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Comparative Report

Introduction: The aim of this report is to compare and recognize several aspects between traditional
media and virtual media in educational situations and its utility in schools using as a base, the
Tomlinson’s principles and its advantages and disadvantages in real classes.

Traditional Media: First of all, the magazine used as traditional form of media, is accessible for
every instance without the use of internet necessarily, being flexible to prepare or draft by hand, but
this kind of activity should be for upper -leveled students. Also, the cost of the materials is lower,
paper, pencils and other similar type of materials are easily obtainable. As well as the diverse topics
that could be used with this learning tool, as a result, this resource its affordable to several kinds of
learning and how a group work could develop the writing and reading skills in class.

Virtual Media: Afterwards, the web quest presented as a virtual tool of learning could present several
complications, such as the need of internet connection to monitor and lead the activity and problems
of accessibility, besides of the capability of the computers. Nevertheless, actual access to multimedia
resources is easier, after that, in terms of learning process, this technology provides a virtual
observation of progress of the student. Therefore for more individual working than groups of work,
web quests can present an advantage in actual schools in terms of interaction with multimedia

Recommendation: As a conclusion, both pedagogical resources are able to being used on real
classes, in upper grades specifically, depending on the school context. Web quests are more flexible
to lower grades for the use of multimedia and the diverse topics that the teacher can include, focused
on individual work. Meanwhile the magazine, can be used for work groups with the capacity of
developing inner responsibilities inside them. Also for the accessibility and costs is a good way to
execute an assessment using this material.

Number of words: 316

Ramon Mancilla

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