"; and "phase splitting" or Chang-
ing the nature of alternating current electricity supplied to T
_L motors used with various appliances.
-To be continued-
I1 1 1 This informative message is No. 1 of a Series contributed by I 1 1 1
Sprague, the world'slargestmanufacturertofpcapacitoirs..
-r ITT rite Sprague Product. Co.,W N. Adam.,

FROM modest basement shops and attic greater number of pioneer developments
experimental laboratories have emerged have emerged from the experimenter's
the fundamental ideas that have resulted bench and the ham shack. So-called tinker-
in the fastest growing industry of our ers or gadgeteers have contributed many
times-electronics. Our vast radio com- valuable ideas and important discoveries
munications systems-spread like a giant that have led to valuable patents.
web over the entire world-keep us in- The problem of maintenance of electronic
formed of news almost as soon is it hap- devices, especially home units such as
pens. The radio "ham," using simple elec- radio, television, and hi -fidelity equipment
tronic equipment, communicates with his has been a real bottleneck and will be-
fellow hobbyists throughout the world as come an even greater problem as we reach
simply as the housewife talks to her sizable production of color television.
neighbor via telephone. A vast field of opportunity in electronics
A large group of medics watch a deli- awaits the individual who will learn, by
cate operation on a color TV screen. Every simple experiments, the fundamentals of
detail seen by the operating surgeon and circuitry, components, and equipments.
the color camera is observed in isolated Others will become indoctrinated with elec-
rooms. Instructions and comments of the tronics at a hobby level. The fascinating
surgeon are heard clearly from the loud- hobby of radio control finds thousands of
speaker system. youngsters and oldsters meeting frequent-
An airplane is lost and is forced down ly to fly their airplanes and to sail their
at sea. Its call for help is heard by or made boats. And many a garage door is opened
known to the FCC monitoring stations. A and closed by radio impulses from simple
"fix" is made by electronic direction find- devices made in the home shop.
ers and the position of the lost plane is One of the greatest hobbies in the world
flashed to nearby vessels which then pro- -amateur radio-has been tremendously
, ceed to the rescue. stimulated by relaxed requirements to
A hostile airplane is spotted on a radar qualify for a coveted license. A new
screen. Interceptors are dispatched to en- "novice" class license is attracting thou-
gage the enemy. Radio navigational aids sands of newcomers to this world-wide
protect us as we fly in an airliner and hobby.
bring us to a safe landing on a fog -bound Industry has recognized the importance
runway. of training new engineers, scientists, and
These are but a few of the thousands of technicians and our trade schools have
applications for electronic devices that produced thousands of technicians and
serve to protect life, limb, and property other specialists. But many thousands
and that provide means of education and more are needed to meet the ever-increas-
entertainment never dreamed of by our ing demand for new blood in industry.
forefathers. Those of us who have grown up with
Many electronic devices are born in the electronics have been forced to keep pace
great laboratories of the industry-but a (Continued on page 125)
Ocfober, 1954 13
Something 3oo Good to ,Miss, for
IT STUMPS THE EXPERTS Ever since it was first described four years ago the
performance of Air -Coupler speaker systems has delighted and mystified the most
critical listeners. Hundreds of hi-fi enthusiasts who have built Air -Couplers to reproduce
the low frequencies say that they now hear tones that they never knew were recorded
on discs and tapes!
The Air -Coupler is unique in two respects - it gives clean reproduction on funda-
mental frequencies from 200 down to 20 cycles with such power as to blow a match
held in front of the port, and yet, operated at low volume, it gives rich, proportionate
bass reproduction when the system is turned down to bare audibility.

YOU CAN BUILD IT The enclosure is easy to build from 11 pieces of plywood. No
special tools are required. Use any good 12 -in. speaker. Added to your present speaker
system, the Air -Coupler will make such a dramatic improvement that your friends will
ask if they may bring over their records to play on your system.

THE AIR -COUPLER UP TO DATE The origin of the Air -Coupler was never dis-
closed until the story was told in the March -April issue of MUSIC at HOME Magazine.
Since then, requests have poured in for up to date information on this remarkable en-
closure. Accordingly, in response to this demand, a series of three articles has been
prepared, starting in the September -October issue.
The series will present 1) detailed drawings and instructions of the latest, improved
-design, 2) diagrams and information on fixed and variable networks, amplifiers, and
'speaker systems, and 3) drawings which show how to conceal the Air -Coupler in book-
shelves or storage walls, under the floor, or in simple, useful furniture pieces.

ORDER YOUR COPIES NOW ! You can get the next three issues with the new
Air -Coupler series, plus the March -April issue containing the article "Origin of the Air-
Coupler", at the reduced price of $1.00. MUSIC at HOME is a large -size magazine,
elaborately illustrated and printed on fine paper. Edited for hi-fi enthusiasts, it covers
all phases of music from records, tape, and FM, with more information .on hi-fi equip-
ment, installation, and operation than any other magazine. The four issues you buy for
$1 are equivalent to a $5 book of 550 pages!


Here's how you can save $4.50, and start a complete 207-F East 37th St., New York 16, N. Y.
file of MUSIC at HOME from the very first issue: If you Enclosed is my remittance for
order a 3 -year subscription now (a saving of $3 over $1.00 for 4 issues containing Air -Coupler series I
$6.00 for 3 years, plus first 3 issues (Save $4.50) I
the 1 -year rate) you will receive at once the first 3
issues without extra charge (a saving of $1.50). In case Nome
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Pres., American Radio Relay League

4 or HIS AFTERNOON, I hooked an SV, "BCNU" and "thanks" is "Tks." This is

I CN, and LU on 15, flipped over to 20 implemented by an arbitrary "'Q" code,
and got a couple of ZD's and a CR4. where three letters stand for a phrase or
How'd you do?" sentence, such as QRS-"Please send more
"Well, I stuck to 10 today. Not much slowly"; QTH-"My address is " and
doing, but the band opened up for some so on. These phrases are translated into
PY's and a CE." all languages, permitting a free exchange
Hard to imagine what this conversation of conversation despite the language
is all about? Not if you're an amateur barrier.
radio operator, one of more than 160,000 Many strong international friendships
who daily engage in short-wave talk have grown out of casual talks on the air.
around the world. The letters are radio Recently, an American amateur, Mrs. Eve-
call sign identifications for various coun- lyn Scott, toured South Africa. She and
tries. For instance, the first "ham" said her husband were entertained royally by
he made short-wave radio contact with hams whom she had "met" by radio. After
other hams in Greece, French Morocco, each visit, word was flashed, via amateur
and Argentina on the fifteen -meter band, radio, to the next town, and another group
then switched to the twenty -meter band of hams would take their turns as hosts.
for chats with West Africa and the Cape Similarly, a South African, Louis Nel, who
Verde Islands. The other operator said was undergoing medical treatment in a
that he stayed on the ten -meter band, and Boston hospital, was visited by American
conditions were not too good for distance, hams, treated to a party on his birthday,
or "DX," but he did "work" stations in provided with a receiver so he could keep
Brazil and Chile. up with the goings-on, and given a fine
Who are these hams? The Federal Com- send-off when he left for home.
munications Commission defines an ama- "Well, it's natural for people to treat
teur operator as a "person interested in well the members of their own group.
radio technique solely with a personal aim What do hams do for others?"
and without pecuniary interest, holding Amateurs provide communications for
a valid license." Can anyone get a license? the public during fires, floods, blizzards,
Yes-provided they are enough interested hurricanes, and all sorts of emergencies,
in radio to learn some of the radio theory, widespread or localized. Recently a young
the International Morse Code, and the patient in Coro, Venezuela, was seriously
regulations which govern the amateur ill with leukemia. The drug aminopterin
radio service. which was needed for the child's treatment
"But," you say, "don't all amateurs have was not available in that country, so En-
to know how to speak Greek and French rique Torres, a Venezuelan ham, started a
and so on?" search via the airwaves to locate some. He
No. The hams of the world have devel- contacted an amateur in Raleigh, N. C.
oped a sort of international shorthand, who relayed the plea to another ham in
mostly based on English, in which phrases New York; Lederle Laboratories were in -
like "I'll be seeing you" become simply (Continued on page 108)
October, 1954 15
.Start Fixing TVand
. . . even if you have never fixed a
LAMP or DOOR BELL before!
"Wily hasn't somebody done this BEFORE?"
That's what you'll say the minute you start
browsing through this amazing new and complete
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FOR 10 DAYS IN repairs.
YOUR OWN NOME For here at last a well-known EXPERT has
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he even tells you where you can go to have .the
extra -tough jobs done FOR you . . . at profes-
sional rates.) Right from the very first chapters
you can start doing simple repairs . . . and be-
fore you're HALF way through the book, you can
fix HALF the television and radio sets that you

0 0 RAD/ encounter. Surprisingly quickly you can fix your

own and friends' sets . . . get a service shop job
. . . even start your own money -making business
right in your own home.
Why It's So EASY to Undorstand
"No electronic formulas . . . no algebra . . . no
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with the things that go wrong in sets-how to
recognize and spot the trouble-and what to do
deal only

about it. "Easy as A -B -C" directions and 700

McGraw-Hill's Amazing New Low - clear photos, diagrams, and drawings show you
exactly WHAT and HOW to fix, step-bystep.
Cost Instruction Manual i Skips The author is Associate Editor of Electronics
.44 Magazine. He's a long -recognized expert-not
only on radio and TV-but also on making tech-
"Theories" and "Formulas", Tells nical subjects easily understood by the average
reader. He has spent FOUR ;years making this
one -volume instruction manual so practical and
How -to -do -it in PLAIN ENGUSH I easy-to-uriderstarid that even a man who never
fixed a door bell before will have no trouble.
Here's everything you need to know about
PARTIAL CONTENTS where and how to buy tubes and parts, where and
Tools Needed
,ets Work How TV
How to Remove cInRao
how to get a circuit diagram for any receiver; how
." 'Teen t " bres Re. to choose and use basic tools; how to test tubes
i'ower-supolyUs Tnetri iri'uilebeTesteur' WITHOUT a tube tester; how to adjust 58 com-
`cot and Troubles mon TV controls; how to "diagnose" and "cure"
Tuning Devices
Controls, common radio and TV troubles; how to ft: or
replace loudspeakers, phono pickups; how to in-
'Needles Phono
Pickups and Loud -
How to Install
itepair Antennas stall and check antennas; and much, much more.
and MUCH . . . and
Examine this big 556 -page book for 10 days
BEFORE you decide if you wish to own it. Try
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Prove If on Your Own Set 36, N. Y.
Save up to $50 a year just by
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-tilted-wiggles and weaves-too 327 West 41st St., New York 36. N. Y.
pale-too black-jitters- snow, - Please send me, for
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Picture jittery, double image; raster Picture muddy and gray; raster OK; livery. Same 10 -day return privilege-full refund
OK; sound OK. sound OK. guaranteed. PEE, -I0
Snow on all channels; raster OK; . . PLUS 29 OTHER COMMON TV
Sk-sound weak. TROUBLES.
Fig. 1. Music as you ride-
with this simple "portable."


NOW about a little music while you ride?
or would you rather listen to the foot-
in the parts list. You will note that a'
commercially -available cabinet and chassis
ball, games as you pedal your way through are used which eliminates the problem of
the early October Saturday afternoons? bending and finishing. These are drilled
You can enjoy both of these experiences if and punched as shown in Fig. 10. The large
your bike is radio equipped like the one opening for the loudspeaker is made by
shown in Fig. 1. Or have you often thought punching a 1" round hole in each corner
it would be nice to have a good-looking and sawing between them with a keyhole
portable receiver for those camping trips, hacksaw. Final smoothing is done with a
days at the beach, or just as an "extra" small, flat file. If you clamp the cabinet
set around the house? Such a portable in a vise during drilling, use a few layers
radio is easy to build and will only take of cloth between the vise jaws to keep
a few spare evenings to put together. from marring the finish.
Here is how it is done! Dimensions for the loudspeaker mount-
First assemble all of the parts specified ing holes will vary with the brand of

October, 1954
A11311V9 ,.e A06 1:10113VdY3 318.018VA,d0 3010 311SOdd0 NO anNnovi 38 AVVi 9303 S1:1361V419.1.
9323 100
St10113VdVD 83399

18 nI
A8311V8 ,yAZ/11



1110ddOS 111311341.41?vinidAtIS
01 A1103/110 03930105
38 AVM 091 soni 1103

1081NO3 3V9110A
. NO 991/4011MS
93/A0d 1SdO

t3mv3asonoi 3801
- Ii
71103 . VN.4314V
list for the four -tube "bike" radio receiver.
Fig. 3. Complete schematic and parts No. 70-Osc.) 1-31/2 inch PM loudspeaker
L2-Miniature broadcast osc. coil (Miller 1-Whip antenna (salvage from TV "rabbit ears" or
R1-100,000 ohm, I/2 w. res. Si-D.p.s.t. "Power" switch (on Ra)
R2-4.7 megohm, 1/2 w. res. 1%-455 kc. input i.f. trans. (Miller No. 10-C1) use an auto antenna)
megohm potentiometer with switch (Si), audio T2-455 kc. output i.f. trans. (Miller No. 10-C2)
1-Tuning dial (National Type AM was used)
ohms to 1-Cabinet (Bud No. CU -2110 "Minibox")
taper ("Volume Control") Te-Audio output trans. to match 10,000 1-Chassis (Insuline No. 29080)
R4-10 megohm, 1/2 w. res. speaker voice coil (A "universal" output trans. such 4 -7 -pin miniature tube sockets
Rs -470 ohm, 2 w. res. as the Stancor A-3856, may be used if desired) Misc. 1 knob for volume control; 1 standoff insulator;
Cl, Cs-Two-gang broadcast -type tuning capacitor PC,-Printed circuit pentode plate coupler (Erie No. feedthrough insulator; 1 kitchen cabinet handle;
(Philmore No. 904S) with trimmers (C2, Ce) 1407-03) 5" x 5" flocked screen material; 2 ground lugs; 1
Ca-.01 Aid. disc ceramic capacitor CRI-1N34 germanium crystal diode
C4-50 ceramic capacitor two -terminal strip; 1 three -terminal strip; 90 -volt
B1-11/2 volt "A" battery (RCA VS -236, size G) battery harness; 2 "U" bolts to fit bike handle bars;
C2-100 µAdd. ceramic capacitor B2-90 volt "B" battery (Burgess No. N60) rubber tubing to cover "U" bolts; 8" strip of 1/2"
Ce-.002 Add. disc ceramic capacitor V1 -1R5 tube wide, .050 aluminum or 20 ga. steel (for battery
Ce-.005 idd., 200 v. capacitor V2 -1U4 tube brackets); screws; nuts; wire; solder; etc.
Cio-8 µfd., 150 v. elec. capacitor V2 -1U5 tube V, -3V4 tube
LI-Antenna coil (Superex "Vari-Loopstick")

*1/1. - - .005; - 7 3V4 BLUE
11J4 V3 2
001 TF' V4
i 2L9 1\73
I R5 V2 T2 2 '

WHIP VI 2 - 100
ANTENNA r 16912



. a2
R5 - 90 V.

L_ -

C I-14881 S
speaker you use. Determine the correct nuts for the tube sockets
location by holding your speaker agairist strip and 14" 6-32 and terminal
the back of the front panel, then mark the screws for the tuning
correct spots. capacitor. Mount the -i.f. transformers by
After you have finished all drilling and bending
the mounting lugs flat against the
filing operations on the front panel you The tuning dial, volume control, and
can apply decals to identify the "Tuning"
and "Volume" controls. Follow the manu- loudspeaker are mounted on the front
panel. Use flocked screening to protect
facturer's instructions for applying these. the speaker.
When the decals are dry, spray the front You may wish to reinforce
panel with about three coats of trans- the screening with cardboard over the
speaker opening but if you do, cut a 1" x 3"
parent plastic spray for protection. hole in it as an air passage (see Fig. 8)
The square mounting holes for the i.f. otherwise
transformers can best be made by first the radio isthe sound will be muffled when
mounted in its cabinet.
cutting or punching a lii" x 1/2" square
hole, as shown in Fig. 10 (top), then filing shown Details for mounting the antenna are
until the transformer just slips into place. is usedinfor Fig. 4. A feedthrough insulator
the bottom mounting and a
Use a square Greenlee or Pioneer punch
or a cold chisel for making the initial hole. simple standoff insulator used for the top
The tube sockets and other parts are mounting. The upper mounting ring was
mounted on the chassis as shown in Fig 7. made by soldering a flat washer to a ma-
Use 14 " 4-40 machine screws and small hex chine screw. The antenna itself was sal-
vaged from a discarded TV "rabbit ears"
Fig. 4. Details of antenna mounting. One antenna. A small auto antenna may be
feedthrough and one standoff are needed. used instead, if desired.
The batteries are mounted to the back
of the case by a single bracket and a %"
8-32 screw and nut, as shown in Fig. 6.
Simply bend a strip of %" wide sheet
metal to fit over the two batteries, as
A kitchen -cabinet door handle is mounted
on the top of the case with two machine
screws to make the receiver "portable."
The pictorial wiring diagram and the
complete schematic are given in Figs. 2 and
3 respectively. The author found it easier
to wire the chassis as a separate unit be-
fore attaching it to the front panel. Final
connections to the antenna, volume con-
trol, loudspeaker, and batteries may be
made after mounting.
A commercially -available
printed circuit
is used for coupling the 1U5 and 3V4
stages. If you prefer, however, you may
use individual parts in place of the printed
circuit. Parts values for these components
are given on the diagram of Fig. 3.
The oscillator coil, L2, is mounted simply
by soldering it to the two -terminal "tie -

Fig. 5. The completed re-

ceiver is a handsome and
compact portable anyone
will be proud to claim.
Fig. 6. Mounting the com-
pleted receiver on a bike.
Case is affixed to handle
bars with "U" bolts, then
chassis is mounted in case.
-.11 Fig. 7. Above -chassis view of the De-
ceiver showing the major parts mounter.
Section of tuning capacitor with small
rotor plates is the "oscillator" mai.

Fig. B. Interior view of the

receiver. Because of the
completed receiver.
roomy layout, the builder should
experience no cons t rue ti o n diffi-
culty. Mount all parts rigidly.

point" strip, as shown in Fig. 2. Flow suf- heard with the maximum setting of the
ficient solder over the connections to in- "Volume" control.
sure a strong joint. If oscillation occurs during this part of
Once the wiring is completed and double the alignment procedure, use the best i.f.
checked for errors, the receiver may be peaking you can obtain before oscillation
aligned. You'll need an r.f. signal genera-
takes place-you can touch up the i.f.
tor and a small alignment tool for this transformers later.
operation. Place all tubes in their proper Once the i.f. transformers are peaked,
sockets and connect the batteries. remove the wire from the tuning capaci-
Turn on the signal generator and allow tor's oscillator section and set the tuning
it to warm up for a few minutes. It isn't capacitor to minimum capacity. Set the
necessary to let the receiver warm up. signal generator to 1600 kc. and adjust the
Couple the signal generator loosely to the local oscillator and antenna trimmer ca-
antenna by wrapping two turns of in- pacitors for maximum output (C2 and C.,
sulated wire around the antenna and con- Fig. 3, mounted on the tuning capacitor).
necting the "hot" lead of the signal gen- Set the signal generator to 1400 kc. and
erator to them. The "ground" lead should adjust the tuning dial until the signal is
be connected to the receiver chassis. heard in the loudspeaker. Then adjust the
With the signal generator set to deliver antenna coil, L,, for maximum output.
a 455 kc. modulated signal, turn on the re- Next set the signal generator to 550 kc.
ceiver and turn up the volume control to and adjust the tuning dial until the ca-
pacitor plates are fully closed. "Rock' the
full volume. Connect a wire between the
stator plates of the oscil-
lator section of the tun-
ing capacitor and ground.
Close the tuning capaci-
tor plates.
Adjust the i.f. trans-
formers for maximum
output as determined by
the tone heard in the
loudspeaker. Use the
minimum signal from the
signal generator needed
to permit a tone to be
Fig. 9. Under chassis
view of the complete-
ly wired radio. 21
October, 1954
capacitor plates slowly back and forth and
adjust the oscillator coil, L2, for maximum
Repeat the adjustments at 1600, 14*,
and 550 kc. at least three times, as one
adjustment will affect the others. Try to
obtain the best possible compromise dur-
ing the operation.
If the thought of trying to align your
receiver gives you a weak -in -the -knees
feeling or you can't locate a signal genera-
tor with which to perform this operation,
your local radio technician or a friendly
radio amateur with a small lab will prob-
ably be glad to do the job for you-so
don't hesitate to build this handy portable
on that account.
You may mount the completed receiver
on the bicycle handle bars by using small
"U" bolts, as shown in Fig. 6. Use card-
board or small wood blocks between the
receiver case and the handle bars to pro-
tect the finish on both the case and the
bicycle. For the same reason, slip short
pieces of rubber tubing over the "U" bolts.
Just a word of caution when using this
portable receiver as a bike radio. Don't
become so engrossed in the radio programs
while riding that you fail to watch the
traffic. It, only takes a moment's inatten-
tion to cause an accident!
If the idea hasn't already occurred to
you, I would like to suggest that the
cabinet can be dressed up and "personal-
ized" by the addition of some snappy decals
in color or the cabinet itself may be
sprayed with enamel to match or contrast
with the bike's paint job. Since the re-
ceiver isn't hard to build, clubs could con-
struct a number of these portables on an
"assembly line" basis so that members
could have matching portables when the
group goes on bike jaunts together. We are
willing to bet that once you start the fad,
other groups will be following suit in short
If you don't want to mount the bike
radio permanently, you can carry it in your
bicycle basket. You will find that the
completed receiver makes a compact and
handsome portable you will be proud to
use anywhere!
For trouble -free performance the author
suggests that the novice builder duplicate
the instructions and dimensions given in
the mechanical diagrams exactly. Those
with a little more experience in building
electronic gear can take some liberties
with chassis layout and cabinet size and
shape. END
"ii" Fig. 10. (Top) Mechanical details of
the chassis layout. A standard chassis base
is used. (Bottom) Front panel layout. Take
care not to mar the finish while drilling.
The home-made studio at Boone (N.C.) High By JOHNNY COREY
School. The egg crate separators break the
room sound, providing "broadcast" quality.
COST-FREE egg crate separators, linole- the walls and ceiling of the 7 by 15 foot
umU seal, and carpet tacks are all the room.
"equipment" needed to provide acoustical Programs from this improvised "studio"
treatment for a room used as a broad- have almost broadcast quality, according
cast "studio"-at least that is all an in- to Boyd Dougherty, station engineer at
genious group of teenagers at Boone, N. C. WTAR, the outlet that airs the programs.
high school required to fit out a studio in A 600 -ohm line hooks up the school stu-
their school building. dio directly with the radio station, enabling
Unable to buy expensive acoustical ma- the students to send out live programs of
terials, two teachers, Merrill Snyder and their activities
Ross, and several students, tacked This same technique can be used in ham
Bill shacks and home recording studios. END
over 760 molded egg crate separators to

Teacher Merrill Sny-

der and student Earl
Norris p7ep are egg
crate separators to
be used in acoustic
treatment of studio.
Over 760 of the fiber
squares were used
to cover walls and
ceiling of 7 x 15 ft.
home -built "studio".

Cctober, 1954

G. L. Pearson, D. M. Chapin, and C. S. Fuller of

Bell Labs checking sample devices for amount
of electricity derived from "sunlight" (lamps).

THE universe's greatest source of poten- terials. Silicon is a semiconductor, chem-

tial power-even greater than the atom ically related to germanium, the material
-has been harnessed experimentally and used in most transistors. Silicon has a
offers great promise for future commercial much greater electronic stability at higher
A solar battery, the first successful de- temperatures than other semiconductors.
vice to convert useful amounts of the sun's Although work is still in the laboratory
stage, actual use of the solar battery in
energy directly and efficiently into elec- telephone work is a strong possibility. For
tricity, has been demonstrated by the Bell example, silicon solar batteries might be
Telephone Laboratories. used as power supplies for low -power
With an amazingly simple -looking appa- mobile equipment or as sun -powered bat-
ratus made of strips of silicon, the scien- tery chargers which could be used at am -
tists demonstrated how the sun's rays could
be used to power the transmission of voices
over telephone wires. These strips are ex- The solar battery, composed of strips of spe-
cially prepared silicon, has been used to power
tremely sensitive to light. Linked together transmission of voices over telephone wires.
electrically, they can deliver power at a
rate of 50 watts per square yard.
According to the Laboratories, it is pos-
sible to achieve 6 per -cent efficiency in
converting sunlight directly into electricity.
This compares favorably with the efficiency
of steam and gasoline engines in contrast
with other photoelectric devices which
have never been rated higher than about
1 per -cent.
With improved techniques, the Bell Lab-
oratories' scientists expect to be able to
increase this efficiency substantially. Noth-
ing is consumed or destroyed in the energy"
conversion process and there are no mov-
ing parts so, theoretically, the solar battery
should last indefinitely.
The specially prepared silicon used is
obtained, originally, from common sand,
one of the world's most abundant ma -
A toy Jerrie wheel which receives its power Sunlight provides the power to turn this mo-
from light lama on a tiny piece of sili- tor -driven wheel held by D. M. Chapin, one of
con. It was used to demonstrate principle.
the three inventors of the Bell solar battery.

plifier stations along a rural telephone sys- a small fraction of this energy directly to
tem such as that now being tested at his use.
Americus, Georgia. This system, using
transistors, points to greatly increased WADC Engineers Also Convert
service on rural telephone lines without Sun's Energy Into Electricity
the additior of new wires.
Although the sun supplies over a thou- ANOTHER successful attempt at convert-
sand trillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) kilo- ingn light into electrical energy has been
watt hours of energy daily-comparable reported by the Wright Air Development
with all the reserves of coal, oil, natural Center in Ohio.
gas, and uranium found on earth-man Their method differs from that of the
has never beer. able to convert more than Bell Labs development in that cadmium
Detailed and close-up views of the razor - sulfide was used in place of silicon. Donald
blade -sized silicon strips. The strips are
C. Reynolds and Lt. Col. Gerard M. Leies
connected in series in device shown here. discovered the excellent properties of this
substance while collecting data for rec-
The barrier layer cell, as developed by
the WADC scientists, consists of cadmium
sulfide processed into crystal form. The
crystal used in the first model was about
the size of a sugar cube but it need be only
wafer thin to work efficiently.
Although the first model was crude, the
inventors foresee that with several im-
provements and by hooking a number of
the units into relays it is possible to step
up the voltage to unlimited quantities. Ac-
cording to their report, the conversion
powers are so great that a wafer-thin slab
of crystal, 4 ft. x 15 ft., either resting on or
built into the roof of a house, could supply
enough current to operate all the lights,
stove, refrigerator, and other appliances in
the house -24 hours a day. END
October, 1954

A FEW CENTS a year pays for the power

this alarm consumes while standing
guard duty. It is intended for power -line
operation and draws approximately 50 mil-
liwatts (.05 watt). Simply as a compari-
son, this unit could be operated contin-
uously for 1000 hours yet cost no more
than operating a standard 60 watt electric
light bulb for one hour.
Its design is relatively simple, consisting
of one tube, a relay, a bell transformer,
and a few additional miscellaneous compo-
nents. Its operation is based on the use
of detector links made of a low -melting -
point alloy. In operation, a number of
these detector links are placed throughout
R1-4.7 megohm, 1/2 w. res. your home-in the attic, basement, or ga-
R2-2.2 megohm, 1/2 w. res.
Ca -13 Aid., 250 v. elec. capacitor
rage-and, when wired in series, form a
SR1-40 ma. selenium rectifier. (Precision Rectifier closed circuit. When the heat of a fire
NTS-40. The one shown in the photograph is no melts any one of the alloy links, the cir-
longer available. The NTS-40 specified has the cuit is broken, tripping the relay in the
same electrical specifications but is physically
smaller) unit, and setting off the alarm system.
Ti-Bell transformer Once the alarm is set off, it will positively
1N4-S.p.s.t., 5000 ohm relay (Advance "Tiny -Mite") lock; thus a continuous alarm is given un-
1-1C21 tube til reset by momentarily disconnecting the
II7 V.A.C. power cord. A normally -closed switch could
be included in your power -line circuit to
reset a unit that has been permanently
wired to the power line.
The control unit photographed was built
into a 2" x 4 " x 4" aluminum chassis box.
Actually, any size cabinet could be used.
Make sure that all the parts used are the
same as those specified in the parts list.
ALLOY LINKS If a very long detector line is used, it may
be necessary to change the value of re-
sistor R2. This can best be done on a trial
and error basis.


As mentioned previously any number of

detector links can be hooked up in series,
with one end grounded by clamping it to
a cold -water pipe. The detector links are
short pieces of low -melting -point alloy such
as Woods metal (160 degrees F.) that are
placed in key locations like rafters, etc.
One way to obtain this alloy is to buy sev-
eral automatic sprinkler links. In these
the alloy is sandwiched between layers of
common metal. Use a soldeting iron to
melt the alloy out and shape it into small
narrow bars. Mount each alarm link so OC AL
that the electrical connection between its SOCKET
ends will be broken when the alloy melts.
It is suggested that connections between
the links and insulated hook-up wire be
made with small alligator clips.
After the wiring is completed and the
detector circuit hooked up, connect the
unit to the power line.
One word of caution, the power cord
must be inserted so that the grounded side
of the power line goes to the tube cathode.
Should the alarm be set off when plugging
the unit into your power line, reverse the
position of the plug. Other causes of im-
proper operation could include a poorly
grounded detector link circuit and the need
for a slightly lower value for resistor TO ALARM
The fire alarm unit will not operate if BELL
your home power fails. To eliminate thi.
possibility, you could operate the unit di-
rect from dry batteries in which case the
rectifier, capacitor C1, and transformer r
could be omitted. Battery operation offers 141414111411\
the advantage of complete independence
from the power lines. END
October, 1954
S.P. D.T.
RANGE SWITCH (S) A Light Meter
LOW POSITION - A LIGHT meter is invaluable for measur-
ing illumination levels in the home, office,
0 -1 D.C. or factory-and outdoors as well as indoors.
MILL IA MMETER HIGH It can be used, with proper calibration, as
(M) a photographic exposure meter and also in
conjunction with enlargers and printing
boxes in the darkroom.
The basic light meter circuit consists of
a self -generating photocell connected in
series with a d.c. microammeter. When the
photocell is exposed to light, it generates
a small direct current which deflects the
meter in proportion to the amount of light
received. No batteries or tubes are needed.
Most professional light meters are both
delicate and expensive because of the sen-
sitive microammeters employed. The instru-
ment shown here is able to use an inex-
TO NEGATIVE pensive 0-1 d.c. milliammeter by employ-
TERMINAL -0- ing a high -output photocell. The cell is an
International Rectifier Corp. Type DP -5,
which is designed to supply relatively high
d.c. output to a low -resistance load such as
a 1 -ma. meter. With this photocell, about
CALIBRATE 150 footcandles will deflect a 55 -ohm, 1 -
(R) ma. meter to full scale. The cell is 2 inches
This light meter is light in weight and can
easily be held in the hand when necessary.
A smaller -sized instrument can be made by
using a 1- or 2 -inch meter.
The unit is built in an aluminum radio
chassis box, 6" long, 4" wide, and 3" deep.
SELF -GENERATING A s.p.d.t. wafer -type switch (S) is pro-
PHOTOCELL vided for two sensitivity ranges. In the

You Can Build . . .

high position of this switch, the photocell and adjust rheostat R for half -scale (0.5
is connected directly to the milliammeter ma.) deflection of the meter. Tighten the
(M). Very little light then is required for rheostat shaft lock. This completes the
full-scale deflection. In its low position, adjustment.
the 1000 -ohm radio volume -control -type The meter scale may be calibrated di-
rheostat (R) is switched in series with the rectly in footcandles, for each range of
cell and meter, so that higher illumination the switch, by comparison with another
levels can be accommodated by the same light meter or photographic exposure
meter. meter (such as General Electric Mod.
The rheostat shaft is slotted for screw- 8DW58Y4) having a similar calibration.
driver adjustment and provided with a The two instruments must be placed close
shaft -locking nut to prevent accidental together and pointed toward the same light
movement, once it has been adjusted. source.
After the light meter has been wired, As shown in the diagrams and photo-
set switch S to its high position and point graphs, this device is simple, compact, and
the cell toward a source of light. This can easy -to -build.If the constructor lays out
be a lamp or a window opening toward his cabinet carefully and proceeds slowly,
daylight. Adjust the amount of light there is no reason why "professional" look-
reaching the cell by moving the instru- ing equipment which gives "professional"
ment toward or away from the source of performance shouldn't result.
illumination until the meter reads exactly The diagram on the opposite page clear-
1 ma. Now, without disturbing the posi- ly indicates how the various components
tion of either the instrument or the light are to be hooked up. Note that the polari-
source, throw switch S to its low position ty (+ and -) is marked on some of the
terminals. These indications must be ob-
served in order for the device to operate
properly. There is the added danger that
the meter might be burned out if the cir-
cuit is hooked up "backwards."
LOW I00011.
The time and effort involved in building
HIGH OUTPUT a light meter are returned a hundredfold.
PHOTOCELL 0-10 C MA 55/1
You can have many hours of enjoyment
INTERNAL from this simple device and the added
(TRIPLETT MODEL satisfaction of knowing you have built a
32 -T -T)
valuable instrument. END
October, 1954
This is what you find when you open
the box of the Heathki A -7B audio
amplifier: instruction book; bag con-
tain ng resistors, capacitors, hard-
ware, wire, etc.: tubes; punched and
formed chassis; power transformer;
control panel; filter capacitor; and
output transformer. Check the paris.

Uederchassis view after "fixed" compo

ne-nts are mounted. Wires at top are from
output (left) and power transformer (right).

Note how leads from output transformer

are cut and connected to strip. Power
transformer leads go to the tube sockets.

Chassis completely wired. Leads are short,

direct. Note shielded input leads which
ars isolated to help minimized hum pickup.
Inserting tunes is final step. Blank tube
socket (righ ) is for c ptional preamp. Unit
is now ready for an initial trial run. L

at low $$
IF YOU'RE interested in high-fidelity re- By
production of radio and record music- ROBERT HERTZBERG
and who isn't these days?-maybe you've
been investigating prices and have been
somewhat shocked by them. You may have with the loudspeaker. For comfortable
learned, for instance, that just an ampli- listening under normal home conditions,
fier alone costs more than you paid for the you'll probably use only a fraction of its
big console radio up in the living room. Of power capability.
course, there's a difference in the size and After assembling the Heathkit Model
quality of the component parts, but per- A -7B amplifier shown in the accompanying
haps the price differential strains your pictures, I tried it alongside a commercial
budget, and makes you dubious about the amplifier that cost more than six times as
whole subject of hi-fi. much and that had better remain name-
There's a simple, easy, and economical less in this article. Switching the same
way out : Assemble your own basic ampli- loudspeaker quickly back and forth be-
fier from a kit. Not only will you save con- tween the two units, I must confess that it
siderable money, but your enjoyment of the was difficult to tell which one was in the
music will be doubled by the knowledge circuit. The difference was not appreciable
that you did the job yourself. Audio am- until the volume was advanced to the point
plifiers are particularly rewarding projects where the curtains in the room started to
because they are reliable and virtually shudder.
foolproof and require no finicky tuning or The Model A -7B is a straightforward
alignment. one correctly, it 6 -tube amplifier having frequency
will work properly the first time you turn response and a rated output of 6 watts. It
it on. uses a push-pull output stage and a husky
A small amplifier naturally costs less output transformer. It will operate from
than a big one. If you don't want to shat- a radio tuner, a tape recorder, or a phono
ter the windows or entertain all your pickup of the ceramic or crystal type. It
neighbors within a half -mile circle, you has effective bass and treble tone controls
will find a modest 6 -watt unit entirely ade- that enable you to alter the reproduction
quate and satisfactory. Even with this to suit your taste. Initially, you'll undoubt-
"small" amplifier, that is, "small" com- edly jiggle these controls a lot, but even-
pared with 20- or 30 -watt jobs, you can't tually you'll leave them alone and be
possibly turn up the volume to the maxi- satisfied to hear a soprano sound like a
mum position and stay in the same room soprano and not like a basso profundo.

Does it work? The best way to

find out is try it. Here is am-
plifier hooked up to tuner and
a large -sized loudspeaker unit.

October, 1954
The chassis of the amplifier has a blank
tube -socket hole. When this is filled with
another tube, the unit is suitable for use
with reluctance type phono pickups, which
require the additional amplification pro-
vided by the extra tube. You can add this
preamp stage any time, or you can buy the
amplifier complete with it as the Model
A -7C kit.
Assembly of the kit is a "nut -and -bolt
job." The various resistors and capacitors
that comprise the amplifier circuits are
soldered in place by means of their own
pigtail leads. About the only point to watch "PORTABLE" TV RECEIVER
is lead dress. Make the connections as short FOR those who like their television wher-
and direct as possible. Separate them in ever, they go, Majestic Radio has come
depth as much as the chassis permits, and out with a lightweight "Port -A -Vision" TV
make them cross at right angles to mini- set which is housed in a luggage carrying
mize coupling effects. You should be able case, with leather handle and controls on
to do the assembly and about half the wir- top of the case.
ing in one evening after supper, and finish The unit weighs only 39 pounds and
the job, the next evening, or if you feel uses a 14" picture tube. Over-all dimen-
ambitious you can knock it off complete sions are 121/2" high, 15" wide, and 181/2"
on a rainy Sunday afternoon. END deep.


ELECTRONIC projects of all types will go
faster and look neater with the "univer-
sal" breadboard circuit chassis recently in-
troduced by Allen B. Du Mont Labs., Inc.
The new "breadboard" and its compo-
nent parts accommodate a complete va-
riety of components without the need for
a single power tool. It promotes neat wir-
ing above and below the chassis, facilitates
rapid modifications on circuit components,
simplifies circuit layout, and provides pro-
totype wiring for the design of printed
The foundation kits include a complete
assortment of all components.
development of the transistor has DAME Nature springs all sorts of sur-
opened whole new fields of electronics to prises. One of the most unusual came
the experimenter. These tiny, low -powered to light recently when engineers were
components make possible the construction seeking the cause of interference on a
of subminiature equipment of all types. radiotelephone line on Vancouver Island.
Sutton Electronic Company of Lexing- An innocent -
ton, Ky. is now marketing a new tran- looking arbutus
sistor experiment kit which allows users tree, behind
to build twelve different fundamental cir- which the wires
cuits, using transistors. An additional four- seemed to pass
teen circuits can be built by adding com- was, in reality,
ponents to the kit. growing com-
The kit consists of a specially -designed pletely around
chassis on which is mounted the necessary the wires. Dur-
components to build the fundamental cir- ing wet weather,
cuits. Two manuals come with the kit- the saturated
one providing general information on tran- wood caused the
sistors and the other giving details on the wire's resistance
experiments that can be performed with to change . .
the kit. . . . F. Dickie.

The small radar unit is zompact enough te .

to fit into the cockpit of a motor cruiser.
Close-up view of -Mariners Pathfinder"
V ACHTSMEN, fishermen, and other small radar unit with the chassis cover removed.
boat enthusiasts can now have radar pro-
tection-thanks to a scaled -down, moder- The unit sends out radio signals like the
ately -priced unit being marketed by Ray- rays of a searchlight. When these rays
theon as its "Mariners Pathfinder" Model strike an object, they rebound like echoes
1500. but with the speed of light. The radar picks
The compact "all -seeing eye" has all of up these "echoes" of its own signal and
the essential features of its bigger broth- translates the time interval between sig-
ers. It is capable of penetrating darkness nal and echo into distance. The direction
and fog to spot objects and navigational and distance of objects are then indicated
hazards at points ranging from a few on a picture scope, similar to a television
yards' distance up to 16 miles away. screen. END

The Model 1500 radar unit. Skipper points The unit installed on a tug for harbor
to meter used to les! circuit condition. navigation. It can also be used on liners.

