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Republic of the Philippines

Central Luzon Doctors Hospital-Educational Institution

San Pablo , Tarlac City

A Movie Review
In partial fulfillment of the requirement in Humanities

Submitted by:
Felizardo M. Razon Jr.

Submitted to:
Mr. Christopher Ronn Q. Pagco
Humanities Teacher
I. Introduction:
 Drum line is a movie directed by Charles Stone III, it is a story of young Devon
Miles as he enters Atlanta A&T College where he got nothing but his music to
keep his studies going, as he enters the drum line he got troubles along the way
but he still stands out because of his talents, He’s not afraid to step up and face
his superiors, he showed what he got and made a difference within the team that
drove the team into victory and emerging as champions

II. Characters:

 Devon Miles- the main character of the story, a young college student that’s
considered a genius in playing the drums. During his stay in Atlanta A&T
college he became famous for playing the snares.

 Laita – a philosophy major and a dancer that later on fell in love with Devon.

 Dr.Lee- the school director that’s in charge of the drumline.

 Charles- Devon’s first friend in college, that plays the tuba.

 Jayson- Devon’s friend, that plays the base

 Erenst-Devon’s friend a drum player.

 Sean Taylor – Devon’s superior during the beginning of the movie that gave
him hardships because Devon’s always showing up to prove that he is better
than Sean.

 Mr. Wade- School director of Marsh Brown College

 Other Characters:

 Diedre

 Big Rob

 Trey

 President Wagner

 Dorothy

 Henry

III. Setting:
 The story happened in a school setting, year 2002, there were different schools
but the main idea of the story happened in Atlanta A&T College Drum line.
IV. Summary

 It all began when Devon Miles graduated from High School as they play their
final piece in the graduation ceremonies he led the school orchestra to play a
more joyful piece using his drums he led them and his rare talent was
discovered, so they gave him a scholarship in Atlanta A&T College. After his
graduation he went to see his father saying that he is already old enough to stand
alone and he will make most of his life unlike his father did. The following day
he was on a bus going to Atlanta A&T College where he met Charles, Jayson
and Ernest. During their arrival Devon met Laita a school dancer and a
philosophy major. Afterwards they met their superiors and they were oriented
regarding entering the drumline. At their first day of college life they went to a
club to party and ended up late for training the next day, after being punished
they went to get their equipments but Devon took a snare for higher ranking
members which made the first quarrel between him and Sean. Then later on that
day the newbie’s were challenged by Sean and Devon won against him this
embarrassed Sean and started a spark between the two, but dr.lee challenged
Devon to play while following him and Devon lost, Devon must first learn how
to follow before he can lead. The next day they had an examination where in the
one who didn’t read the rule book would have his/her hair shaved, Devon
cannot answer the last rule in the rule book so he was forced to shave his corn
rowed hair, he almost quitted the drum line because of these and when he
realized that these is the only way to continue his studies he let his friends
shaved of his hair. After a few weeks and they began the auditions where in you
need to read the audition piece and play it, but Devon didn’t know
How to read notes so he played a freestyle piece and the judges thought that it
was the audition piece. Then the following day the results were posted and
Devon made it with flying colors as a P1 the only freshmen who made it into P1
in the 1st audition, and his mother was so proud of him. Becoming P1 he became
someone within the campus walls and Laida was impressed, the following day
they started practicing their piece for the upcoming battle Devon quickly
learned his piece and one day during the practice his friend Jayson was
challenged for his position as P2 and Jayson failed. After practice Jayson and
Devon were asked to clean and shine all of the drum lines instruments. After a
few days the first battle started, Devon thinks he can take Shawns place to lead
the line. So during the competition Shawn and Devon competed and Devon
ended up leading the line. After the game Mr. Lee was upset and he scolded
both of them, but the school head seems to thinks otherwise. . At the night after
the competition Devon and Laita went out on a date and they fell in love. The
next day Shawn wants Devon to read and play the new piece but because he
can’t do so he walked away and Mr. Lee has to suspend him until he learns how
to read notes. These was the second time devon wants to leave college but Laita
begged him to stay and he took Lessons. After the match against Marsh Brown
College Mr. Wade approached Devon and offered him a scholarship Devon was
tempted to transfer. During the next game Devon was in the front line again but
as Devon beats the opponents snare a fight began and he endangered the whole
team, everybody ignored him, he was removed from the drumline and even
Laita ignored him when he was so down. Devon tried to transfer but he noticed
that the other team was just using him to get information. Since he was off the
team he has a lot of time to train his friends and Jayson quickly regained his
position as P2 in the line. One day he received a package from his dad
containing Old school funk which inspired him to play old school drumming.
After a few days Devon tried to suggest these to the team since he was kicked
out, Shawn didn’t want to listen to him so they battled using the snares, and they
settled their arguments once and for all. They proposed their mixed ideas to Dr.
Lee and that’s what they played during the finals, Before the day of the
competition Devon and Laita got back together and since all of his worries were
settled the only thing for them to do is win the championship. During the
championship using what Shawn and Devon tought them they made it with a
draw against Marsh Brown Colleges. Since it’s the last face off Dr. Lee allowed
Devon to participate in the battle and with Shawn and Devon on the team they
worked together and emerged as CHAMPIONS.

