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Warning letter (absence) Template 5


Dear [Employee name],

Re: Absence from work without notification

You have been absent from work on [number] consecutive work days [insert dates] without
providing any notification or reason for your absence. As you are aware, you are required to
notify us of your inability to attend work prior to the commencement of your shift.

We have attempted to contact you on [date] by phone but without success. We are concerned
about the reasons for your non-attendance at work.

Please contact me immediately to discuss the reasons for your absence and failure to notify
us, and your expected return date. This absence must be discussed prior to you
recommencing work.

If you do not intend to return to work, please provide notice of your resignation in writing.
Please include any company property [e.g. keys] to us in person immediately.

If you fail to respond to this letter by [enter date and time], we will have no alternative but to
assume that you do not intend to return to work and have in fact abandoned your

I urge you to contact me to discuss the situation immediately.

Yours sincerely

[insert full name and position of relevant officer]


• keep copy in HR file

• include a stamped, self-addressed envelope

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