Cctobct, 1954 33
Home -Built
University Loudspeakers, Inc.

Designed and tested by University's engineers,

this cabinet is a "natural" for the home car-
penter. It is not available in commercial form.
IF YOU are handy with tools and have had terial is used by the building trades and
a little woodworking experience, you can should be available at your local lumber-
build an excellent, thoroughly -tested en- yard or building supply firm. If you can't
closure to house your loudspeaker at a very get Kimsul, rockwool, cotton batting, or
moderate cost. Fiberglas can be used.
This enclosure is designed to be used The grille cloth which covers the speaker
with 8" loudspeakers. Although it does not opening should be selected on the basis of
provide true high-fidelity reproduction acoustic transparency rather than artistic
since no single speaker possesses the ability appearance.
to cover the frequency range demanded of Note that %" plywood is specified for all
a hi-fi system, it does provide excellent but the reflector panel. Remember that the
quality within the range of 100 to 10,000 thicker the wood and the more rigid the
cps. It drops off rapidly beyond these limits. construction the better the performance.
Construction of this cabinet is not diffi- The type of plywood used will depend on
cult. While a bench saw will speed the job the finish desired on the completed enclo-
this cabinet can be built using an ordinary sure. If the cabinet is to be painted or
handsaw. Use a carpenter's square to in- covered with leatherette, inexpensive fir or
sure that all panels are squared up prop- pine plywood can be used. If a furniture
erly. Follow the mechanical drawing on finish is the goal, an oak, mahogany, or
the opposite page. Be sure all sections fit walnut plywood should be used.
snugly and are firmly screwed and glued. While the finished cabinet represents
The entire upper portion of the enclosure quite a few hours' work, the excellent re-
is lined with Kintsul insulation to provide sults obtainable from this enclosure make
the necessary internal damping. This ma - the project truly worthwhile. END
Frequency response of the enclosure using a "Diffusicone-8," 8 -inch speaker. This
curve s presented for the benefit of those desiring such data on their cabinets.
rn .,..
0a. I

20 50 100200 500 Ilk.

1 I I 1 A
2 KC. 4KC SKr. 7Ke. 4Kr in Kr, 'nit('
Mechanical details A cabinet construction. 'Ma original design was based on the use of
the University "Diffusicone-8" speaker. It is fundamentally a bass reflex cabinet with a
horn flare. Dimensions for the legs are not given and can be designed to suit the builder.


18" X 15 3r4" X 3/4"
B 2 231/2"X 12'X 3/4"
C 2 18"X 12" X 3/4"
231/2 X 161/2" X 3/4"

E I 161/2 X 63/4" X I/2"

SECURE WITH (10)14-8X I1/4"







6 3/4" i ) I

' I !



I )
PANEL -E-, o


CO (4)ft8 XI" WOOD


October, 1954
Manufacturer's control
guides or handbooks are
of help in selecting a
proper replacement and
in determining approxi-
mate resistance needed
if you don't have the
schematic of your set.

Wow to Test and Replace

MODERN receivers contain many different
controls, any of which can cause trou-
ble. Here are hints for testing and chang-
ing these components-operations that can
be performed by the set owner himself.

A typical volume control with the cover re-

moved to show the sliding arm and circular
contact. Dirt often appears between the arm
and contact ring, resulting in noisy reception.

Most radios and TV sets

have "on -off" switch at-
tached to and operated
by the volume control
shaft. The switch sec-
tion fits over back of
control after the cover
plate has been removed.
By disconnecting the suspect-
ed control from its circuit,
with receiver inoperative,
an ohmmeter may be con-
nected from middle terminal
to first one and then other
terminal and by moving
the shaft slowly, operation
of control can be checked.
(Left) Before changing a control try a drop of contact cleaner. This fluid may be inserted wherever there
is an open place or allowed to slide down the shaft. This is usually a temporary expedient. (Right) Another
technique that produces the same results is tapping the control case with a hard rubber tool, as shown.

Radio and Tderitio Como


For a permanent repair, it is best to install a Any saw burrs on the new shaft should be filed
new control. After obtaining the correct re- off. Wires may be shifted one at a time from
placement, loosen mounting nut and permit con- old to new control or a sketch of the original
trol to hang. Use it as gauge to cut new shaft. wiring may be made before removal of control.

Extension shafts are available for the vari- Some controls have round shafts, others are
ous radio and TV controls if need arises. ribbed or split (as shown). In latter case
knob adjustments are made by adjusting gap.



IERRY BISHOP was in his basement listening. The voice clearly came from an
1 "laboratory," but the teenager was not open upstairs window of the house next
exactly laboring. Instead, with his well - door, a house into which new neighbors
padded frame stretched out comfortably had just moved the day before. As Jerry
on a leather couch, his dark crew-cut pil- stared upward, debating his next move,
lowed on his clasped hands, and his round a boy's reddish -tinged curly blond head
face staring vacantly up at the ceiling, he popped out of the window. He was hold-
was listening blissfully to Patti Page in- ing a microphone in his hand and was look-
viting him to "Cross Over The Bridge." ing upward at a wire that ran from the
The invitation was being issued by a spin- top of the window frame to a tree back
ning record on a player resting on the near the alley.
floor beside the couch. The throbbing vol- "Hey, you, what do you, think you're do-
ume that issued from a speaker cabinet in ing?" Jerry demanded.
the corner was just barely below the The head in the window turned and
threshold of pain. stared disinterestedly down at Jerry with
Suddenly, riding over Patti's dulcet a pair of bright blue eyes behind horn -
tones, there came a strong youthful voice rimmed glasses.
saying with great deliberon, "One, two, "I don't 'think'; I know what I'm doing,"
three, four test. This is W9EGV testing. the boy in the window replied coldly. "I'm
One, two, three, four." seeing if my amateur transmitter will load
Jerry was a firm believer in the conser- up this new antenna I've put up."
vation of energy; so it was strictly in "As loud as yoU were yelling, you
character that his only immediate reac- wouldn't need a transmitter," Jerry ob-
tion to this surprising development was to served tartly.
bat his eyes rapidly like a toad in a hail- "I wouldn't have to yell if some dope
storm and continue to listen. Only after wasn't running his platter -player wide
the voice continued its rude accompani- open. Was that you?"
ment of the singer, now and then alternat- "Never mind that," Jerry said hastily.
ing the counting and alphabetical -numer- "What I want to know is how come I'm
ical mumbo jumbo with shrill whistles such picking up what you say into that micro-
as one uses in calling a dog, did the boy phone on my record player?"
finally turn over on his side and experi- "Are you?" the new boy said with quick
mentally lift the needle from the record. interest. "Wait a minute and I'll be over."
As he did this, the singing stopped ab- In a few seconds he burst out the back
ruptly; but the strange voice went right door and vaulted easily over the low fence
on proving it could count-at least as far between the yards. His tall, lean, well -
as four. muscled figure was clothed in a pair of
"It's not on the record," was Jerry's baggy -pocketed army fatigue pants and a
brilliant muttered deduction. He 'heaved torn sweat shirt.
himself to his feet and walked over to the "My name's Carl Anderson," he offered.
phono-amplifier sitting on a workbench "Guess we're neighbors. What's your han-
and turned it off. The voice dropped in dle?"
volume, but it did not disappear. Instead "Handle?" Jerry repeated with a puz-
its source switched from the speaker to zled look.
the open basement window. "Sure; I mean your name. That's ham
Determined to get to the bottom of 'the talk."
mystery, Jerry padded up the outside base- "Oh, I'm Jerry Bishop. Come on down
ment steps and stood in the back yard into my lab, and I'll show you the player."
As the two boys stepped inside the base- "You mean on the grid?" Jerry asked.
ment door, Carl stopped and took a search- Carl shot a surprised look at him and
ing look around. The first thing that went on, "That's right: This strong radio
caught his eye was the fine wide work- frequency signal upsets the normal operat-
bench that ran clear across one end of ing conditions of the tube and makes the
the room. On a board above the bench amplifier act more like a radio receiver
was a miscellaneous collection of hand than a plain amplifier. I'm going to con-
tools. Carl walked over and disapprov- nect this small condenser-capacitor is a
ingly ran a finger along the edge of a more accurate- name-between the grid of
snaggle-toothed handsaw and inspected a the first tube and the chassis so that sig-
pair of screwdrivers with broken, twisted nals from my transmitter will be bypassed
bits and battered handles. Then he turned to ground-"
his attention to the amplifier sitting on "And then," Jerry smoothly interrupted,
the end of the bench and followed with "the grid will no longer be swung posi-
his eye a long line from the amplifier to tive on peaks, grid rectification will stop,
the record player sitting on the floor by and the tube will cease to be biased by
the couch across the room. Another line grid leak action to the point where it
went from the amplifier to what looked as acts as a detector."
though it might be a birdhouse for an "Hey, where'd you learn that electronic
ostrich sitting over in a corner of the jive?" Carl demanded. "You got a ham
room. ticket?"
"That's my bass -reflex cabinet," Jerry "Nope," Jerry answered, vastly pleased
announced. "I built it myself." at the impression he had made on his new
Carl walked over to the crude speaker neighbor. "And don't be afraid I'll steal too
cabinet and examined it closely. much of your thunder." He walked over to
"Did you really manage to saw those a bookshelf on the wall that, in contrast to
boards that crooked or have you got a pet the workbench, was in perfect order. On it
beaver that gnaws them off like that?" were a few books of elementary physics
he inquired disparagingly. and several stacks of radio magazines.
"So I can't saw straight!" Jerry ad- "I get a large charge out of reading
mitted with a good natured grin; "but take anything about electricity or electronics,"
he explained. "It just happens that the last
'a listen." issue of the magazines in this stack con-
As he said this, he turned on the am- tained an explanation of how radio signals
plifier. The whole basement was flooded could cause interference to audio ampli-
with a sea of music. The volume was so fiers; so that is why I had that one little
great that the whumping of the bass drum item so pat."
actually made the tools jangle on the tool "Well, all right," Carl remarked as he
board. finished soldering in the capacitor and
Carl strode over and turned the volume turned the amplifier on. "We hams get so
down to a mere roar. used to people not understanding what
"It doesn't sound too bad," he grudg- we're talking about that it makes us feel
ingly admitted, "but I'll never know why. funny when we hear a stranger spouting
I never saw a more haywire layout. That (Continued on page 120)
long lead from the player to the ampli-
fier is what is picking up my signal. Wait
until I get my solder gun and a capacitor
and we'll see if we can cure it."
He took the cellar steps two at a time
as he said this; and Jerry, exhausted by
the sight of so much energy, sank back
on the couch to await his return. He did
not have long to wait, for in a minute
Carl was back, carrying a device that
looked like a Buck Rogers ray gun in one
hand and a little brown Bakelite object
with two wire leads coming out of it in the
other. In a flash he had the amplifier
turned over and was probing around in
the wiring with the tip of the solder gun
as he explained:
"The trouble is caused by the strong
signal from my transmitter collecting on
the input element of the first amplifier
October, 1954 39

One of the first steps toward becoming an amateur is learning

code. It can be done with equipment as simple as that shown.

Part 1. One of the world's most fascinating hobbies knows

no limits as to age, time, space, or physical condition.

dd HE greatest hobby in the world!" A. No one knows. In the radio game it's
That's what thousands of "hams" say been a term of distinction for almost half
about amateur radio. You too can get a century. When a man says, "I'm a ham,"
into it with only a small amount of pre- he speaks with pride in his voice.
liminary study. After you qualify for an Q. What's the "FCC"?
FCC license you can have a "fixed" station A. The Federal Communications Com-
in your home or a "mobile" one in your mission. This is .a government body
car, or both. You will then enjoy thrilling charged with the supervision of all radio,
two-way communication by code or voice, television, telephone, and telegraph - serv-
often over great distances. You will make ices in the United States.
lots of friends. You will learn a great deal Q. What sort of license must I get?
about electronics. This knowledge will A. There are five classes of ham
prove extremely valuable to you later in censes or "tickets" : novice, technician, gen-
life, especially if you decide to go in for eral, advanced, and amateur extra. The
engineering. easiest one to get is the novice. To quali-
What does amateur radio involve? That's fy for it, you must be able to send and
a big question, and the easiest way to an- receive the dot -and -dash characters of the
swer it is to break it into a series of little International Morse Code at a speed of five
ones. Let's go! words -per -minute and pass a written exam-
Q. Why do radio amateurs always re- ination in elementary radio theory and
fer to themselves as "hams"? To most FCC regulations. This license entitles you
people the term has an uncomplimentary to operate a transmitting station on three
meaning. different frequency bands using code, or
on one particular frequency band with examining point, are in normal health, and
voice. The novice class ticket is good for can travel, you must report there in per-
one year and is not renewable. At the end son and take the test under the supervi-
of the year you must qualify for a slightly sion of an FCC engineer.
more advanced 'license or go off the air. Q. What can I do if I live more than 75
You don't have to wait out the year be- miles from an FCC office?
fore applying for the second ticket; you A. You can take the general "condition-
can take the test any time you think you're al" class license by mail, under the same
ready for it. circumstances specified for the novice and
Q. How old must I be for an FCC li- technician type tickets.
cense? Q. Assuming I pass the code and writ-
A. There is no age restriction of any ten tests, when will I receive the actual
kind. Girls as well as boys are eligible. license?
Q. What does a license cost? A. Not for several weeks, as a minimum.
A. Heretofore radio licenses have been The FCC is overloaded.
absolutely free of charge. However, by the Q. Suppose I flunk the test. Can I try
time this article appears in print the again?
FCC may have announced a scale of fees. A. Yes, but not sooner than thirty days.
At the most, the cost of a ham license You can take the test any number of times,
probably won't exceed a couple of dollars. either by mail or in person.
Q. How can I get a novice license? Q. I expect to be drafted soon, but I'd
A. Novice and technician class licenses like to get my license so that I can operate
are now given only by mail, regardless of a station if I'm sent overseas. Is there
where the applicant lives. Write to the any, way I can qualify?
nearest FCC office (see accompanying list), A. By all means try to get your license
and request the application blanks and before your draft number comes up. All
tests. The papers will come in a sealed the services keep an eye open for hams
envelope, with detailed instructions. Read and give them plenty of opportunity to
these carefully and don't break the seal. apply their knowledge. Show your license
First, your code ability must be checked the first time you appear before a classi-
by an operator who holds a general class fication officer, and the chances are 99%
or higher amateur ticket, or within the in your favor that you'll be assigned to
last five years has been a commercial ra- signal communication or related duties. If
diotelegraph operator or a radiotelegraph you are drafted before you are ready for
operator in the service of the United your FCC test, you can take it by mail,
States. (This takes in military and naval regardless of where you are stationed.
personnel.) If this operator is over 21, he With your request to the FCC for the mail
or she can open the sealed envelope, hand forms, send along a letter from your com-
you the test papers, and then certify that manding officer certifying that you are
you answered the questions by yourself. in military service and unable to appear
You seal the test papers and mail them in person. You'll have little difficulty find-
off. If the operator is under 21, get a ing someone to give you the test. Ham
person of voting age to perform the second clubs and big ham stations are common at
part of the act. He need not be a radio military installations. and you'll meet plen-
technician. His only function is to monitor ty of kindred souls there.
the paper work. Q. A friend of mine is bedridden With
Q. How can I qualify for a general class polio. Ham radio would be wonderful to
license? keep him occupied. How can he meet the
A. If you live within 75 miles of an FCC FCC requirements?
Partial listing of regional offices of the Federal Communications Commission.

Tests for the "general class" license are given not less than four times a year at about
60 regional offices of the FCC. In cities like New York, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles.
etc., they are held every day. No matter where you live, you can take the exam at
any FCC office you happen to be near. Tests may be given in some remote areas only
once or twice a year. To check on dates and locations where tests will be given, write
Engineer -in -Charge, Federal Communications Commission at any`of the following cities:
Boston Miami Portland, Ore. Detroit
New York New Orleans Seattle Buffalo
Philadelphia Houston Denver Honolulu, T.H.
Baltimore Dallas St. Paul San Juan, P.R.
Norfolk, Va. Los Angeles Kansas City, Mo. Juneau. Alaska
Atlanta San Francisco Chicago Washington, D.C.

October, 1954
A. Very easily. Regardless of where he Q. What about the other types of li-
lives, he can take the mail test if his re- censes? Are they worth aiming at?
quest for it is accompanied by a doctor's A. The technician class license is a hy-
certificate that he is unable to travel. Spe- brid. It requires the 5 words -per -minute
cial provisions are even made for the blind. code test given for the novice class and
Q. I'm brand-new to amateur radio and the written test given for the general class.
don't know any local hams. If I want to It is good for five years and is renewable,
take the mail examination, how do I find but a holder can operate only in the very
the necessary licensed operator? high frequency bands (above 220 mega-
A. Look in your local newspaper for an- cycles). It is intended to encourage ex-
nouncements of meetings of ham clubs., perimenting on the high frequencies and is
Amateurs are known to travel hundreds of provided specifically for people who are
miles at their own expense to help new- strong on theory and weak on the code.
comers. Ask the science teacher in school. The advanced class license is not avail-
Inquire at nearby veteran organizations able to new applicants. It is merely a
like the American Legion and the Veterans holdover type of license for former holders
of Foreign Wars. Try the nearest Boy of Class "A" licenses, which no longer
Scout headquarters. As a last resort, you exist. Until recently, only Class A opera-
can write to the FCC and ask them to tors could operate phone in the 14 and 3.5
designate someone within reasonable dis- megacycle bands. Today any general class
tance. operator can use phone in all bands in
Q. Must a beginner start with the nov- which phone is permitted.
ice class license and then work up. The amateur extra license is strictly for
A. No. With a little more study than hot shots. It requires a minimum of two
the novice license requires, lots of people years of previous experience (except as
qualify immediately for the general class novice or technician), a 20 words -per -min-
ticket. This carries with it the right to ute code test, and a very stiff technical
unlimited operation in all 18 frequency exam. It carries no privileges not afforded
bands assigned to amateur use by interna- to all holders of general class licenses. All
tional agreement. It is good for five years a ham gets out of it is the satisfaction of
and can be renewed, period after period, qualifying for it.
without examination. To obtain a general Q. I intend to operate only a voice
class license, you must do 13 words -per - transmitter. Can I skip the code part of
minute in code and pass a written test in the test?
general radio theory and FCC rules. The A. Definitely not. You must know the
written exam is much more technical than code for any type of amateur license. In
its counterpart for the novice class license. fact, if you flunk the code test, either in
Leo T. Meister, W2UMB, lets his daughter
an FCC office or at home in a mail test,
Helene Donna have a turn at the mike. Leo you don't even get the written part. Don't
is active on MARS nets and in 80 -meter worry about the code. It's easy to learn.
mobile operation. He has contributed many And it's a lot of fun to operate with a key.
hours of service during civil emergencies. The next article of this series will tell how
you can master the dots and dashes pain-
Q. What's the point of punching a key
when voice operation is so much easier?
A. It isn't always easier. When voice
signals are cut up by noise and interfer-
ence you can't understand what the other
fellow is saying. Distortion doesn't affect
the intelligibility of dots and dashes. As
long as you can hear them at all, you can
tell the long sounds from the short ones
and thus form the letters of the alphabet.
"CW" ("continuous waves"), as code oper-
ation is called, is also much more economi-
cal for a young ham who wants to get on
the air at minimum cost. With a trans-
mitter no larger than a cigar box, assem-
bled from surplus parts, you can readily
"work" other CW stations all around the
The "code" is the language of radio. It
will add considerably to your enjoyment
of ham radio. (Continued Next Month)

Radio -controlled model de

signed to fly inverted,
hence symmetrical cross
Jack Port and his 1953 Na- section of the wings.
tional Contest winning ra-
dio -controlled model plane.

Editor, "Model Airplane News"

ONE of the most interesting ramifications main. One of Uncle Sam's biggest suppliers
of the Citizens Radio Service, created by of electronic equipment for guided missiles,
the Federal Communications Commission a offers one- and t channel equip nt ex-
few years after the war, has been the sen- clusively to mo s. Complete with radio,
sational growth of the radio -controlled a model may c "gt anywhere fsgm 420 to
plane and boat hobby. Operating on two $400, depending 'its size and capabilities.
examination -free frequencies of 465 and Considering thecliltfineite simplicity of his
27.255 megacycles, tens of thousands of equipment, the radio control plane builder
radio- ontrol: fans assemble every weekend works wonders. He is limited by the FCC
on fie i farms, and airports to put aloft to an input of five watts maximum to the
their niall planet. Many a lake or park last stage of his transmitter. What he gets
pond su$poi-ts' a motley fleet of boats in- out of his transmitter is anybody's guess
cluding scale Chris-Craft, tugs, PT's, Mis-
sissippi s ern -wheelers, and roaring out- Spot landing by radio -controlled model. It
boards. eery clerk, engineer, architect, has 5 -channel receiver controlling unit.
airline pi l qhigli,.)schtrol boy-everybody is
doing it.
Catering to this fast-growing hobby are
some two dozen manufacturers of transmit-
ters and receivers, of airplane and boat kits,
of escapements, servos, and accessories.
Many of the nation's 10,000 hobby shops
stock these. items. "Radio Row" advertisers
offer electronics kits, meters, power packs,
storage batteries, dynamotors-things that
once were considered the hams' private do -
October, 1954
c.w. (continuous wave). Signals are trans-
mitted to the plane or boat by means of a
keying switch in the "B -plus" lead of the
transmitter. The switch simply closes the
circuit and the signal goes out.
Simple electronic or mechanical pulsing
devices exist which vary either, or both,
pulse rate and pulse length to accomplish
a proportional rudder effect, plus a second
control, with but single -channel radios.
When a signal is detected, the resulting
change in the amount of current flowing
through the tube in the receiver is used to
operate a relay which, in turn, completes
an electrical circuit to the escapement,
These planes turned out at the first flying ses- servo, or other actuating device to move
sion last Spring of the Buffalo Bisons model the control surfaces. The most widely used
airplane club. Sizes varied from 41/2 to 5 feet. actuator is the escapement. This is an
electromechanical device which takes its
but, if it is tuned properly, it has, perhaps, driving power from a twisted rubberband
as much as 11A to 2 watts output. motor. When current flows through the coil
His receiver may be two or three inches of the escapement, its armature pulls in, re-
square, consisting of a relay, a tube, a tank leasing a revolving arm whose movement
coil, perhaps a quench coil, and a few re- displaces the control surface via a steel
sistors and capacitors. Nevertheless, he wire linkage. Many types of escapements
blithely sends out his plane to the limits of are on the market including several im-
vision, a sight which makes any visiting ported models.
ham turn pale. The ham who joins in the Most typical is the self -neutralizing es-
fun, usually turns up with a 25- to 40 -watt capement. As long as current flows in this
transmitter, and then flies the plane in cir- escapement it holds the control hard over
cles around his head! but, when the current is cut off, the escape-
Most of the transmitters are simple, ment and control automatically return to
single -tube, crystal -controlled affairs. They a neutral position. Thus, the amount of
usually operate on straight continuous turn imparted to the vehicle is governed by
wave, or "c.w." Some are two tubers of the the length of time the operator keeps the
"m.o.p.a." type (master oscillator-power keying switch closed. Another escapement,
amplifier). Still others use audio, imposing the compound type, will give one control
from one to six modulated tones upon the position on one signal, another on two, and
carrier wave to operate multiple controls, a third on three, and always return to the
such as elevators or engine speed on a same neutral position.
plane, or horn, throttle, reverse, on a boat. The real miracle is the amazing maneu-
Probably nine out of ten hobbyists operate vers that are performed with this rudi-

Model of a Chris-Craft motor yacht built from a

kit and adapted for radio -controlled operation.

mentary equipment. With rudder only, the it is a toss-up between proponents of the
pilot performs spirals, zooms, wingovers, "reed bank jobs" and those of the bandpass
lazy eights, Immelmanns, and loops. With or filtered receivers which electronically
the compound escapement, dives, consecu- direct the particular tone detected to an
tive loops, and, perhaps, inverted flight be- appropriate relay and control surface. In
comes possible. When "deluxe" multichan- the reed bank, one of the three to six or
nel equipment comes into the picture, the more reeds become agitated in response to
more skilled fliers do outside loops, invert- its particular tone and then operates a
ed turns, horizontal and vertical eights, and relay.
other maneuvers formerly possible only Under the guidance of the Academy of
with captive -type models on the ends of Model Aeronautics, the national rules -mak-
control wires. ing and record -keeping body, rules and pro-
The planes themselves may be original, cedures have been developed for radio -con-
that is, designed by the builder, or they trol contests. At small contests a precision
may be assembled from any one of several type of pattern is flown, consisting of a
dozen kits. Size varies from 3 to 9 feet, but take -off, 500 feet straightaway, a 90 degree
4'/2 feet is the popular average. Weighing left turn, a 270 degree right turn, straight
2'/2 to 31/2 pounds, the typical plane is pow- flight back to the transmitter, followed by
ered with a two-cycle, glow -plug engine an S -turn, pylon eight, rectangular pat-
(or perhaps a Diesel) of from .09 to .15 tern, and a spot landing. Sometimes a stunt
cubic inch displacement. Other planes may pattern is flown as well. Other than take-
have power plants of from .030 to 1.25 cu. off and spot landing, the maneuvers are
in. displacement. The planes are of balsa limited only by the flier's imagination and
wood, covered with tough paper, silk, or pocketbook. The National Contest radio
nylon. Speed varies from 15 to 40 mph in control event was won in 1953 by an air-
level flight, depending on the plane's size, plane having rudder control only.
weight, and power. Not to be outdone by his aeronautical
Boats are constructed in an infinite cousin, the "RC" boat builder has his own
number of sizes and types. Engine manu- contests with a rather difficult pattern to
facturers have lately turned out an in- steer through marking buoys. Plane and
triguing variety of power plants, ranging boat fans both are organizing clubs by the
from beautiful scale -model outboards of hundreds.
only .049 displacement (and do these kick The radio control hobby is international.
up a storm in a test barrel!) through Western European nations gather for team
water -jacketed inboard types to deluxe competition every year. The Federation
numbers with all the gadgets and gismos. Aeronautique Internationale, with head-
such as water pumps. Yet some boat fans quarters in Paris, confirms all full scale
stick to sail-and wouldn't you expect it! as well as model plane international rec-
Now that the "R/C" fans have a few ords. One duration mark has been bitterly
years' experience under their belts, more contested between Russia, Great Britain,
of them are eyeing the multichannel radios and America. British hobbyists sent a radio -
newly -available at the hobby shops. So far controlled boat across the Channel. It fared
Radio -controlled boat built from kit. The control is a three -channel unit.

October, 1954


Radio -control transmitter which Companion radio control receiver made by Babcock Radio Engi-
operates on the 27.255 mc. band. neering, Inc., of Van Nuys. Metal ''tubes" are sealed relay units.
better than the queasy crew of the follow- automobile. Small boys may hold the plane
ing boat. There's a distance record where for ransom. But even when the plane comes
the model must be kept in sight, without down far afield, the canny hobbyist has a
judges or pilot leaving the launching site. trick or two up his sleeve. Since the re-
Pylon closed -course races have been held- ceiver broadcasts mildly on its own, while
everyone agreed that man is a terrible the batteries last, he may carry a special
judge of distance! Radio -controlled models receiver to detect the model up in some tall
have towed gliders, carried movie cameras tree, or hidden between rows of corn. An
(the color film might have been taken from errant flight is the exception and not the
an airliner, so well did it turn out), flown rule.
the Detroit River to Canada in public dem- Ninety-nine times out of 100, the model
,onstration, the Potomac with a pay load of can be landed nearby. That the flier gets a
silver dollars on Washington's birthday bang out of every flight and landing is ob-
(the wrong river, 'tis true). vious. What is not so apparent is the busi-
Occasionally, of course, such a model ness created or, what is even more impor-
gets away from its master, usually with tant, the widening appreciation of elec-
comic results. If he has put too much gas in tronics by so many people, thanks to the
the tank, the flier is led a merry chase by cooperation of the FCC! END

One of the transmit-

ters and receivers cur-
rently on the market.
Receiver is 1 -tuber.

A. C. Kidder of General Electric Company explains how electronic circuitry prevents
collisions of the three trains to an interested "junior engineer," Roger Lancaster, Jr.

"Collision -proof" Model Train System

EVEN such industrial giants as General progresses from one relay to the next as
Electric like to "play" with model rail- the train goes around the track. Again
road trains, although such "play" usually germanium diodes are used to release the
has a serious purpose. relay after the train has left the block
The model train display shown above by preventing the current from the next
incorporates special electronic circuitry block from feeding back along the progres-
which prevents collisions of the three sion circuit. The second diode in this cir-
trains comprising the system. Operation cuit is used to prevent the progression
of the trains and switches is automatically from going beyond the block the engine
controlled by the presence of the trains has just entered.
on various sections of the track system. The basic operating principles embodied
The trains in this system operate on 12 in such a setup apply equally well to in-
volts d.c. The direction of operation is dustrial control circuitry of a more com-
determined by the polarity of the rails and plex nature. That the company chose to
not by the familiar sequence relay found in demonstrate this principle with a "toy" is
many toy trains. not to be construed as a sign of frivolity!
The secret of the operation of this sys- The circuitry of this model is sound from an
tem lies in the special detection circuit engineering standpoint and is equally ap-
cJnployed. It uses a germanium diode to plicable to more complex operations.
prevent the relay from staying operative Actually, this demonstration setup was
after the train leaves the block or track on exhibit at a recent convention of the
connected to the relay. From this detec- Institute of Radio Engineers held in New
tion circuit all of the other control cir- York City. While the lure of "railroading"
cuits are regulated in their sequence of originally attracted most visitors to the
functions, such as the signal lights which display, the practical application of ger-
are lighted and changed when the relay manium diodes kept them around the ex-
that controls them is operated by the de- hibit to study the interesting possibilities
tection relay. of this semi -conductor component.
Each train in this layout is supplied Those desiring a more detailed descrip-
with power from its own power pack in tion of this equipment can obtain it either
which the a.c. is converted to d.c. by ger- from General Electric, Syracuse, N. Y., or
manium diodes. The power is supplied to The National Model Railroad Assn., Inc.,
Box 1238, Station C, Canton 8, Ohio. END
the train through the "cab circuit" which
October, 1954

Paul Popenoe, Jr.
Fig. 1. Home -built amplifier measuring 5" x 7" x 2". W6IWM

An economical approach to good quality

broadcast music, we have a peak power
provide an answer to those who require requirement of 2.5 watts. Looking again
a high -quality power amplifier of small at the graph, it can be seen that the peak
physical dimensions. This unit is con- level will still be under one per -cent dis-
structed on a 5" x 7" x 2" steel chassis tortion. The graph, Fig. 2, represents actual
base and has an over-all height of 6 total harmonic distortion across a 16 -ohm
inches. It may be operated from most tun- resistive load measured at 1200 cycles.
ers and preamplifiers to give adequate Operation into a voice coil may result in
output for ordinary home requirements. somewhat higher distortion due to non-
The total cost of parts is under $35. linear speaker response.
To many people, this unit, with its 4 - The amplifier has low transient distor-
watt rated output, may seem underpow- tion due to a good damping factor. The
ered. There is no need to recount the damping factor is 8, which is equivalent to
usual arguments as to desirable power a 2 -ohm generator across the 16 -ohm
levels. Many of our ideas about power re- speaker tap. This allows the speaker to
quirements are handed down , from the deliver good, clean bass, an important re-
days of high, distortion amplifiers and low- quirement for hi-fi amplifiers.
efficiency speakers. With modern speakers A listening test was made operating the
an average listening level of 250 milli - amplifier into a Jim Lansing rear-hoit-
watts is a very loud level indeed-louder loaded speaker system, model D-34001. The
than most people can comfortably enjoy unit described compared favorably with
in the average living -room. Those who much larger and more expensive ampli-
wish to verify this statement may do so fiers.
by actually measuring the output of an Other characteristics of this amplifier
amplifier while listening to it. Many will are frequency response flat within 1 db
be surprised at the small amount of audio from 20 to 100,000 cycles measured at
required to provide comfortable listening. 1 -watt output, response flat 20 to 30,000
If 250 milliwatts is considered as maxi- cycles measured at 4 -watts output, and an
mum average listening level, it can be input requirement of 1.5 volts r.m.s. for
seen from the graph, Fig. 2, that the dis- 4 -watts output. Approximately 8.5 db of
tortion of this amplifier is negligible. Al- feedback is provided around a loop which
lowing 10 db for peaks of recorded or includes the output transformer and the

- -
input stage. The hum and noise are so MN
low as to be inaudible with the ear placed MN

next to the speaker. 11111111 1M 111

Examination of the circuit diagram, 1111111111111111
Fig. 4, will show that the circuit is very
iummagrom 1111 NNW W
simple, requiring only two tubes plus a
rectifier tube. The first tube, V,, is a
12AX7 which operates as a voltage am- 2O
plifier and phase splitter. Feedback is ap-
plied to the unbypassed cathode of the
voltage amplifier. The output of this stage
is resistance -capacitance coupled to the
61 1

other half of the 12AX7, the phase split -

ter. There is nothing critical in this cir-
cuit, and ordinary tolerance components 111 PI IIII
may be used.
The phase splitter provides a push-pull
signal to the grids of the output tube by
means of equal 47,000 ohm load resistors 0- 4 5
0 2 3
in the cathode and plate. These two re- POWER OUTPUT -WATTS
sistors, R, and R7, should be matched in Fig. 2. Total harmonic distortion of the
value as closely as possible. Matching amplifier measured at 1200 cycles across
within one per -cent is desirable. It should a 16.ohm resistive load. Refer to article.
be possible to accomplish this with an or-
dinary ohmmeter. It is also desirable to ductance, indirectly heated cathodes, and
match the grid resistors, R. and R5, of the a 12 -watt combined plate dissipation. A
output stage, but these are not as critical 100 -ohm potentiometer, R,1, is provided in
as the plate resistors. the cathode circuit to balance the plate
The output stage makes use of a 6BX7GT currents. The tube requires an 8000 ohm
dual triode, V2, as a push-pull power am- plate -to -plate load which is provided by a
plifier. Although this tube was developed Peerless type S -510-F output transformer
for use in television receivers, it makes an coupling into an 8- or 16 -ohm voice coil.
ideal audio tube. It has high transcon- The output taps are brought out to tip
Fig. 3. Under chassis view of the amplifier showing how components are mounted.

October, 1954
J2 J3 J4




OF t2AX7
PIN 3 vi

uj Jw R13

04,C5 .IN 9 OF I2AX7




Fb., Re, Re, Re -220,000 ohm,

1/2 w. res. Ce, C7, C,.-10/40/40 Afd., 450 v. three -section elec.
R2-3300 ohm, V2 w. res. capacitor
R2-1800 ohm, 1/2 w. res. v'e
C111-12 hy., 75 ma., 400 ohm filter choke (Triad
11.4, R7-47,000 ohm, V2 w. C -5X)
res. ± I% T:-Power trans. 250-0-250 v. c.t. @ 75 ma.; 5 v.
R5-470,000 ohm, 1/2 w. res. 2 amps; 6.3 v. c.t. @ 2.5 amps. (Triad R -8A)
Rio -500 ohm, 10 w. wirewound res. T5.-Output trans. 8000 ohms c.t. to 8 or 16 ohm
R,1-100 ohm wirewound pot (slotted stub -shaft voice coil (10,000 ohm tap not used, see text),
type) 10 watts (Peerless S -510-F)
R12-2200 ohm, 1/2 w. res. it-Shielded phono pin jack (insulated from
R,2-27,000 ohm, 1/2 w. res.
Thu -50,000 ohm, 10 w. wirewound res. chassis)
Afd., 600 v. capacitor I2, Is, L-Insulated tip jack
C2, Ce-.1 pfd., 600 v. capacitor V,-12AX7 tube
C5-50/50 Afd., 150 v. two -section elec. capacitor V5-613X7GT tube 2-Octal sockets
V1-5Y3GT tube 1 --Naval socket (Vector)
(use insulated mounting plate)
Fig. 4. Complete schematic of the 4 -watt amplifier. It may be operated from most
tuners and preamplifiers and provides adequate output for ordinary home listening.
jacks at the rear of the amplifier chassis. primary circuit since it is assumed that all
Feedback is taken off the 16 -ohm tap of a.c. switching will be done in the pream-
the output transformer and applied to the plifier.
cathode of the first stage through the Construction details may be seen from
27,000 ohm resistor, R.. This provides 8.5 the photographs, Figs. 1 and 3. The power
db of feedback which is adequate to give transformer, output transformer, electro-
excellent characteristics to the amplifier lytic capacitors, and the tubes are all
without requiring too high an input volt- mounted above the chassis. The input jack
age. Those who wish to experiment with and balancing potentiometer are on the
greater amounts of feedback may do so front of the chassis. The filter choke is
by decreasing the size of Ri.. mounted on the end of the chassis directly
The power supply is conventional. It under the' power transformer. Note that a
uses a 500 volt center -tapped transformer Vector -type turret is used for Vi.
to supply about 270 volts to the 6BX7GT. The output transformer has two sets of
A filter consisting of two 40 µfd. capacitors primary taps. Only the 8000 ohm leads
and a 12 henry choke gives hum -free oper- and the center tap should be brought out
ation. An additional 10 'dd. of filter is used to the bottom of the chassis. The 10,000
on the 12AX7. A higher voltage power ohm leads may be taped to the underside
transformer is not desirable since it may of the transformer.
cause the 6BX7GT to exceed its plate dis- All grounds should be made to one point
sipation rating. No switch is used in the on the chassis. The lugs of the filter ca -
October, 1954
pacitor make a convenient ground point. reversed, positive feedback will cause os-
The dual cathode capacitor of the
V,, cillation.
6BX7GT, should be mounted on a plastic After applying power, the output stage
plate to prevent grounding at that point. should be balanced. This may be done by
For ease of construction wire all capaci- measuring the voltage drop across the two
tors and resistors related to the 12AX7 to sides of the output transformer primary
the socket before mounting it on the and adjusting the balancing potentiometer,
chassis. R,,. When the voltage drops are equal,
Before operation, the wiring should be equal plate currents will be indicated. Each
double-checked to see that it is correct. section of the 6BX7GT draws about 20
Particular attention should be paid to the milliamperes.
output transformer leads to see that they The set is now ready for the "listening"
correspond to the color code shown on the test. We are sure tfie builder will find the
diagram of Fig. 4. If the plate leads are results pleasing. END


EVEN an automatic punch press operated produce printed circuit subassemblies for
6 by an "electronic brain" can appreciate electronic equipment. The subassemblies
a pretty girl as witness the press' reac- will be manually combined into -complete
tion, punched out below, when introduced products, until other machines may be de-
to Connie Hodgson. vised to perform the task.
The brainy machine spelled out its 82 - G -E has developed mostiof the component
hole expression in less than three minutes. elements for this system. These elements
Developed by scientists at General Elec- include mechanisms to move printed wiring
tric's Electronics Laboratory in Syracuse, boards on assembly machine, a component
N.Y., the punch press is actually a by-prod- placement device, electronic equipment to
uct of development work being done toward dictate action to machines, and various
an automatic component assembly system, component preparation equipment for cut-
under a Signal Corps contract. The press ting and shaping wire leads as well as
was made automatic as a proving ground other related operations. END
for techniques to be used in the automatic
assembly system.
The machine, incidentally, cannot think
entirely by itself. Directions are fed to
the punch press by an electronic digital
computer, which "reads" information on
size, number, and location of holes to be
punched from a man-made perforated card.
The punch press automatically positions the
material to be perforated and performs its
punching operations within an accuracy of
a few thousandths of an inch.
The automatic assembly system, of which
the punch press is to be a part, will place
from 10 to 50 standard components, such as
resistors and subminiature tubes, on print-
ed wiring boards at a rate of 30 per minute.
This rate can be increased on any produc-
tion line by Using additional placement
machines. The final system will also provide
for preparation and testing of components,
for transporting them to the assembly ma-
chine, and for soldering and testing the
completed subassemblies.
This entire system, scheduled for comple-
tion in 1955, will be supervised electronic-
ally by means of perforated cards; which
will contain the various programming in-
The automatic assembly system is not
intended to produce completed products
such as radar or television sets, but will
Dig p,
Over-all view of the home -built ca-
pacity relay. The author's mod-
el was built on a metal chassis
but plywood base can be used.