V. Commentaries

 The movie was a typical high school student that enters college and strives to
prove his worth inside the college’s walls, the movie is like Stomp the Yard and
Step Up, it’s all about the struggles one must face once he/she enters college.
The main character Devon made a big impact in the movie, he showed what he
got and made something of what he got. He gained respect and honor by doing
his thing; his passion for music drove the hearts of many. Facing all obstacles
along the way but in the end he reached his goal, as they say no pain no gain,
even life brought him down he still stood up to the challenge. Making this movie
was indeed quite expensive it has a lot of cast; the choreography was so perfect,
flawlessly done especially for the drums and dancers. They spent a lot of time
and film doing these scenes, the costumes were just a typical high school get up
and the place was well suited for the film. The quality of the film was in fact
amazing, the actors were great, there was a mixture of comedy, love scene, and a
little action, the drum piece they played especially for the main character makes
the viewer curious what they would play, what choreography and getup the next
battle would be, its really a movie that would excite anyone.
VI. Personal Learning:

 I learned the value of Education and to value my Music, because for me music is
everything as they said it like a pulse for without it life would be nothing. I
learned to Step up for my music , my music is precious and unique some may not
appreciate it but to me it’s quite difficult to live without, my dance and my song
will be heard from now on, I’ll make use of what I got and be proud of it.
There’s no one that can say that I’m not good enough except for the one who has
given this to me. The other thing that this movie emphasizes is the guts to never
give up, for whatever life brings us even if life knocks you down you’ll always
have a choice to get back up.

VII. Conclusion:
 I therefore conclude that these movie is one of a kind sure it might have the same
story line as stomp the yard and step up where they also showcase their talent,
and stepping up to the beat but Drum line shows the musicians passion and love
for what he is doing, it drives him to do things that are quite impossible and
make dreams into a reality, it’s a good source of inspiration, like me I love
music, Every time that there’s a beat , a rhythm the body can’t stop moving. The
movie was great high quality film, I love the choreography the style they plays,
how they execute within the field it’s all so fantastic.
VIII. Recommendation:

 I recommend this movie to all college students and high school students so that
they would have an idea of what college life would be and they would value their
education and strive more to pursue their dreams and goals, I also recommend
this to all musicians and artists, not to hide their talents to step up to the
challenge and show what they got to the world, talents aren’t given to be hidden
or to be bragged they are made to be shared and developed. I want them to
recognize the value of one’s existence that even though you are down you still
can back up, even if everyone leaves you behind there’s a way to turn things
around and make everything and everyone better.

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