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Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM

We know the importance of notice boards in public places like railway stations, bus stations and
airports. But changing notices day-to-day is a difficult task. This article explains you how to
design a Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM technology. The project displays the data
on LCD whatever we sent from the mobile.

The Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM project, as the name suggests, is built around
GSM Technology as mobile phones (that communicate through GSM Technology) have become
very abundant, cheap and easy to use.


 Ic : Pic 18f4550
 SIM 800A GSM MODEM (GSM Module)
 SIM Card (for inserting in GSM Modem)
 A mobile phone with a SIM Card already inserted
 16 x 2 LCD Display
 10 KΩ Potentiometer
 Connecting wires
 Power Supply
 Max232
 Bridger rectifier
 If 8051 Development Board is not available, then you need the following components
 2 x 10 KΩ Resistors (1/4 Watt)
 2 x 33pF Ceramic Disc type Capacitors
 Push Button
 10µF / 16V Capacitor (Polarized)
 0592 MHz Quartz Crystal

 We also require
1) PCB Board
Block diagram :

 We also require
1) PCB Board

Crystal Pic18f45 Lcd

50 display


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