ALTHOUGH the capacity relay to be de- post, oscillator coil, etc.) must be well insu-
scribed was designed to actuate a dis- lated from it if maximum stability and
play case motor upon the approach of an sensitivity are to be obtained.
onlooker, it has a host of other fascinating Before starting to build this unit it is
household and business applications. Its advisable for you to decide how long an
sensitivity to the changing position of the alarm wire you will need. The author's
human body immediately suggests its use model was designed for use with a wire up
as a burglar alarm without the need for to 3 feet in length as it was to be placed
beams of light and electric eyes, a baby inside a rather small display case. Should
"sitter", an automatic light operator, an you plan to use a longer antenna, say 12 to
annunciator, or the control device for au- 15 feet or so, you will have to use a larger
tomatic garage door openers. variable capacitor than the one specified in
Essentially, the action of the capacity the parts list and, in addition, you will have
relay consists of closing an electrical cir- to connect another very small air variable
cuit when someone moves into the immedi- in parallel with it. For long alarm wires
ate vicinity of its alarm wire. The body use a 365 gilfd. capacitor (standard broad-
acts as one capacitor plate with the wire cast receiver type) in place of C2 with a
acting as the other. As the distance be- 10-25 Aidd. midget variable capacitor in
tween the two decreases, the capacitance parallel with it. The reason for using two
increases, changing the circuit conditions so paralleled variables will be explained when
that a magnetic relay is energized. The "adjustments" are discussed. If this change
closed relay contacts then provide the pow- is made, remember to plan on two capacitor
er to operate a bell, one or more lights, or shaft holes-near each other-so placed
any other controlled appliance. that the rotor plates do not touch irrespec-
The use of a metal chassis is optional in tive of the setting of either capacitor. There
the construction of this device. The unit is no reason why these cannot be mounted
may be built on a Masonite or plywood base on the front apron of the base, positioned
with %-inch front and rear aprons or it to permit short leads between them.
may be built on the lid of a cigar box. A The oscillator coil should be prepared be-
metallic base is unnecessary since it is not fore starting to wire the set. The coil in
needed for electrical or ground connections. the model was wound on an old radio oscil-
The chassis used in the model built by the lator coil form from which the wire had
author measured 4% inches by 8 inches by been removed. A fiber, wood, or Bakelite
2 inches. cylinder about 1/i" in diameter will do. The
If a metal chassis is used, all "live" parts coil form used by the author had a small
(the variable capacitor, alarm wire binding mounting bracket which proved convenient.
October, 1934





If you use a dowel stick, however, the fin- rors, it is still advisable to test for short
ished coil may be mounted by means of a circuits before applying power.
wood screw through the end of the cross- An ordinary ohmmeter is excellent for
section. this purpose-the owner of such an instru-
The coil is "scramble -wound" with #30 ment needs no instruction in its use as a
enameled wire. It has a total of 150 turns, continuity and short tester. If an ohm-
center -tapped. First wind 75 turns over a meter is not available, you might want to
distance of 1 inch, bring out a doubled -back make up a flashlight short-circuit detector.
lead, and then wind the remaining 75 turns Simply wire a flashlight bulb in series with
in the same direction right over the full a 11/2 vplt battery.
length of the first layers. Scrape the en- When checking for a short circuit, touch
amel from the ends of the three leads and the bare tips of the test leads to the ,two
solder to the lugs on the coil form. If your points being tested. If the lamp lights, a
form does not have lugs, be sure to leave
the wire ends long enough to reach the The-RIB-Two 750 ohm, 10 w. wirewound res. in
parallel or one 375 ohm, 20 w. wirewound res.
terminal points on the components to which R2-4.7 megohm, I/2 w. res.
they will be soldered. The finished coil R3-2.2 megohm, 1/2 w. res.
should be given a coat of white shellac or 54-20,000 ohm wirewound pot
C2-100 gad. mica capacitor
polystyrene coil "dope" to keep it from C2-100 µAdd. midget air variable capacitor (with
unravelling. insulating bushings)
The wiring of the unit is quite easy, even C.-.1 ;dd., 400 v. capacitor
for the novice. The hints to follow will help C4-10 pfd., 150 v. elec. capacitor
C OS pfd., 400 v. capacitor
you construct a neat, dependable piece of L,-Osc. coil 150 t. #30 en. wire, scramble -wound,
equipment. center -tapped. Winding length 1". (See text and
1. Wire in the line cord and tube heaters inset diagram below)
first. Keep these wires close to the chassis RL2-5000 ohm plate circuit relay, single -pole,
single -throw, normally -open (Potter & Brumfield
edges and down flat against the base. Type LS -5)
2. Next wire in the relay, all a.c. connec- SO,-A.c. receptacle
tions, and the 50L6GT (V2) connections. I-Insulated bindipg post
Vi-12SQ7 or 12SQ7GT tube V2-50L6GT tube
These leads may be as long as necessary
to keep them tucked away along the inner
edges of the base.
3. Complete the connections by wiring
the oscillator and the circuit for the diode, 41.44141
Vi. Keep these leads as short and direct as
possible, using bare wires where there is no
danger of short circuits.
The first step after any electronic device
has been constructed is to check all con-
nections step-by-step. Even though visual
inspection fails to disclose any wiring er-
Bottom view showing how parts are wired. Lead length is not critical.

short circuit is indicated. If it remains control very slightly and carefully until the
dark, there is no short circuit. lamp again extinguishes. The unit is now
Using either the ohmmeter or the flash- ready to operate.
light detector unit, test for short circuits Moving your hand toward or away from
across the line cord prongs, across R.,Rae, the alarm wire will cause the lamp to go
and across C. Use the same method to on and off. Any other device may now be
make certain that none of the leads or com- substituted for the lamp.
ponents are shorting to the metal chassis, if When two variable capacitors are em-
one is used. ployed, coarse adjustments are made with
The unit is now ready for adjustment if the larger of the two and fine adjustments
everything checks out OK up to this point. with the smaller.
To adjust the capacity relay perform the For those who are technically inclined
following operations : and enjoy knowing why a device works as
1. Connect the alarm wire to the antenna well as the fact that it does work, a brief
binding post and plug a floor or desk lamp description of the "why's and wherefore's"
into the chassis a.c. receptacle, SO,. Work may be in order.
on a table and lay the alarm wire flat, well rent The relay is actuated by the plate cur-
away from your hand or body. Apply pow- flowing through the 50L6GT but is
er and allow the unit to heat for 60 seconds. normally open because the control grid is
2. Rotate the relay current control knob held sufficiently negative to keep the plate
fully clockwise and set C2 at maximum ca- current low.
pacitance (fully meshed plates). If two The 12SQ7 triode, V., is wired as a Hart-
variables are used, set both at maximum ley oscillator, thus producing strong oscil-
capacitance. lations as long as the alarm wire is clear of
3. Place your finger on the antenna bind- foreign objects-objects that have capaci-
ing post and slowly rotate the relay current tance to ground. This oscillatory voltage is
control knob, R4, counterclockwise until the picked up and rectified by the diode section
floor or desk lamp lights. Continue rotat- of the tube, and applied to the 50L6GT
ing the knob just a bit beyond this point. control grid as negative bias.
4. Remove your finger from the binding Upon the approach of a body, the oscilla-
post. The lamp should go out. If it doesn't tion is weakened causing a reduction of
the antenna is too long. ode current through the 2.2 megohm re-
5. Rotate the sensitivity control, C2, very sistor, R3. The control grid of the 50L6GT
slowly in the direction of reduced capaci- then becomes less negative, the plate cur-
tance. A setting will be found where the rent rises to a value which is high enough
lamp will light again. If it fails to do so to pull in the relay armature, and the con-
when minimum capacitance is reached, the trolled device is operated.
antenna wire is too short. A last word of caution : The final adjust-
6. Keeping as far away from the alarm ment on the relay should be made when the
wire as possible, back off the sensitivity alarm wire is in its ultimate position. END
October, 1954
ACODE practice set with key and buzzer
is easily convertible into a continuity
checker. All that is necessary is to open
the circuit from the batteries and attach
two clips to the free ends of this opened
These clips become connecting terminals
to be attached across the points to be
tested. When pressing the key results in a
buzzing sound, the circuit under test is
PHONE PLUGS TO TIP JACKS A SIMPLE short-circuit detector can be
two simple adaptors shown make it n assembled in a jiffy from readily -avail-
unnecessary to disconnect earphone cords able parts.
from the plug every time you want to con- The only parts needed are a flashlight
nect the phones to a pair of tip jacks or battery, a low -voltage flashlight bulb, and
binding posts. Simply plug the phones into some wire, connected as shown.
the adaptor and then insert the tips of the To check for a short-circuit, touch the
adaptor into the tip jacks or binding posts. bare t$s of the test leads to the two
The top photo shows an adaptor made points being tested. If the bulb lights, a
from a surplus JK-26 jack which fits PL -55 short-circuit is indicated. If it remains
plugs that are found on many surplus dark, there is no short-circuit.
phones. Simply connect two flexible insu-
lated wire leads and solder a phone tip to
the end of each lead, as shown.
The lower photo shows a unit made from
midget jack
and a pill
1,-1041111111Issiallili box with
lid. Mount
jack inside
and bring
leads out
two holes.
DAKED GOODS-with that "home-made" tray, or other traveling ovens are used.
U flavor-can be produced day -in and day- The photograph below shows the instru-
out by commercial bakeries thanks to a ment attached to the side of the conveyer
new recording thermometer which has re- carrying loaves of bread from the oven
cently been developed. after the baking process is completed.
Designed to pass through a traveling
oven along with the bread or other baked
goods, the instrument is laid on its back
next to the pan of baked goods. When it
emerges at the discharge end, a complete
record of the actual temperatures encoun-
tei-ed at each point along the way is in-
scribed on its smoke -covered chart.
With this information, bakers and bak-
ery maintenance men are able to make
necessary oven adjustments or repairs to
insure uniform bakery products.
This new Bristol recorder can also be
used in non-food baking applications-any-
where where a low -clearance instrument is
required for continuous conveyer, traveling

L. L


AEI to.

Fig. 1. Basic receiver adjustments (dotted boxes) that a layman can make. See text.

MODERN superheterodyne receivers have undertake the alignment of table model

a number of tuned circuit adjustments AM broadcast -band receivers, if he has or
which must be set properly if top perform- can borrow the necessary test equipment-
ance is to be obtained. This is as true of a multitester (not absolutely essential), an
small table model receivers as it is of large insulated alignment tool, and an r.f. signal
AM -FM -short-wave consoles. The more generator.
complex sets simply have more adjust- The basic adjustments made in a table
ments and, where FM or TV is provided, model receiver during the alignment pro-
may require slightly different techniques cedure are shown within the dotted line
for adjustment. The entire adjustment pro- boxes in the simplified diagram of Fig. 1.
cedure, whether applied to a table model No attempt should be made to align a
receiver or a large console, is called re- receiver unless it performs poorly and pre-
ceiver alignment. liminary tests indicate that the set is out
While the beginner should steer clear of of alignment. Alignment is not a magic
FM and TV sets and the more complex con- "cure-all" that will correct hum, noise, dis-
soles, there is no reason why he shouldn't tortion, weak operation, and other corn -

Fig. 2. A typical set up for making receiver alignments as described in the article.

October, 1954


.5 ufa it

600V 2I
2I i




Fig. 3. Three methods of connecting receiver and the test meter. (A) Meter connected
through a capacitor. (B) With a v.t.v.m. (C) Meter connected across voice coil.
plaints, irrespective of the actual cause. grid resistor (identify the grid pin connec-
Many beginners make the mistake of try- tion by referring to a tube manual). If
ing to align sets to correct defects which there is a reasonable d.c. voltage here, gen-
they are unable to find because they lack erally 5 volts or more, the oscillator is
the necessary training and experience. The probably OK. If not, check plate and screen
fact is, the average receiver seldom re- grid voltages in this stage and, if these are
quires re -alignment unless it has been mis- normal, try a replacement tube, no matter
treated. how the original tube checks in a tube
Here are the symptoms which may indi- tester. Make sure the oscillator section of
cate the need for alignment: the tuning capacitor is not shorted (we'll
(1) If the set is weak, but all tubes test discuss the identification of this section
good and d.c. voltages in the receiver are later) and, as a final step, replace the oscil-
normal (check these against the voltage lator coil.
values listed in the service manual for the For alignment work you'll need an r.f.
receiver). signal generator and an insulated align-
(2) If the receiver does not "track" its ment tool. In addition, you'll need an out-
dial (that is, if the dial readings do not cor- put indicator of some sort. A d.c. vacuum -
respond to the frequency or wavelength tube voltmeter is the preferred instrument
values for the station tuned in) but make for this job, but you can get by with an
sure that it isn't just -a case of the dial ordinary multitester, or, in a pinch, by us-
pointer slipping. ing the loudspeaker of the set as an output
(3) If the receiver squeals or oscillates, indicator. A typical set-up for receiver
but tubes are good and all d.c. voltages alignment is shown in Fig. 2.
seem normal, and bypass and filter capaci- The output meter may be connected to
tors are in good condition or, if the oscilla- the receiver in one of several ways. Three
tion occurs only at one end of the band good methods are shown in Fig. 3. If a d.c.
(generally the low frequency end). vacuum -tube voltmeter is available, con-
Above all, take care not to confuse other nect its common lead to chassis ground and
tuning circuit troubles With the need for the negative d.c. lead to measure receiver
alignment. For example, a common com- a.v.c. (automatic volume control) voltage,
plaint is that the receiver picks up one sta- as shown in Fig. 3B. In many sets, this con-
tion over the. entire tuning range. This is nection will be to the "hot" side of the vol-
not generally due to misalignment; rather, ume control.
it iS usually the result of a defective local If a multitester is to be used as an out-
oscillator. put indicator, set it up for use as an a.c.
The operation of a local oscillator may voltmeter. The meter may be connected
bb checked by using a d.c. voltmeter to between chassis ground and the plate pin
check for d.c. voltage across the oscillator of the audio output tube through a .5 Afd.,

Fig. 4. How a multitester can be connected Fig. 5. Receiver adi-ustmen: points on top
across the loudspeaker voice coil terminals. of the chassis. See text br ftll details.
600 volt capacitor, as shown in Fig. 3A. If
preferred, the meter may be connected di-
rectly across the loudspeaker voice coil ter-
minals, as shown in Fig. 3C. A typical con-
nection is shown in Fig. 4.
If the loudspeaker is to be used as an
output indicator, you'll listen for changes
in the loudness of a tone.
The outer shield of the signal generator
lead should be connected to chassis ground
and the "hot" center lead should be con-
nected through a .001 sfd. paper capacitor
(600 volt) to the control grid terminal of
the mixer tube for i.f. transformer align-
ment. (Identify the proper pin connection Fig. 6. Two types of radio 'uning capacitors.
by using a tube manual. Typical mixer tubes The one on the left is found in broadcast -
are the 6K8; 6A8, 6A7, 6SA7, 6BE6, 12SA7, only receivers while the one on the right
will be more often encountered ;at combina-
12BE6, etc.) For "front end" alignment, tion short wave and broadcast type sets.
the hot lead of the signal generator may
be simply clipped to the loop antenna, as Fig. 7. Adjusting the local osdllator trimmer.
shown in Fig. 2. No direct electrical con-
nection is made to the set.
Finally, plug in the test equipment and
the receiver, turn on all units, and allow a
few minutes warm-up time before starting
The i.f. transformers are generally lo-
cated in rectangular metal cans on top of
the receiver chassis, as shown in Fig. 5.
TweI adjustments are usually provided in
each transformer. These may both be on
the top or sides of the can, or one may be
on the top and the other on the bottom (be-
low chassis).
Most modern receivers use a two -gang
tuning capacitor. Either of the two types
shown in Fig. 6 may be used. Trimmer ca -
(Continued on page 123)
October, 1954 59
servo. Brown is president of the San
Diego Radio Modelers. In competition,
boats are required to steer an intricate
course marked by buoys, and are rated on a
point basis. One such contest was held
recently at Bristol, Pa. by the Bristol Aero-
* * *

THE Milwaukee Flying Electrons, one of

the biggest R/C clubs in the midwest,
have been developing a six -channel tone
ON July 25th an attempt was made upon receiver using Hammond organ chokes in-
U the world's radio control endurance rec- stead of reeds. Another project is a 20 ft.,
ord, currently held by Russia (1 hr., 31 125 pound plane, powered by a Briggs &
min., 14 sec.), during the International Stratton 2% hp motor. San Diego Radio
Power and Wakefield Trophy model meet Modelers borrowed an idea from the Brit-
at Suffolk Air Force Base, N. Y. Henry ish to reduce interference during group fly-
Struck, designer for Berkeley Model Sup- ing sessions. Transmitters are impounded,
plies, flew a "Sea Cat" amphibian, built released when the owner is ready to take
from plans in "Model Airplane News" his turn flying. Scale -type R/C models are
magazine. The flight ended at 23.5 min- popular in the. Los Angeles area, according
utes when changing fuel level stopped the to Jim Kerley of the Los Angeles Radio
engine. Controllers. A club workshop, equipped
* * *
with jigsaw, drill press, and various pieces
FROM New Zealand comes word of a 2 hr., of electronic gear, is a feature of the pro-
I 5 sec. endurance flight, by Frank Beth- gram by Skydippers RC Club, High Rock,
waite,, using a large model glider which he Pa.
caused to soar-to the interest of numer- *

ous gulls-upon an onshore wind blowing FIBREGLAS is finding increased usage in

up the face of a seaside cliff. radio modeling. Available at some hobby
Earlier, Geoffrey Pike (manufacturer shops, and at marine supply houses as boat
of the Fenners-Pike British actuators) im- patching kits, the Fibreglas package con-
proved upon the Russian record but not by tains approximately a yard square piece
the 2% margin necessary for recognition. of material (like a heavy, glossy cloth),
Pike got around the fuel flow problem by a pint of resin, and a small bottle of cata-
using an inflated balloon to pressurize the lyst. Mixed with the resin, the catalyst
tank for the .87 cc. displacement Diesel will cause the resin to harden in about an
mounted above the wing of his 7 -foot hour, when brushed over the glass cloth -
powered glider -type machine. covered sections. This material can be
* * * molded into fuselages, wings, hulls, and
QOARING flights with gliders and other assemblies, or to cover the vulner-
U powered R/C models from which the able noses of model planes. Fibreglas ren-
propellers have been removed, are made ders the structure almost indestructible.
regularly along the Redondo and Palos It is fuel -proof and takes a good finish.
Verdes Cliffs, Cal., by Webb Hill, Jim Jen- * * *
sen, Louis Culler, and others. Culler's nURING the past season, the social, "bring
heavyweight sailplane has an 11 -ft. wing, U your family" type of radio get-togethers
cruises at 25 mph, which gives it a 5 mph have been held in an increasing number
headway in a typical 20 mph wind. Dura- of cities. The custom began three years
tion of all these models is limited only by ago with the Pittsburgh Flying Circuits,
battery life and the flier's wishes. The who organized the first of these fly -for -fun
models are sometimes dived below eye sessions at Selinsgrove, Pa. over Labor
level and then climbed swiftly overhead- Day weekend. The Buffalo Flying Bisons
all by radio control. organized a similar affair over the Fourth
* * * of July weekend and a group in Hampton,
A MARINE Nationals, including radio -con- Va., put on a get-together visited by hob-
trolled boats, has been suggested by R. byists from the southern seaboard states.
L. Brown, in a California interclub pub- The custom is expected to spread to the
lication. R/C boat contests take place reg- west. Non-competitive flying includes
ularly, especially on the Pacific Coast. demonstrations, balloon bursting, combat
Brown, incidentally, is readying a twin between three planes on separate frequen-
O & R powered boat for an attempt at a cies, and plenty of high, . wide, and hand-
Catalina Island crossing. He uses Bab- some flying throughout the country's wide
cock three -channel radio with a Bonner open spaces. END


SCIENTIFIC curiosities which appear to separately to better understand the prin-

defy explanation usually delight the ciples. The coil and capacitor are con-
electrical experimenter. The principle de- nected in a series circuit as shown in Fig.
scribed here, which causes arrays of ordi- 1A. At the resonant frequency of the com-
nary incandescent lamps to flash in an bination such a circuit exhibits a condition
orderly fashion, fits well into this cate- of high current and low voltage. In this
gory. With no moving parts employed, the case, we tune the capacitor so that with
incredible flashing in sequence promises little or no current flowing, the combina-
to baffle the uninitiated observer. tion is resonant below the line frequency
The basic principle was introduced by of 60 cycles -per -second. We know, of
R. Stuart Mackay of the University of course, that a decrease in inductance will
California. The parts needed are iron core then tend to resonate this series circuit at
inductances, some large capacitors, and 60 cps. An increase in current through this
ordinary 117 volt incandescent lamps. An non-linear inductance will reduce the in-
adjustable source of line voltage helps but ductance value toward this condition.
is not absolutely necessary. By connecting We can now investigate the graphical
these components in various series and relationship between I, the current through
parallel arrangements, the lamps can be the network, and E, the voltage across the
made to flash in orderly sequences and, in combination. Certainly, if E is zero, then
some cases, at multiple rates. I is also zero. At low values of current,
Operation of the circuit is possible be- the inductance acts normally, and E and I
cause two of the elements are non-linear, will increase together in a fashion similar
i.e., the usual relationship between voltage to Ohm's law for a.c. circuits. As the cur-
and current does not hold and if we dou- rent approaches a value sufficient to satu-
ble the voltage across one of the elements, rate L, the inductance value reduces and
it does not follow that we will double the tends to resonate the series combination.
current through it. Iron core inductances Thus, a condition of high current and low
are well known for this property as they voltage will be reached. With still further
tend to saturate when large currents pass increase of current, however, the induct-
through them and the inductance value ance value is further reduced and destroys
rapidly decreases. The primary windings the resonant condition. Then the current
of small filament transformers meet this and voltage begin to increase proportion-
requirement satisfactorily. An incandescent ately again as they did at low values of
lamp has the property that its resistance current. The graph of Fig. lA illustrates
is dependent upon the temperature of its this relationship.
tungsten filament, Thus, whether the fila- Now let us add an incandescent lamp in
ment is hot or cold, that is, whether the series with the network. The filament is
lamp is on or off, determines the resistance characterized by a high resistance when it
of its filament. Lamps of 75, 100, and 150 is hot and a low resistance when it is out,
watt ratings have been used in most of or cold. One must also realize that an
these experiments. appreciable time is required for it to
These two unusual effects must combine change from one resistance state to the
in a particular way to obtain the result other and that the resistance change is
we are seeking, but they may be examined manifold. We can represent the series re -
October, 1954 61
(A) (B)

Fig. 1. (A) Relationship between current and voltage with a saturable inductance in series
with capacitor chosen. See text. (B) Series circuit of L and C with tungsten filament lamp
added. Load lines corresponding to hot and cold resistance values are indicated.

sistance of the lamp on the E -I chart of Let us now examine some of the peculi-
Fig. 1B as a load line, just as we do on arities of the units. In setting up the sys-
vacuum -tube characteristic curves. What tem, if the value of C is slightly high, the
is more, we may plot the two load lines lamp will not light, and if too low, the
representing the extreme hot and cold lamp remains on. Also if the line voltage
states of the filament. This has been done is too low, the lamp will not light and if
in Fig. IB. The load line at any instant too high, it remains on. Over a limited
lies between these two extremes. range of line voltage the flashing rate is
Now we are in a position to examine the dependent upon the applied voltage.
action when voltage is applied to the
combination. When first turned on, the Variations of Basic Circuit
lamp is cold, the resistance is low, and It is through the use of multiple ar-
current corresponding to point a of Fig. rangements of the circuit of Fig. IB that
IB starts to flow. This current is suffi- the results really become interesting. Com-
cient to light the lamp and the filament binations are limitless, but a few repre-
starts to warm. The load line slowly ro- sentative circuits will indicate some of the
tates counterclockwise toward the hot possibilities. In Fig. 2,A, a basic two lamp
position. When point c is reached, the circuit is shown. The capacitor, C,, pre-
current is still sufficient to light the lamp sents an impedance common to each of
so the load line continues to rotate to- the other branches. When either lamp is
ward its hot position. The current is then on, the voltage drop across this common
literally forced to snap to the value of d impedance is sufficient to lower the voltage
to satisfy the enforced conditions. This applied to the other unit and keep it from
current value, though, is not sufficient to operating. When the resistance of the
keep the lamp lighted, it goes out, and the heated filament changes enough to cause
filament starts to cool. The load line, then the snapping action described previously,
starts to rotate in the opposite direction, the other lamp immediately flashes on. Its
or clockwise. The current follows the path filament undergoes the same resistance
d -e and then snaps to the value of b. This change and it soon extinguishes, transfer-
causes the lamp to flash on, heats the fila- ring control to the first lamp, and so on.
ment, and the current traverses the same Fig. 2B shows another interesting varia-
path, b -c -d -e, again. tion of this same unit. The secondary
As one might suspect, it can be a tedious windings of the transformers have been
task to satisfy all of these conditions. For connected in parallel opposition through
a single unit, such as just examined, it is a suitable small protecting resistor and
almost a necessity to have an adjustable a push-button switch. This circuit can ex-
line voltage source, such as a Variac. On hibit several distinct states dependent
the other hand, as combinations of these upon adjustment of either the applied volt-
units are built up, dependence upon line age or the capacitance values. It can be
voltage becomes less and the adjustments adjusted so that one lamp is normally on,
are not so critical. the other off. A press on the push button
and the light will change to the other transformers and lamps identical units,
lamp and then back to the original. It this tuning procedure is simplified as all
will remain in this state until pulsed by the series capacitors will be nearly the
the switch and again it will cycle once same value. This is by no means neces-
and stop. It can also be adjusted so that sary, though. The author has used Stan-
it is stable in either of the lighted posi- cor P-3062, Stancor P-6135, Kenyon T-351,
tions. That is, when the switch is pulsed, and Thordarson T21F01 transformers with
the lighted lamp is extinguished and the success. Additional effects can be pro-
other one lights and remains on. Each cured by purposely mixing up transformer
succeeding pulse will transfer the light types and lamp sizes. This will sometimes
from one lamp to the other. This action lead to one lamp flashing at double the
is analogous to the monostable and bi- rate of all the others or flashing only on
stable operation of multivibrators. alternate cycles.
Fig. 3 shows additional parallel branches The capacitors may be of almost any
added to the basic circuit. The lamps will type. Paper or oil -filled units are prob-
continuously follow a set flashing sequence. ably best, although electrolytics, placed
There is considerable tolerance in the back-to-back, can also be used. Consider-
manufacture of commercial incandescent able care should be exercised if the latter
lamps and the resultant differences in their procedure is followed as overheating of
characteristics are sufficient to determine the capacitors may occur. A considerable
the order in which they flash. Once a given selection of capacitors is required for tun-
sequence has started the different tem- ing, but seldom are the final values lower
peratures of the filaments will insure that than 8 microfarads. Padding with smaller
the order will continue. As indicated in units is usually necessary to bring the total
the diagram, a lamp may also be placed capacitance to the desired amount. The
across the common capacitor, and it values given in the diagrams are approxi-
will flash in unison with each other lamp. mate and the exact values are influenced
There are other effects that are worthy by the other parts used with it.
of mention. As each inductance saturates, Many practical applications have been
a change will occur in its magnetic field. suggested for these units but much ex-
This changing field will, in turn, affect perimentation will be necessary before
other iron core circuits in the vicinity. their ultimate use is known. Inquisitive
This has either a triggering or retarding and ingenious manipulations with the basic
influence on the saturation of adjacent in- circuits will soon turn up more effects
ductances. By mere placement of the parts, than noted here. Even if approached
a given sequence can sometimes be purely as a scientific novelty the unex-
changed. A three lamp circuit may then pected action is both startling and instruc-
flash 1-2-3, 1-2-3, or 1-2-3-2-1. tive.
Tuning each branch can be somewhat These flashing lamps can be just sheer
tedious and if the circuit is altered by the fun and are well worth building if for no
addition of another branch, all units usual- other reason than their entertainment
ly need retuning. Once the components value.
are established, however, the only notice-
able sensitivity is a slight change in flash- REFERENCE
ing rate with line voltage. If all the Mackay, R. Stuart: "Interesting Nonlinear Ef-
fects", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 34, No. 3,
branches are symmetrical, that is, all the March 1953. END

Fig. 2. (A) Circuit for two parallel branches Fig. 3. Addition of another parallel branch
as shown in Fig. 1B. (B) Variation possible to give greater flexibility to possible
by adding a switch in secondary wind- modes of operation. Addition of lamp across
ings which act as nonlinear inductances. the common impedance is also shown.

bow 4

October, 1954 63
0132 I


O I 1 U.K 0

0 0

0 00 0 0-
O 0 0 0
1 sr. --.--3/ 3/4" 3/4' 3/4'

O 0 0 0 0




I" 0 0
I" X 1/16" THICK "2- ALL HOLES /15"DIA
0 0
1/2" \T -1"---T\ I/2" LEG ERACKET

050 ALUMINUM 3/16-



Experimenter's Laboratory
1-7" x 9" x 2" aluminum or steel chassis. (Bud
CB -790, CB -1192, AC -406; ICA 29006, 4004, 1569;
Par -Metal B-4511, C-4511; Premier CH -404)
3-Ft. #12 tinned bus bar; 4-Ground lugs
30-Inches 1" x 1" x 1/16" extruded aluminum
angle. (Reynolds "Do -H -Yourself")
2 -7 -terminal tie -point strips (Jones #2007)
2-Sq. ft. .050 sheet aluminum or 20 ga. steel.
(Amount depends on number of brackets and
adaptor plates)
1-Pkg. #6 x 3/s" sheet metal screws

The versatile "breadboard"

chassis you can build your-
self, as described in text. 'mensions for these adaptors are included
in the mechanical diagram at left. Make
as many as you think you'll need.
I F YOU'RE a hobbyist who works fre- Any number of small accessory brackets
quently with new circuits, you'll soon may be made, depending on your individual
feel the need for a permanent experimental requirements. Typical dimensions for a
chassis. A suitable "breadboard" chassis volume control bracket are given. You
is shown above. The name "breadboard" may wish to make brackets either larger
dates back to the early days of radio, or smaller, however, or may wish to make
when almost all experimental as well as special brackets for particular jobs.
many permanent circuits were wired on Typical small accessories, together with
wooden boards, with parts mounted by the four leg brackets, are shown in the
means of wood screws. Today, the name photo on the opposite page.
is applied to any general experimental Mount the four leg brackets on the
chassis or circuit. chassis using %" #6 sheet metal screws.
The chassis itself is drilled and punched Mount the two terminal strips and four
from a standard 7" x 9" x 2" chassis base, ground lugs with similar screws.
available from most parts distributors. Run four or more straight pieces of #12
The drilling layout for the top of the tinned bus bar between corresponding posi-
chassis as well as end and side layouts are tions on the terminal strips, soldering at
shown on the opposite page. Both ends both ends.
and both sides are identical. Drill the When finished, the completed "bread-
small holes and use Greenlee or Pioneer board" chassis should appear as shown at
punches for making the large holes. the top of this page.
The completely drilled and punched When you're ready to wire an experi-
chassis should look like the one in the mental circuit, mount all tube sockets,
photo across the page.
Four leg brackets are needed. These A partially wired circuit on "breadboard."
are made up from 1" x 1" x %6" thick ex-
truded aluminum angle. Reynolds "Do -It -
Yourself" aluminum, available at most
hardware stores, may be used for making
Socket holes in the main chassis are for
standard octal sockets. If you work with
miniature tubes, you'll need adaptor plates
for 7 -pin and 9 -pin miniature sockets. Di -
Mechanical details for constructing the ex-
perimental "breadboard" chassis. Photos show
prepared chassis and the "accessory" units.
October, 1954 65
brackets, and special terminal strips on and exposed. This makes it easy, to make
the "breadboard" chassis using # 6 sheet tests and experimental circuit changes.
metal screws. Lap joints are used for all wiring, with
If the adaptor plates are to be used, ground, "B plus," and filament connec-
mount the miniature tube sockets in them tions made through the bus bars. A typical
using 1/4" 4-40 machine screws and small experimental circuit, partially wired, is
hex nuts. Mount the adaptor plates, in shown at lower right of the previous page.
turn, on the chassis proper using longer In addition to simplifying the original
sheet metal screws and 14" stand-off assembly and wiring job of an experi-
spacers. They are mounted right over the mental circuit, the use of a "breadboard"
large tube socket holes. also makes the disassembly job easier. The
All tube sockets are mounted so that exposed wiring and lap joints permit the
the tubes plug in below the chassis, per- experimenter to tear down a circuit in
mitting all wiring to be kept above chassis "jig" time. END

New CD Communications System in Los Angeles

new Civil Defense communications equipped with two-way radiotelephones.
system now in operation in Los Angeles
THE Tied together by the radio system are
is believed to be the first and largest city - the city commissioners and executives;
owned system of its type in the nation. municipal departments such as public
. Radio equipment used throughout the works, fire, police, health, transportation,
system was built by General Electric. It is water and power, and harbor; private com-
designed around four master -control sta- panies operating radio -equipped vehicles
tions, three of which are housed in trailer such as taxicabs and electric utilities; the
trucks and the fourth a permanent instal- Red Cross; and a vast network of volun-
lation adjacent to the Coliseum. teer amateur radio operators.
Each master control station is equipped A microwave radio transmission system,
to transmit and receive messages from any installed between City Hall and' Mt. Lee
part of a far-flung communications net- in the Hollywood Hills, allows the Commis-
work. The new system will, in an emer- sioner of Public Works to maintain radio
gency, coordinate activities of thousands contact with his far-flung forces via high -
of municipal and private vehicles now power transmitting and receiving equip-
ment installed on Mt. Lee. The radio sta-
One of the three truck trailers which house tion on Mt. Lee also serves as contact with
master control stations in Los Angeles' new the State Civil Defense control system.
Civil Defense communications system. These The Los Angeles Civil Defense commu-
truck trailers can be moved rapidly to stra- nications system is designed to be used in
tegic sites, if necessary, during emergencies. :'natural disasters" such as fire, tornado,
earthquake or flood, as well as during de-
fense emergencies. The system has already
proved effective in communication with
city trucks and vehicles at work main-
taining and repairing segments of Los
Angeles' vast network of transportation
The necessity for a well -planned com-
munications network, nerve center of
every Civil Defense operation, was origi-
nally envisioned by Colonel K. C. Bean,
manager of the city's Department of Pub-
lic Utilities, in 1951. The realization of the
plan has been brought about by Colonel
P. B. McCarthy, senior deputy director,
Civil Defense, and the General Electric
communication advisory service, working
cooperatively under the direction of T. M.
Chubb, Col. Bean's successor.
At the present time, the major compo-
nents in the system include 150 radio -
equipped cars and trucks, two-way radios,
100 "walkie-talkies", and 60 medium -power
transmitting and receiving stations. END


YOU can own a professional -type 6- and

12 -volt battery eliminator and charger
at a small cash outlay by building it your-
self from one of the currently -available,
commercially -engineered kits.
This unit has literally hundreds of uses
in your home, in your workshop, on your
boat, etc. It can be used as a work -bench
power supply for operating 6- or 12 -volt
auto radios under repair. Its metered vari-
able output voltage permits determination
of minimum voltage required for solenoid
actuation. It can be used for charging 6 -
and 12 -volt storage batteries and Edison
batteries. It can also be used to operate
marine receivers and transmitters, boat
lights, and other equipment at dockside
where a 117 volt a.c. line is available from
It is a natural for operating mobile re -
C1 -6000 Aid., 20 v. elec. capacitor
M1-0-20 volt d.c. voltmeter
MT -0-20 ampere d.c. ammeter
-2 ampere fuse (Littelluse 312005)
Si-S.p.d.t. heavy-duty toggle switch (A d.p.d.t.
switch with circuits in parallel may be used)
S-S.p.s.t. toggle switch
F11.-20 ampere overload relay
SFli-SR4-9.9 volt d.c. @ 6 amp. selenium rectifier, SR3
input 24 v. a.c.
SR2-Sli3-9.9 volt d.c. @ 10 amp. selenium rectifier,
input 24 v. a.c.
Ti-Power trans., 115 v., 60 -cycle pri.; 20 v. a.c.
sec. @ 10 amp. (total) open center tap
h-Output terminals LINE CORD
Variat-Mechanical assembly riding on secondary
winding. Varies voltage to rectifiers. See inset

October. 1954
ceivers and transmitters, mobile projection such a way that the arms slide across the
equipment, etc. from the 117 volt a.c. line. bare wires of both halves of the secondary
It can also do duty in light electroplating windings of the transformers, Ti. Its opera-
work as well as operate electric trains, tion is such that the output a.c. voltage
toys, relays, pin -ball machines, 6 -volt or from the transformer, applied to the recti-
12 -volt electric shavers, etc. fiers, varies from 0 to 20 volts.
The circuit design is quite conventional The overload relay, RL1, is a thermal -
for this type of unit. When used for 12 - type unit. When the current exceeds 20
volt output the rectifiers form a bridge amperes, the heated element opens up. It
circuit supplying 12 volts at 6 amperes. automatically closes again as soon as it
For 6 -volt operation rectifiers SR2 and SR3 cools off. It is a relatively inexpensive
form a full -wave rectifier circuit supply- item which may be found at most automo-
ing 6 volts at 10 amperes. For intermittent bile parts supply houses.
operation outputs of 6 volts at 20 amperes A separate voltmeter and ammeter per-
or 12 volts at 12 amperes can be obtained. mit the simultaneous observation of the
The switch, Si, should be a heavy-duty output voltage and current.
type unit. Even an inexperienced hand at building
The design of the unit is such that the such equipment can assemble this Eico
output voltage is variable from 0 to max- Model 1050 kit in approximately two hours
imum. This is obtained by a mechanical -a small expenditure of time considering
slide contact. It is referred to as a Variat the many uses for which this device is
and consists of a double arm mounted in suited. END


A NEW, low-cost, mounted selenium pho- A COMBINATION code practice oscillator
toelectric cell which has been designed n and monitor for both phone and c.w. is
especially for engineers and experimenters currently available as the Gonset "Moni-
has been in- tone." The unit includes an audio oscillator
troduced by which may
Internation- be con-
al Rectifier trolled by
Corp. as the the exter-
B 2 M. It nal keying
measures circuit to
2%2"x 7/16" provide a
and is mount- tone signal
ed by a self- for practice
contained purposes.
foot bracket extension. The active area is The moni-
only .26 sq. inch yet generates an average tor feature
output of 60 microamperes at 100 foot- is especial-
candles illumination. It could be used as a ly effective with a c.w. transmitter and
"solar battery" for transistor gear. when checking AM phone operation.
A NEW amateur radio sta-
tion, W3NKF, owned and
operated by the Naval Re-
search Laboratory Amateur
Radio Club, is now on the
During 1923-1943 the
Laboratory station worked
with amateurs in connec-
tion with experimental
work. Its call was "NKF."
Ethel M. Smith, presi-
dent of the club, Dr. Wayne
C. Hall, president-elect, and
Leo C. Young, trustee for
the new station, are shown
sending out a call at the
new station.
Fig. 1. A general pur
pose tester (rear) and
power line tester (fore-
ground). (A) Schematic
for both units. (B) Con-
struction details on
power line tester. (CI
Details on the general
purpose tester. Parts val-
ues shown on diagram.

