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Eatable InukShuks

Lesson Plan
4-H Day Camp

Materials Needed (for 24 participants):

- 4 Cucumbers
- 1 Carrots (garden type, not baby)
- 2 Grape Tomatoes (10.5oz)
- 4 Green Peppers
- Broccoli (1.5lb)
- Cheddar Cheese (2lb)
- 2 cans Pineapple Chunks (20oz)
- Strawberries (2-16oz)
- 6 bananas
- 5 gala apples
- grapes (1lb)
- Toothpicks (200 count)
- Fruit fresh

- vegetable knife
- chefs knife
- cutting board
- 48 zip lock bags, sandwich size
- 11 zip lock bags, gallon size


1.) Wash vegetables and fruit

2.) Prepare as follows (when done place each in gallon size zip lock bag):
a. Cucumbers – slice each cucumber into 12 pieces (48 total)
b. Carrots –
i. Julienne each carrot into 3 inch strips
ii. take each strip and cut it into half lengthwise
iii. take one of the strips you cut in half and cut it in half lengthwise
iv. repeat with all carrots until you have 48 slices
c. Green peppers –
i. Cut each pepper into julienne style strips (3 inch lengthwise)
ii. You should be able to get 12 slices from each pepper, you need 48
slices over all
d. Broccoli –
i. Cut into small florets, you need 48 of them.
ii. If necessary cut the stock
e. Cheddar Cheese -
i. Cut into cubes, 48 total
f. Pineapple Chunks -
i. Remove juice, separate into groups of two with a total of 24 groups
g. Strawberries –
i. Remove top
ii. Cut each strawberry in half lengthwise
h. Bananas –
i. Peel each banana.
ii. Cut in half (width-wise)
iii. Cut each half in half lengthwise
iv. Cut each of those halves in half lengthwise
v. You should get 8 pieces from each banana with a total of 48 pieces
i. Apples –
i. Cut each apple into 10 slices lengthwise, removing the core and seeds
ii. Soak in fruit fresh and water


Each child is to gain an understanding of the history and purpose of InukShuks in Canada.
They will also understand the health benefits of fruits and vegetables and apply the
knowledge learned to daily meal decisions.

Main Ideas & Activities :

9:20 - 9:22 Welcome

9:22 - 9:26 Canadian talk
9:26 – 9:31 Inukshuks
9:31 – 9:41 Activity
9:41 - 9:45 Nutrition

Class Arrangement:

Instruction – have students sit in circle, make sure everyone can see me. I will be at the top
of the circle.

Activity – have two tables set up, five students will be at each table.


- “Today we are going to go to Canada! Have any of you ever been to Canada?”(ask a
student to share when and where they went in Canada). Show map of world, “This is
where Canada is” (point to Canada on the map) see how it is just north of us?”
- Show map of Canada and explain, “There are quite a few differences between
Canada and the United States. First off, Canada has provinces, not states. There are
10 provinces in Canada, and 3 territories.
- “Here are some pictures of common everyday life in Canada.” (show papers of
Canadian photos)
o The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (also know as the RCMP)
o Rocky Mountains (western Alberta)
o Fishing Industry (eastern Alberta)
o Hockey is Canada’s sport (Ron Maclean and Don Cherry)
o Canadian Winters
- What are some Canadian phrases you have heard? I am going to teach you some.
o Eh – you say eh (ai like bait) after a phrase of agreement. An examples is
“That movie was pretty good eh?”
o When you are in school and you need to use the bathroom you usually say to
your teacher, “Can I go to the bathroom?” Or also, “Can I go to the restroom?”
In Canada we call a public bathroom a “washroom.”
- We are going to switch gears here now and talk about some of the history of Canada.
Remember earlier I told you that Canada has 3 territories? Well these 3 territories
are located up north (point to them on map of Canada). The Inuit people are
indigenous people who live in the territories. (show picture) Here are some pictures
of them. It is very cold up North so they dress very warm. Do you see these rocks
structures? These are called Inukshuks. That’s a difficult word to say, can we all say
it together? (say altogether out loud) They are made of various sized shapes rocks.
The word Inukshuk means “in likeness of a human.” The purpose of Inukshuks was
to mark trails, fishing spots, and also places of respect.
- Today we are going to make our own Inukshuks (show picture of fruit/vegetable
inukshuks) We are each going to make two Inukshuks, one out of fruit and one from
vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a well-balanced diet.
Fruits and vegetables provide nutrients to your body. They have potassium which
helps your blood pressure. Fiber helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels. Vitamin C
helps heal cuts and bruises, it also keeps your teeth and gums healthy.
- I am now going to show you how to make the Inukshuks , and then each of you will
have the chance to make your own.
- Each of you will receive two bags and some toothpicks.
- It is important to construct a good foundation. Make sure you start with a fruit or
vegetable that is sturdy. When placing the toothpicks in make sure you put them in
the center, fairy close together. (Show picture) You can then start building to your
toothpicks by adding vegetables. Make sure to place the toothpick through the
center of piece of vegetable or fruit.
- Are there any questions? Okay listen closely to these instructions. I am going to
hand each of you two bags. One has your fruit and the other has your vegetables. We
will also put toothpicks on the table. There are two tables behind you, if we can get 5
students around each table, spread out to allow room for everyone to have
workspace. Keep the bags to put your Inukshuk in at the end.

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