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The Behavior Analyst 2003, 26, 85-110 No.

1 (Spring)

The Structure of the Cognitive Revolution:

An Examination from the Philosophy of Science
William O'Donohue and Kyle E. Ferguson
University of Nevada, Reno
Amy E. Naugle
Western Michigan University
The received view is that psychology has undergone several scientific revolutions similar to those
that occurred in the physical sciences. Of these, this paper will consider the cognitive revolution.
Because the arguments in favor of the existence of a cognitive revolution are cast using the concepts
and terms of revolutionary science, we will examine the cognitive revolution using accounts of
revolutionary science advanced by five influential philosophers of science. Specifically, we will
draw from the philosophical positions of Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos, Laudan, and Gross for the purpose
of discussion. We conclude that no substantive revolution took place according to these accounts.
This conclusion is based on data gathered from some of the major participants in the "cognitive
revolution" and on a general scholarly survey of the literature. We argue that the so-called cognitive
revolution is best characterized as a socio-rhetorical phenomenon.
Key words: scientific revolution, cognitive revolution, fallibilism, paradigms, research programs,
research traditions, rhetoric of science

The received view is that psycholo- philosophers. Data collected from

gy has undergone a few key scientific some of the major participants in the
revolutions, similar to the scientific cognitive revolution were used to draw
revolutions that have occurred in the the following conclusions:
physical sciences (Baars, 1986; Gard- 1. From a Popperian perspective, be-
ner, 1985).' Histories of psychology, havioral theories were not falsified and
for example, typically depict two rev- cognitive theories were not shown to
olutions: behaviorism's overthrow of contain a "greater amount of empirical
mentalism in the first quarter of the information," were not shown to be
20th century, and in the second quarter "logically stronger," and were not
of the century, cognitive psychology's shown to have had "greater explana-
overthrow of behaviorism (Buss, 1978; tory" or "predictive power" (Popper,
see Hergenhahn, 1997, p. 553 ff.). This 1962, p. 217).
paper will examine the latter of the two 2. From a Kuhnian perspective, the
revolutions, what is generally called behavioral paradigm was not shown to
the cognitive revolution. have "drowned in a sea of anomalies,"
We examine the cognitive revolution and was not usurped by the cognitive
according to accounts of revolutionary paradigm with a problem-solving ex-
science provided by five key philoso- emplar better able to accommodate
phers of science. We conclude that no those anomalies (Kuhn, 1970).
such substantive revolution took place,
at least according to the accounts of 3. From a Lakatosian perspective, it
revolutionary science provided by these was not shown that the cognitive re-
search program was more progressive,
and thus superseded a degenerating be-
' See the Appendix for quotations relevant to havioral research program (Lakatos,
this "received view," as it pertains to the cog- 1981). Specifically, it was not shown
nitive revolution. that the behavioral research program in
Address correspondence to William the face of anomalies increasingly re-
O'Donohue, Department of Psychology/297,
University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada lied on ad hoc strategies that reduced
89557 (e-mail: the program's empirical content while