220 sg, FLL

I/2 GE NERttmarose



I/2 AT TED Tue..* /2' war T

tat ICE


NEON bulb circuits have been popular A general purpose tester (background)
with experimenters for years. Home and a combination night light and power
builders, particularly, have liked them be- line tester (foreground) are shown, along
cause of their simplicity and versatility. with circuits and construction data, in Fig.
Beginners find that such circuits are easy 1. Note that both devices are electrically
to wire and quite inexpensive, since so few the same, with the schematic diagram
parts are needed for the average circuit, given in Fig. 1A applying to both.
and the cost of the individual items is Construction details for the night light
generally low. and power line tester are given in Fig.
Five interesting neon bulb gadgets are 1B. The only parts needed are an NE -51
shown in the photographs and sketches. bulb, a 220,000 ohm, 1/2 watt carbon resis-
They are neither complicated nor expen- tor, and a small piece of insulated wire,
sive to build, and the average experi- together with a standard rubber plug.
menter should have no difficulty in wiring Assemble the unit as shown, cementing the
several of the items shown in a single neon bulb in the neck of the plug with Duco
evening. The circuits shown are not all cement (or any equivalent household ce-
new. Several have been favorites with ment). Be sure that the brass shell is be-
experimenters for years and have proven low the neck of the plug . . . no part of
their reliability through the "test of time." the shell should be exposed.
Three different types of neon bulbs are To use as a night light, simply plug the
used in the circuits shown, the NE -2, the unit into any standard wall receptacle. The
NE -51 and the NE -48. Of these three, the bulb will give off a soft glow with virtually
NE -2 and the NE -51 are interchangeable no heat, and may be safely left on all night.
in the circuits where they are used. The Power consumption is almost insignificant.
chief difference between these two bulbs is To use as a power line tester, plug the
in the basing. The NE -2 has no base, only unit into the suspected receptacle. If the
wire leads, while the NE -51 has a minia- bulb glows, power is available. If not,
ture bayonet base. either the receptacle or wiring is defective,
Odober, 1954


NE 2





Fig. 2. Photo and schematic of the r.f. tes-

ter for hams. Use it to check for presence
of r.f. energy in oscillators and amplifiers.

or the line fuse is blown. Lamp fixtures may be present, do not touch any terminals
may be checked by using a standard screw - with the metal point, instead, simply bring
type adaptor. the bulb end of the tester in close proximity
The general purpose tester operates in to the hot terminal. If sufficient energy
much the same manner, with the only dif- is present, the bulb will glow without
ference being in the method of construc- actual contact.
tion. Full details are given in Fig. 1C. If Radio service technicians will be able to
preferred, connections may be soldered use the 60 -cycle stroboscope shown in Fig.
directly to the base of the neon bulb and 3 when testing and adjusting phonograph
the socket omitted. Once the wiring is com- motors. The audiophile, too, will find the
pleted, cover the connections with finger- gadget useful for checking the speed of
nail polish or lacquer to prevent accidental his favorite record player.
shorts. The schematic diagram of the unit is
Either a.c. or d.c. voltages from around given in Fig. 3A, while construction details
90 to 250 volts may be checked with this are shown in Fig. 3B. An ordinary plastic
device. To use the tester, connect the test pill box or vial is used for housing the de-
leads to the points where voltage is to be vice. The NE -48 neon bulb is simply forced
checked. If both electrodes glow, the through a hole in the flexible plastic cap
voltage is a.c. If only one electrode glows, of the pill box. Take care that the brass
the voltage is d.c. (the negative electrode shell is not exposed outside the box, how-
is the one that glows). In both cases, the ever. If necessary, a little cement might
higher the voltage, the brighter the glow be used when assembling the unit.
obtained. The completed stroboscope is used with a
The "hot" side of a power line (110-220 standard "stroboscope disk" (available at
volts) may be identified by connecting one most radio supply houses) when checking
lead of the tester to a good ground and the speed of a phonograph turntable. The
then touching first one, then the other wire proper technique is shown in the photo-
of the power line with the free lead. A graph of Fig. 3. When the turntable is
glow will be obtained when the "hot" pow- rotating at proper speed, one of the circles
er line wire is touched. will appear stationary when viewed in the
Hams will find the r.f. tester shown in light of the stroboscope. One circle is for
Fig. 2 useful. The schematic diagram is 331/2 rpm, while the other is for 78 rpm
given in Fig. 2A, while construction details turntables.
are given in Fig. 2B. Learning the radiotelegraph code may be
To check for the presence of r.f. energy a little easier for the beginner if the code
in low and medium power oscillators and practice oscillator shown in Fig. 4 is used.
amplifiers, hold the tester as shown in the The neon bulb -"blinks" each dot and dash
photograph of Fig. 2 and touch the metal at the same time that the tone is heard in
tip to a "hot" terminal. If r.f. energy is the earphone. The schematic diagram for
present, the neon bulb will glow. Where a the unit is given in Fig. 4A, while the pic-
moderate to large amount of r.f. power torial wiring diagram is given in Fig. 4B.





TYPE 871 20MA.


Fig. 3. Proper way to use the 60 -cycle strobo-

scope diagrammed above. Technicians and
audiophiles will find this handy for check-
ing the speed of phonograph turntables.

Construction is simple and straightfor-

ward and no difficulty should be encoun-
tered if the wiring diagrams are followed
carefully. The hand -key may be connected
iri series with either the positive or nega-
tive lead of the battery, and on either side
of the 470,000 ohm, 1/2 watt resistor. In
the model shown in the photograph, it is
connected between the 470,000 ohm re-
sistor and neon bulb. The tone may be
changed by varying the value of the series
resistor. A lower value resistor will give
a higher pitch, a higher value resistor a
lower pitch.
All of the devices described and pictured
in this article are easy to build, offer a
practical solution to some specific problem,
and present a "professional" appearance.
Pick your instrument and then have the
fun of building it! END

Fig. 4. A simple code practice oscillator. The

neon bulb "blinks" each dot and dash at the
same time that the tone is heard in the ear-
phones. The schematic and pictorial diagrams
shown below should be followed exactly to in- TO 90 V. BATTERY
sure best results. Parts values are also given.



I72 W


37J .0020a.
PAPER T0100011 TO

(A) ' IS)

October, 1954 71
Fig. 1. Front view of home -built code
set. It measures 6 x 4 x 3 inches.

Build This Code Practice


illitorairwAimer.air.arar- (INSULATED FROM CHASSIS)



S.P.S.T. S.P.S.T.
(S2) (5I) 7112V "C- BATTERY (Bo

Fig. 2. Internal view of the code practice
set showing how the various parts are placed
inside of the box. Other arrangements
may be followed by the builder if desired.
Fig. 3. Complete schematic diagram of set.

Ci-.01 Aid. mica capacitor

T i-lnterstage audio transformer, 2:1 ratio (see text)
1,-Midget open -circuit insulated phone jack
S,, St-S.p.s.t. toggle switch
BP,, BP2-Insulated binding post
B,-71/2 volt tapped "C" battery (Burgess 5540)

Set . . .
V,-1G4GT tube

battery -operated tube is used in a simple

I T IS FUN to communicate by Morse
code. And it is fun to get your amateur hookup. The transformer, Ti, is a small
radio license, but you must know the code audio unit. Almost any audio transformer
to be a "ham." sold as an "interstage coupling" unit will
A lot of practice is needed to build up work in this circuit.
speed and accuracy both in sending and Two tones are generated. You can select
reading code. Like steady music practice, the one you like best by flipping the tone
code study improves both the hand and switch. The highest pitch is obtained
the ear. when the tone switch Si is thrown to its
A necessary instrument for code study "high" position. In the "low" position of
is an electronic code practice set. Con- the switch, an external .01 µfd. capacitor,
nected to headphones and a telegraph key, C1, is connected across the transformer.
it provides the dot -and -dash signals that With the United Transformer Corp. Type
spell out words. Softie students use a R-56 transformer used by the author the
buzzer to make the signals. But a buzzer low pitch is around 260 cycles and the high
is noisy. The tube -type practice set makes pitch 550 cycles. These are pleasing tones,
no noise to disturb others. If you have but the reader may choose another low
a study partner, he can work the hand pitch by using some other value of capaci-
key while you listen. If you must study tor Ci. The higher the microfarad figure
alone and want to build up speed quickly, of this capacitor, the lower will be the
you can rent or buy a code machine and pitch.
connect it to the practice set in place of Fig. 3 shows how a single 71/2 volt
the key. tapped "C" battery (Burgess 5540) is con-
This article describes a simple, inexpen- nected to operate the tube.
sive, tube -type code practice set which can The headphones (plugged into phone
be built with ordinary tools. The set is jack JO and the key (conneCted to the two
completely self-contained and requires no binding posts, BP, and B132) are wired in
connection to the power line. Hence, you series between the battery and the "B"
can use it at any location. It is built in. lead of the transformer. The headphones
a 6" x 4" x 3" enameled aluminum radio must be of the magnetic type and should
chassis box. Fig. 1 shows the unit con- be rated at 2000 to 3000 ohms resistance.
nected to headphones and key and ready Only one switch, S2, is needed to turn the
for operation. instrument off when not in use.
Fig. 3 is the complete circuit. A 1G4GT The circuit gives a strong headphone
October, 1954 73

signal and works well at all code speeds. reader can suit himself as to where he
Fig. 2 and the pictorial diagram illus- wants to place a particular part if he feels
trate the constructional details. All of the "inventive."
parts are mounted on the inside walls of Use insulated hookup wire for all wiring.
the 6" x 4" x 3" metal chassis box (an L.M. Use rosin -core solder, never acid -core nor
Bender Co. Type 141). corrosive flux, for all joints. The wiring is
The transformer is mounted to the in- not fussy, and any lead may be run in the
side top of the case by means of short most convenient manner.
6-32 screws. The tube socket is held to Check the wiring carefully against the
the rear panel with two threaded 1 -inch diagrams before inserting the tube into
studs held by screws. These studs space its socket. After you are satisfied that the
the socket away from the panel, keeping wiring is correct, insert the tube and con-
the socket terminals from touching the nect the headphones and key. Throw
latter. switch Sz to its "on" position. Set switch
A pair of 6-32 screws holds the battery Si to its "high" position, and press the key.
in place, keeping it from sliding along A tone should be heard in the phones as
the floor of the case. These screws do not long as the key is held down. I? this tone
penetrate the battery but press against its is not heard, the circuit is not working,
paper cover. probably because the transformer is
The front panel has been "dressed up" hooked up incorrectly. To remedy this
as may be seen in Fig. 1, by labelling it trouble, reverse the P and B leads of the
with instrument decals. transformer. With the set working, now
The layout of parts and wiring are throw switch Si to its "low" position and
merely suggestions. We believe this to be notice that the tone drops to a lower pitch
the most convenient arrangement, but the when the key is depressed. END


nNE of the experimenter's most useful turns on the calculator scale. Transferring
U aids is the Allied "Coil Winding Calcu- graduations from card to calculator body
lator." It has the single disadvantage of will now give points for spacings, of from
not continuing its scale to include wind- three up to ten turns -per -inch.
ings of spacings greater than 1/10th inch. Now, remove the slide, insert a strip of
This prevents calculations for coils of wire sheet metal and, with a razor blade, ex-
heavier than about #10 and completely tend the window to the new 3 turn mark-
rules out one of the most popular ham ing. Reassemble, and the calculator may
coil inductors, copper tubing. By means now be used for figuring any practical size
of a simple modification the range may be of coil. E R.
increased to include coils of winding
pitches as low as 3 turns -per -inch.
The scales are logarithmic, so intervals
of a given length are halved in value, go-
ing to the left of the scale. This means
that calibrations may be transferred to
the unmarked portion of the rule as long
as the relationship is retained.
First mark a card opposite the gradua-
tions for 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50
turns per inch. Then move the card to the
left so the 50 turn mark is opposite 10
Cutting the new window in the calculator
to extend range down to the 3 turn mark.
I ' `
Setting up the new scale using the mark.
ings already on calculator. See article.
opposite TURNS PIR

Fig. 1. Always make a diagram of tubes' location
before removing them from chassis for testing
so they can be replaced in the correct sockets.
Fig. 2. Where the loop antenna is in the way,
the chassis must be removed before you can get
at the tubes. See Fig. 3 on removing the knobs.

How To Fix Home Radios it may be necessary to remove the receiver

first step in repairing any piece of
electronic gear, whether a home radio or from the cabinet in order to reach the
a complicated piece of radar equipment, is tubes. See Fig. 2.
to pinpoint the complaint of "improper If this is the case, remove the knobs
operation" in terms of actual performance. first. Receiver knobs are generally of two
Find out if the radio is weak, completely types, those having a flat internal spring
inoperative (dead), noisy, has hum, distor- and which "push on" the control shaft, and
tion, or is intermittent ("works now and those having a set screw. "Push on" knobs
then"), or if the complaint involves some may be a little difficult to remove if the
mechanical defect, such as a broken dial wrong technique is used. Don't try to pry
cord. Do this job by turning the set on the knobs off with a screwdriver. You may
and checking its operation. scratch the cabinet, bend the control shaft,
If the set is dead, check for a burned dr break the knob. Instead, proceed as
out tube. In a.c. sets (those having a shown in Fig. 3, and remove the knob by
power transformer), a burned out tube can pulling on the cloth.
generally be spotted immediately. It will If you have a tube tester available and
be dark when the others are lit or, if a can check the tubes yourself-fine! If not,
metal tube, will not be warm to the touch. take the tubes to a friend who has a tube
In a.c.-d.c. sets, on the other hand, all the tester or to the nearest radio repair shop
heaters are in series and one burned out for testing. Most repair shops will check
tube will cause all the tubes to go dark. In the tubes free or for a nominal charge.
this case, you can identify the faulty tube Replace any burned out, weak, or
by checking across the heater pins (iden- shorted tubes. If the rectifier tube js de-
tify these by using a tube manual) with fective t this may be a 35Z5GT, 5Y3, 80,
an ohmmeter or continuity tester. Remove Fig. 3. "Push' on" control knobs can be damaged
the tubes from the chassis for this test. if removed by force. Use a cloth behind knob
However, since a tube may be weak, to prevent damage. Set -screw types are removed
gassy, or have internal leakage between by loosening screw with a tiny screwdriver.
electrodes without being burned out, the
best policy is to check all tubes in the
receiver. This is especially true if the
complaint involves weak or noisy opera-
tion, hum, distortion, or a similar electrical
defect. Since a large percentage of re-
ceiver defects can be traced directly to
poor tubes, it is best to eliminate these
parts as a possible cause of trouble at the
very beginning of the service procedure.
Rpmove the tubes carefully, noting their
locations as shown in Fig. 1. In some cases,
October, 1954
Suppose replacing defective tubes and
correcting obvious defects doesn't clear up
the trouble. What next? That depends on
the complaint. Here are a few hints:
Hum is most frequently caused by defec-
tive filter capacitors or heater -to -cathode
leakage in one of the tubes. Tube de-
fects should have been caught when the
tubes were tested. Filter capacitors
are best checked by the "substitution"
method or by using a special capacitor
tester, if available. The "substitution"
technique is simple and consists of trying
a replacement capacitor in place of the
suspected one-a technique frequently em-
ployed by professional technicians.
Filter capacitors are generally of the two
types shown in Fig. 5. A tubular type
Fig. 4. Basic technique for replacing worn or capacitor is generally mounted below the
broken dial cord. Special stringing arrange- chassis while the upright mounting or
ments may involve reference to service books. "can" type is usually mounted above the
5U4, 35W4, or similar tube), check the chassis, with only the terminals below.
filter capacitor before turning the set on When replacing filter capacitors, two
as it may be shorted. In most sets you precautions should be followed: (a) Ob-
can do this by using an ohmmeter to check serve the correct polarity when connecting
between the cathode terminal pin of the leads. If in doubt, make a sketch of the
rectifier tube socket (identify this terminal actual connections before removing the
by using a tube manual) and chassis old unit; (b) use a replacement capacitor
ground. Reverse the meter leads and use with a working voltage at least as high as
the highest reading obtained as the correct the original unit. As far as electrical ca-
value. If the filter capacitor is not shorted pacity is concerned, simply be sure it ap-
or leaky, the resistance should be 50,000 proximates, or is higher than, that of the
ohms or more. original. For example, a 25 pfd. to 50 /dd.,
While the set is out of the cabinet, cor- 250 volt capacitor may be used as a re-
rect any obvious defects such as a loose placement for a 30 /dd., 250 volt unit. How-
antenna or ground wire (some a.c.-d.c. sets ever, don't use a 150 volt replacement for
do not use a ground so don't connect a a 250 volt original.
ground unless a special terminal is pro- If the set is noisy as you tune in dif-
vided for one), broken dial cord, burned ferent stations, the tuning capacitor is
out pilot lamp bulb, and similar defects. probably dirty. Clean this part carefully,
Blow out dust using a hand hair drier or a making sure you don't bend the plates. If
vacuum cleaner. possible, blow out any dust between plates.
If the dial cord is broken, you'll prob- If the set is noisy as you adjust the
ably have to string a new one. Obtain dial
cord material and small springs from your Fig. 5. Two common types of electrolytic capa-
nearest radio supply house. The basic citors, can -type in rear and tubular in front.
stringing diagram, which will apply, in
modified form, to many table model re-
ceivers is shown in Fig. 4. However, for
the exact diagram of your set, you may
wish to refer to a "Dial Cord Stringing
Guide." These may be purchased, in book
form, at most radio parts distributors.
Each book contains diagrams for many
different receivers. Since several volumes
are available, check the index to make
sure your receiver is covered before buy-
ing the book.
If the set has a power transformer, you
can frequently use almost any pilot lamp
bulb as a replacement provided it has the
same voltage rating and base connection
as the original. But always use an exact
duplicate replacement bulb on a.c.-d.c. sets.
volume or tone controls, the control might
be dirty inside. Using an eye -dropper, try
running Carbona cleaning fluid or carbon
tetrachloride inside the control, then rotat-
ing the control vigorously back and forth.
Sometimes better results can be ob-
tained by using one of the new "hypo-
dermic" injectors to squirt the cleaning
fluid inside the control, as shown in Fig. 6.
If preferred, one of the special volume
control cleaning fluids, available at radio
parts distributors, may be used instead
of carbon tetrachloride. The loudspeakers used in many older
Three common defects which may cause
distortion are : (a) a defective loudspeaker, receivers are provided with a central ad-
(b) a leaky coupling capacitor, and (c) a justing screw which holds the voice coil
"gassy" audio output tube. A loudspeaker "spider" in place. The voice coil may be
may cause distortion if the frame warps re -centered by adjusting this screw.
so that the voice coil rubs against the With newer speakers, the spider and
central pole piece. screw are generally not used and it 'is
Frequently, the complaint will be "the necessary to soften the cement around the
set plays fine for a while, then the sound edges of the cone and to center the voice
becomes mushy," or "the radio plays good coil with small shims placed between the
out of the cabinet but sounds fuzzy inside voice coil and the speaker pole piece. The
the cabinet." Both complaints may be cement is then allowed to harden before
caused by a defective loudspeaker. In the the shims are removed. Use regular cement
first case, as the set heats up, the loud- solvent for softening the cement on the
speaker frame warps slightly, causing the loudspeaker cone.
voice coil to touch either the pole piece Where the distortion is caused by a
or the field. In the second case, placing warped loudspeaker frame, it is sometimes
the set in the cabinet may warp the chassis possible to correct the trouble by using
or loudspeaker mounting slightly, result- small rubber washers under the loud-
ing in a similar condition. speaker mounting screws. This step per-
To check a loudspeaker, hold the unit by mits the loudspeaker frame to "float" and
the edges and very gently move the cone prevents excessive strains.
back and forth by pressing on it with your A single test permits checking for a
thumbs. The cone should move easily and leaky coupling capacitor or a gassy output
freely. If not, repairs may be in order. tube. Using a high impedance d.c. volt-
In the case of small loudspeakers, of meter, check for a d.c. voltage across the
the type used in inexpensive table model grid resistor of the audio output tube (this
receivers, it is generally cheaper to install may be a 50L6GT, 35L6GT, 25L6, 6L6,
a new speaker than to attempt repairs. In 50B5, 6F6, 6K6, 6V6, 6AQ5, or similar
other cases, repairs may be made. tube.) Identify the grid connection by

Fig. 6. A noisy volume control can be repaired Fig. 7. The "brute force" technique for locat-
by cleaning with carbon tet from eyedropper. ing faults involves moving parts around In set.

October, 1954
referring to a tube manual. If there is tweezers, as shown in Fig. 7. When you
a d.c. voltage across this resistor, with the can cause the trouble to come and go
grid end positive, either the coupling ca- as you move a particular part or connec-
pacitor is leaky or the output tube is tion, you have isolated the defect!
"gassy" (a tube tester check will frequent- A defective part should be replaced. A
ly fail to identify a "gassy" tube). loose connection should be resoldered.
To determine which is the case, discon- The test and repair methods we've dis-
nect the coupling capacitor lead. If the cussed are those that can generally be
d.c. voltage disappears, the capacitor is undertaken by the hobbyist with a limited
leaky. If not, the tube is gassy. The defec- amount of experience. For more extensive
tive part (capacitor or tube) should be re- repairs, it is best to turn the set over to an
placed. experienced technician, rather than to run
The "standard" technique for testing an the risk of causing more damage.
intermittent receiver (a set which works Of course, as the home experimenter
"now and then") is the brute force test. gains experience and knowledge, he soon
This technique involves wiggling or mov- finds himself able to take on virtually any
ing various parts or connections in the re- repair job, even the most difficult and
ceiver, using a pair of plastic pliers or complex. END


an assortment of wood dowel rods tronic work. Three typical applications are
K handy in the home lab. These low-cost shown in the photograph.
items may be used in many ways in elec- Short lengths of dowel rod may be used
as insulated "standoffs" for mounting
brackets, terminal strips, and other com-
ponents above a chassis.
Quarter -inch (outside diameter) dowels
may be used as extensiori shafts for vol-
ume controls. A standard coupler may be
used to connect the dowel rod to the vol-
ume control shaft.
Dowel rods also make excellent forms
for winding small self-supporting coils.
After the coil is wound, the wooden dowel
form should be removed, otherwise the coil
may have low Q due to losses introduced
by the wood.
Undoubtedly as you start using these
dowels you'll think of dozens of ways in
which they can be employed.
LUCITE, polystyrene, and similar thermo- back and forth a few times and then re-
plastic materials are frequently used by moved.
the electronics worker for coil forms, in- As a final step, any excess plastic or
sulators, and small brackets. Even though "burrs" may be removed by using a pocket
a drill press or hand drill is not avail- knife.
able, holes may still be "drilled" in such A number of "hot wire drills" may be
materials by using a "hot wire" technique. made up at one time, if desired. Three
Use a piece of tinned copper wire with different sizes are shown in the photo-
a diameter slightly larger than the de- graph.
sired hole. Form a tight coil in one end
of the wire to fit over the copper tip of
a soldering iron, leaving one end of the
wire straight, as shown in the photograph.
After the iron has been allowed to heat
thoroughly, press the straight tip of the
wire against the plastic at the point where
the hole is to be made, use a slight twist-
ing motion and apply pressure slowly. As
the plastic ahead of the wire melts, the
wire may be pushed through the material.
Once through, the wire should be worked
A NEW microphone system, specifically de-
signed for research, diagnosis, and teach-
ing of cardiology, permits all types of heart
sounds to be picked up and fed into
a tape recording machine, a headphone set,
or a loudspeaker.
The system, developed and manufactured
by Altec Lansing Corporation, consists of
a capacitor microphone, a special base, a
power supply, and a mike attachment.
The microphone used in the system is so
designed that it can be sterilized in dry
heat at 350 degrees F.
At present the new system is being used
at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, at
Children's Hospital in Los Angeles, and
Georgetown University, Washington, D. C.,
for diagnostic and research applications.
The photograph at the right shows the
complete unit along with its accessory
stethoscope head.


FISH hear lower tones than humans butAHANDY and useful gadget can be con-
structed using a line cord from 8 to 10
I their range is not as high, according to
-cord." At
Dr. H. Kleerekoper, head of an experiment feet long made of ordinary "Zip fused
being conducted at Hamilton College in one end attach an El-Menco plug.
Hamilton, Ontario. About 2 feet from the other end install a
The research group trained fish to asso- line -cord switch. And at the free end, sep-
ciate sounds of a certain frequency with arate the cord for about 8 inches
meal time. Since fish can hear only in the tach insulated alligator or battery clips.
range of a few cycles to 7000 cycles, micro- You can change the fuses in the plug to
phones in each corner of the tank were set suit the work you're doing, but you will
up to carry the sound. find a 5 ampere fuse the most convenient
Movie cameras showed the minnows fol- size as it can be used for most electronic
gear L. G.
lowing the curving paths of certain sound
waves to the mikes, rather than swimming
in straight lines.
Not only was it discovered that fish can
distinguish clearly between two sounds but.
that they have a memory for a few others.
Fish have to be taught to associate cer-
tain sounds with danger as such fear is not
instinctive, according to Dr. Kleerekoper.
A L. H.


ANEW light control which operates auto-
matically when darkness comes is now
available for home applications. Known as
the "Nitelighter," the control turns on hall,
porch, or living room lights the moment
darkness comes so that you never come
home to a dark house and would-be bur-
glars are fooled into thinking the house oc-
The unit, shown at left, plugs into any
house lighting socket. It will control up
to a 300 watt load. Besides turning lights
on, it will extinguish them when daylight
October, 1954

haunting call of Australia's kooka- Short-wave radio transmitters include

burra bird . . weird Arabic chanting

from the banks of the Nile . . . the deep land communications stations, maritime
stations, aeronautical stations, amateur
tones of Big Ben striking the hour in Lon- (ham) stations, and broadcasting stations.
don . . . all this and more . . . yes, the Of these, the broadcasting and amateur
whole world is at your fingertips through (ham) stations are of most interest to the
short-wave radio.
It's easy-and it's thrilling! short-wave listener (SWL). However, there
Under normal conditions, with patience are many other "specialties" to listen to-
such as code (c.w.-often referred to as
and practice, it's possible to log all conti- "Morse"); commercial phones (interna-
nents in a single evening-at times even tional telephone and point-to-point com-
within a few minutes! All you need to be- munications - standard or inverted - or
gin is a short-wave radio receiver, a simple
antenna, a knowledge of where and when scrambled-speech); shipping and coastal
to listen-plus persistence. radio; police, fire, and other local govern-
mental agencies; plane and ground com-
International short-wave radio is glam- munications; weather station reports and
orous as well as educational. It provides contacts; special expeditions, and other un-
a satisfying hobby. To some, perhaps, it's usual events.
the feeling of "power" to reach out to the reception-such as
farthermost corners of the earth at the v.h.f. (very high frequency) skip of 30- to
flick of a switch and the twirl of a knob! 50 -me. (megacycles) taxicab, telephone re-
To many, it fills a desire to be on the lay, and others. And some SWL's like to
ground floor . . . to get the news ahead listen for DX (distant reception) "the long
of the broadcast -band listener or the TV way around"-which is another form of
viewer. It's a boon to the shut-in, and it
offers endless opportunities to promote "freak" reception which is not normally
good will among the nations. Any type of radio which will tune to the
Short-wave broadcasts enable you to short-wave bands will suffice as a start-
learn first-hand what people in other coun- such as an all -wave broadcast receiver, a
tries have to say about current affairs, and home -built short-wave set, or a low-priced
what kinds of music and other entertain- communications -type receiver like those
.ment they have. Many programs are ra- advertised by leading kit manufacturers.
diated in English for those who know no Examine your present radio. A surprise
foreign languages, and in the various local may be in store for you-for it may include
languages for those who want to study at least the "popular" short-wave bands.
languages as they are actually spoken in If not, perhaps there's an amateur (ham)
their respective countries. radio operator in your vicinity who would
Some short-wave enthusiasts are inter- help you build a simple short-wave set. One
ested in receiving QSL's (verifications) can be put together at small cost. In 'any
from the stations to which they have lis- case, get the best equipment you can af-
tened. Others tune and report their results ford.
to radio clubs; they get their big thrill By international agreement, each type of
from seeing their names in print credited station is assigned certain bands for opera-
with a fine "catch," perhaps, such as- a tions.
"first -heard" on a new station. Still others
try to build up a long list of stations heard, (NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, all time herein
content that their logs show a great is expressed in Greenwich Mean Time-GMT-sub-
tract 5 hours for EST, 6 for CST. 7 for MST, 8 for
amount of reception from all over the PST. This is on a 24 -hour clock basis in which mid-
night is 2400 (or 0000), 3 a.m. is 0300, 10 a.m. is
world. Then, there are those who are 1000, and noon is 1200, for example: instead of start-
merely "fugitives from the commercials of ing' again at 1 p.m., as the 12 -hour system does, the
24 -hour system continues to increase the number of
the broadcast band!" each hour until 2359 (11:59 p.m.) is reached, thus
1 p.m. is 1300, 5 p.m. is 1700, 10 p.m. is 2200.)
In the summer months, the best evening
You'll find that the short-wave portions reception shifts to the higher bands. Eve-
of the dial on your receiver are calibrated ning reception from Europe becomes good
(marked off) in megacycles (mc.); a meg- in the 11 mc. band, although the 9 mc. band
acycle is 1000 kilocycles (kc.). remains good for reception from that area.
The short-wave broadcasting stations op- Year -around DX (distant reception)
erate chiefly in these megacycle bands - bands are the 9 mc. and 11 mc. bands, al-
5.95 to 6.20 mc.; 7.10 to 7.30 mc.; 9.50 to though consideration there must be given
9.80 mc.; 11.70 to 12.00 mc.; 15.10 to 15.45 to receiving different parts of the world best
mc.; 17.70 to 17.90 mc.; 21.45 to 21.75 mc. in summer or winter.
Some receivers indicate these bands in me- The expected reception just outlined is
ters (m.)-such as the 49-, 41-, 31-, 25-, 19-, for normal conditions. The factors which
16-, and 13 -meter bands respectively. Thus, affect long-distance radio transmissions
megacycles refer to frequency; meters refer vary from day to day. On some days, for
to wavelength. To change megacycles to instance, reception will be quite good, but
meters, divide the frequency in mc. into at times, generally for periods of several
300. For example, 6.000 mc. (frequency) consecutive days, transmission conditions
divided into 300 gives you 50 m. (wave- will be "disturbed" and only the more
length); conversely, 50 m. (wavelength) powerful stations can be heard.
divided into 300 gives you 6.000 mc. (fre- But don't get discouraged because nor -
quency). (Continued on page 96)
Many short-wave stations lie outside the
principal bands referred to. For example, PCJ, "The Happy Station," Hilversum, Holland,
the 60- and 80-m. bands are used for local is not only one of the oldest short-wave broad-
(domestic) broadcasting over relatively casters in the world but it boasts the only ro-
short distances by many South and Cen- tating beam antenna of its kind, as shown
tral American stations, and by stations in below. Note that the entire installation can
Central Africa, Australia, India, and else- be rotated on rails. The prewar antenna was
destroyed by the Dutch rather than permit it
where. These bands are often referred to the hands of the German in-
to fall into
as the "Tropical" bands. vaders in World War II. PCJ has English
Reception conditions on each of the short- for North America at 2145-2225A GMT (ex-
wave broadcast bands vary a lot at differ- cept Sundays) over 11.730, 6.025, and at 0230-
ent times of the day and night, and also at 0310 GMT (except Mondays) over 9.590 and
different seasons of the year. It's highly 6.025. On Mondays at 0230-0400 the "Happy
important that you learn when to listen on Station Program," emceed by Eddie Startz
for the past 25 years, is on 9.590, 6.025.
each band.
In general, for SWL's in North America,
the best reception on each of these bands
during the fall and spring months should
The 6 mc. band-Evening for Latin
America and Europe.
The 7 mc. band-Late afternoon and eve-
ning for Europe.
The 9 mc. band-Morning (6 to 8 a.m.
your local time) for Asia and Australia;
afternoon for Europe and Africa; evening
for Europe and Latin America.
The 11 mc. band-Morning (6 to 9 a.m.
your local time) for Asia and Australia;
afternoon for Europe and Africa; evening
for Latin America.
The 15 mc. band-Morning and afternoon
for Europe and North America; evening for
North and South America.
The 17 mc. band-Morning and early
afternoon for Europe and North America.
The 21 mc. band-Late morning for
During the winter months, the best bands
for evening reception are lower than during
the fall and spring. For instance, the 9
mc. band becomes poor for reception from
Europe during the evening hours, and the
6 mc. band becomes the best band for
European reception. 81
October, 1954
Using a mirror to
reflect picture on TV
tube while making
adjustments. This is

Adjusting one of several types

of commercial units
currently available.

Your TV Height Control

I N a properly adjusted, normally operat-
ing television receiver the full trans- of the picture horizontally. Both controls
mitted picture should be completely visible are independent of each other and either
on the screen and in no way extend be- one may be adjusted first.
yond the visible area or be short in either The receiver manufacturer has generally
height or width. divided his operating controls into two or
It does happen, from time to time, that three groups. The first group, consisting
a picture shrinks so that it is either not of "station selector," "fine tuning control,"
wide enough or high enough. Usually, this "volume control," "on -off switch," and
shrinkage occurs so slowly that, in the be- "contrast control," are used every time
ginning, it is scarcely noticeable and not the receiver is turned on. They are placed
until some time later are you aware of the prominently in view on the front panel or,
fact that the picture does not cover the on more recent models, they may be found
entire screen. on either the side or top of the cabinet.
When this situation occurs it does not A second group of controls is frequently
require a major overhaul of the receiver. placed on the front panel, but hidden from
Any individual who is electrically inclined view by a hinged metallic plate or cover.
can at least try to bring the set back to The height and width controls may or may
normal. not be found among this group. If the latter
Every television receiver has a height is the case, then it will be necessary to
control and a width control. This is just seek further among the third group of con-
as true for the first sets made in 1946 as trols. These are found on the back panel
it is for the present 27 -inch receivers. of the receiver. This is at the rear of the
Furthermore, the names height and width receiver and whatever controls are needed
for the respective controls are universal, are available without removing the back
that is, every manufacturer uses the same cover of the receiver. If the manufacturer
terms. has a control which is not accessible until
The height control, of course, varies the the back cover of the set is removed, then
size of the picture vertically. By the same it indicates that he wants no one but a
token, the width control adjusts the size professional service technician to touch
this control.
As a further precaution, removal of the than skill and should not be too difficult
back cover almost always cuts the power for anyone to do.
off to the set by opening the interlock There is one remaining situation that
connection. With 12,000 to 15,000 volts be- may arise and that is you may reach the
ing applied to the picture tube, there is a end of the control rotation before the pic-
very good reason for these precautions. ture is made large enough to fill the
While this high voltage may not prove screen. Whether or not you can handle
fatal (because of the limited current this problem will depend on how much
drain), it can give you quite a jolt. you know about television receivers and
Once the controls are located, the next how much equipment you have on hand.
step is to determine from the picture For example, an , a.c. line voltage lower
which control needs adjusting. We will than normal can cause the foregoing situa-
consider only the height control in this tion to occur. If you have an a.c. volt-
article, since it is the simpler of the two meter and you find the line voltage is less
to adjust. than 110 volts, then here is probably the
The only equipment required for mak- reason for the narrow picture. The only
ing this adjustment is a fairly large mirror sure solution to this situation (aside from
and possibly, in some cases, a screwdriver. moving out of the neighborhood) is to use
The purpose of the mirror is to enable a line voltage regulator. This can be pur-
you to see the front screen when making chased at any electronic parts jobber and
adjustments on the controls mounted on will keep the output voltage steady at
the rear of the cabinet. Simply position around 117 volts for line voltage varia-
the mirror in front of the screen so that tions anywhere from 95 to 130 volts. This
you can see the reflection and proceed to, is a very handy gadget to have, particular-
make the necessary adjustments while ly in areas where the a.c. power line volt-
keeping your eye on the screen. age is subject to fairly wide fluctuation.
Assume that the picture does not quite Cost is nominal, ranging from a few dol-
cover the screen vertically and that you lars up to 30. The higher -priced units ken-
can see a narrow black bar (actually this erally offer more constant output voltage
is the screen) at the top and bottom of with wider input voltage fluctuation.
the picture. With your fingers on the If the line voltage is OK yet you cannot
height control and your eye (via the mir- fully fill the screen, then the problem most
ror) on the picture, slowly rotate the con- likely lies within the set itself, possibly
trol in a clockwise direction. When the pic- a weak power tube or a weak tube in the
ture fills the screen vertically, stop. vertical deflection system of the receiver.
Now, several things can happen in this Since there are a variety of tubes that
process. First, as you rotate the height can be used in the vertical stages of a
control the picture may suddenly start receiver, location and adequate testing of
moving up (or down). This means that these tubes is best performed by a pro-
the picture has dropped out of lock -in or fessional technician. Most of the time; ad-
synchronization. If this happens, leave the justing the height control will do the job
height control and move to the vertical and do it nicely.
hold control. Rotate this back and forth In this article we have covered the ad-
until the picture returns to its stationary justment of the height control. Since the
position again and locks -in. Then the width control is a little more complicated
height adjusting may be continued until we will discuss its adjustment in a later
the picture is spread out sufficiently to fill issue of this magazine. END
the screen top and bottom.
Another thing that may happen is that
when the picture has attained its full
height, the resulting image is not evenly
spaced, for example, a person's head may
be too small or too large for the body
or the feet may be compressed or elon-
gated too much. If this should happen,
then further adjustment will have to be
made with another control called the "ver-
tical linearity" control. This is rotated
until the picture is spread out evenly from
top to bottom. You may have to juggle
back and forth between these two con-
trols before you obtain the best combina-
tion of picture height and picture linearity.
The job, however, requires more patience
October, 1954
Fig. 1. Knight kit uses clips to facilitate changing the circuitry.

Learn Electronics with

W E CAN LEARN something about elec- amplifier, plate detector, and audio
tronic devices by building and using amplifier, a plate detector and two audio
them. We may not be able to learn very amplifiers, an r.f. amplifier, pentode grid
much that way about how they work; we leak detector, and audio amplifier, and
can't see what goes on inside the parts two r.f. amplifiers and triode grid leak
or the wires connecting them. On the detector); a code oscillator; a transmitter;
other hand, if we build and use many and a signal tracer.
different electronic devices, we will learn The Knight kit can be used to wire a
two things : first, that the same general broadcast receiver, a phono oscillator -
function can be performed by different home broadcaster, a code practice oscil-
combinations of parts and, second, that lator, a wireless code practice oscillator,
the same parts connected in different a signal tracer, and an audio sine -wave
ways can do different jobs. Thus we can generator. The Knight kit includes one
get some idea of the operation of each 6SN7GT twin -triode tube; the Progres-
part. A convenient way to learn this sive kit has one 6J5GT triode and two
much is to experiment with a multiple - 6SJ7GT pentodes.
use kit. Two such kits are the Progres- All of the circuits wired from both kits
sive radio "Edu-Kit" manufactured by incorporate heater and plate voltage sup-
Progressive "Edu-Kits" Inc. of Brooklyn, plies which operate from 117 -volt power
N. Y. and the Knight "6 in 1" radio lab lines. The Knight circuit includes a
kit manufactured by Allied Radio Corp. power transformer and must be connect-
of Chicago, Ill. ed to an a.c. power line. The Progressive
The Progressive kit can be used to wire circuit will operate on either a.c.. or d.c.
two one -tube ,receivers (a triode grid (On d.c. the power plug must be inserted
leak detector and a pentode grid leak de- in the wall outlet in one of the two pos-
tector); five two -tube receivers (an r.f. sible ways; if the plug is inserted incor-
amplifier and triode grid leak detector, rectly, no harm will be done, but the cir-
an r.f. amplier and plate detector, an r.f. cuit will not operate.)
amplifier and diode detector, a pentode A small metal chassis is used to mount
grid leak detector and audio amplifier, the major parts in the Progressive kit
and a plate detector and audio amplier); and all connections are made by solder-
five three -tube receivers (a pentode grid ing, as in most manufactured electronic
leak detector and two audio amplifiers, an equipment. The Knight kit uses a wooden
Fig. 2. Top and bottom views of the Progressive metal -chassis kit.

