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Name: ____________________________ Date:_________

Subject: ___________________________

1st Quarter
Quiz NO. __
Directions: Identify the following.
___________________1. it means to create or allow communication between two or more computer systems.
what are the two types of computer networking
___________________4. this is the most preferred cable method of networking computers because of high
speed and reliable connection.
___________________5. this technology on computers came out before Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
___________________6. cables that are usually used to connect computer to mobile devices such as handy
memory storage devices or flash drives.
___________________7. they are called Direct Cable Connections it connects two computers directly to each
___________________8. connects computers wirelessly and provides greater distances compared with
another wireless computer networking.
___________________9.How many meters is the distance or the capacity of connection with infrared.
___________________10. How many feet is the distance or the capacity of connection with bluetooth.
Give the acronym of the following
9.USB - _______________________________________________
10. LAN - _____________________________________________
11. Wi-FI - ____________________________________________

What is communication? give an example which communication shows a very important role in our life.

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