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Significance of the study

The food that we eat is greatly affected by our preference, this includes to what taste we
want, texture and the food is prepared and also the packaging and also the looks.

This study attempts to identify the food preferences of health sciences students in MMSU
College of Health Sciences by conducting a survey. The outcome of this study will provide the
canteen a basis on what food should be served.

This Study will therefore benefit the following:

Health Sciences Students. The results of the study will benefit students because they
will gain knowledge about the different determinants on food preferences and how could these
preferences affect them since food purchased makes a significant contribution to their total food
intake and nutrition and the food we eat is important because it contains the vitamins and mineral
that our body requires to maintain optimum health, in such a way that it provides a whole set of
means to intervene into and improve food choices.

Health Sciences Educators. The results of the study will benefit the educators by having a basis
in improving and integrating the curriculum or concepts. Also to have knowledge about the
preferred foods of the students that could help in constructing a plan together with the canteen

Canteen Personnel. The results of this study will benefit the canteen personnel in having a
basis on what health sciences students prefer to eat since the canteen plays a vital role in
promoting healthy foods and creating a school culture of healthy eating.

Researchers. The results of this study serve as a reference data in conducting new researches.

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