Multi Use Kits By JOHN K. FRIEBORN

Actual use of the kits showed minor

"breadboard" to mount the major parts.
The connections common to all circuits defects in both of them. The mounting
are soldered, but those which change holes indicated on the paper template for
from one circuit to another are made by some of the major components of the
simply slipping wires into Fahnestock Knight kit are incorrect. Before punch-
clips. A paper template is provided to in- ing the wood for these holes, their align-
dicate the proper positions for all mount- ment with the actual holes in the com-
ing holes in the breadboard. ponents should be checked. The Knight
The Knight kit includes an antenna for kit also was short one wood screw and
use with the receiver. The Progressive one machine screw. On the other hand,
kit has no antenna, but does include a the directions for connecting the three -
neon -tube radio and electrical tester. wire line cord in the Progressive kit are
Both of the kits include single head- inadequate. There is only one right way
phones and instruction books which give, to connect the cord; if it is connected
for each circuit, a brief description of the otherwise, the tube heaters either will
intended function, detailed instructions have no voltage applied to them or will
for building including schematic and pic- have the entire line voltage applied and
torial wiring diagrams, and a brief ex- will burn out. The wires themselves are
planation of the theory of operation. Con- color -coded, but all of the references ;(:)
struction of the kits requires pliers, the wires in the wiring diagrams and in
screwdriver, hookup wire, and solder, the instructions are by numbers 1, 2, and
which are not included. A soldering iron 3. Both manufacturers state that the de-
is also required and one is included in the fects will be corrected as soon as possible.
Progressive kit. The neon -tube tester included with the
In the Progressive kit, some of the Progressive kit can be used to determine
parts must be unsoldered to change from the proper line cord connections. Care-
one circuit to another. Repeated solder- fully separate the ends of the three wires,
ing and unsoldering may damage some then insert the plug into a wall outlet.
parts so that they cannot be used again. Connect the tester between each pair of
The Progressive kit therefore includes wires in turn. The bulb will light in two
several of each type of part which must of the three possible cases. The wire
be used over. Some extra hardware is which is not connected in the one case
also included. when the bulb does not light (the wire
October, 1954
which is connected both times when the wired to make the three -tube receiver
bulb does light) is the common or with pentode r.f. amplier, pentode grid -
grounded wire, designated as "Wire 3" in leak detector, and triode a.f. amplifier.
the instruction book. The heavier of the The Progressive circuit provided recep-
two remaining wires is the resistance tion of local stations with only a roll of
wire for the heater circuit, designated as hookup wire as an antenna. The Knight
"Wire 1." circuit, since it is regenerative, may radi-
Although the main purpose of these ate a signal to produce whistleein neigh-
kits is to make it possible to observe bors' receivers and it is more difficult to
various electronic circuits in operation, tune than the Progressive circuit, but
the various circuits actually perform well when carefully adjusted the Knight pro-
enough to be of practical use. The re- vided reception of local stations with no
ceiver circuits are a good example. Fig. 1 antenna at all.
shows the Knight kit with the basic cir- Either of these kits, or both of them,
cuit wired and with additional parts and can be used to introduce a beginner to
wires inserted between clips to make the one phase of electronics. Both companies
broadcast receiver. Fig. 2 shows top and also manufacture more advanced multi-
bottom views of the Progressive chassis use kits. END


most powerful airborne search radar time far at sea without returning to base.
yet developed is being built by General The radar antennas are housed in bubble-
Electric Company for the U. S. Navy's like structures, called "radomes," atop and
Bureau of Aeronautics. below the aircraft's fuselage. Each of the
The unit is being installed in a number flying radar stations will carry about six
of Navy and Air Force planes, including tons of electronic equipment. The search
new flying radar stations being built by radar and indicator system weighs about
Lockheed, patterned on the "Super Con- two tons-the weight and size having been
stellation" transport. kept down by the use of printed circuitry.
The Navy will use the high -altitude, Nearly all of the electronic chassis are
four -engine planes as radar stations to fly printed wiring sub -assemblies which are
off our Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The easily maintained and individually replace-
planes will fly from shore bases and are able, if necessary, according to the G -E
capable of patrolling for long periods of engineers.
A "Flying Radar Station" which will be carried aloft in this Lockheed scout plane.

[OR those who like their radio and TV
I programs sans commercials, Vocatrot
Corp., P.O. Box 108, Cambridge, Mass. has
come to their aid with an automatic "elim-
inator" which completely suppresses un-
wanted speech while allowing the musical
portion to be heard without interruption.
The unit plugs into any radio or TV set
and is so adjusted that the "vocal" portion
of the musical program is permitted to
come through. When the musical portion
stops and the commercial begins, the unit
stops the performance until the music re-


of Hayfork, a tiny California of program they fill the tank half full and
community 60 miles west of Redding, when the gas runs out, the system is auto-
get six hours of television reception in ex- matically shut off. . K. R. MacDonald

change for one gallon of gasoline. This, is

how it works. FUSE SAVER
Robert Baird, a self-taught TV techni-
cian, figured that the folks of Hayfork IF YOU keep blowing fuses even after "re-
could have TV if he could devise some way pairing" short-circuited appliances or
of feeding the signal from station KHSL- lamps, here is a handy hint. Insert a 100 -
TV (Chico) into the town. watt (or larger) bulb in the fuse receptacle
He located a suitable mountain top by before plugging the "repaired" device into
means of an 8 -inch set which he converted the power line.
to battery operation. About 31/2 miles from If the repair job is OK, the bulb will
Hayfork he located his antenna site. Fel- light at less than full brilliance or not at
low citizens helped to form Cinco Televi- all when the appliance is plugged in. If
sion Co. and the antenna was erected and the appliance is still shorting the lamp will
20.000 feet of wire was strung. glow at full intensity.
The system is powered by a gasoline Remember that high -wattage devices
generator which holds exactly one gallon like toasters and broilers will make the"
of gasoline. Whenever the three sets in lamp glow quite brightly even when no
Hayfork are to be turned on, someone in short is present because of the greater
a jeep dashes up the mountain and fills the power consumption. A little practice will
gas tank-which provides six hours of pro- enable you to spot "full" and "partial" in
gramming. If they want only three hours tensities.


ANEW portable radio which also serves as a
marine direction finder to help yachtsmen de-
termine their positions at sea is now being mar-
keted by Raytheon. The set receives the regular
AM broadcast band as well as the marine and
beacon bands.
The new Model GM -114A looks very much like
' an ordinary portable receiver but doesn't have
the loop projecting from the top-a feature ,of
most direction finders. Instead a flat, knob -like
antenna projects only two inches above the case.
The whole radio weighs only 13 pounds, includ-
ing batteries, and measures 12 inches wide and
7 inches deep and high.
When listening to a broadcast station, the user
rotates the antenna until it points directly at the
radio station and can thus obtain his "fix" show-
ing his position at sea.
October, 1954 87
Heathkits are fun to build with the simplified
easy -to -follow Construction Manual . furnished
with every kit. Only basic tools are required,
such as soldering iron, long -nosed pliers, diagonal
cutting pliers, and screwdriver. All sheet metal
work has already been done for you. No cutting, drilling, or painting required. All parts
furnished including tubes. Knowledge of electronics, circuits, etc., not required to success-
fully build Heathkits.

71e.i..0 PRINTED CIRCUIT dew

VACUUM TUBE t'ctje,pe

The VTVM is the standard basic voltage measuring instrument
for radio and TV servicemen, engineers, laboratory technicians, tmcead
experimenters, and hobbyists. Because of its extremely high input
resistance (11 megohms) the loading effect on the circuit being open Cgp licit lee of
measured, is virtually negligible. The entire instrument is easy to
build from a complete kit, with a detailed step-by-step Construc-
tion Manual. Featured in this instrument is an easy -to -wire fool-
proof printed circuit board which cuts assembly time in half.
CIRCUIT AND RANGES: Full wave AC input rectifier permits
7 peak -to -peak voltage ranges with upper limits of 9000 volts peak - :et(1_ 44t
Pgriht),i cIia kett
to -peak. Just the ticket for you TV servicemen. Seven voltage
ranges, 1.5, 5, 15, 50, 150, 500 and 1500 volts DC and AC RMS. e fetteregn?
Peak -to -peak ranges 4, 14, 40, 140, 400, 1400, and 9000 volts. Ohm-
meter ranges Xl, X10, X100, X1000, X1OK, X1OOK, Xl meg. Additional Model V-7
features area db scale, center scale zero position, and a polarity reversal switch.
IMPORTANT DESIGN FEATURES: Transformer operated -1% precision
resistors -6AL5 and 12AU7 tubes-selenium power rectifier-individual AC
$ 2 4 5.° t2e,CliFivoaa
and DC calibrations -smoother improved zero adjust control action-new panel
styling and color-new placement of pilot light-new positive contact battery Shpg. Wt. 7 lbs.
mounting-new knobs-test leads included. Easily the best
buy in kit instruments.

The Heathkit Model M-1 Handi-
tester readily fulfills all require- MULTIMETER
ments for a compact, portable volt-
ohm-milliamn3eter. Its small size KIT
permits the instrument to be tucked
into your coat pocket, tool box or
glove compartment of your car. Al- Here is an instrument packed
ways the "handltester" for those with every desirable service fea-
simple repair jobs. Packed with every ture and all of the measurement
desirable feature required in an In- ranges you need or want. High
strument of this type. AC or DC sensitivity 20,000 ohms per volt
voltage ranges, full scale 10, 30.
300. 1000 and 5000 volts. Ohm- DC, 5000 ohms per volt AC. Has
meter ranges 0-3000 ohms and the advantage of complete port-
MODEL M-1 0-300,000 ohms. DC milliam- ability through freedom from AC

'14" meter ranges 0-10 milliamperes

and 0-100 milliamperes. Uses
400 microampere meter -1%
line-provides service ranges of
direct current measurements
from 150 microamperes up to 15

Shpg. Wt. 3 lbs.

precision resistors-hearing aid
type ohms adjust control-high
quality Bradley rectifier. Test
leads are Included.
amperes -can be safely operated
in RF fields without impairing
accuracy of measurement.
'26 S 0 Shpg. Wt.
6 lbs.

Full scale AC and DC voltage ranges of 1.5, 5, 50, 150, 500,

1500, and 5000 volts. Direct current ranges are 150 microamperes,
15, 150, and 500 milliamperes and 15 amperes. Resistances are
HEATH COMPANY measured from .2 ohms to 20 megohms in three ranges and db
range from -10 to +65 db. Ohmmeter batteries and necessary
test leads arc furnished with the kit.
USE: This brand new Utility Scope was designed especially for servicemen
and radio amateurs, and is adaptable for use in all general Scope applies-
ome woLvid- tions. Perfect for modulation monitoring, etc. Use it to tackle alignment
:1-iinad. (U. adjustment problems. Equally valuable in breadboard work. A must
iT.74'icifigZ121.1,:i4. for ham shack or for outside servicing.
DESCRIPTION: Front panel controls of the
Model OL-1 are "bench tested" for ease of opera-
tion and convenience. Sharp focusing r CRT.
Printed circuit for ease of assembly. and constant
performance. Assembly time cut in half! High
quality electronic components used. Sensitive hor.
and vert. amplifiers with broad freq. response; cath-
ode follower for isolation. Push-pull hor. and vert.
output to deflection plates. Int ., 60 cycle, or ext.
sync. Sweep freq. range 10-100,000 cycles. Direct
connection to deflection plates. Provision for Z
axis input. Uses 3GP1 CRT, 4-12AU7 hor. and
vert. amplifiers, 1-12A X7 sweep gen., 1-6X4
d LV rect.,and 1-1V2 HV rect. The Heathkit
'5 is Model (L-1 is a real standout value at only
Model OL-1 s. $29.50, and is another example of the famous
Heathkit combination; quality plus economy.

$2950 Shpg. Wt.

15 lbs.
ArnZt:nt Pl,

'0?,42 cut In mailr time


Cathode follower
eetelt/eie New,
modern panel
knob styling
professional appear -
output for good
isolation -Coed
step and confirm.
:erne and professional ously variable
SIGNAL GENERATOR KIT performance. attenuation.
- _

USE: This instrument is "serviceman engineered" to fill the requirement fur a

reliable basic service instrument at moderate cost. Frequency coverage extends
in five bands from 160 Kc to 110 Mc on fundamentals, and dial is calibrated to
220 Mc for harmonics. Pre -wound and pre -aligned coils make calibration unnec-
essarylor service applications.

DESCRIPTION: The Heathkit Model SG -8 Signal Generator provides a stable

modulated or unmodulated RF output of at least 100,000 microvolts which can.
be controlled by both a continuously variable and a fixed step attenuator. In-
ternal modulation is at 400 cycles, or can be externally modulated. AF output of Output selection -
2-3 volts is also available for audio testing. Uses dual purpose 12AU7 as Colpitts Internet modula-
tion, pure r.t.,
RF oscillator and cathode follower for stable, isolated, low impedance output, and or audio output.
type 6C4 tube for 400 cycle oscillator. Operation of the SG -8 is well within the Broad frequency
coverage - fun-
frequency limits normally required for service work. Modern styling features MODEL SG -8 damentals from
high definition white letters on charcoal gray panel with re -designed control knobs.
Modern professional appearance and Heathkit engineering know-how combine
I., place this instrument in the "best buy" category. Only $19.50 complete.
$9 5,0 Shpg. Wt.
8 lbs.
160 KC to 110
MC In 5 bands
-up to 220 MC
on calibrated

Wear -44a ANTENNA Vleatideie

The Model AM -1 Antenna Impedance Amateurs and serv-
Meter makes an ideal companion unit for icemen have proven
the GD-1B Grid Dip Meter or a valuable the value of this grid
instrument in its own right: Perfect for dip meter many times
checking antenna and receiver impedance over. Indispensable
and match for optimum system operation. for locating parasit-
Use on transmission lines, half wave, folded tics, neutralizing, MODEL
dipole, or beam antennas. Will double as and aligning filters
monitor or relative field strength meter. and traps in TV or GD-1 B
Covers freq. range of 0-150 Mc and im- Radio and for interfer-
pedance range of 0-600 ohms. Uses 100 t Shpg. Wt.
Shpg. Wt. microampere meter and special calibrated
ence problems. The
$145, 2 lbs. potentiometer. A real buy at only $14.50
Model GD-1B covers
from 2 Me to 250 Mc
$ 1 9 52 4 lbs.
with 5 pre -wound coils. Featurirg a sensitive 500
microampere meter and phone jack, the GD-1B uses
a 6AF4 or 6T4 tube. An essential tool for the ham
or serviceman.
ACCESSORIES: Low freq. coverage to 355 KC with
two extra coils and calibration curve. Set No. 341A
for GD-1B and set No. 341 for GD-1A. Shipping
weight 1 lb. Only $3.01.
Smooth acting illuminated and precatibrated dial.
MODEL VF -1 6AU6 electron coupled Clapp oscillator and 0A2 voltage regulator.
7 Band coverage. 160 through 10 meters -10 Volt RF output.

$1950 Copper
plated chassis-aluminum cabinet-easy to build-direct

Smooth acting
Ship. Wt. 7 lbs. Open illuminated
layout.- dial drive. Clean
easy to build appearance
Here is the new Heathkit VFO you
have been waiting for. The perfect - simplified
iring. - rugged
companion to the Heathkit Model calibrating
AT-i Transmitter. It has sufficient output to adjustments.
drive any multi -stage transmitter of modern
design. A terrific combination of outstanding
features at a low kit price. Good mechanical Ceramic coil
and electrical design insures operating stability. Coils are wound on heavy duty forms -
ceramic forms, using Litz or double cellulose wire coated with polystyrene differential
cement. Variable capacitor is of differential type construction especially de- condenser.
signed for maximum bandspread and features ceramic Insulation and double
This kit is furnished with a carefully precallbrated dial which provides well
over two feet of calibrated dial scale. Smooth acting vernier reduction drive
insures easy tuning and zero beating. Power requirements 6.3 volts AC at .45
amperes and 250 volts DC at 15 mills. Just plug it into the power receptacle
provided on the rear of the AT -1 Transmitter Kit. The VFO coaxial output
cable terminates in plastic plug to fit standard yi" crystal holder. Construction is Copper pi
simple and wiring is easy. chassis-r: r


Range 80. 40, 20, 15, 11, 10 meters.
MODEL AT -1 6L6 Amplifier -doubler VFO excitation.
51140 Rectifier.
105-125 Volt A.C. 50-60 cycles 100
watts. Size: 81/4 inch high x 131/4 inch
$2950 wide x 9 Inch deep.
.1Prewound coils
- metered
Ship. Wt. operation.
16 lbs.
52 ohm
Here Is a major Heathkit addition to the Ham radio field, the coaxial
AT -1 Transmitter Kit, incorporaring many desirable design output.
features at the lowest possible dollar -per -watts price. Panel
mounted crystal socket, stand-by switch, key click filter.
A. C. line filtering, good shielding, etc. VFO or crystal excita-
tion-up to 35 watts input. Built -In power supply provides
425 volts at 100 MA. Amazingly low kit price includes all
circuit components, tubes, cabinet, punched chassis, and
detailed construction manual.
Single knob


Four band Six tube
Operation 535 to transformer SPECIFICATIONS:
to 35 Mc. operation. Range 535 /Cc to 35 Me
1213E6 Mixer -oscillator
12BA6 1 F. Amplifier
12AV6 Detector - AVC - aud o
Stable BFG Electrical 12BA6 ....B. F. 0. oscillator
Oscillator bandspread 12A6 .Beam power output
circuit. and scale. 5Y3GT Rectifier
105-125 volts A.C 50-00
cycles, 45 watts.

RF ga control
with A or A new Heathkit AR -2 communl-
cations receiver. The Ideal corn- MODEL AR -2
51/2 Inch PM Noise limiter- panlon piece for the AT -I Trans-
Speaker -
standby switch, mitter. Electrical bandspread scale for tuning
and logging convenience. High gain minla-
Lure tubes and IF transformers for high
sensitivity and good signal to noise ratio.
$ 25 50
Ship. WI. 12 lbs.
Construct your own Communications
Receiver at a very substantial saving. CABINET:
Supplied with all tubes, punched and
HEATH COMPANY formed sheet metal parts, speaker,
circuit components, and detailed step-
by -step construction manual.
Proxylin impreg-
nated fabric coy -
erect plywood cab.
Wet. Shipg, weight
Number 91.
0, *
NEW .qeearideet
Here is the ideal radio kit
for the student, beginner, or
hobbyist. If you have ever
had the urge to build your
own radio receiver, this kit
Here is an outstanding am- deserves your attention.
plifier value. This economi- Circuit is transformer oper-
tally priced amplifier is ated, eliminating shock haz-
capable of performance ard usually associated with
usually associated only with "economy" AC -DC circuits.
far more expensive units. New high gain miniature
Can be nicely used as the MODEL BR -2
tubes and IF transformers-
heart of an inexpensive high
quality home music system.
powerful ferrite core built-
in rod type antenna-chassis $1750 shrogibWs.t .
MODEL A -7B Features inputs for tuner mounted 5Ic PM speaker- less Cabinet
and phono (Model A -7C ac- optional operation either as receiver or tuner and phono input.
commodates a microphone Covers broadcast band 550-1600 Kc. Uses 12BE6, 12BA6,
50 Shpg. wt.
ady 10 lbs. by using an additional pre-
amplifier stage). Separate
12AV6, 12A6, and 5Y3 tubes.
CABINET: Proxylin impregnated fabric covered plywood
bass and treble boost and cabinet
cut tone controls for just the degree of tonal balance you available. Includes aluminum panel, flocked re-inforced speaker
want. The entire kit can be built in a few pleasant hours for grill and protective rubber feet.
years of enjoyment. 91-9, Shpg. Wt. 5 lbs. $4.50
Technical features, frequency response ± db 20-20,000
cycles. Full 6 watts output. Push-pull beam power out-
put stage. Output transformer impedances 4,. 8, and 15 FM TUNER
ohms. Tube lineup, 12J5GT, 12SL7, 2 -12A6, 5Y3GT,
and 12SJ7 (A -7C only). Here is an FM tuner
All parts including tubes are supplied along with a construction kit designed for sim-
prefabricated and painted chassis. Detailed step-by-step through the "phono" to operate
Construction Manual eliminates necessity for special- or with a separate section of your either
former radio
amplifier. AC trans-
ized knowledge. rule typeoperated -8 tube circuit-slide
coverage tuning dial 88-108
MODEL A -7C incorporates a preamplifier stage with
special compensated network do provide necessary gain
for operation with variable reluctance cartridge or mi-
Shpg. Wt.
at the same time
three double
the thrill rya djusted front tuned IF stages-
end. Experience
your own FM
crophone. S17.50 of true FM reception. enjoy all of the tuner and
8 lbs.


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180 WO
480 uP1,1
C4 480,404

rRYSTAL radio receivers have been with

)Boy p Id
416 11) AV U us for more than 50 years. Thirty-
three years ago more people owned crystal
480,A04. sets than tube sets. Although the crystal
ec T-f:ittf set can never produce the volume of a tube
receiver nor pick up stations more than 25
miles away with any consistency, it still
is a popular circuit because it needs no
.,--eiNZI\a-A (511 batteries or electricity for operation.
The crystal set shown on these pages is
a little different from the usual circuit of
005,I, MICA this type because it incorporates a switch.
(C61 In this way you can switch to your favorite
stations instead of slowly tuning them in.
.002 1.114. MICA
IN34 (CR11 With this arrangement you can be sure
that a station is tuned "on the nose" be-
cause the tuning has been pre-set.
A glance at the circuit diagram will show
how this pre -tuning is accomplished. The
input coil, L, -L,, is connected to a two -pole
rotary swtich Sm. Switch ASIA selects any
one of the five screw -adjusted mica trim-
mers, C, to C,, and connects it across the
coil, L,, In the beginning, each trimmer
is set with a screwdriver to tune in a par-
ticular station.
The input coil, L,, is a Miller No. 6300
TUNING SLUG ferrite -tuned antenna coil. The tuning slug
of this coil may be moved in and out of the
coil (for adjustment) by turning it with a
screwdriver. Before installation, screw
300 it the slug all the way into the coil. A length
of insulated wire comes soldered to one
-GROUND terminal of this coil. Cut this wire off be-
ANTENNA fore installing L3 in the set. Using this


C2, C3-480 12µ1d. mica trimmer (Arco Type 466)

C4, C5-180 µµfd. mica trimmer (Arch Type 463)
C5-.005 µfd. mica capacitor
C7-.002 µfd. mica capacitor
CF17-1N34 germanium diode (see text)
5-pos., nonshorting, rotary selector switch,
single gang
17-Open-circuit phone jack
All of the trimmer capacitors are solder. Li-See text
ed directly to the station selector switch. Li-Ferrite-tuned broadcast antenna coil (Miller
Check also the schematic and pictorial No. 6300. See text for modifications)
diagrams for further wiring information.

piece of wire, wrap it tightly into 5 turns
around the bottom of coil L2, twisting the
ends to prevent unraveling. This forms the
input coil, L,.
In the first three positions of the switch
(1, 2, and 3), the large trimmers are used.
In these three positions, stations having
frequencies between 500 and 1000 kc. are
selected. In the remaining two positions
(4 and 5) of the switch, the small -size
trimmers are used. In these two positions,
stations on frequencies higher than 1000
kc. are selected.
In positions 1, 2, and 3 of the switch, the
lower pole (SiB) connects the antenna and
ground leads directly to coil L1. In posi-
tions 4 and 5, capacitor C. is switched au-
tomatically in series with the coil. This
helps to improve separation of the high
The crystal detector, CR1, is an inexpen-
sive 1N34 germanium diode. Other types
of germanium diodes or silicon diodes can
be used.
Capacitor 02 is a small .002 'dd. mica
unit for the headphone circuit. Magnetic
headphones rated at 2000 to 3000 ohms will
give best results.
A strip of television -type 300 -ohm an-
tenna ribbon is used to connect the crystal
set to the antenna and ground. For greaS-
est volume, a good outside antenna and
ground connection are needed. The an-
tenna should be erected as high in the air
as possible and can be a single wire, but
October, 1954
must be at least 25 feet long. The ground in the following manner: 1. With the box
must be a good earth connection, such as opened, screw each of the trimmers tightly
a cold -water pipe or a 3 -foot pipe driven closed; 2. Connect the antenna and ground;
into moist earth. Do not use gas pipes. 3. Plug in the headphones; 4. Set the switch
Begin the construction by soldering one to position 1; 5. Unscrew trimmer C, slowly
lug of each trimmer to a switch contact in until the first desired low -frequency sta-
the top section (Su) of the switch. This tion is tuned in sharply. Use an insulated
construction is shown in one of the photo- screwdriver to keep your hand from de-
graphs. Arrange the trimmers around the tuning the set; 6. Advance the switch to
switch so that the three 480 Agd. trimmers position 2; 7. Unscrew trimmer C2 until
will be selected when the switch is set to the second desired low -frequency station
its left-hand positions and the two 180 Nafd. is tuned in sharply; 8. Repeat this proce-
trimmers when the switch is set to its dure at each of the other settings of the
right-hand positions. Connect the free lugs switch, adjusting the corresponding trim-
of the trimmers together with a length of mer to tune in the desired station. In
No. 18 bare copper wire soldered to the positions 4 and 5 of the switch, adjust the
lugs. corresponding trimmer (C4 and CO to tune
The receiver is built into a standard in the desired high -frequency stations;
enamelled -aluminum radio chassis box, 5" 9. Inscribe the station call ,letters on the
high, 4" wide, and 3" deep. The antenna card under each setting of the pointer knob
coil assembly, L, -L2, is mounted to the back of the switch; finally 10. Close the box.
wall of the box by means of a short piece Tuning may be inspected from time to
of No. 14 wire twisted around the neck of time and the trimmers re -adjusted with
the coil form to make a bracket. Complete a screwdriver if necessary. The set usually
the balance of the assembly and wiring as will stay in tune for months without need-
shown in the illustrations. ing any touching up. When moving to an-
After the wiring has been completed and other town, or when stations are changed,
inspected for correctness, the crystal set the trimmer screws may be re -set to bring
may be pre -tuned to the desired stations in different stations. END


USING an incandescent bulb for low -power dering leads to the bulb base has a number
transmitter testing is a well -established of disadvantages including the fact that a
practice, however, the usual method of sol- number of different bulbs must be processed
to obtain loads of the desired amount.
An adapter to solve this problem consists
of a plug-in type socket to which is soldered
a short length of feedline terminated in
alligator clips.
Such a unit facilitates quick interchange-
ability and does not mutilate the bulbs.
Otto L. Woolley, WOSGG.
A LITTLE patience, an electric drill, and outside of the window pane being drilled.
n a good valve -grinding compound will en- After the hole is drilled a 1/4 " brass bolt
able you to drill a hole in a window pane v&ith lead washers on each side may be in-
in order to accommodate the low -loss lead- stalled as a through connection.
in line from your television anten-
na. Here is how it is done.
Chuck a short piece of square-
cut 14" copper tubing in your
power drill, dope the end liberally
with valve -grinding compound (or
carborundum-oil mix) and start
pressing. Take care to hold the
point on one spot until a groove is
worn-use your left hand as a
cradle to steady the drill. Use
plenty of abrasive and just a little
pressure. When close to the other
side, press very lightly to avoid
pushing a jagged patch on the
by Robert Hertzberg. Arco Publishing Co.,
New York. 140 pages. Price $2.00.
As the author of this book points out,
there are many things that a television set
owner can do to keep his receiver in top
operating condition.
Simple rules for cleaning the safety glass
and the tube face, steps for preventing an- Construction details for the various sys-
tenna breakage, and line cord safety meas- tems are presented in thoroughly usable
ures are covered pictorially and in the text. form, along with the circuit diagrams and
For those of a technical bent, the book photographs required for such projects.
covers TV receiver circuitry, explains the Here is a "natural" for the hobbyist and
function of the various circuits, and dia- those who like to experiment with minia-
grams typical commercial receivers. The ture equipment of all types.
test equipment used in TV servicing is de-
scribed and explained along with its func- * * *
A comprehensive section on antennas by ARRL Staff. Published by the
helps to explain why one type of antenna" American Radio Relay League, West Hart-
works in one location but won't produce ford, Conn. 58 pages plus catalogue sec-
satisfactory pictures in another area. tion. Price 50 cents. Paper bound.
Set owners who like to know the "why's Offhand we can think of no better intro-
and whyfore's" of their TV receivers will duction to the amateur radio hobby than
find this book interesting and instructive. this little handbook published by the
* * *
"THE MAGIC OF ELECTRONICS" by Ed- Not only does it describe the rules and
ward J. Bukstein. Published by Frederick regulations, requirements and prerogatives
Ungar Publishing Co., New York. 251 of "hams" but it outlines the procedures
pages. Price $3.95. for obtaining an amateur license.
There is something magical about the Simple receivers and transmitters that
science of electronics which fascinates the amateur can build, code practice equip-
young and old alike. The never-ending pa- ment, code techniques, and a summary of
rade of miraculous devices coming from license exam questions are all included in
the laboratories is a constant source of this compact manual.
amazement to those old enough to remem- Anyone considering amateur radio as a
ber the era of gas lights and horse -driven hobby as well as those who already hold
vehicles. their "tickets" should get a copy of this
This book is a survey of some of the handbook as a reference source and self -
many developments that have taken place instruction manual par excellence.
during a single generation-the vacuum * * *
tube, electronic heating, x-rays, medical
electronic equipment, detectors of various "REMOTE CONTROL BY RADIO" by A. H.
types, FM and AM broadcasting, television, Bruinsma. Published by Philips Technical
radar, sonar, loran, transistors, printed cir- Library, Eindhoven, Holland. Available in
cuits, etc. the U.S. from Elsevier. Press Inc., 402 Lo-
Each subject is discussed succinctly with vett Blvd., Houston 6, Texas. 96 pages.
either a photograph or diagram to illus- Price $1.50. Paper bound.
trate the text material. This is a practical handbook covering
* * * two systems for controlling small models
"MODEL CONTROL BY RADIO" by Ed- by radio; an AM system with two inde-
ward L. Safford, Jr. Published by Gems - pendent channels,, and a pulse -modulation
back Publications, Inc., New York. 112 system with eight channels.
pages. Price $1.00. Paper bound. The only prerequisite to an , understand-
The tremendous boom in the building ing of this text is a general knowledge of
and operating of models of all types has radio and low voltage techniques. Com-
given rise to a corresponding surge in in- plete circuit diagrams of the transmitters
terest in radio control. and receivers used in the systems are in-
This book is a simple, easy -to -understand cluded along with a detailed parts list. The
description of the various types of equip- parts included in the construction are
ment which can be used for model control. standard and no difficulty should be en-
So clearly and concisely is the subject mat- countered in purchasing them in the U. S.
ter presented that those without formal For a practical, how -to -do -it book cover-
radio training can derive as much benefit ing a fascinating project, this text meets
from the text as the "old hand." all of the requirements. END
October, 1954 95
The World at a Twirl
(Continued from page 81)
mal conditions will return after the dis-
turbance has ended, and reception will
-in a high -paid job again be good.
-your own studio Here's an especial caution: Short-wave
-as a free lance broadcasting stations often change their
-for extra income schedules and/or frequencies with little or
no prior notice. Always be on the alert for
BIG FREE BOOK announcements of such changes.
Overseas broadcasters heard best in
North America are the high-powered trans-
SEND FOR IT TODAY! mitters which radiate programs over di-
Find out why today's money -making opportunities
are the biggest ever. NYI's big FREE illustrated
rectional antennas and which are intended
book takes you behind the scenes in professional especially for this area. Here are some
photography, shows what the tremendous oppor-
tunities are in every major branch. It shows how
"Current Best Bets for Beginners" from
NYI's famous low-cost LEARN -BY -DOING method stations which broadcast sessions in Eng-
and PERSONALIZED guidance train you quickly, lish which are generally heard well; most
easily AT HOME in spare time-how you can of those listed are beamed to the North
EARN AS YOU LEARN to make money 90 ways for
extra income or a lifetime career. Get started American continent. (Remember times are
NOW! Send for FREE book. Our 45th year. Resi- in GMT on a 24 -hour system; subtract 5
dent Training also available,. G.I. Approved.
hours for EST, 6 for CST,7 for MST, 8 for
Dept. 13, 10 W. 33 St., N. Y. 1, N. V. PST.)
Please send me complete information regarding Africa-OTC, 9.655, Leopoldville, Belgian
0 Correspondence nurse 0 Resident Training
Congo, 0100-0300, relays ORU, Brussels,
Belgium. Radio Brazzaville, 9.440, 11.970,
Address French Equatorial Africa, with news 2245-
City Zone State 2300. Radio Dakar, 9.560A, French West
0 Check if eligible under G.I. Bill. Africa, has English 2215-2230 closedown on
Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat.
Asia-TAT, 9.515, Ankara, Turkey, 2315-
LEARNELECTRICAL 2400, has typical Turkish music and news;
APPLIANCE Radio Teheran, EPB, 15.100, Iran, has news
2015; Tel Aviv, 9.008A ("A" means approx-
Repairing & Installation imate frequency), Israel, has "Voice of
T iRnA I rus
LET Hs hOolr3t,
Zion" session 2100-2145. Western listeners
You recei e big "ON-THE-JOB" home training kits, should try for Radio Japan, Tokyo, at 0500-
test equipment, audio instructions and practical service 0600 on 15.135, 11.780; and for BED4,
training lessons. You learn how to Service, Repair and 11.920, Taipeh, Taiwan (Formosa) at 0300-
Install all types of ELECTRICAL Appliances and Equip- 0330, 0430-0500.
ment. How to build and operate your own business. etc.
Australia-Oceania-Eastern SWL's
You EARN As You Learn Big Book should tune for Radio Australia, Mel-
You charge on basis of $:;.00 to Vt.011 per
hour for snare time work., Write now fur bourne, 9.615, at 120b-1345; western SWL's
your Free Book. full details about this amaz-
ing opportunity for you in modern Electric FREE! on same frequency at 1500-1615, and on
594 NORTH NEWARK AVENUE 15.200 at 225-0415; has helpful DX session
ADVANCE TRAINING Dep4t. 7410, CHICAGO 31. I LL. Sundays 1330 on 9.615 when tips for cur-
rent listening are presented. For Radio
New Zealand, Wellington, try ZL18, 9.520,
or ZL2, 9.540, around 0700-1000. VLT6,
6.130, Port Moresby, British New Guinea,
ATTENTION:"C7ubbbyMestnibers has a complete weather broadcast 0855,
Study Groups followed at 0900 by ABC news relayed from
Radio Australia.
Subscriptions to POPULAR ELEC- Europe-Try HER4, 9.535, Berne, Swit-
TRONICS at special bulk rates are zerland, 0130-0400, has delightful folk
available to club members, study music; OZF, 9.520, Copenhagen, Denmark,
groups, employee groups, schools, etc. 0200-0230, 0330-0400; Radio Athens, 11.718,
Greece, has news 1;45; Rome, 9.570A,
For information, write to: 11.905A, has news 0015AV ("A" means ap-
POPULAR ELECTRONICS, Dept. 1016 proximate time news begins, which may
366 Madison Ave., New York 17, N. Y. vary-V-slightly) and 0230; Bucharest,
9.570, Roumania, 0300-0330A, 0430-0500;
Radio Sweden, 9.620, Stockholm, has news
0030, and (for western SWL's) on 11.705
at 0500; Madrid, 9.363AV, Spain, at 2300-
2340A, and (for western SWL's), same
channel, 0310A -0350A.
For the old standby, the BBC, London,
try 'GSP, 15.310, at 1500-2215; GRH, 9.825,
at 2215-0300; GRN, 6.195, at 0430-0615. Try
Paris on 11.700 at 2000-2100, and Hilver-
sum, Holland, on 11.730 at 2145-2225A.
Radio Moscow, USSR, beams to North
America 2300-0100 (or later) on many fre-
quencies-including 9.480A, 9.530A, 9.595A,
9.640A, 9.680A-with portions being re-
layed by such satellites as Prague, 9.550,
Czechoslovakia; Bucharest, 9.570, Rou-
mania; Sofia, 9.700, Bulgaria; Budapest,
9.833, Hungary, and others. Prague, 9.550,
parallel (has same program) on 11.760, has
its own (English) session for North Amer-
ica 0030-0100 and 0400A -0430A; Sofia,
9.700, at 0100-0130; Budapest, 9.833, 6.248A,
2230-2300 and at other times.
Latin America-"Brazil Calling" is an
entertaining feature weekdays 0105-0130A
and Sundays 2130-2155A over ZYK3, 9.565,
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil; HCJB, Quito,
Ecuador, can be heard well 0200-0500 on
9.743A, 11.915, 15.115, with religious broad-
casts; try TGNB, 9.668, and TGNC, 11.850,
Guatemala City, for further religious pro- Valuable Facts
grams in English at 0300-0445; YVLK,
4.970, Caracas, Venezuela, has a "Supper Help You Install
Club" session 2300-2400. Better PA Systems
North America-Try WRUL, Boston,
around 2315 on 9.585, 11.780, or 15.285. Shows how to make sound surveys and recommendations
for factories, arenas, etc. Gives typical examples and
The "Voice of America" (VOA) and the results.
"Armed Forces Radio Service" (AFRS) Discusses public address requirements in relation to
have transmitters on both the East and characteristics of auditoriums, stadiums, large rooms, etc.
West Coasts of USA which operate almost Explains operational factors of importance in public ad-
continuously in the various "popular" dress speaker systems for all types of applications, in-
short-wave broadcasting bands. Try doors and outdoors.
CHNX, 6.130, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Can- Tells what the CDP Compound Diffraction Projector is-
ada, 1030-0415; western SWL's may hear what it does-and how it provides a PA speaker system
CKRX, 6.080, or CBRX, 6.160, Vancouver, of much greater range, ,efficiency and dispersion.
British Columbia, around 0700. The Ca- Includes illustrations, diagrams, charts, formulas, engi-
nadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) neering data, technical and architectural specifications.
has a strong signal at 0230 with news in
English in its Latin American beam over Send for your FREE copy now
CKLO, 9.630, and CHOL, 11.720.
To get off to a good start, by all means
buy a copy of the 1954 edition of "World
Radio Handbook" which costs $1.50, post-
paid, direct from Ben E. Wilbur, 47 Mount -
haven Drive, Livingston, New Jersey. It
has a wealth of information of extreme Without obligation, send FREE copy of the CDP
value to all short-wave listeners. Public Address Handbook.
Next month I'll discuss some of the NAME
world's leading short-wave broadcasting
organizations and their use of directional ADDRESS
beams; antennas; and how to tune your
short-wave receiver for best results. In the ZONE STATE
meantime, good listening, as you "twirl to
tune the world!" (Continued next month)
October, 1954 97


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Converter ammo 0461040,

popularity of miniature converters
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motive system. T.erado Company of 1051 @NTI

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Checks all popular octal,
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for the first time a leg to RTMA base system
Individual sockets for each
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tube type
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With it you can quickly tube elements
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AT PICNICS OUTINGS IN THE CAR- IN THE TRUCK filament continuity Space saving, high Impact
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Comes complete with de-
MODEL 208 TUBE TESTER tailed instruction book and
Only S24.90
MODEL CRA (PICTURE TUBE An Invaluable tool tem Service.
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PilEW YORK 12. N. Y

