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600mm Concrete Open Drain and also 600m Concrete Cover Drain is normally used in this site due
to the 600mm diameter is the most suitable for the housing area. The diameter more than 600mm is
more suitable for the civic and industrial area due to the huge amount of water consumption.
Besides, it has the higher cost and the higher amount of the land use than the 600mm diameter
Concrete Open Drain. Furthermore, concrete has been selected due to the cheaper material than
the steel and also it is easier to be obtained. Moreover, the Drain Type ‘D5’ has been selected to
connect to the 600mm drain since they have same diameter but 300mm and 450mm drain type also
been used to connected to the some specific and smaller pipe.

Drain Depth Reinforcement Thickness of Base

(H1),mm Bar A Bar B Bar C (D1), mm
< 1000 T10-150 C/C T10-200 C/C T10-150 C/C 175
< 1500 T12-150 C/C T10-175 C/C T12-150 C/C 200

Teminator System

Image above shows the components of the terminator system for the drainage. System for this site.
It is planned to install because the terminator system is the faster, easier and smarter way to drain
synthetic field and tracks and it ables to handle any storm water problems. The terminator system
can creates a completely self-retained, engineered drainage envelope for all of the storm water on a
track and synthetic turf field. Rainwater that passes through the turf enters the Shock / Drainage Pad
which is laid over an impervious liner. The porous pad materials transfer the water to the drainage
channels on the underside of the pad. These channel are oriented down the cross slope toward the
sidelines while the 8’’ PVC pipe carries the water to the catch basins where it drops directly to the
outfall system.

French Drain

The French Drain is one of

underground dranage device
which consists of a perforated
pipe surrounded by gravel and
lined with sturdy landscape
fabric and it conveys runoff
underground to a suitable
outlet. The downpipes and
sump pump pipes are used to
connect to it and combined to
the catch basin so that the
standing water can be

Sump is the drain that consist of a smaller tube within a larger tube through fluid passes as a result
of suction. Besides, it is a drain consisting of an outer tube with a smaller tube within it that is
attached to a suction pump, the outer tube has multiple perforation that allow fluid and air to pass
into its interior and be carrier away through the suction tube. Both types of sump have been chosen
to be used so that the fluid from 600mm drain can flow to 900mm × 900mm Sump and then
1500mm × 1500mm Sump to the outsider drainage system or the terminator system.

Drainage for Car Park

A new product named as Wallbarn’s New HDPE A15 Drainage Channel has been choosen to collect
water off paved or the outdoor car park area and move the water collected towards an underground
drainpipe. The anti-slip, hardwearing galvanised steel grate maintains structural integrity across the
area, so foot traffic and vehicles can pass over the drain with 100% safety. Besides, it is designed to
be installed easily and quickly so that the period of the construction can be shorter and increase the
efficiency of work.

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