October, 1954 99
REMOVING BRAID in (A) thus exposing the braid. Next,
SHIELDED cable, wh'ether used in audio push the braid back to loosen it and bend
0 or r.f. work, always presents a prob- the cable slightly. With a soldering aid,
lem to the experimenter as stripping and a scribe, or a small nail start working the
removing parts of the braid are not easy. strands of the braid apart to form a small
A good technique is as follows : hole as shown in (B). Keep working
If an outer layer of insulation is used, on the opening and bending the cable un-
remove a portion by running a sharp knife til you can get the tool under the inner
conductor (C). Now slip your tool under
the inner conductor and pull the free end
out of the braid (D). Hold the edges of
the braid back with the fingernail, if
necessary, while performing the operation.
With the inner conductor free of the
around the cable, flexing it slightly to braid, stretch the braid out until the
break the insulation loose as shown in opening is closed tightly around the inner
(A). Too much pressure on the knife may conductor (E). Finally, finish the job by
nick the braid.
Loosen the braid with the fingers and
push it back so that a flat ring is formed
as shown in (B). Using diagonal cutters,
clip the outer edges of the fiat ring (C)
thus separating the braid. Remove the ex-
cess braid and strip a portion of the insu-
lation from the inner conductor as shown 141

in (D) L.G.
* * *


RARE, tinned copper wire or "bus bar" is
U often used in commercially -built test
equipment. Uhfortunately, this bus bar
develops kinks and wrinkles if left around
the workshop bench and should be
straightened before being used in home
wiring projects.
To straighten any sized bus bar, from
22 gauge to 12 gauge, clamp one end in a In
heavy bench vise and grasp the other end
tightly with a pair of pliers. Now apply stripping insulation from the inner con-
a strong, steady pull on the wire. Use ductor and flatten the extra length of
plenty of strength, but don't pull too braid to form a ground strap as shown in
hard or jerk the wire as it may break. (F) L.G.
The wire will straighten out nicely and * * *
may even stretch slightly. If this hap- SELF -TAPPING SCREW
pens, the wire diameter will be reduced A SELF -TAPPING screw, suitable for use
and the wire will tend to be stiffer and n in aluminum, as well as Bakelite, lutite,
hold its shape better. polystyrene, and other plastics, may be
* *
made in a few minutes from a conven-
TERMINATING CABLES tional machine screw.
SMALL diameter shielded cables, such as Using a steel machine screw of the de-
microphone cable,sas well as small sizes sired size and length, run a nut up on the
of r.f. coaxial cable, may be terminated screw, almost to the head, as shown in
in a professional way by using the method (A). Next clamp the screw and nut in a
shown in the diagram. vise and taper the end (B) using a flat
If the cable has an outer insulator, re- file. Then, using a triangular file, file
move about 3" of this material *as shown three or four tapered notches along the
screw. The notches should run the length
of the screw as shown in (C) and be deep- BIGGEST
est at the end farthest from the head. ARGAINS FOR


CP aM.1
cc NUT

(A) (8) (C) COMPLETE

Only $7.95 per Mo.
Finally, remove the nut, as shown in AMATEUR RADIO $10 DOWN AND
(D), thus restoring any damaged threads KITS FOR THE NOVICE!
L.G. This 65 watt, complete
* * * RECEIVER handswitching Globe
$14.70 Complete Scout Is ideal for begin-
ners. Compact: t3"x16ff
SHORTENING SCREWS Stock No. 75A008 x8" case and operating
160 thru 10M. Pone and
TOO -LONG machine screws may be TRANSMITTER CW. PI Network anten-
na tuner. Fully TVT
shortened by following a few simple $29.40 Complete screened cabinet. Send
for complete Informa-
steps. First select a steel nut to fit the Stock No. 81A052 tion todayl
screw, then run it up on the screw past Stock No. 1000A020W

the part to be cut off. Build your own trans-

mitter and receiver and
Clamp the screw and nut in a vise, cut "go on the air" with
this complete kit and
off the unwanted portion, using either bolt World Radio Laboratories Is the world's simple instructions.
largest distributor of amateur, radio and Complete kit only
Designed for
cutters or a hack saw. Remove sharp eleetoonie equipment . . over 15,000
items of the latest design on the market. single wire antenna.
Power supply included
burrs with a few passes of the file and Including WRL's own famous 500 watt,
completely bandswitchIng Globe King.
that can be yours for only $36.78 per
with transmitter. Units
may be purchased sep-
then remove the nut. As the nut is run month! Write today for our new FREE
catalog, showing our entire li.t of items
arately. Write for full
off the screw, the damaged threads will for the novice and the professional. It's
easy to do business with WitL.
be restored *
* *

*Only 10% down 1955 CATALOG
ALUMINUM foil is a handy accessory to payment
Your Permanent
have in the home workshop for trouble- * ''I0 Day Free Trial" Guide To
shooting chirps and whistles in superhets * More Money -Value Over 15,000
due to insufficient shielding. Every "new- for Trade-ins Top -Value Hems!
born" home -constructed superhet receiver * Over 600 Bargains in Vcold
reconditioned transmit Fladia
seems to have at least a couple of these ter:, receivers, etc. 1.:Ihn.rator'es FOR IT!
hard -to -clean-up bugs.
Place the set on a sheet of foil and fold
up the ends to determine whether shield-
ing the entire chassis will help. Form the

foil into temporary tube and coil shields

and put barriers of the foil between any
components suspected of feedback. ILECTROtilt
This is much faster than the usual pro-
cedure of setting up permanent shields "1
and then removing them when they don't WRITE-WIRE-PHONE 2-0277 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA
seem to help. When components feeding
back are found, isolate them entirely with Address To: WRL-BOX 811-CO. BLUFFS, IA.
conventional shielding. Always be sure to (PE -10)
Please Quote TradeIn Value of My:
ground all shields-permanent or tempo-
rary D. McM.
* * * (Make and Model of Equipment)
DECENTLY I found it necessary to shield
R (Make, Model Equipment Desired)
a small superheterodyne oscillator coil. Send Free Catalog, 0 3'x4' Radio Map (25c). Full In
formation on 0 Globe Scout, 0 Amateur Radio Kits, 0 Re-
Since none small enough for the purpose conditioned Equipment, 0 Globe King, 0 E -Z Pay Plan, to
was on hand, I used the zinc can from a
flashlight cell. NAME
Simply cut the can with a hacksaw
October. 1954
close to the positive end of the cell, grasp bracket and cap are left permanently
the cloth lining with pliers, tear out, and mounted on the chassis and different coils
clean the inside of the can. Cut holes for may be quickly slipped into place.
the leads and lugs for screw fastening. 4, 4.

Penlight cells make good subminiature

shields for portable radios. . . D. McM. IMPROVING DIAGONAL PLIERS
* * *
pONVENTIONAL diagonal cutting pliers,
SMALL STORAGE "BINS" U as supplied by Klein or Peck -Stow are
SMALL metal boxes, of the type used forsuitable for most' purposes. When it comes
U certain types of sliced pipe tobacco, for to fine cable work, or snipping extensive
runs of lacing in a remodeling job, the
cutter noses often prove to be too bulky.
A few minutes at the power grinder will
correct this situation. Grind off excess jaw
material as shown in the photograph (top),

expensive cigarettes, and for cough loz-

enges, make excellent containers for small
screws, nuts, soldering lugs, mica and
ceramic capacitors, and small carbon re-
sistors. The boxes are quite sturdy.
Labels may be attached quite easily
either by using Scotch tape or by cement-
ing the paper label directly to the metal.
Use Duco cement or its equivalent. If the
boxes are to be stacked on a shelf, labels
should be placed on the edge of the box
as well as on the top.
* * *
dousing frequently in water to prevent loss
LOW COST COIL FORMS of temper. While the modified tool should
SMALL plastic vials or "pill boxes" make not be used for cutting No. 9 steel wire, it is
U excellent low cost experimental coil a natural for fine cable work. . . . F.R.
* * *


ONE TUBE circuits, such as code practice
oscillators, preamplifiers, and similar
items are generally wired on very small
chassis bases. Such chassis are quite diffi-
cult to handle and have a bad habit of
sliding across the work bench at the wrong
A standard drill press vise, available at
most hardware stores, makes an excellent
mounting base to hold a subminiature
chassis during wiring. Clamp the chassis
forms. Small holes may be drilled in the
side of the box for fastening the coil wire.
Two holes are used at each end of the
winding and the wire looped through them.
The completed coil may be fastened in
a vertical position by using a single screw
through the bottom of the vial. If horizon-
tal mounting is preferred, a single "L"
bracket may be used.
Where an easily removable coil is de- by its edges, as shown in the photograph.
sired, the cap may be used for mounting, Tighten the vise sufficiently to get a good
as shown in the photograph. The mounting grip on the chassis but do not use too
much pressure lest you bend or distort the Rough edges are then smoothed with a file
chassis. or a pocket knife.
The drill press vise has a number of If screw holes are needed in the final
other uses around the shop. It may be used bracket, drill these before cutting it off '

for holding small brackets when drilling, the angle bar.

to hold a coil form while winding a coil, to * * *
clamp a small loudspeaker in an upright
position for temporary use, and in other TEST -PROD AID
applications L. G. I FIND that an ordinary phone -tip -jack
comes in handy for holding a test -prod
experimenter and home builder fre-
quently needs "L" brackets for mounting
shield plates, trimmer capacitors, and sim-
ilar components. These may be made easily
by cutting them from a piece of aluminum
angle, available in the "do-it-yourself" sec-
tion of most hardware stores. to a wire or lug. Simply push the tip of
Clamp the angle bar in a vise, as shown the prod into the tip -jack, and then clamp
the dual lugs of the jack onto the wire, as
shown in the photo.
If desired, you can remove the nut from
the tip -jack and wrap a couple of turns of
tape around the threaded shank of the
jack, this helps to prevent shorts when
working in crowded places. . . A. T.
* * *


in the photograph, and cut off brackets of of the small coils used in radio and
the desired size with an ordinary hacksaw. MANY
electronics work have powdered iron

till NOV. 1st
. . .
Guaranteed! Lowest Prices Ever! GIFT OFFER!
One 6BG6G tube
TYPE PRICE will be shipped
OZ4 .39 FREE with any
IB3GT .55
All tubes individually boxed . . . unconditionally guaranteed for one year. order accompany-
ISS .35 ing this ad.
6AU6 .33
6BA .38 A7GT .... .53 6AC7 .65 681(7 .78 6SQ7GT ... .38 I 2BA7
613Q66 GT .75 H5GT .... .51 6AG5 .52 6BL7GT .78 6T8 .71 1213E6
6SN7GT .48 L4 .51 6AH4GT .65 6BN6 .90 6U8 .76 12BZ7
6 W4GT .35 L6 .51 6AJ5 .96 61307 .85 6V3 .80 12K7 .40
12AT7 .53 LC6 6AK5
I2BY7 .59
.49 .96 6BY5G .60 6V6GT .... .48 I2SL7GT .60
12SA7 .43
N5GT .51 6AL5 .43 6BZ7 .95 6W6GT . .53 19T8 .71
I2SK7 .43 T4 .51 6AQ5 .48 6C4 .41 6X4 .37 25BQ6GT .82
I2SQ7 .35 U4 .51 6AR5 .48 6CB6 .51 6X5GT .... .38 25L6GT .41
25W4GT .39 U5 .43 6AU5GT .60 6CD6G 1.63 6X8 .80 25Z5 .55
35L6GT .39 2A3 .35 6AV5GT ... .60 6CU6 .95 7F8 .49
50L6T .47 25Z6GT .36
II7L7GGT .99
2A7 .35 6AV6 .37 6F6 .42 7N7 .49 35135 .48
Watch for our 3Q4 .53 6AX4GT . .60 6F5GT .44 2AL5 .43 35C5 .48
Monthly Specials of 3Q5GT .... .61 6AX5GT .. .60 6H6 .50 2AT6 .37 35W4 .33
key radio and TV 3S4 .48 6BA7 .58 616 .61 2AU6 .43
types. Each month . 35Y4 .42
new key types will
appear. Take ad-
3V4 .48 613E6 .46 6I5GT .... .49 2AU7 .... .58 35Z5GT .33
and order
5V4G .49 6BF5 .48 6K6GT .39 2AV7 . .73 50A5 .49
vantage 5Y3GT .30
your requirements 6BF6 .48 6L6 .78 2AX4GT .60 5065 .48
now. 5Y4G .40 6BG6G 1:18 6S4 .41 2AX7 . .61 5005 .48
6A8 .40 6BH6 .51 6S8GT ....
.65 2AZ7 .... .65 TYPE 80 .40
6K7 .40 6616 6SA7GT
.51 .45 264 .72 11723 .33
Bonus of
6Q7 .40 6BK5 .75 6SK7GT ... .45 2BA6 .... .46 II7Z6GT .65
Radio & TV 6SL7GT ... .60
Parts SAME DAY SERVICE TERMS: Save all freight and postage chargek All orders Send for Free com-
accompanied by full remittance wit be shipped POST- plete tube listing and
3 lbs. of parts in - 48 Hour Postal Delivery AGE PAID anywhere in the contin ntal U.S.A. 25f7o monthly
c ud ng To West Coast deposit required on C.O.D.'s. Minimum order $10.00.
Open accounts to rated firms only. on our mspecials! Get
ailing list.
Phone HUmboldt 4-9848

October, 1954 103

\\ I cores which are adjusted by means of a
there's always something new_ brass stud having a narrow screwdriver
slot. This slot so weakens the stud that fre-
being developed by/a'imaiRweA_ quent breakage occurs during adjustment,
especially when the stud is tight or when


10 Volt Line Adjustor Normal

Line Volts 10 Volts Increase
10 Volts Decrease. 300 Watts
Returns full height 8
width of picture. 75 too large a screwdriver is used for adjust-
Eliminates intermit-
tent sync. ment. A typical broken stud is shown on
the coil to the left in the photograph.
An effective and permanent repair may
be made by soldering a small nut on the
TV TUBE I end of the stud. Select a hex nut of the
right size and having the proper number of
I BRITENER I threads. Spread a thin film of rosin base
L. .J soldering flux on the tip of the stud, then
Isolation type transformer gives 6.3 V
for cathode - filament short or 7.8 V
screw on the nut until flush with the end
to increase emission. It's parallel of the stud. Hold a hot soldering iron
It's series It's isolation It's against the nut, being careful not to touch
electrostatic It's universal. its edges, and flow a small amount of
Available through recognized electronic parts suppliers
solder into the joint.
A coil prepared using this technique is
. bwet.5.014PANY 4727 N. DAMEN AVE.
CHICAGO 25, ILL. shown to the right in the photograph. Aft-
Manufacturers of electronic equipment since 1928
er the repair is completed, a hollow "hex"
type alignment tool is used for adjusting
the coil L. G.
OSCILLATOR -RADIO IF YOU find that your clip and test leads
are constantly getting tangled, make a
KIT small rack to hold them. Here's one you can
ONLY make in a few minutes'
time at almost zero
$59.5 cost.
Drive 8 penny (or
Complete kit includes all
parts and a real subminia-
larger) finishing nails
ture tube with easy -to - into a piece of 1 x 3 or
read instructions. Can be 1 x 2 board. For leads
used as a phonograph os-
cillator. Allowing your having clips, space the
records to be heard
through your big radio
without any connections
nails about one to two
whatsoever to your set. inches apart. For leads
More power than any kit
in the low-priced field. without clips (phone
Tunes the broadcast band.
Weighs, only 4 oz. Com- tips or banana plugs)
plete kit less batteries and phone---$5.85-postpaid in use two nails at each position, spaced slight-
U. S. A.
Single phone-$1.25-double-$2.00. Batteries available ly greater than the diameter of the test
at your hearing -aid store.
lead wire and drive them in at a slight
FOUR BAND 6,000 MILE RANGE 500 * * *


FM POCKET RADIO & TUNER PLANS WHEN you have to solder a screw, brack-
Anyone can build with these easy -to -follow plans
Send self-addressed envelope et, or other small part, don't clamp it
in a vise. You'll find that the heavy metal
of the vise conducts the heat away too
PLAY. Allow 10 days delivery -20% on C.O.D. orders rapidly for you to do a good job.
646 N. Fair Oaks A Instead, cut a small hole in a cardboard
E KERAD 10 PASADENA 3, CALIF. box large enough to hold the part.
Next, use the box as a support while sol-
dering. Cardboard is a poor conductor of DON'T
heat and will serve to insulate the part
while you do the job. If the box chars THROW
slightly, don't worry-they are cheap.
This giant book shows
exactly how to fix them . . .
without a lot of previous experience!
There's a "secret" to repairing old radios fast and prof-
itably . . and this big RADIO TROUBLESHOOTER'S

Since cardboard tends to char rather HANDBOOK is it!

Just look up the old make and model you want to fix.
than to burn actively there is little danger This manual -size, 3*,/z pound, 744 -page Ghirardi handbook
of setting your workshop alight with this tells what the trouble is likely to be . . AND SHOWS

YOU EXACTLY HOW TO FIX IT. No useless testing!

idea if you don't use the box as a soldering No wasted time! Even beginners can handle jobs "slick as
iron rest instead of your regular metal one. a whistle." The only guide of ifs kind . . cuts repair

time in half!
* * * Included are common trouble symptoms and remedies for
over 4,800 models of home and auto radios and record
SANDPAPER PAD changers. Actual case histories cover practically every model
made by 202 manufacturers between 1925 and 1942-Air-
find that those small sandpaper line, Apex, Arvin, Atwater Kent, Belmont, Bosch, Bruns-
pads artists and draftsmen use to shar- wick, Clarion, Crosley, Emerson, Fada, G -E, Kolster,
Majestic, Motorola, Pbileo. Pilot, RCA. Silvertone, Sparton,
pen their pencils are pretty handy to have Stromberg AND DOZENS MORE. Gives how -to -do -it data
around the home lab. In addition to keeping on SPECIFIC jobs-NOT general theory. Includes hun-
your pencils pointed, you can use them in dreds of pages of invaluable tube and component data, serv-
ice short cuts, etc. Price $6.50. 10 -day free trial.
place of a fine file for smoothing brackets
and other small parts, and for removing HERE'S HOW TO GET YOUR
More experts got their bas-
ic training from this book
than any other of its type!
Here's basic training you can
really understand . training
. .

that can help fit you for a good

the "burrs" from volume controls and paying radio -television -electronic
career! No matter what part of
switch shafts. the work you want to do, this is
Use them for smoothing Bakelite and the kind of training you need
plastic parts, too. A clogged file is hard to Ghirardi's RADIO PHYSICS si
clean, but the small strip of sandpaper is COURSE is the oldest book 'of " courses in one!
its kind . and still a best seller BECAUSE IT IS SO
cheap enough to discard. You will also find . .


that the sandpaper is just right for remov- now in electronics got their start from this great book-
ing the enamel from magnet and coil wire. AND THEY'LL RECOMMEND IT TO YOU TODAY!
Starts with Basic Electricity (over 300 pages) then takes
* - * you step by step through the entire radio -electronics field.
Covers principles, theories and practices that are basic to
"SPINNER KNOBS" FOR RADIOS even the most modern equipment. 972 pages; 508 pictures;
856 helpful self -review test questions. Price only $6.50,
HERE is an easy way to make a spinner
knob out of almost any tuning knob. r --- 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL ----
Probably you can use the tuning knob you Dept. PE -104, RINEHART & CO., INC.,
232 Madison Ave., New York 16, N. Y.
have on your broadcast Send book(s) checked for free examination. In 10 days,
or communications set I sill either send price shown (plus postage) or return books
postpaid and (me nothing.
now. This trick comes Gitirardi's RADIO TROU- GhirardIN RADIO
in handy when you BLE-SHOOTER'S HAND-
BOO K. $0.50.
want to make a quick
change from a station Name
on the low -frequency Address
end of the dial to a sta- City, Zone, State
tion on the high -frequency end of the dial, (OUTSIDE U.S.A.-V.25 each, cash only. Money hark if
books are returned in 10 days.)
or vice versa.
October, 1954 105
Using a #46 drill, drill a hole into one
I Created by Popular Demand... side of the tuning knob and drive a length
of #12 bare copper wire into the hole. Cut
the wire off so about %" projects from the
knob and file the end smooth and round so
it cannot injure the fingers. The photograph
at left below shows the completed knob.
In use simply place the forefinger along
one side of the wire stem and spin the knob.
The stem acts as a lever and keeps the
finger from slipping off the knob.
If desired, use a longer piece of wire and
make a right-angle bend near the end to
Hit of every Audio Fair in the,na- form a crank. If the wire stem fits the hole
tion, University now makes avail- in the knob too loosely, use a little Duco
able this special speaker enclosure A. T.
which was originally designed to cement
demonstrate the remarkable model * *
Diffusicone-8 coaxial speaker. In-
corporates combination rear horn loading for AMPLIFIER CONNECTORS
unexcelled power handling and distortion con-
trol, and tuned horn mouth for phase inverter
action for increased bass efficiency.
WHEN experimenting with audio amplifi-
EN -8 also has cut-out for University model ers, preamplifiers, modulators, etc., it is
4401 tweeter and C8W 8" woofer combination,
if desired. Order EN -8C for cherry mahogany
often desired to make quick temporary
finish, EN -8B for blond at no extra cost. Model
EN -8U available in unfinished mahogany. Front
grill material removable in all models.

Write Desk No.6 for full descriptive literature.

UNIVERSITY LOUDSPEAKERS INC. connections from other equipment to
80 South Kensico Ave., White Plains, New York
"ground" or chassis of the amplifier.
I find it handy to use the cable -protect-
ESSCO-The number one supplier in radio con-
ing -spring in the female mike cable con-
trol materials extends a hearty welcome to nector, as shown in the photo. Simply
"Popular Electronics." We hope that you too bend the spring a little and slip the wires
have the same healthy and prosperous growth in between the coils of the spring, or push
experienced by "ESSCO" in this field. the wires in with a fingernail. The spring
The ESSCO-Mini PWR PAC. A miniature size 2 volt vibrator
power supply that delivers 180 volts at 40 ma. It uses a new holds the wires securely and the wires can
power transformer made to our exclusive design epecifications. A
built-in charger system is provided to recharge the external 2
volt wet cell from 110 VAC or from the 6 volt DC auto battery.
be quickly removed when desired. . A. T.
With thisoff
latter * *
6 volt autoitbattery
is thenand
possible to "Boat" the
volt cell the transmitter
operates either as a fixed or portable unit.
weighs less than 4 lbs. and comes in a case 4The x 5 power pack
which is about the name dimensions as a large size 45 volt B
battery. With this unit it becomes very easy for anyone to change
over from dry B battery supply to power pack and not have to
rework the transmitter case. The voltage and current output is
fiber fuse pullers of the
Ideal for almost every requirement..............
Improved ESSCO WAG Audio Tone Receiver. ESSCO's Only, $19.95 type used by electricians are convenient
version uses 3 high etliciency.sub-miniature hard tubes, resulting
in improved performance, smaller size, lighter weight. Will fit
in "wiggling" or moving radio or TV ca-
1/e models.receiver
Complete tested pacitors or resistors which fail intermit-
. - - ....
In kit form.... . . .... . w/relayma
The new ESSCO PiggyBack-MPii-Mac. Use
totalready tomnerrein.
'noveltounit to tently.
a convert your MiniMac
hard tube receiver. or the ESSCO M -M -M receiver a duel Such fuse pullers are available at elec-
ceiver at low cost withResults in a verylong
extraordinary reliable
tube and
satis- trical supply stores in over-all lengths
fied users advise us of their extremely fine results.
Complete unit ready to attach to existing seta......... 58.45
" In kit form, Includes all parts, tube and drilled base with full
Instructions ............. ..... .............
The improved new ESSCO Lorenz MOPA Transmitter. 54.95
parts kit of highest grade components to build your own,
. Parte per
:lur:,,422N. Includes wound coils, drilled chassis, tubes, case
....... ......... ...
A completed unit ready for use, nothing else to buy (batteries
The Deluxe ESSCO-Lorene, a completed unit with ..........534.95
built-in vibra-
tor power pack, 2 volt rechargeable cell, with 110 volt AC and
6-12 VDC charger. Complete set ready to go ..... .....549.50
job. 1KInas:;2nitag
Lorenz 2 Tuber, the old reliable and
ESSCO LA18Ppw RH.61 and EFG.1 .
most popular dual tube
The ESSCO M-MM Receiver. Our improved ...;e'refon'ef
a Mac supplied as a completed set ready for installation at Mini
a kit
Yhr is2gZ gilr:`a2:111w/t4er2c1"TuTer7/18370''': rIMNO,;ed1=8
of the1000
with M/M hour
stage trigger tube. A super -sensitive 2 tubern
for Installation, less relay and
With choice of Ruffner,
batteriesreceiver tested and$13.95
Neomatic or ED relay.....
ready from 5 to 7% inches with jaws at both
Special Free Bonus. Large pkg. high grade rosin. core solder. $19.95 ends which fit cartridge fuses.
_ MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON ALL ITEMS. Send for free catalog.
The fiber handles are insulated and with
Serving The West Coast
Serving The Entire R/C Field care permit grasping a capacitor or re-
I ESSCO-NEW YORK sistor and moving it slightly, while set is
....... ............
670 Bell Street,
Palo Alto, Calif.
58 Walker St
New York City 13,N. Y.
operating, to note results. END
Make this Handy Sorting Tray
ALMOST every electronics lab has one or more "hell"
n boxes-those jars or boxes in which are kept an as-
sortment of screws, nuts, washers, brackets, and
what -have -you. They're mighty handy except when
you try to find a special part-then the name seems
quite appropriate.
Here's a sorting tray that you can make in a few
minutes from an aluminum "coffee cake" pan and
may save you many hours time. Use it as shown in
the pictures below and you can rename your "hell"
box. There will be no pricked fingers, broken finger-
nails, or frayed tempers with this slick system for
Punch 1" or 11/4" hole in corner of restoring parts to their storage places after you have
flat pan to make a sorting tray. found that elusive part you want. END

Need a special part? Just dump Spread out the parts, select Dump remaining parts through
your "hell box" in this tray. the special items you need. corner hole back into the jar.

... and a Cinch To Build

Actual photographs
of models built

$1095 Deluxe 66 -Pc.

Scale Marine
All pa is din -cut or
shaped for simple construc-
0 for Class A, B,
or C engines CHRIS -CRAFT 50' CATALINA Fittings-Kit B -7F
tion and easy assembly! Kit B-7M-Length 311/2" Beam 8 Ye"
Complete, easy-toread R.C. PIPER TRI-PACER
stepbystep plans and KIT FS -1 --SPAN 581/2" $1195
instructions included! At Length 391/2" (less scale
your local hobby shop now! marine fittings) .STERLING MODELS
1530-34 N. Hancock St.
Write for new '54 catalog featuring a complete line of model boots and plans-many designed
\...for radio :ontroL Send 10c in coin to Dept. PE -10 Philadelphia 22, Pa.
EASY! BUILD your own Professional Electronic Instruments with EICO KITS! SAVE 50%
Complete easy -to -follow Fully guaranteed
1,000 Ohms/Volt

%to 51430
KlT S1130
ott S110
Catalog describing 04"/COL-7 84 Withers St., Brooklyn 11, N. Y.
38 EICO RT. 4

October, 1954 107

Guest Editorial
ELECTRONIC- SUPPLIES (Continued from page 15)
formed of the crisis, and within a few
hours a supply of the vital drug was en -
GUARANTEED BASIS route to Venezuela by air.
ELECTRONIC REMOTE U. S. NAVY SOUND In the U.S.A. many of the hams are
organized into nets which meet regularly
Contains a multitude of new,
valuable. useful parts. Includ- The tiny voltages created by
the sound of your voice car-
over the air to relay messages, perhaps
ing 3000 ohm sensitive plate
relay - transformer, switch, ried for great distances (miles)
over wire with no external
from servicemen overseas to their families,
tube sockets, panel lamp, con-
densers, resistors, potentiom-
eter, etc.
power source. All Guaranteed
Operating-Used condition.
or from a college student to his sweet-
Including schematic instruction
sheet. Ridiculous sale price
Fair shape
Good shape
2.95 heart at home. A larger number have
of 790 complete while they
taste .4 for $3.00
New or near new 6.95
These are currently being ad- registered their equipment, and them-
Same chassis less relay and
transformer. New, with sheet
vertised at $20.00.
HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG? selves, with their local Emergency Co-
3 for $1.00 ordinator, as members of the Amateur
GERMANIUM CRYSTAL Radio Emergency Corps, to be available
General purpose-1N80-Pre-
pared for production. when emergency communications are
To eliminate interference from 4 for $1.00 needed in their community. Some are ac-
line sources . . Potted Worth,85e each.
chokes, oil condensers -100
Watts housed on chassis 222 x
With diagram.
tive in the government -sponsored Radio
21/2 .
Packed 2 in a box.2 for $1.50
RETRACTABLE PHONE Amateur Civil Emergency Corps, a part
Worth $4.00 each - Special. of the Civil Defense organization. Both
$28.00 VALUE $28.00 VALUE
New. Over 6' long -4 conduc-
tors 3 for $4.00 groups (in many places membership is
simultaneous) hold regular drills, build
0-20 Microamps condensed ELECTROLYTIC portable self -powered equipment for pub-
scale. Weston 301-3V a" round
Bakelite. Lowest advertised
lic use, and develop smooth -working plans
price before this special sale
as $10.00-Now to close out 450 VDC Can Plug in. Brand
new. Sprague Manufacturing.
that can be put into operation on very
rgiVT.Tonfe,7027:135ratTI Teiv1-. 4 for $2.25-69s each. short notice.
All Items Shipped FOB New York "Where do these people get their equip-
N. V., CO 7.1617
88 CORTLANDT STREET. NEW YORK 7, Most hams build their own transmitters,
although nowadays most of them buy their
receivers. The maximum power allowed
is 1000 watts, but many amateurs operate
KITS by ELECTRONIC CRAFTS with far lower power -50 or 25 watts, or
For The Finest Equipment in Kit Form even less. A useful comparison here is
with photography-you can spend a few
Most versatile gives full,
, .
clear tones at practically all
dollars for a Brownie, or several hundred
settings of volume control. In-
cludes a bass compensation
for an elaborate camera, but under good
control that lessens needle
noise; built-in pre -amp for use conditions the Brownie can hold its own.
with reluctance or crystal type
pickup; two inputs-one for re-
luctance, other for crystal car-
So it is in amateur radio. One commer-
tridge with switch for switch-
ing from one to the other.
cially -built amateur transmitter sells for
R L5 Power outlet for plugging in
phono motor which is also con-
$3850.00 and another sells for $17.31. A
trolled by switch, same as used to turn amplifier "off."
Some Important features:
good operator can make contacts thou-
117 Volts, 50-60 cycles
Chassis made of heavy gaoge
All jacks, connections and
controls clearly imprinted
sands of miles away with an inexpensive
steel fully enclosed, beau-
tiful gold baked enamel
on chassis
Tube. 1/6X5, 1/6V6GT, transmitter, but the fancy job is much less
hammertone finish 1 6SL7
Kit includes only matched parts, each carefully engineered for limited by poor conditions. Ideas of what
long service and peak performance.
Completely wired. is necessary in a transmitter vary widely,
ready for use $29.95 KIT $ 2495 however, so the average ham builds his
Deduc!tc If your dealer doesn't have these kits in stock, send
t 4.../ us his name & address and SAVE $5 on the cost. own, incorporating the features he wants
and can afford. He may spend several
With step-by-step Build and wir- hundred dollars, or less than twenty-five
ing instructions. this wonder-
ful radio and learn the secrets of dollars, according to his tastes and his
radio receiver, Complete instruction
manual gives you radio theory, easy
to follow directions. Fun -to -build!
Includes built-in loop antenna and
matched parts for maximum sensitiv-
"Are most hams radio engineers, then?"
Lity and finest tone qualities.
LIST: A good many are; more than half of the
(less cabinet) $19.95 hams are employed in the electronics field.
Glistening bakelite cabinet for radio 52.25
We manufacture kits of all types-tell us your needs-.satisfac-
tion guaranteed-big savings assured. SCHOOLS & COLLEGES,
Some are industry leaders, like Arthur
DISTRIBUTORS-write for special discounts.
Terms: F.O.B., N.Y.C. Include :20% deposit with order, balance Collins, president of Collins Radio, William
C.O.D. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG. J. Halligan, president of Hallicrafters, and
Ross Siragusa, president of Admiral. But
Electronic Crafts Co. a technical radio background is not at all
74 Cortlandt St. New York 7,N Y necessary, and people of many other occu-
REctor 2-4352 pations are also hams. Among them are
Herbert Hoover, Jr., son of the former
President; Commissioner George Sterling,
of the Federal Communications Commis- Experimenters' Specials
sion; Tex Beneke, the well-known band TACHOMETERS
leader, and his wife, Marguerite; Martin Stewart Warner direct indicating.
Supplied with two interchangeable
Block, famous radio personality; Freeman rubber tips. 0-2000 rpm Stock #P-
388 and 0-4000 rpm Stock #P-389.
F. Gosden, "Amos" of "Amos 'n' Andy;" Price P-388 $6.25 ea.
Captain Hendrik Kurt Carlsen, "Captain Price P-389 $7.25 ea.
Stay -Put" of the "Flying Enterprise;" and UNIVERSAL AC/DC MOTORS
even six princes of Saudi Arabia. There 115 VOLTS. DELCO No. 68008. 1/40
horsepower. 7,000 rpm loaded. Dual
are storekeepers, writers, doctors, college shaft extension. Has two hole mount-
ing base for bench mounting. Ideal
professors, auto mechanics, policemen, P.397
for high speed grinder -polisher in
home shop. Stock #P-397.
executives, military men, and school chil- P.398 Price $5.00 ea.
dren as young as seven! DELCO No. 84567
"You mentioned that several industry Identical to 68008 described above,
but is 4 wire reversible. Ideal for low
leaders are hams. Have hams had any P-396
power, high speed reversible applica-
tions. Stock #P-398.
effect on the developments of all our mod- Price $5.50 ee.
ern electronic miracles?" DELCO TYPE 5047140
1/50 horsepower motor. 7,000 rpm. Dual shaft extension.
Yes, definitely. Radiotelephone, mod- No mounting base. Ideal for hand model type grinders and
polishers. Make your own hand held tool for buffing, ream-
ern receivers, even the use of short -waves ing, etc. May be used for sewing machine motor conversion.
Price $4.25 ea.
themselves were explored and developed Stock # P-39 6.
by amateurs. The very -high and ultra- Industrial electronic motor speed control -1/20 hp. 1750 rpm
dual shaft motor, Thyratron tube, transformer. chassis, all parts,
high frequencies, now used for television, tubes and instructions. Similar to Thvmotrol
and learn. Stock OP -1001
and Mototrol. Build
Complete price 549.50 each.
FM broadcasting, air/ground voice com- Mercury switch-tilt to activate Special, four for $2.00.
Mallory D.P.D.T. momentary switch. Panel mt.
munications, radar, and a host of other Pushbutton 3 for $1.00.
Send for big catalogue of electronic, electric, hydraulic and air-
special uses were pioneered by amateurs. craft bargains. Above prices are all F.O.B. destination for your
convenience. No C.O.D. shipments. Send payment in full with
Speaking of radar, one of the basic cir- order. Satisfaction guaranteed-money refunded.
cuits which made radar possible, was de- 4 6 Godwin Ave
veloped by a radio amateur back in the
year 1935!
The majority of the active amateurs of
gertoaktit4 Paterson, N..1
DEPT. P-10
and Canada belong to the
American Radio Relay League, the clear-
ing house for ham radio information and IT'S BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER!
activities, not only in this country but
world-wide. Governed by a board of di- B -A's NEW 1955
rectors elected by the membership, the
League conducts contests, organizes mes- FREE CATALOG!
sage -handling circuits, develops and pre-
sents new equipment designs, coordinates 164
emergency communications activities, PAGES
and acts as headquarters society for the LOADED WITH
International .Amateur Radio Union. It SAVINGS AND
Ofal PS
SC 001
publishes a monthly magazine, QST, which NEW ITEMS Xu,(NFS

is read by professional engineers as well IN RADIO,

NEIK unlrte5
as by hams. Its yearly Radio Amateur's TV AND FACt0111

Handbook has become the "bible" of the ELECTRONICS!

Aldl Ulf

radio world. It publishes special book-

lets to help newcomers join the ranks
of licensed amateurs. If you will write

the Headquarters office at 38 LaSalle Road, SEND /ON flefIlYTHING

West Hartford, Conn., it will be glad to FOR IT
send you background information on how TELEVISION I 't-jg)TO
to get started.
Think of it! Your own private two-way
....... .05.5 rossou
sr.. issatIAS DM MX

radio . . . friends in far countries . . . the

thrill of helping during disasters . . . of BURSTEIN-APPLEBEE CO.
serving your country in the Civil Defense Dept. PE, 1012-14 McGee St., Kansas City 6, Mo.
program as a radio operator . . . of relay- j Send Free B -A Catalog No. 551.
ing a message from a homesick service- Name.®
man . . . perhaps of developing some new -1
equipment . or of just talking across
. .
the state. You can be in on the fun-you, City State
too, can be a ham! END
October, 1954
fastened to each drawer. Drawers are re-
TOOLS movable for cleaning.
A combination tool which incorporates a
is* GADORS mirror, plastic probe, and a flashlight has
been introduced by Moore Manufacturing
Company of Swedesboro, N. J.
ELECTRICIAN'S KNIFE When the probe is inserted the light is
An all-purpose electrician's knife for beamed to the probe tip which offers a
cutting, stripping insulation, scraping wire, flood of light at the tip end. When the
and performing light screwdriving is avail- mirror is slipped on the probe, an illu-
able from Xcelite, Inc. of Orchard Park,
N. Y.
It has a breakproof handle of black,
shockproof plastic. The blades are of high-
grade steel, chrome plated, while the
frame is steel with brass inserts. One
blade is of the general purpose spear type
while the screwdriver blade has scraper
and cutting edges and is rigidly self-lock-
ing when open. The self-locking blade is
readily closed by first depressing a spring - minated reflection permits inspection of
loaded stop. tight wiring. The instrument is small
enough to be carried in a pocket and light
SMALL PARTS STORAGE BIN - enough to be held for prolonged inspection
Your home workshop -laboratory can have sessions.
a neat and professional appearance if small
parts used in your construction projects TORQUE SCREWDRIVER
are neatly and accessibly stored. One way A torque screwdriver which may be pre-
of being sure that you can always locate set at any desired torque between 0 and 6
the part you want is to store such com- inch pounds is being marketed by Air-
ponents in a cabinet such as the "Swing - draulics Engineering
Bins" offered by Akro-Mils, Inc., of Akron Sales Co. of Allendale,
9, Ohio. N. J. as its Model SD6
Each cabinet has six generous -sized "Trutorq."
drawers, 21/4" wide by Win" deep by 9%" Once set, screws may
long which swing from a sturdy bracket. be turned with a guar-
Two screws mount the bracket securely to anteed tightness and an
assurance that there will
be no marring of screw slots or working
surfaces nor will screws shear or threads
This model has an aluminum handle, is
3%" long, and weighs 5 ounces. It is de-
signed to accommodate a standard screw-
driver blade, hex bits, Phillips bits, a i/4"
square driv'e, or special blades.
A 3 ounce soldering iron with miniature
tips is being manufactured by Hexacon
Electric Company, 213 W. Clay Ave.,
Roselle Park, N. J.
Designed for all types of electrical work,
the new iron is available in two sizes: 25
watts with 1/s" tip or 30 watts with slid"
tip. The iron operates on a.c. or d.c., any
cycle, and is available in either 110 or 220
the wall, table top, underneath shelves or volt ratings.
bench, etc. The drawers are of crystal-
clear, super -strength plastic. Dividers are CIRCULAR SLIDE RULE
furnished so that each drawer may be di- A handy laminated plastic slide rule
vided into as many as four separate com- which performs the functions of multipli-
partments. Pressure -seal labels may be cation, division, proportions, finding squares
or square roots, cubes or cube roots, reci-
procals and logarithms, is now available
from Allegheny Plastics, Inc., 96 Thorn
Run Road, Coraopolis, Pa.
Complete instructions are permanently
printed on the reverse side of this 8" diam-
eter rule. These- simply written instruc-
tions are intended to be easily understood
by anyone having a slight knowledge of

A subminiature pocket tester that can
measure voltage and perform a number of
test functions is being offered by Eby Sales
Co. of New York as its
Model A1001.
Mounted in a metal
case measuring 3"x4"x
114", this low-cost test-
er will measure a.c.
and d.c. from 0 to 1000
volts, high voltage to
50 kv., will function as
a signal tracer, audio
oscillator, condenser
tester, and a.g.c. substitution voltage sup-
ply, as a visual output meter, and a con-
tinuity tester.
The Model A1001 comes complete with
operating instructions.
Electronic Chemical Corp. of Jersey City World's Largest Stocks ... Everything for
Experimenters, Builders, Amateurs, Service- BUILDERS'
4, N. J. is now packaging its "No Noise" in KIT
a handy spillproof, easy -to -use, 6 ounce men, Engineers & High Fidelity Specialists.
spray can. Send for ALLIED'S big 308 -page value -
The can contains the company's well- packed buying guide to everything in Featuring Famous
TV, Radio and Electronics! Largest
known formula for cleaning, lubricating, selections of custom TV chassis, an- Knight Kits
and protecting volume controls. The prod- tennas and accessories; FM and AM
uct removes dirt and oxidation from con- tuners; High Fidelity systems and
tacts, eliminates scratch, hum, and noise, components; Amateur supplies; re-
corders and phono equipment; test
and offers protection against a repetition instruments; builders' kits; industrial
of such volume control and switch troubles electronic supplies-plus the world's
in the future. largest stocks of electfonic parts,
tubes, tools and books. Get every-
thing-get more for your money-
ELECTRONIC SOLDERING GUN send today for your FREE 1955
Wen Products, Inc. of Chicago is market- ALLIED Electronic Supply Catalog.
ing a lightweight, high-speed soldering gun ultra -modern facilities
which is especially suit- TO SERVE YOU BEST!
ed for all types of elec- Send for
tronic construction FREE
The new gun weighs Catalog ALLIED RADIO
only pounds and
11/z ALLIED RADIO CORP., Dept.79.1-4
comes up to operating 100 N. Western Ave., Chicago 80, III.
temperature in just 21/2 0 Rush FREE 1955 ALLIED 308 -Page Catalog
seconds. It has a new type, extra -long
reach and long -life tips. The gun sells in Name
the moderate price class.
A one -hand -operated solder dispenser City Zone State
that does away with haywire coils of solder
October, 1954
is now being offered by CBS-Hytron
ORDER BY MAIL AND SAVE!!! through its regular distributor channels.
The operator's thumb on the knurled
$1.79-3 for $5 withcc

/00 .... $1f ppd.

Kit at
wheel of the solder dispenser feeds solder
and retracts it neatly when the job is done
With schematic so yoU For 2 -meter CD or
ean build your own
scope. Same as used
CAPincludLng tubes, With condenser
less dynamotor & chart. Asst. stnd.
-without waste or fuss. Holding 72 inches
in Dumont 224A scope. stets. brands. $10 value.
APS 13 Makes a Complete 420 MC Radiophone
When converted with t New Stacker t?isls@riser
our schematios. Range 9495 land tiO R0411s
inmost cases equal ' 9
to 2 meters. Fine for LIMITED F
communications, ranches, farms,
etc. Complete with RF sections, Illb, ''
conversion booklet and 30 MC Sr
I.F. strip, less tubes, dynamotor .....
and minor parts not needed for
>conversion. 514.95 value. Ship-
ping wt. 13 lbs.
T-21/ARC-5 5.3-7 MC XMTR $6.95
11-27/ARC-5 6-9.1 MC RCVR 6.95
Complete with batteries and alu.
nillimn case.
range-makes aE"werrul
terrific tit long
phone patch ....PAIR *IP PIPOU
Worth At
Least $8.95! $2.95
with F-1 unit and cord. For A basic 24 V. DC power
mobile & home
Phone systems $2800 supply consisting of 110 V.
AC primary. 24 V. second - of solder, the dispenser is compact, light,
7' long, 3 sections for portable arY, and a Rectox Rectifier.
convenient, and pencil -like with a handy
or mobile use. 9m,,, Will operate intermittently
New each N.' up to 3 or 4 amps. Xlnt for pocket clip. The dispenser comes ready to
TV TUNERS. Standard coil. Cos- operating DC relays, corn.
code with 8E107, 638. 913.,, mood equipment, model rail.
Brand new 01.1 road accessories. etc.
use, loaded with 20 refills. Additional dis-
1000's of Items Not Listed Please send check or MO
penser refills, 80 lengths of solder, are also
Write for FREE CATALOG! with orders (no COD'S please
-credit to rated firms only). available, packaged in plastic cases.
All ship-
F. 0. B.
Harjo Sales Co.
Dept. PE,

4109 Burbank Blvd., Burbank, Calif. add 3%
A sander -polisher that incorporates a
unique, new -type, small motor which runs
Phone: Victoria 9.2411 sales tax.
Retail Showroom Open 'Til 9 P.M. Fridays quieter, smoother, and cooler and with a
minimum of vibration is now available
from Wen Products, Inc. of Chicago.
The Model No. 303 can be plugged into
Are interesting job, travel. cultural, armed services'
FRENCH opportunities passing you by because you speak only
SPANISH one tongue?
GERMAN Learn AT HOME the same natural, easy way you
RUSSIAN learned English as a young child. YOU LISTEN-
ITALIAN you hear native men and women speak-you under -
JAPANESE stand-TOL, SPEAK. Over a million home -study
PORTUGUESE students of all ages. FREE BOOK, "Passport to a New
World of Opportunity," gives facts. WRITE TODAY!
-any of 29
Languages 8910 RCA Building New York 20, N. Y.

Xfmr, rectifier, 120 v 60 cys pri, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13 v
01.6 amps sec $2.50
Selenium for above, 1 amp 2.00
Both units, Ideal for Batt. Charger
Willard 6 V storage Batt. 20 Amp hrs. New, dry charged.
4.00 ordinary 110-120 volt a.c., 60 cycle lines. It
In wooden carrying ease, (less electrolyte)
Timer. Switch opens after Pre-set time, adj up to 4 hrs
4.00 delivers 14,400 strokes per minute. The
10 amp 125 v contacts
Relay, Advance *1605 DPST 6VDC
throw is approximately 1/s" under load and
6 V Vibrator xfmr, 460 v out fa 150 tea with 6 volt 3.00
the working area is 13% square inches.
Selenium bridge rectifier 36 v rms gi 140 ma 2.00 The unit weighs only 21/2 pounds so it can
Choke 1 by 100 ma 82 ohm. Cased 2.00
be used on vertical and overhead work as
ALL ORDERS F.O.B. LA. 25% DEPOSIT, BAL. C.O.D. well as the usual bench projects.
The complete kit includes a storage box,
DRILLICK ELECTRONIC SALES CO. six sheets each of assorted garnet and
5279 W. PICO BLVD. L. A. 19, CALIF. aluminum oxide papers, two fine polishing
WEbster 1-9202
cloths, plus the sander -polisher. END
NEW AIRBORNE T V tAre,QS is gewa Lei t,
A NEW technique of "scope" presentation
n now enables an airline pilot to see the
position, intensity, and scope of an ap-
proaching storm. The special "Iso-Echo" NTENNAS
circuitry of Bendix's new RDR-1 radar unit
will outline a storm center with its high D Y MON . V AN E
precipitation and winds as well as its outer
edges of lesser turbulence. In a region of
great weather activity the radarscope will
depict a series of dark centers surrounded
by light rings. ANTENNA RAMA
This new radar unit, designed primarily outstanding array of precision
for commercial airliners, has a nose - engineered TV antennas. Among
mounted, gyro -stabilized antenna which them is "Dymon-Vane", the first
utilizes a pencil beam to scan an angle up to combine distinguished beauty
with superb reception. Consult your
to 120 degrees on either side of an aircraft's local TV dealer about WARD
heading, depending on the configuration of antennas or mail coupon below.
the plane's leading edges.
Maximum range of the radar sweep is
150 miles. A switch on the indicator per-
mits the display of ranges 0-20, 0-50, or WARD PRODUCTS CORP., DIV. TIIE GABRIEL CO.
0-150 miles. The special range markers Dept. PE 1054. 1141 Euclid Anne, Cleveland 15, Ohio
provide calibration at 5, 10, and 25 mile Send me free additional information on
Ward's complete line of TV antennas.
intervals respectively. An antenna tilt con- Name
trol provides adjustmefit of the beam eleva- Address
tion angle over a 30 degree range. City State
An additional feature of the unit is a
special switch on the control panel which
permits the operation of the unit in con-
junction with the airport's ground radar
beacon "Racon System," thus providing an
added safety factor. When the beam is di-
rected downward, ground mapping is also
available to the pilot. END

The new Bendix RDR-1 radar unit in op-

eration. By means of this device, pilots
can detect range, scope of storms ahead.

OF 50,000,000 CUSTOMERS
BUSINESS New shop -method, home -training
THAT IS system gives you electrical know-how
that used to take years to learn.
Learn at home by building valuable
NOTAFFEC- testing kits, repairing your own and
neighbors' appliances. It is not un-
TED 6Y usual for appliance repairmen to
charge on the basis of $5.0046.00 an
Shows you how you learn every phase of
DEPRESS- electrical appliance. How to make money
while you learn. Write today for your
FilFF: copy.
POLITICS Dept. D-132
4804 North Kedzle Ave., Chicago 25
October, 1954 113
Series and Parallel Operation of Resistors
AS ITS name implies, a resistor is a com- As an example, a 70 ohm resistor is con-
ponent which resists or limits the flow nected in parallel with a 30 ohm resistor.
of electric current. The greater the' re- The total resistance of this combination is
sistance, the greater the limiting effect calculated as follows:
and the smaller the current flow. To ac-
Ri= R. + R2 70 X 30 2100 = 21 ohms
curately designate the value of a resistor R,R2
requires a. unit of measurement. This unit 70 + 30 = 100
is the "ohm." One ohm is the amount of When three or more resistors are con-
resistance which will limit the current nected in parallel, the total resistance may
flow to one ampere when one volt is ap- be found by using the formula:
plied. A kilohm (designated "K") is equal
to 1000 ohms while a megohm ("M") is R,= 1

equal to one -million ohms. A 5M resistor, 1 1 1

then, is equal to 5000K or 5,000,000 ohms. 112
+ 112
+ 113
+ etc.
The two most popular types of resistors The following quiz is intended as a self -
are the carbon and the wire -wound. Of check. You should be able to answer all
these, the carbon is used more often be- the questions correctly if you have anal-
cause it generally can be made smaller yzed the foregoing text correctly. The an-
for a given ohmic value and can be manu- swers appear on page 127.
factured at a lower cost. The carbon is
usually in the form of a rod which is en- 1. A 2500 ohm resistor is equal to:
cased in an insulating material. A lead at a. 2.5 M; b. 250 K; c. 2.5 K; d. .025 M
each end makes contact with the carbon 2. A resistor is to be constructed from a wire
rod. A wire -wound resistor, on the other having a resistance of 5 ohms per inch of length.
What length of wire should be used if the desired
hand, consists of a length of wire, having resistance is 300 ohms?
the required resistance, wound on an in- a. 1500 inches; b. 60 inches; c. 800 inches; d.
sulating form. 300 inches
The value of a resistor changes with a 3. If the temperature of a carbon resistor de-
change in temperature. The direction of creases, the resistance will:
this change depends on the type of re- a. increase; b. decrease; r. remain the same
sistor. The carbon resistor has a "nega- 4. If two 270 ohm resistors are connected in
tive coefficient," that is, its resistance will series, the total resistance will be:
a. 135 ohms; b. 540 ohms; c. 270 ohms; d. 72,900
decrease as the temperature is raised. The ohms
wire -wound resistor has a "positive coeffi- 5. If a 40 ohm resistor is connected in parallel
cient." Its resistance increases with an with a 60 ohm resistor, the total resistance will be:
increase of temperature. a. 24 ohms; b. 100 ohms; c. 2400 ohms; d. 20
When any number of resistors are con- ohms
nected in series, the total resistance of the
combination is equal to the sum of the in- ELECTRONIC "TRAFFIC CONTROL"
dividual resistor values. For example, a
series circuit made up of one each of 100, familiar road signs that say "Trucks
Keep Right" and "Through Traffic Keep
500, 1000, and 3000 ohm resistors will have
a total resistance of 4600 ohms. This rela- Left" have a close parallel in electronics
tionship is usually expressed as a formula : except, of course, that it is not done with
Rt = R.+ R2+ Rs, etc. signs.
When two resistors are connected in High-fidelity audio systems use at least
parallel, the total resistance is less than two loudspeakers, sometimes more. In a
the value of the smaller resistor. If the two -speaker system, a large reproducer,
two resistors are equal in value, the total called the "woofer" is supposed to handle
will be one-half of this value. When the the low -frequency audio components of the
two resistors are not equal in value, the sound while a smaller unit, the "tweeter,"
total may be found by the formula: is responsible for the reproduction a the
shriller tones. To realize the greatest
R,R2 degree of faithfulness, the lows ,must be
Rt= R. + R2 kept away from the tweeter and, likewise,
the highs must be prevented from reach- I LONG-PLAYING 33113 R.P.M. HIGH-FIDELITY I
ing the woofer. This is where the need for
"traffic control" arises. The controlling
components comprise a so-called crossover
network, a rather elegant name for a sim-
ple combination of parts.
There are just about as many crossover
network circuits as there are audio engi- No Strings Attached! Without
obligating yourself to buy another record,
$ 00

neers; each designer has his own pet ar- you can enjoy all advantages of trial
rangement which he feels does a thorough membership.
job. For the simplest circuit of all, use is
made of the basic properties of a single
capacitor and a single inductor. A capaci- Not $1 each, but$1 for all 8!
tor offers little opposition (low reactance)
to high frequencies but tends to buck the ong SCHUBERT
Symphony No. 8
passage of low frequencies; an inductor, ("Unfinished")
on the other hand, encourages the flow of Zurich Tonhalle Orch.
Otto Ackermann, Cond.
The Ruins of Athens
(March and Choir)
Netherlands Phil.
Walter Goehr, Cond.
ALL 8 masterpieces for only BRAHMS
$1. Performed by world- Academic Festival
famous artists. Custom -recorded Overture
on purest vinyl. Reproduced with Utrecht Symphony
a tonal fidelity encompassing the Paul Hupperts, Cond.
entire range of human hearing MOZART
(50 to 15,000 cycles.) This Piano Concerto in E Flat
amazing offer is made only to Artur Balsam, piano,
demonstrate superb quality of our Winterthur Symphony
recordings; and to show you ad- Otto Ackermann, Cond.
vantages of trial membership. BACH
Toccata and Fugue in
trial member, you are not obli- A. Schreiner; Organ of
gated to ever buy another record the Tabernacle,
low frequency currents while it tends to from us. You do, however, have
the right to try-free of charge-
Salt Lake City
attenuate the higher frequencies. any of the Society's monthly se-
The circuit shown in the diagram is a
Die Meistersinger,
lections which interest you. You Prelude, Act 1
fundamental one and, if the component receive prior notice of these. You
pay nothing in advance. And you
Zurich Tonhalle Orch.
Otto Ackermann, Cond.
values are correctly chosen, will control are not obligated to keep those DUKAS
both the high and low "traffic" satisfactor- you try . . even after you have
. Sorcerer's Apprentice
ily. Commercial crossover networks are played them and read the inter- Utrecht Symphony
Paul Hupperts, Cond.
generally more complex since they are
esting music notes which accom-
pany each selection. You pay MOUSSORGSKY
designed to match the specific speakers only for those which-after hav-
ing tried them-you decide you
Night on Bald Mountain
used in the audio system. Netherlands Phil.
really want to own. And for Walter Goehr, Cond.
Typical examples of component values these, you only the low
include a capacitance of 100 microfarads member's price of $1.50 per long-
and inductance of 300 microhenrys for a playing disc, embodying on the FREromusi. In Your Home'.
average about 40 minutes of music by Olin Downes
crossover network at 1000 cycles. If, how- by the great masters. A saving Mail coupon at once to receive,
ever, the crossover frequency is to be at of about off the usual retail FREE, fascinating brochure by
5000 cycles, the component values must be
price! This "give-away" offer can dean of American music critics.
obviously not be kept open in- A guide to the
changed accordingly and, in this case, the definitely. MAIL COUPON valuable program
capacitor would have to be 20 microfarads NOW while supply lasts. Full notes and musical
money -back guarantee. The Musi-
while the inductance, L in the diagram, cal Masterpiece Society, Inc., annotations which
come free with
would become 500 microhenrys. Dept. 6010, 43 West 61st Street,
every selection. rrilP;;
New York 23, N. Y.
"UN -VACUUM" TUBES Society, Inc.. Dept. 6010
of our current technical literature The Musical Masterpiece
43 West 61st Street, New York 23, N. Y.
creates the false impression that there
MUCH Enclosed is $1 in full payment for the recordings of
Enroll me as trial member. Privileges:5

is some subtle difference between radio masterpieces listed. Advance notice of releases.
No purchase obligation ever! I may reject records before or
tubes, television tubes, vacuum tubes, and slay free trial on any discs.
after receipt; may cancel membership at any time. For future
industrial tubes. To be sure, certain dif- I.p. discs I keep, I'll pay only
$1.50 each plus shipping.
ferences do exist yet all of these tubes
may properly be lumped in a single cate- Name

gory-they are all vacuum tubes. Address

The term "vacuum tube", when applied city State
to all electron tubes, is definitely erro- Canada, address: 686 Bathurst St., Toronto 4, Ont.
neous because many small types that look IL
October, 1954

very much like the ones you find in a

radio or television set are intentionally
filled with gas after the air has been
pumped out. Adding a gas like neon or
argon produces startling effects under cer-
tain conditions, many of which are ex-
tremely useful.
In diagram form, a thyratron, for exam-
ULTRA -FIDELITY ple, appears to be the same as any other
triode or tetrode except for the presence
ENCLOSURES of a black dot just inside the circle that
The performance of a represents the glass envelope. This dot
speaker, like a violin, means that gas has been purposely intro-
largely depends upon the duced during manufacture to obtain cer-
cabinet. tain desirable characteristics. In an ordi-
The Ultra -Fidelity Karl -
son is completely NEW nary triode, the cohtrol grid exercises a
and has amazed thou- smooth, gradual influence on the plate cur-
sands at every audio rent, causing the latter to rise and fall as
show. "A new standard its voltage changes. But when gas is pres-
of performance," ..."un-. ent in the proper quantity, the control
Immediate Del;very
surpassed" ... HI-FI
Manual. Send today for grid prevents any plate current from flow-
only $4500 information on this ex-
citing new scientific dis-
ing as long as it is negative enough, but
Si Intricately cut pieces covery. once plate current does begin to flow, the
. 3/4" plywood . . . Available in kit or fin- grid loses all control and cannot affect the
341/2"x221/2"x18" overall. ished form from $45 to electron stream from cathode -to -plate ir-
$117.60 respective of its "negativeness". This "all
Send for If not yet available from or nothing" behavior of a thyratron makes
Complete Literature your Hi-Fi dealer, order
it very useful in applications where sudden,
heavy surges of plate current are wanted.
INC. But how does one stop the flow of plate
current when it is no longer desired? Re-
1483 Coney Island 'Ave., Brooklyn 30, N. Y. moval of plate voltage does
the trick, then
the tube is ready to act once again. When
employed in this manner, thyratrons make
HEAVY-DUTY TOWERS admirable relay tubes because
USED TO HOLD T.V. ANTENNAS rise of plate current from zerothe quick
to some
FLOODLIGHTS, SIGNS, ETC. relatively high value is just what's needed
to operate a relay without chatter.
10 Foot Section Only $13.95 Other gas -filled electron tubes now find-
(Top 10 Foot Same Price) ing wide application are: voltage regula-
tors used to maintain power supply output
Includes All Hardware voltages at some predetermined fixed level;
Made of high tensile .065 gauge 11/4 in. mercury vapor rectifiers in high voltage
O.D. tubular steel. power supplies, often preferred because of
Wash primed and vinyl aluminum - their smaller internal voltage drop; and
coated salt spray resistant. strobotrons, comparative newcomers to
Self supporting to 50 ft. electronics, used to produce short-lived
Adjustable house brace flashes of light of sufficient intensity to be
$4.95 used in commercial stroboscopes,
Heavy duty top mast -10 ft. $3.98 instru-
ments which make moving machinery ap-
Special Prices on T.V. Antennas pear to stand still.
$19.95 Dbl. Aluminum Lazy X....$9.95
FINCO400A-UHF-VHF $32.50
5 E ement (2-13) Dbl. Phoenix Inline $14.95 TWO terms often used in vacuum tube
$48 95 Heavy Duty TR4 Rotor $34.50
discussions are "thermionic emission"
Rotor cable (4 cond.)-5c ft. for above rotor and "unilateral conductivity".
300 ohm UHF -VHF Tubular Leadin..41/2c ft. When materials are heated, the free elec-
Write for circular. All price F.O.B. You pay de- trons in the materials move faster. If the
livery charges. All C.O.D. orders must have temperature is raised sufficiently, some of
25% deposit. the electrons acquire sufficient velocity to
RICHVILLE T.V. SUPPLY overcome the "surface barrier" and fly off
5666 NAVARRE RD., R. D. 1, CANTON, OHIO the surface. It is this release of electrons
which is known as "thermionic emission".
When a positive voltage is applied to
the plate of the tube it will attract the
electrons given off by the cathode. By basic
law, unlike charges attract. If, however, a BUILD RADIOS
negative voltage is applied to the plate, it
will repel the electrons back toward the
cathode-like charges repel.
This action is shown in the diagram.
With the New Improved 1955
Progressive Radio "EDU-KIT"
1 995
When the polarity of the a.c. line voltage is NOW INCLUDES
as shown in Fig. A, the plate of the tube is HIGH FIDELITY, SIGNAL
positive and electrons flow as indicated by TRACER, CODE OSCILLATOR
the arrows. When the line voltage reverses, Attractively Gift Packed
Fig. B, file plate is negative and no elec- Free Soldering Iron
_ trons flow. Absolutely No Knowledge
of Radio Necessary
Although al- No Additional Parts
ternating volt- Needed
Excellent Background
age is applied For Television
to the circuit, 10 -Day Money -Back
current flows School Inquiries Invited
only in one di- Sold in 79 Countries
particular proc- "EDU-KIT" OFFERS YOU Course at a
L OAD ess is known as The Edu-Kit" offers you a Home Radio Technician
You will learn how to identify Radio Symbols
"rectification". rock -bottom price.
and Diagrams; how to build radios, using regular radio schematics:
You will learn
Thus the tube how to wire and solder in a professionaland
how to operate Receivers, Transmitters,
Audio Amplifiers. You
radios. You will learn
acts as a one-way valve and current flows in will learn how to service and trouble -shoot
code. You will receive training for F.C.C. license. In brief, you will
one direction but not the other. This prop- receive a practical basic education in Radio, worth many times the
small price you pay.
erty. of a tube is known as "unifateral'con- THE KIT FOR EVERYONE
ductivity". EB It is not necessary that you have even the slightestand
background in
science or radio. The "Edu-Kit" is used by personnel
young old; by ra-
dio schools and clubs; by Armed Forces and Veterans
for training and rehabilitation. No instructor is required. Instruc-
CAPACITOR ACTION tions are complete, simple and clear. You cannot make a mistake,
nNE of the questions most frequently asked
The "Edu-Kit" uses the principle of "Learn by Doing," There.
by the radio student is how can current tore you will build radios, perform jobs, andYou
conduct experiments
begin by learning
flow through a capacitor when one of the to illustrate the principles which you learn.
the function and theory of each of the radio parts. Then you build
essential parts of this component is its in- a simple radio. Gradually, in a progressive-tube
Yourself constructing more advanced multi
manner, you will find
radio sets, and
The "Edu-Kit"
sulator or "dielectric". doing work like a professional Radio Technician.
Instruction Books are exceedingly clear in their explanations. pho-
Actually, current doesn't flow through tographs and diagrams. These sets operate on 105.125 V. AC/DC.
the dielectric but flows through the wires Adapter for 210-250 V, AC DC available.
The Progressive Radio "EDU-KIT" Is Complete
leading to and from the capacitor. fifteen different
You will receive every part necessary to build variable
We all know that for every complete radio sets. Our kits contain tubes, tube sockets, chassis,
condensers, electrolytic condensers, mica condensers, paper con-
cycle of alternating current there are two tie strips,
densers, resistors, line cords, selenium rectifiers, coils.
hardware, tubing. Instruction Manuals, etc. A soldering iron is in-
half cycles. During the half cycle when the cluded, as well as an Electrical and Radio
to -follow instructions are provided. In
Tester. the "EduKit"-
Complete, easy

polarity of the voltage is as shown in Fig. now contains lessons for servicing with the Progressive Signal
Tracer. F.C.C. instructions, quizzes. The "Edu-Kit" is a complete
A, electrons flow from the negative power radio course down to the smallest detail.
line to the lower plate of the capacitor. TROUBLE -SHOOTING LESSONS
Troubeshooting and servicing are included. You will be taught
Since they cannot pass through the dielec- to recognize and repair troubles. You will build and Electrical
learn to oper-
tric, they pile up on the lower plate. ate a professional Signal Tracer. You receive an While youand
Radio Tester. and learn to use it for radio repairs. are
At the same learning in this practical way, you will be able to do many a repair
job for your neighbors and friends and charge fees which will far
time, the posi- C
exceed the cost of the "Edu-Kit." Our Consultation Service will
tive power line ` °" tpe help you with any technical problems which you may have.
attracts elec- Electrical 6 Radio Tester Electric Soldering Iron TV Book
Radio Trouble -Shooting Guide e Consultation Service Quizzes
trons from the F.C.C. Training.
upper plate of 497 Union Ave. Dept. PE -501, Brooklyn 1/, N. Y.
MAIL TODAY-Order shipped sense day received.
the capacitor. CAPACITOR
10 -Day Money -Back Guarantee. INCLUDE ALL FREE EXTRAS.
Note that the I-RUSH ME the Following-Include all Free Extras:
O "EDU-KIT" Postpaid. I enclose full payment of $19.95.
electrons move "EDU-KIT" COD -1 will pay $19.95 plus postage
O Outside USA: "Edu-Kit" Postpaid. Enclose full payment
through the wires even though they do not $20.95
O Outside USA: 210-250V. AC/DC Adapter. Enclose $2.50
pass through the dielectric. When the pol- O More details on EDU-KIT'. Free-No Obligation
No Obligation
arity of the power line reverses (Fig. B) O FREE Radio -TV Servicing Literature.

the electrons reverse themselves and flow NAME

in the opposite direction as indicated by the ADDRESS

arrows. Electrons now accumulate on the PROGRESSIVE "EDU-KITS" INC.

upper plate of the capacitor. As long as the L497 Union Ave. Dept. PE50I Brooklyn II, N. Y.
polarity of the power line keeps reversing, 117
October, 1954
The New Model 70 UTILITY TESTER current will flow through the circuit, first
FOR REPAIRING ALL in one direction-then the other.
This is how alternating current flows in
ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES a circuit even when a capacitor is used.
As an electrical trouble shooter the Model
Measures A.C. and D.C. Voltages, A.C. and
D.C. Current, Resistances, leakage, etc.
Will measure current consumption while (ho HOW SMART ARE YOU?
epp lionee under Lo in operation.
is This quiz will test your knowledge of vac-
Incorporates a sensitive direct -reading resist - uum tubes. Each correct answer is worth 10
once range which will measure all resistances points. A score of 60 or less-poor, 70-fair,
commonly used in electrical appliances, motors,
80-good, 90-very good. 100-excellent.
leakage detecting circuit will Indicate continu-
(Answers on page 127)
ity from zero ohms to S megohms (5,000,000 1. If the bias of a variable
ohms). mu tube is
Will test toasters, Irons, Broilers, Heating increased, the gain will:
Pods, Clocks, fans, Vacuum Cleaners, Re-
frigerators, lamps, fluorescents, fans,
a. increase; b. decrease
Switches, Thermostats, etc. c. remain the same '
re, Will test all TV tubes for open Ala-
2. In a tetrode, the grid closest
tisiu__,Its inter -element shorts burned tules, etc. to the
plate is a:
As an Automotive Tester the Model 70 will test:
Both 6 Volt and 12 Volt Storage
Batteries Generators Starters
a. suppressor grid
Distributors Ignition Coils Regulators Relays Circuit Breakers
b. screen grid
Cigarette Lighters Stop Lights Condensers
All Lamps and Bulbs fuses Heating Directional Signal Systems
Systems Horns Also will locate
c. control grid
poor grounds, breaks in wiring, poor connections, etc.
Handsome mend -cornered molded bakelite case, 31/4-
with all rest leads. Also included is 51/4" Complete
3. The transconductance of a tube is
41 poet book plying detailed Instructions.
roe testing all electrical applionees,autemotive
85 the ratio of:
equipment, TV tubes, etc. Only

SHIPPED ON APPROVAL a. change of plate voltage to change

of grid voltage
NO MONEY WITH ORDER -NO C O. D. b. change of plate voltage to change
Try It fur 10 days odor° you of plate current
buy. If completely satisfied 1 MOSS
then send 53.68 and Pet 1
ELECTRONIC DIST. CO., Dept. D-72 c. change of plate current to change
Balance t rta or $4.00 p. 1 %air, TenthMcrie140
rust,..1 Ave., New York 34, N. Y. 6of grid voltage
month for 8 Miran. no 4,Tzlegy,..:an within 10 den
02.1Eatt. name
4. A class C amplifier is biased:
not completely' Addy.,
satIsfleo, return to us, no 1
a. at cut-off; b. beyond cut-off
explanation necessary. Zose_fittata c. at saturation
5. A pentode has:
a. one grid; b. two grids
c. three grids
SUPER POCKET RADIO 6. The purpose of a screen grid is to:
a. decrease capacity between control
Smaller than many hear- grid and plate
ing aids. Powerful, porta- b. increase capacity between control
grid and plate
ble and can be assembled c. attract electrons and thereby
by anyone in one hour. duce plate current
Uses two inexpensive cells 7. If the first stage of a two -stage am-
that fit within case. Own- plifier has a voltage gain of 20 and the
second stage a voltage gain of 10, the total
ers report 1,500 mile re- voltage gain is:
ception. No antenna or a. 200; b. 30
8. In the type designation 5U4G,
ground required for local the
0 POST - letter G indicates:
use. Complete kit of g' -7 PAID a. gas -filled tube
hearing -aid parts only b. glass envelope
c.grid -cap type construction
$3.99. Batteries extra at $1.45. Use any regu-
lar headphone with Micro or tiny hearing -aid 9. What value of cathode resistor
should be used to bias a triode if the re-
earset, shown in photo, available from us at quired bias is 5 volts and the plate cur-
low cost. Micro is guaranteed to please or rent is 4 ma.?
return in 10 days for full refund. a. 20,000 ohms; b. 800 ohms
c. 1250 ohms
SEND ONLY $1.00 10. If a negative voltage
is applied to the grid of
tube in diagram right, the
plate voltage will:
TRANSI-MITE RADIO LAB a. increase; b. decrease
MANTEO (1) NO. CAR. c. remain the same

1 18
radio control came out BOOKS MAKE
so far ahead of single channel at the
1954 National Model Airplane Contest at ELECTRONICS
Chicago recently that talk is that at the
next meet the two will not compete against
each other as they have up until now. The

first four places in the radio control events

of the meet were taken by multichannel Complete, non -technical explanation of radar . . .
what it is, how it works, how it's used. Covers types
jobs. of gear used by ground, sea, and air forces. Illus-
This year's meet, held at the Glenview trated. 8 1/2" x 11", soft cover, only $1.00.
Naval Air Station in Chicago during the
week of July 25, saw first place in the R/C HOW TO USE METERS
event going to Alex Schneider of California, Explains everything about using all kinds of meters!
using Rockwood multichannel control in a Shows what to use, how to use it, where to use it!
7 -foot "Piper Cub" model. Second place For everyone interested in electronics, this book is a
was captured by Howard Bonner, also of must! 160 (5 1/2" x 8 1/2") pages, soft cover, only
California, who used his own 2 -channel ra- $2.40.
dio control with a compound escapement. HIGH FIDELITY SIMPLIFIED
The model was a Beam kit. George Swank The complete Hi Fi story! How to get concert hall
of Buffalo used a 5 -channel Schmidt con- reception in your own home! Answers all questions
trol in a "Super Buccaneer" model airplane about Hi Fi tuners, amplifiers, speakers, tape re-
to take third place in the Nationals. corders, record players and changers. 224 (5 1/2" x
8 1/2") pages, soft cover, only $2.50.


COMING NEXT MONTH Covers design, construction, assembly, and testing of
sound reproduction systems, and includes circuits for
POPULAR ELECTRONICS home construction of these units. Explains circuitry of
pre -amps and amplifiers, pick-up devices,
How Television Works speakers and enclosures. 250 (5 1/2" x 8 Y2") pages,
soft cover, only $3.50.
How to Use an Oscilloscope
Hints on Reading Diagrams A step-by-step guide to systematic troubleshooting.
Tells how to service your own set quickly, easily,
An Easily -Built Black Light Source economically! 128 (5 1/2" x 8 1/2") pages, soft cover,
Photoelectric Control only $1.80.
Plus More On
High -Fidelity Audio An expert explains, in easy -to-understand terms, the
Control Short -Wave Listening basis operation, characteristics, and performance of
What's New How it Works How to transistors. This book is for every hobbyist, student,
experimenter! 144 (5'/2" x 8 Y2") pages, soft cover,
Make It How to Use It Carl and Jerry
only $2.70.


Everything you need to know about what's inside a
RADIO & TELEVISION NEWS tape recorder . recording heads, drive mechan-
isms, circuits. Practical suggestions for troubleshoot-
ing. 176 (5 Y "x 8 1/2") pages, soft cover, only $2.90.
A Regenerative Short -Wave Receiver TV AND ELECTRONICS AS A CAREER
A Low -Powered Phono Amplifier Written by 5 prominent electronics experts, this book
Fundamentals of Color TV is crammed full of solid facts about the field ... what
the different jobs are, what training each one re-
The "Mark 12" quires, what salaries they pay, how to get the job.
Economy Model TV Sets If you're thinking about a career in TV and elec-
tronics, you MUST read this book! 5 Y2" x 8 Y2", cloth
A Photoelectric Contrast Control
bound only $2.50.
Economy Model Grid Dipper Write for free catalog!
A Tone -Compensating Preamp All Rider books are available through electronics parts job-
bers and book stores throughout the country. If unavailable
Two -Tube Square -Wave Generator in your area, write to:
"Bootstrap" Interval Timer
Communication Set-The Easy Way
How Good Are Your TV Installations?
480 Canal Street, New York 13, N. Y.
October, 1954
Carl and Jerry
MINIATURE RADIO (Continued from page 39)
1000 mile reception.
Regenerative circuit
corers 540 to 1600 KC. our lingo. Now let's try this thing. Leave
All part& hearing aid
batteries, fit in case.
FULLY GUARAN- the needle off the record and keep listen-
BUILT PARTS AND ing at different positions of the gain con-
TUBE. Kit includes
photodiagram for easy
trol. I'll dash over and turn on the rig
assembling. Batteries and put out a test."
$1.15 per set. Uses any
radio earphone. BAR- As he said the last word he was already
GAIN DEAL . . . Reg-
ular $2.50 ALNICO halfway up the steps. Soon Jerry could
at only $1.45. SUPER
hear his voice coming faintly through the
1900 OHM

basement window; but no setting of the
ING AID, PHONE amplifier gain control caused the voice to
INCLUDED ($10.00 be heard in the speaker.
VALUE) at $4.95 . . .
you can't beat these $599 "The operation is a success, Doctor," he
prices! Enclose $1.00 if
C.O.D. order.
Factory assembled
yelled out the window. "Come on back.
(set only) $8.95 "Say," he remarked as Carl came back
PRECISION ELECTRONICS, Dept. 4, Placerville, Calif.
into the basement and perched himself on
the workbench, "what was that you were
saying about seeing if your transmitter
SCIENTIFIC CRIME DETECTION would 'load up' your new antenna?"
There's a Thrill in Bringing "That's right. This antenna is cut for
a Crook to Justice.

t? A Steady Pay Profession

3950 kilocycles, according to my figuring,
Good Times or Bad. and I wanted to make sure it would take
We have taught thousands this exciting,
profitable, pleasant profession. Let us energy from the transmitter."
teach you, too, in your own home. Learn
Finger Printing. Firearms Identification.
"What would keep it from it?"
Police Photography and Criminal In-
vestigation thoroughly, Quickly and at Be A
"Being the wrong length. A transmitting
small cost. antenna has to be the proper length so
Over 800 of All U. S. Bureaus FINGER that it will resonate at the frequency of
of Identification employ students or graduates of PRINT
1. A. S. You, too, can fit yourself to fill a respon-
sible crime detection job with good pay and steady Expert the transmitter before it will accept power
employment.o Butgioown 8.11,:illyangdetcothmeptetally1 s in now.
Let from the transmitter."
yoritYooruthis fascinating work, durieng spare
time, In your own home. You may pay as you learn. FREE!!!
Send for Thrilling
"How do you calculate the proper
Write today, stating age. No salesman will call.
(A Correspondence School Since 1916)
INSTITUTE OF APPLIED SCIENCE "There's a formula for it, but I just use
1920 Sunnyside Ave., Dept. 6547, Chicago 40, Ill. a table in the Radio Amateur's Handbook.
It says the proper length is 118 feet and

Send for
six inches."
"Don't you wonder about the reasons be-
hind those tables?" Jerry asked curiously.
"Not me. I just want to know how
Book and
things work, not why. All I know is that
without obligation U.S. PAT. OFF. 1922.1929 an antenna should be roughly a half wave-
GUSTAVE MILLER Patent Attorney & Advisor length long for good transmission or recep-
104 -PE WARNER BUILDING U. S. NAVY DEPT. 1930.1947 tion of a given frequency."
WASHINGTON 4, D.C. PATENT LAWYER "H -m -m," Jerry reflected, "that reminds
me of sound waves. I remember in physics
class we found that if an open-ended tube
Catalog OF 3000 Novelties oc was to be resonant at the frequency of a
Send toe for amazing catalog of novelties, live animals,
sci entific supplies, hobbies. fun makers, planes & boats, tuning fork, it had to be a half wave-
d looms,
10, get magic tricks, hake articles. unusual seeds,
gad. length long at the fork's frequency. Just
cameras, optical goods, projectors,
movies, lucky jewelry, religious novelties, disguiseS.
musical instruments. stamps, coins, puzzles, fortune for kicks, let's see if radio and sound
tellers, radios, auto & bike accessories, telescopes, magnifiers, corn.
gines, motors, smokers'
passes, banks, shocker., gadgets, artists' supplies, printing sets, en-
knives, billfolds, fireworks, guns, rifles,
waves can be handled the same way. First
sports, books, games, plants, etc. send name, address & 100 to: off, if we divide the speed of a wave mo-
JOHNSON SMITH & CO., Dept. 858, Detroit 7, Michigan tion by the frequency of the waves, we
get the length of each wave; right?"
Carl wrinkled his brow in deep concen-
MAKE EXTRA MONEY!! tration. "I guess so," he finally agreed
Spare time work at home. Big mail-order 6rm hesitatingly. "If we knew how many feet
needs men and women to send out postcards. a minute a freight train was moving and
Easyl No experience necessary. Just address and
mail. Steady work every month. Act now -
write at once.
divided that by the number of identical
cars that passed in a minute, we'd get the
BUSINESS INFORMATION CORPORATION length of each car. I guess it would be the
143 Belmont Street.Belmont. Mass. same with waves."
"Exactly. We also know that light and
radio waves scamper along at a speed
of 300,000,000 meters -per -second, and we
have the frequency you are shooting at as
being 3950 kilocycles or 3,950,000 cycles - TRANSISTOR KIT
per -second. Check?" Here is the unique PRECISE TRAN-
"Double check," Carl agreed. "We can SISTOR KIT that supplies you with
lop those three ciphers off each number all the components necessary to
and divide 300,000 by 3950. You got a perform innumerable experiments
pencil and piece of paper?" along with many prepared
Without answering Jerry dug down in . . .

the litter of papers and books piled on the experiments including audio one
end of the couch and came up with a cheap stage amplifiers through trans-
and battered slide rule which he began to former -coupled amplifiers ... and
manipulate with a few extra flourishes into special circuits. Instruction
strictly for the benefit of his guest. book teaches you the theory of
"The answer," he finally announced with transistors in simple non -mathe-
all the importance of a Supreme Court matical terms.
Judge handing down a fateful decision, "is
very close to seventy-six meters."
"We're getting warm!" Carl said excited- * Audio oscillator
ly. "This band I'm working is called the
Seventy -Five Meter Phone Band." * RF oscillator
"Since your antenna is going to be a half * Signal tracer
wavelength long, we chop seventy-six in * Tuned signal
two and get thirty-eight meters," Jerry tracer (TRF type
continued. "A foot equals .3048 meter; so
we divide 38 by .3048, and the good old receiver), etc.
slip -stick says-" he paused to work the TI ...Kit $17.95
slide rule again, "exactly 124.5 feet," he
finished weakly.
"The good old slip -stick or the guy slip- 1954 CATALOG

ping it must have slipped," Carl jeered.

"That's too far off 118.5 feet to be right- New Test
eNe Test Equipmeinstruments

say!" he suddenly broke off as he struck In nt

his forehead with a clenched fist, "I re- Kit& Wired Form
member reading somewhere that a half
wavelength resonant conductor is always PRECISE DEVELOPMENT CORP.
somewhat shorter than an actual half Our -inside, New York
wavelength in free space. It's shorter by
about 5%. Try taking 5% off that and see
Quit being a BAG of BONES
what you get." FREE!
"Five per -cent of 124.5 is close to six Weakling like I Was w.10. r
feet, and 124.5 feet minus 6 gives us pre-
cisely 118.5 feet," Jerry announced trium-
Plus "Amssing Secrets" 2
phantly. Ifmr,7..Tag.;:"?;7:d' I gained 25 Terrific Lbs. of
"Whew! I'm glad that's over," Carl said al 11.

as he bent forward and mopped his face MUSCLES all over!

with the slack in the front of his sweat I Improved My HE-MAN

shirt. "This brain wrestling is harder on Looks 1000%
me than playing in a double overtime I Won NEW STRENGTH -POPULARITY
NO' I don't care how skinny or flabby you
game." are. Ill make you OVER by the SAME

He and Jerry grinned at each other with method I turned myself from a wreck to
the strongest of the strong. DEVELOP YOUR
the mutual satisfaction that comes from 520 MUSCLES.
Vrg!You'll see INCHES of
having joined in a successful operation. JIM
"'"' mighty muscles added.
"Say," Carl began hesitantly, "I've got NORMAN
From head to heels you'll "NW:"

an idea, but if you don't like it, just say

Mailed 15- TALL SIM/ CUP 1100 As ,uo did TODAY

so. My feelings won't be hurt. Here's the Coupon

way I look at it: both of us are interested

in electronics. You like to read and think = toutztente.4.A.' .CLOSED /I.
z7gLrr:; +or

about it; I like to experiment and build

things. You've got a dandy place to work (Noe wmt pal*. Is...A No -Min

but not much equipment. I've got a ham _tolf A STATE--.

station, a voltohmmeter, and a whole box

October, 1954
of radio parts, but no place to work ex-
YES, build a fine TV Set at
cept my bedroom. You're good on math
and theory where I am weak, but you do
not seem to be too good with tools-"
home. ALSO learn all about "Let's face it: I'm about as clever as a
Installing, Repairing, Serv- cow with a crutch with tools," Jerry ad-
icing. Get ready for a Big - mitted without shame.
Pay Job in America's fast- "I like tools and like to work with
est -growing Industry. The them," Carl went on. "To cut it short,
CTI TV Train -at -Home Plan how's about our sort of joining forces and
preparing hundreds for
bigger pay TODAY-a brighter working together? Maybe I'm wrong, but
I think it would be a lot of fun. But if
MORROW. No experience needed.Future TO-
We supply you don't like the idea-"
easy -to -understand
instructions-plus TWENTY
KITS of Parts, Professional "I'm with you!" Jerry exclaimed. "A
Tools. Get a TV Set to ENJOY.Equipment and hobby is twice as much fun when you've
Get set to EN- got someone to work and argue with. As
JOY a TV Future. Make money in
spare time
while taking Course. THOUSANDS SUCCEED- far as I'm concerned, we're in business.
ING! Send today for big FREE Book, "Succeed What'll we call ourselves? It's got to be
in Television." Commercial Trades something that sounds serious and impos-
Dept. T-59-9, Institute, ing."
26, III. 1400 Greenleaf Ave., Chicago
"Natch," Carl agreed. "How about
'Electronic Experimenters, Inc.'?"
"Let's change that 'Inc.' to 'Ltd.' " Jerry
suggested. "Somehow it sounds more
"Fine! I'll get out my mechanical draw-
BROADCAST ing set and make up a sign for over the
SUPERHET basement door tonight," Carl said with
KIT mounting enthusiasm.
For a minute the two stood looking at
ROCKET 115K - Latest
Band superhet circuit forSingle
mate ulti-
in sensitive reception and
each other, half serious, half joking. Then
Jerry stuck out his hand. "Want to shake
tonal quality.
sis, Kit includes all necessary parts, punched chas- on it, Pardner?"
core IFs,bakelite mahogany cabinet, built-in loop antenna,
big Alnico V spkr.; Instantly his plump hand was grasped
125Q7, 50L6. 3525* Automatic vol. tubes: beam
12SK7. 12SA7,
put. Tunes 540 to 1700 Kc. Simple control,
power out-
step-by-step instructions by Carl's sinewy fingers.
Plaza 812K 2 -Band AC -DC Super Kit
Globemaster 8I4K 3 -Band super Kit
All kits supplied less wireand solder........
520.75 "Here's to 'Electronic Experimenters,
Please include$24.15
deposit with C.O.D. orders. Dept. P-7 25% Ltd.' " (Continued next month)
370 Broadway New York 13. N Y
DEFORE removing radio and TV tubes,
U with the line plug disconnected from
the wall outlet, it is good practice to short
ira-\ out the exposed tube terminal to the metal
chassis, to avoid possible shock. See the
photo below.
POWERED A screwdriver with an insulated handle
PHONES! should be used, permitting the metal blade
REQUIRES NO BATTERIES OR EXTERNAL of the screwdriver to serve as the shorting
Original government cost $58.00 $995
new, specially priced each

$ /100
Hi or low beam emergency light for camp, reading road signs,
roadside repaint garage light, spare headlamp etc. Each kit
packed in sturdy box includes Westinghouse Sealed Seam head-
lamp, 12 ft. rubber cord which plugs into cigar lighter, 18 inch
scotchlite "caution" sign and snap on bkt. for headlamp. All new
& boxed. Order today! Postpaid Anywhere in U.S.A.
5279 W.
Pico Blvd., Los Angeles 19, Calif.
How to Align Receivers Become an
(Continued from page 59)
Electrical Engineer
pacitors for the two sections are frequently
mounted on one side of the stator plates
(the stationary plates . . . the movable
plate section is called the rotor), but, in
some cases, these adjustments may be on
the bottom of the tuning capacitor frame.
If the tuning capacitor is like the one
shown to the left, the smaller rotor plates
belong to the local oscillator section. If the
capacitor is like the one shown to the right,
you'll have to identify the oscillator and
r.f. sections before alignment.
If you are able to pick up a station with
the receiver, bring one finger close to
one set of stator plates, then close to the
second set. As you approach the r.f. stator Major in Electronics or Power
section, you may find that the signal be- BS Degree in 36 months
comes weaker, but will not disappear; as Prepare now for a career as an
you bring your finger close to the oscillator electrical engineer or engineer-
section, however, the station may disappear ing technician-and take advan-
entirely, and you may even find, that a dif- tage of the many opportunities in these
ferent station is picked up. expanding fields.
Should the receiver be so far out of align- You can save a year by optional year
ment that it is impossible to tune in a sta- 'round study. At MSOE previous military,
tion, you can identify the oscillator section academic, or practical training may be
either by tracing out the circuit or by re- evaluated for advanced credit.
ferring to a service manual. Enter Radio and Television
Referring back to Fig. 1, the i.f. trans- - courses 12 to 18 months
former adjustments correspond to trimmer You can be a radio technician in 12 months.
capacitors C9, C., C., and C9. In some receiv- In an additional 6 -months you can become a
ers, i.f. tuning "slugs" (movable iron cores) radio -television technician with Associate in
Applied Science degree. Color television in-
may be used instead of trimmer capacitors. struction is included in this program.
This is usually the case where adjustments These technician courses may form the first
are provided on both the top and the bot- third of the program leading to a degree in
Electrical Engineering. Twenty-one subjects
tom of the i.f. can. in electronics, electronic engineering and elec-
The r.f. trimmer capacitor (on the side tronic design are included in these courses.
of the tuning capacitor) corresponds to CJ, Courses also offered: radio -television ser-
vice (12 mos.); electrical service (6 mos.);
while the local oscillator trimmer capacitor general preparatory (3 mos.).
corresponds to C..
In many receivers, a low -frequency ad- Terms - January, April, July, Sept.
justment for the local oscillator will be Faculty of specialists. 50,000 former students
provided. This may be either an adjustable - annual enrollment from 48 states, 23 for-
local oscillator coil, using a movable pow- eign countries Non-profit institution. 51st
year. Courses approved for veterans.
dered iron core, or a small "padder" in Residence courses only.
series with the tuning capacitor (C6 in 1.13-11111

Fig. 1). Where especially cut plates are

employed on the tuning capacitor, like the -°6- MILWAUKEE
one shown to the left in Fig. 6, the chances SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING
are that no low -frequency adjustment is F MILWAUKEE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING
provided. In any case, if a low -frequency Dept. PE -1054, 1025 N. Milwaukee Street
adjustment is available, you should be able Milwaukee I. Wisconsin
to identify it by checking the connections Send FREE illustrated booklets
ID Career in Electrical Engineering,
to the oscillator coil. CI Career in Radio -Television.
With the signal generator connected to I am interested in (name of course)
the grid of the mixer tube, as previously .Age
outlined, set the instrument controls to de- Name
liver a modulated r.f. signal at the i.f. Address
value for the set. For most receivers this City Zone State
will be either 455 or 456 kc. Set the output If veteran. indicate date of discharge
level controls (the coarse and fine at -
October, 1954
tenuators) to the minimum signal re-
ONLY NEWTV DYNATRACER quired to obtain an indication on the out-
$495 TRACES TV SIGNALS AND put meter used (or so that a faint tone can
be heard in the loudspeaker, the receiver
or C.O.D.
+Chgs. REQUIRES NO ADDITIONAL volume control should be turned up full).
EQUIPMENT Turn the tuning control of the receiver un-
This sensationally new piece of test equipment
Is ideal for trouble -shooting television sets in
the home or in the shop. The "DYNATRACER"
til the tuning capacitor plates are fully
will out -perform more expensive testers and meshed.
should pay for itself on the very first repair.
A Must for Every TV Technician Short out the local oscillator temporarily.
self -powered quality test Instrument designeda Do this by connecting a short piece of wire
to trace TV signals through any Video. Sound,
Syne. AFC. Horizontal or Vertical Sweep Circuit between the lug for the stator plates of the
-will isolate Unlade to a stage or component.
ADDED FEATURE: The "DYNATRACER" will local oscillator section of the tuning ca-
also trace voltages (50/500 V. AC/DC, and in-
stantly pacitor and ground.
locate open. shorted, intermittent or
leaky (up to 20 MEGOHMS) condensers, resis-
tors, coils. XFormers. etc.
Instruction and Trouble -Shooting Book Enclosed
Now, using an insulated screwdriver or
Cut out advertisement .. . attach name and address with $5.00 alignment tool, adjust the i.f. transformers
bill, check or money order and mail to for maximum output indication on the out-
, put meter (or maximum sound from the
ELECTRONICS CO. loudspeaker). The proper technique to use
211-04 99th Ave., Dept. 601. Queens Village 29. N. Y. is shown in Fig 5. The output meter and
signal generator are not shown in this
RADIO CONTROL EQUIPMENT Go through the adjustment steps at least
License Free Band. $9.95
Ali parts & diagrams (less tubes & crystal) to build ., Wait
twice, for the setting of one i.f. trans-
Transmitter Unit & 2 -Tube lightweight Receiver, including
SIGMA 10.000 ohm Relay,
former may affect the adjustment of the
SIGMA 4F .13.000 ohm, 1 Ma. 4.95.3000 ohm..55.95
STORAGE BATTERIES -2 Volt. 3"x4"x51/2"-27 A. Hr.. 2.75 The mixer stage and local oscillator are
MINIATURE 0 Vail-Willard NT6-21/2"x1.4"x31/g".... 2.45
11/2 VOLT TINY MOTOR. 6.00(1 RPM with double shaft.. 1.95
GEARBOX, 800/1. 21,1)"52",_5,000 RPM 3.95 generally called the "front end" of the re-
Speciall .30 ceiver. This section is aligned after the i.f.
GROUND PLANE ANTENNAS, 10-20-40 Meters: easily
made with our painted copper -plated WHIPS-threaded
tapered sections: 16 ft. $3.95; 32 ft.
transformers are properly adjusted.
METERS: 2"; 0.1 Ma. 53.751 0-3 Ma........ . .. . . $6.95
MULTIMETER KIT: Basic parts to build (less case: 3 Ma. 2.95
With the outer shield of the signal gen-
erator lead still connected to chassis

6. 60. 600 Volts & Continuity. Includes meter 3.15

RF PROBE KIT: For Scope. Sig. Tracer. VTVM 2.45
ELECTRONIC TOY TRAIN whistle unit-less tube, as is
G.E. BLNKT CONTR. UNIT-with sens. 10.000 ohm relay 1.25 .95 ground, remove the .001 Afd. capacitor used
6 VOLT DYNAMOTOR -300 V. Oi 100 Ma
7.95 when adjusting the i.f. transformers, and
GYRO ELECTRONICS clip the "hot" lead to the loop antenna of
325 Canal Street New York 13, New York the receiver, as shown in Fig. 2. A direct
electrical connection is not usually neces-
sary. Remove the temporary shorting wire
Get Your F. C. C. LICENSE Quickly! used on the local oscillator in the previous
Correspondence or residence preparation for F.C.C.
examinations. Results guaranteed. Next, set the signal generator to 1550 or
An FCC commercial operator license means greater op- 1600 kc. and tune the receiver to the same
portunities and higher pay. We are specialists in prepar-
ing you, in a MINIMUM OF TIME, to
frequency, as indicated by the dial setting.
pass FCC
examinations for all classes of licenses. Beginners get 2nd
Adjust the local oscillator trimmer (C, in
class license in 5 weeks and 1st class in 3 additional weeks. Fig. 1) for maximum output. The proper.
Write for free booklet. technique to use is shown in Fig. 7.
GRANTHAM School of Electronics Shift the signal generator and the re-
Dept. 101A, 6064 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28. Calif. ceiver tuning to 1400 kc. and adjust the r.f.
trimmer (C3 in Fig. 1) for maximum out-
EASY TO LEARN CODE Finally, if a "padder" (C5 in Fig. 1) or an
Learn or increase speed with an Instructograph
-the Radio -Telegraph Code Teacher that takes adjustable local oscillator coil is provided
the place of an operator -instructor and enables
anyone to master code without further assist-
ance. Available tapes from beginners alphabet
in the receiver, tune both the/signal gen-
to typical messages on all subjects.
range 5 to 40 WPM. Always Speed erator and the receiver to 600 kc. Make the
ready-no QRM. low -frequency adjustment (coil or padder)
Thousands have "acquired the code" with the
Instructograph System. Write today for conven-
ient rental and purchase plans. for maximum output while rocking the
4713-P Sheridan Road, Chicago 40, Illinois
tuning capacitor plates back and forth (by
adjusting the tuning knob). Use the adjust-
ment and dial setting that gives maximum
Acrotran hi fi output transformer for I'P 61,6s, 807s, etc.
output, irrespective of the actual reading
of the receiver dial.
Finally, go back to the high -frequency
in regular Williamson or ultra linear circuit. 10-100,000
cycles. Fully guaranteed. Write for free bulletin. settings of the signal generator and re-
EMPIRE ELECTRONICS COMPANY ceiver and repeat the adjustments of the
409P Avenue L Brooklyn 30, N. Y. local oscillator and r.f. trimmers. You may
then wish to repeat the adjustment at the
low -frequency end of the dial, for, if best
receiver performance is to be obtained, the
alignment procedure should be carried out
as a back -and -forth process. One adjust-
ment affects the other, so you have to
make slight changes in both to get the best
possible setting of all trimmers. END

Meet "Popular Electronics"

(Continued from page 13)
NOW you can easily learn from these books
with new developments at an ever-increas- how to construct and service TV sets-plus
ing rate. the math so important in television today.
Circuitry has become more complicated
through the years. Television and indus-
trial electronics, telemetering and comput- Complete Mandl's TV
ing, and now color TV have necessitated course Including
a higher level of approach for technical color for only SERVICING
magazines. This, unfortunately, has de- 55.75 Matthew Mandl. Complete
prived thousands of people interested in with a new chapter on NTSC
electronics of a regular source of informa- color television, this famous service guide shows
tion written in simple, understandable you exactly how color TV operates and gives prac-
terms. POPULAR ELECTRONICS is the answer tical instruction on servicing color sets. Contains a
to the demand for a monthly publication Master Trouble Index listing in dear, easily under-
devoted entirely to electronics at a prac- stood terms just how to locate and correct every flaw
tical and hobby level. in both UHF and VHF receivers-plus up -to-the.
minute data on all modern advances. $5.75
POPULAR ELECTRONICS is, as its title im-
plies, devoted to the science of electronics
at How -It -Works, Why -It -Works, How -To - theory
and math
Do -It and How -To -Use -It level.
Its writers and editors have all grown needed for the for RADIOMEN
up with electronics. They have all cut best jobs
E. M. Noll. One of the most
their eyeteeth in radio, TV, and communi- widely lased books on TV
cations as experimenters and hobbyists. theory now brought up-to-date with new chapters
They appreciate, from long experience, on UHF, NTSC color television, and transistors.
that "practical know-how" is all-important Offers practical explanations of the functions of all
and essential to success in the fascinating TV elements, techniques of installation, alignment,
science of electronics. They include ex- and adjustment. $10.00
perimenters, hams, short-wave experts, RADIO AND TV MATH
radio -control enthusiasts, instructors, tech-
nicians, editors, and engineers. Bernhard Fischer. A handbook of over 700 problems
conveniently arranged so you can easily find the step-by-step
We think you will like POPULAR ELEC- solution to any math problem needed for getting best results
TRONICS. We believe this to be a magazine in radio and TV servicing and construction. $6.75
designed to give you the best possible un- Elements of Math for
derstanding of electfonics. We will wel-
come all suggestions, ideas, and criticisms. Radio, TV and Electronics
From our readers will come hundreds of Bernhard Fischer and Herbert Jacobs. Illustrated with
features, gadgets, hints, and kinks. These over 3000 practical examples and problems, this book makes
crystal clear every procedure in the arithmetic, algebra, and
will be carefully read and studied. If geometry used every day by radio and TV men. $7.20
these are well" illustrated (4 x 5 or 8 x 10 ----SEND THEM ON APPROVAL---i
glossies) they will be considered for pub- The Macmillan Company, 60 Fifth Ave., N.Y.11
lication. Those accepted will be paid for Please send me books checked below. I will either remit
at attractive rates, on acceptance. the full price plus small delivery charge, or return the
And, among our readers will be found books in ten days. (SAVE: Send check or money order
many experienced color photographers who and we pay delivery charge.)
0 Radio and TV
are electronic hobbyists. Color transparen- 0 Mandl's TV
Math, $6.75
Servicing, $5.75
cies (4 x 5 verticals) accompanied by a tie-
in feature article will be considered. These 0 TV for Radiomen, 0 Elements of Math,
$10.00 $7.20
will bring special rates of payment.
We will appreciate your help in telling Name
your friends about POPULAR ELECTRONICS.
Perhaps they too will be interested in this State
leading science of our times. And, finally, City
(This offer pod only within continental limits of U.S.A.)
won't you please tell us how YOU like
October, 1954
NEW giveaway business stimulator. $4.55 profit each
sale. Sample 25c. Weigand, Graham, Florida.

Chnsineed EARN extra money in cartooning, free trial lesson

tests your ability. Write Kaydee, 1412PE Great North-
ern Bldg., Chicago 4, Ill.
A BUSINESS of your own financed entirely by mail.
Can be started during spare time. McCann, 1612
FOR SALE Johnson, Amarillo, Texas.

BRASS, stainless, aluminum, steel rods. Nepco, 366

Oakland St., Brooklyn 23, N. Y.
RADIO Diagrams $1.00; Television $2.00; Give make, INVENTIONS wanted. Patented; unpatented. Global
model. Diagram Service, 672 -PE, Hartford 1, Conn. Marketing Service, 1404 Mitchell, Oakland 1, Calif.
GOLDEN Grabbag 30 cts. Big lot $1. Extra special $2. PATENTED and unpatented inventions wanted. Free
Persil, 436 N. Y. Ave., Brooklyn 25, N. Y. particulars, invention recording and advice. America's
foremost promotion service. Superior Inventions
HIGH Fidelity 10 watt Amplifier. Regular $85.00 value Agency, 340-342 North Rodeo, Beverly Hills, Calif.
for only $34.00. Storm Electronics, 89-47 198th Street,
Hollis, N. Y.
MILLION products wholesale. List of sources 50c.
Fitzpatric, 1842 Jeanette, Abilene, Texas. MEXICAN Law. General Practice Attorney, 1203 Ari-
T -30-S THROAT type microphone, Special 50c, Tubes zona St., El Paso, Texas.
19c up. Free Lists. Potter, 1314 McGee, Kansas City DETECTIVES-Experience unnecessary. Detective Par-
6, Mo. ticulars free. Write, Wargner, 125 W. 86th, N. Y.
"X-RAY Mind." Dangerous power over others. (De-
INSTRUCTION tails -10c.) Krishnar Institute, Box 842-S8, Escondido,
U. S. CIVIL Service Jobs! Men -Women, 18-55. Qualify FOAM Rubber furniture cushions. Factory seconds.
Now! Start high as $80.00 week. 23,000 jobs open. Ex- 50% discount. Free catalog. Perma-Foam, 140-E, Main
perience often unnecessary. Get Free 36 -page book Street, East Orange, New Jersey.
showing jobs, salaries, requirements, sample tests. MAGNET wire insulation varnish. Electric Motor
Write: Franklin Institute, Dept. T-23, Rochester, N. Y.
Service, 308 Delaware, Mason City, Iowa.
MIDLAND Linotype School, Charles City, Iowa. Civil- KNOW your Plastic's. "Plexiglas Craftsman's Hand-
ian and Veteran Courses. Free placement. Established book" with material catalog, postpaid, $1.00. Plastic's.
Box 1812, Salt Lake City 10, Utah.
HIGH School-No Classes. Study at home. Spare time. FREE "Do -It -Yourself" Leathercraft Catalog. Tandy
Diploma awarded. Write for Free Catalog HET -1. Leather Company, Box 791-J6, Fort Worth, Texas.
Wayne School, 2527 Sheffield, Chicago 14, Ill. AMAZING only $24.50 Troubleshoots every television
SIMPLIFIED analytics teach algebra clearly; guaran- and radio. Write for free information. Tele-Diagnosis,
teed, $1. Ziemba, E-6123 Orchard, Dearborn, Mich, 155 W. 72, New York.
AUCTIONEERING Home Study Course. Diploma FREE Estimate: Industrial process control problems,
granted. Auction School, Ft. Smith, Ark. Amplifier specifications, or, anything to be solved by
Electronics, Transistors, Magnetic amplifiers. Box 345,
BECOME a Radio Amateur. Free information on Grand Rapids, Michigan.
how to pass Code and Theory FCC examinations. GEIGER Counter and Metal Detector Kits. Inexpen-
American Electronics, 1205!2 Bryant Ave., New York sive, Educational. Free Literature. Electronic Applica-
59, N.Y. tions, Dept. B, 5024 Lee Highway, Arlington 7, Va.
OBTAIN Patents yourself and save hundreds. Most
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES precise, practical, complete, easy guide ever published,
$5.00; refunded if unsatisfied. Superior Inventions,
CAN You Earn $40 weekly addressing Display Folders? 340-342 North Rodeo, Beverly Hills, Calif.
Enclose stamped, addressed envelope; write Allen Co., EXPERIMENTERS! SWL's! October "Radio Science"
Warsaw, Indiana. 25c. 52 Backmen, Westfield, N. Y.
$26,500 SALES in two weeks! Amazing Radio -Mail LACHAPELLE'S Treatment. (Patented.) Makes any
Order method. Free details. Broadcast Service, 1412 -ES car motor better, even a brand new one. Write Ferns
Great Northern Building, Chicago 4, Ill. Box 71827-L, Los Angeles 1, Calif., for information.
SPLENDID opportunity mail order. Kester, 1028-P, POTTER & BRUMFIELD 2500'OHM RELAY $2.25
MONEYMAKING opportunities galore! Free copy. SMALLEST MOTOR IN. THE WORLD $2.50
Popular Mechanics Classified, 205 -EP, East Ontario, 4 -NEON LAMPS 1 '25 W-14 W-1 W-3 WATT $1.00
Chicago 11. 4 -MICRO SWITCHES ASSORTED $1.00
TRADE Magazines. See late copies through our easy ALL PRICES F.O.B. NEW YORK
to get acquainted service. Choose from 4,387, cover-
ing all fields. Current List Free. Commercial En- BLAN I
graving Publishing Company, 34BW North Ritter, 64 DEY STREET
Indianapolis 19, Indiana. NEW YORK 7, N. Y.

IT 114141. PAY YOU'

to read and answer the ads in this section or to place your own ad
at these thrifty rates.
35c per word-minimum 10 words



224 -PAGE
Advance Training
Allied Radio Corp. 111
Ashe Radio Co., Walter
Burstein-Applebee Co.
* RADIO * TV * III -F1 *
Century Electronics 124 WM* for your Radio Shack's
Christy Trades School 113
Commercial Trades Institute 122 moil -order catalog today!
Corona Radio & TV Co. 122
Coyne Electrical School 5
Drillick Electronic Sales Co. 112, 122 mrnunnittnirrimmirouniumw 14

Ekeradio 104
Electro Devices 109
Electronic Crafts Co. 108
Electronic Instrument Co., Inc. (EICO) 107
Electronic Measurements Corporation 99
ESSC 0 106
Electro-Voice 97
Empire Electronics Company 124
G & H Wood Products Company 10
Grantham School of Electronics 124
Gyro Electronics 124
Harjo Sales Co. 112
Heath Company 88, 89, 90, and 91
International Correspondence Schools... 7
Institute of Applied Science 120
Instructograph Company 124 111:!10111111111i111111111ii.ii1111111111

Jowett Institute 121

Karlson Associates, Inc. 116
Linguaphone Institute 112 4 RADIO SHACK CATALOG SPECIALS!
Macmillan Company, The 125
Miller, Gustave 120 (A) Fairchild 1/4" electric (C) Transistor circuit kit -
Milwaukee School of Engineering 123 drill, regularly $18.50 so for building 12 fundathental
Moss Electronics Dist. Co. 118 you save $8.65 or 47%. Die circuits using transistors!
Musical Masterpiece Society, Inc., The 115 cast aluminum pistol grip Completely wired basic unit
McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. 16 plus all parts and instruc-
and gear case, side lock,
National Company THIRD COVER 61/2 ft. rubber cord. World tions to build circuits. In-
National Engraving Co. 120 famous Fairchild 1/10 hp cludes manual and reg.
National Radio Institute 3 $1.50 book on transistors.
110.120V AC -DC motor, 1200
National Schools A kit of professional qual-
New York Institute of Photography 96 rpm no load, 700 rpm full
load. Triple spring collet ity, yet easily built without
Perma Power Company 104 previous knowledge. Have
Popular Electronics 98 chuck. Add postage for 3
Precise Development Co. 121 lbs. Order No. R 5170 -PE. fun while you learn about
Precision Electronics 120 Only $9.95. Same drill with these tiny components that
Progressive "Edu-Kits," Inc. 117 geared Jacobs chuck: 3 lbs., are revolutionizing electron.
8 Order No. R -5270 -PE, only ics! Add postage for 3 lbs.
Rad-Tel Tube Co.
Radio Shack Corporation 127 $13.44. Famous -make circu- Order No. 36.775 -PE, only
Radio -Television Training Association 9 lar saw for electric drill, $17.15 at Radio Shack.
Raytheon Mfg. Co. 6 11/4 lbs., Order No. 17.569 -
Richville TV Supply 116 PE, way off price at $6.20. (D) Multi -drawer metal cab-
Rex Radio Supply 108 inets for small parts, hard-
John F. Rider Publisher, Inc. 119 (B) Drake 80 -watt pistol grip ware, stamps. Styrene draw-
Rinehart & Co., Inc. 105 ers 53/4 x 27/e x 11/4", each
solder set, regularly $4.95
Semler Industries, Inc. 122 so you save almost $3 at with metal dividers for 3
Sleeper, Milton B., Publisher 14 compartments! 16 -draw-
Radio Shack! Includes tip
Smith Johnson & Co. 120 er cabinet, 71/2 lbs., Order
Sprayberry Academy of Radio FOURTH COVER rest, rosin core solder, In-
12 structions. UL approved. 6 No. 37.550 -PE, just $5.41.
Sprague Products Co.
Sterling Models 107 ft. cord. Replaceable 3/e 24 -drawer, 101/4 lbs., Order
pyramid copper tip. Add No. 37 -551 -PE, only $7.50.
Teltron Electric Company 103
118 postage for 11/4 lbs. Order 32 -drawer, 123/4 lbs., Order
Transmite Radio Lab.
No. R -7015-13E, only $1.98. No. 37 -552 -PE, $9.75.
University Loudspeakers 106
Ward Products Corp. 113
World Radio Laboratories 101
(Answers to quiz on page 114) NAME
1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a
(Answers to Quiz on page 118) TOWN
1. b 3. c 5. c 7. a 9. c STATE
2. b 4. b 6. a 8. b 10. b
October, 1954
The ohmic value of a resistor can be deter-
mined by means of the color code. There are
.0" two standard methods of indicating this value.
C 13 0 In Fig. A, the body (A) and end (B) indicate
(A) (B) the first and second digits of the value while
RETMA COLOR CODE CHART the dot (C) indicates the multiplier to be used.
COLOR VALUE MULTIPLIER The tolerance of the unit is indicated by the
Black 0 1 end color (D). For example, if the body (A) is
Brown 10 green the number is 5; if the end (B) is grey
Red 2 100 the second number is 8. If the dot (C) is red
Orange 3 1000 the multiplier is 100 or two zeros should be
Yellow 4 10,000
added. The resistor is then a 5800 ohm unit.
Green 5 100,000
Blue If the end (D) has no color, the tolerance is
6 1,000,000
Violet 7 10,000,000 20%.
Grey 8 100,000,000 In Fig. B, the first two stripes indicate the
White 9 1,000,000,000 first two digits; the third stripe the multiplier;
TOLERANCE CODE the fourth stripe the tolerance. Thus, if stripe
Gold-±5% Silver- 10% (A) is green, (B) is grey, (C) is red, and (D) is
No Color-±20% silver, the resistor is a 5800 ohm, ±10% unit.


Color Multiplier Tolerance Multiplier Tolerance Multiplier Tolerance
Black 1 20`70 1 20% 1 2070 or 2.0Aufd.*
Brown 10 10 10 1%
Red 100 100 2% 100 2%
Orange 1000 1000 3% (RETMA) 1000 2.5% (RETMA)
Yellow 10,000 10,000 10,000
Green 5% (RETMA) 5% or 0.5Akifd.*
Gray 0.01 0.25Apfd.*
White 10% 0.1 10% or 1.0iLad.*
Gold 0.1 5% 0.1 5% (JAN)
Silver 10% 0.01 10% *Capacitance
None 20% less than lOmpfd.
Capacitance is given in wild.
Colors have same values as on MOLDED PAPER MOLDED MICA CERAMIC
resistors, except as indicated in TUBULAR RETMA 6 DOT
e-, --..
tables. Colors (A) and (B) are ,
for first two digits; (C) is for
multiplier. (D) is for tolerance.
[ ' - _{ 0 9>j_.
EF 000
_{ (e 0 6>


(E) and (F) give voltage rating FLAT JAN TYPE

.--. ..-
G 0 C G 0 C
in hundreds of volts; (E) is used I DODO
only for ratings less than 1000 H ABCD
volts, (E) and (F) for first two 000 G 416111) A
digits of ratings 1000 volts or G 0C
1411/1111/' 8
more. Values of colors for (E) FLAT COWL TYPES OBSOLETE RMA SYSTEMS
and (F) are same as in resist- BLACK BODY E A B 3rd DIGIT 5 DOT
ance values. (G) is class or 61(0 0 c>.. ABC 10 0 0 0 DMZ,
DOT t 0 0 0 A B, HA B C D
characteristic of capacitor, (H), 000 E DC
(I), and (J) give temperature co- A B C 0E E/D -1-->°°° '- 5 COLOR 3 COLOR
efficient. (G), (N), (I), and (I) are E DOT =. BLANK FRONT

--( (0 0 0>0° H ,
not listed in the tables, since Et

00 0 0 ,I- H
this information is seldom need- DoT 000 (0 0 OF1_.-FE D
ed by the average home builder. A 13 C 0 A B C A BC



ir ui




41=- =111111i 1-=
a Vila)







//7/177 SPEAKERS






$ PST.


S.P.6 P

October, 1954
q.g.c.-Automatic gain control, control of the ampli- microammeter-A meter for the measurement of cur-
fication of an amplifier so that its output is approxi- rent flow, which is calibrated in microamperes, or
mately constant in spite of variations in the input millionths of an ampere.
signal; especially such control in television receivers
to reduce variations in picture contrast produced by milliampere-One-thousandth of an ampere.
variations in r.f. signal strength. modulated-Varied in amplitude, frequency, or some
a.v.c.-Automatic volume control (a.g.c. used in radio other quality. Radio -frequency signals are modulated
receivers to reduce variations in sound volume pro- in order to carry signals of lower frequency, such as
duced by variations in r.f. signal strength). sound or picture signals.

crystal-l. Rectifying crystal, one which passes elec multitester-A meter which is a combination of a
tric current more easily in one direction than in the voltmeter, an ohmmeter, and (often) an ammeter.
other and thus can be used to change alternating oscillator-A vacuum -tube or transistor circuit or other
current to pulsating direct current; made of such ma- device which produces an alternating -current power
terials as germanium, silicon, copper oxide, galena, output without mechanical rotation.
and carborundum. 2. Piezo-electric crystal, one which
transforms mechanical energy to electrical and vice plate dissipation-The part of the power applied to
versa. Such crystals, made of Rochelle salt or barium the plate circuit of a vacuum tube which does not
titanate, are used in microphones and phonograph appear as signal output, but is dissipated as heat in
pickups. When cut to a certain size and shape, a the plate of the tube.
piezo-electric crystal, usually made of quartz, can be push-pull-An arrangement of two vacuum tubes in
Used as a resonant circuit, to control the frequency of an amplifier so that the input signal is applied in op-
an oscillator or as a 'frequency -selective filter. posite phases to the two tubes and the signal outputs
decibel-A measure of the ratio between two power are combined in phase. This arrangement reduces
levels or of a power level with respect to a designated even -harmonic distortion.
reference level. Basically, the number of decibels is regeneration-Positive feedback in detectors and am-
ten times the logarithm of a power ratio. One decibel plifiers. Increases gain and distortion and may pro-
is approximately the smallest difference in sound duce oscillation.
power which can be detected by the average human
'ear. saturate-To reach the maximum possible value of
some quantity, such as magnetization in the core of
db of feedback-The number of decibels by which an inductor or current flow in a vacuum tube from
inverse feedback in an amplifier reduces its over-all cathode to plate.
gain and distortion.
servo-motor-A special electric, hydraulic, or other
detector-A circuit used to recover an audio or video type of motor used in control apparatus to convert a
signal from a modulated radio signal. small movement into one of greater amplitude or
elevator-Control surface of an aircraft which regu- greater force.
lates its pitch attitude (level, climbing, or diving). superheterodyne-A receiver in which all incoming
feedback-Returning part of the output of an ampli- radio -frequency signals are mixed with the output of
fier stage to the input of the same or a previous stage. an oscillator to produce a heterodyne or beat fre-
Negative or inverse (out -of -phase) feedback decreases quency. The oscillator frequency is variable so that
the gain and distortion of the amplifier; positive (in - the beat prodticed with any desired signal can be
phase) feedback increases gain and distortion and adjusted to a certain frequency. The beat -frequency
may produce oscillation. signal is fed to a fixed -frequency (intermediate -fre-
quency) amplifier, where greater and more uniform
,frequency response-The relative ability of an ampli- gain and selectivity can be obtained than at the
fier, loudspeaker, or other device to respond to differ- original radio frequency.
ent frequencies.
superregenerattve-A type of regenerative detector in
glow plug-A type of internal-combustion engine used which the tendency to oscillation is controlled by a
in moc els, in which starting is assisted by a filament quenching voltage of ultrasonic frequency which pe-
in the :ombustion chamber, which is energized by an riodically allows the gain to increase, then reduces it.
external battery. The quenching voltage can be produced by the detec-
tor tube itself or by a separate oscillator. This type of
harmonic distortion-Distortion consisting of addition detector has great sensitivity, but poor selectivity.
of components to the signal *whose frequencies are
multiples (harmonics) of the original signal frequency. transconductance --A characteristic of a vacuum tube
It is produced by gn amplifier or other device which which indicates the effectiveness of the grid in con-
is nonlinear (does not give the same ratio of output to trolling the plate current and the all-around effective-
input for all input amplitudes). ness of the tube as an amplifier.
heterodyne-A difference frequency (beat) produced v.t.v.m.-Vacuum-tube voltmeter, a voltmeter using
by combining two frequencies. one or more vacuum tubes to increase the sensitivity
of the basic meter movement, so that measurements
Immelmann turn-A maneuver in which an airplane can be made in a circuit without drawing much cur-
is made to complete half of a loop and then rolled half rent and without disturbing very much the normal
of a complete turn. (Named after Max Immelmann, operating conditions of the circuit. May also be a
World 'War I German aviator.) combination voltmeter, ohmmeter, and ammeter.
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