making no new corroborated predic- those philosophers of science typically

tions. depict. Of particular importance, it
4. From a Laudanian perspective, it seems reasonable to assume that stu-
was not shown that cognitive research dents who enter the field hearing of the
traditions exceeded behavioral research cognitive revolution are more likely to
traditions in their ability to solve sub- seek training in the putatively "victo-
stantially more problems (Laudan, rious" model.
1977); nor was it shown that behavior- It is not to be overlooked that calling
al research traditions (a) were internal- something a "revolution" can be more
ly inconsistent, (b) made metaphysical than merely a simple description of an
assumptions that ran counter to episte- intellectual change in the history of a
mic and methodological doctrines that science. The assertion that there was a
prevailed, (c) violated principles of genuine scientific revolution can be an
which it was a part, or (d) failed to effective rhetorical move, whether in-
utilize concepts from more general the- tentional or not, on the part of propo-
ories (Laudan, 1977, p. 146). nents of the revolution. That is, in
5. From a Grossian rhetorical per- making this claim, its proponents can
spective, it was shown that there clear- garner increased support in the scien-
ly was a sociological shift, in that psy- tific community, sway the priorities of
chologists appeared to become per- granting agencies, and have bearing on
suaded that the cognitive research pro- legislation and public policy.
gram was more promising than the In this paper, we will propose a re-
behavioral research program. This shift appraisal of the so-called cognitive
was not logically compelled but rather revolution. Because the cognitive rev-
was a function of persuasive forces. It olution is often likened to revolutions
is more difficult to determine what ex- in the physical sciences, it makes the
actly was responsible for this persua- most sense to begin our discussion by
siveness. We hypothesize that it was a explicating the concept of "scientific
combination of (a) the higher persua- revolution." With an understanding of
sive burden of the behavioral research what philosophers of science regard as
tradition (O'Donohue, Callaghan, & the substance of a scientific revolution
Ruckstuhl, 1998) and (b) the persua- as background, we will then examine
siveness of writings of key cognitive two sets of interview data. The first set
researchers and theorists (e.g., Chom- of data is comprised of responses gath-
sky). ered from our own survey of six highly
There is no denying the fact that influential cognitive psychologists who
cognitive psychology has grown in were key players in the cognitive
popularity at a faster rate over the last movement. Our survey asked the fol-
three decades than behavioral psychol- lowing questions: (a) What negative
ogy has. A recent citation analysis empirical evidence against the behav-
lends some support to this claim (Fri- ioral research program do you believe
man, Allen, Kerwin, & Larzelere, influenced the cognitive revolution?
1993). However, unlike a bona fide sci- (Please give citations when possible.)
entific revolution, this shift in emphasis (b) What were the conceptual argu-
is best characterized as a sociological ments or conceptual evidence against
phenomenon-a change in allegiance, the behavioral research tradition?
that, interestingly, may be due in part (Please cite publications.) (c) What
to the claim (which has immense rhe- positive empirical evidence supported
torical value) that a scientific revolu- the shift from behavioral approaches to
tion has indeed taken place. As will be cognitive psychology? (Please provide
discussed later in the paper, many psy- citations when possible.) (d) What pos-
chologists may have simply abandoned itive conceptual evidence supported
the behavioral tradition for cognitive the shift from behavioral approaches to
psychology for reasons other than cognitive psychology? (Please provide

citations.) (e) Are there other individ- and Gross's models of scientific devel-
uals whom you believe significantly af- opment and attempt to find the best fit
fected the progress of cognitive psy- for accounting for the cognitive move-
chology who would be important to ment in psychology.
contact? (Please provide the names and
affiliations of these individuals.) (f) Orthodox Science Versus
Are there other points of interest that Revolutionary Science
are important to note that capture the
significance of the shift from the be- The orthodox view of science asserts
havioral tradition to cognitivism within that scientific knowledge develops lin-
psychology? early, by way of accretion (Losee,
We culled potential interviewees 1980). According to this view, new
from the authors mentioned throughout knowledge does not supplant the old
Baars' (1986) book. In addition, based (Bird, 2000). Rather, new discoveries
on a survey of the literature, we se- are added to the extant "stockpile that
lected those authors who were often constitutes scientific technique and
cited as being instrumental in the cog- knowledge" (Kuhn, 1996, p. 2). Since
nitive revolution. All told, we arrived Plato and Aristotle, until about 1920,
at approximately 20 people. Of those this foundation of knowledge was con-
initial 20, six responded to our ques- sidered absolute and unchangeable
tionnaire, seven declined due to com- (Laudan, 1977).
peting obligations, and seven did not However, Kuhn (1962) has argued
respond in any capacity (despite fol- that the concept of development by ac-
low-up efforts). Due to page limita- cretion does not account for important
tions, every response cannot be includ- breakthroughs of Copernicus, Newton,
ed in the present article. We quoted Lavoisier, Planck, Einstein, and Dar-
only relevant material and were careful win, among others. Rather, these de-
not to exclude anything pertinent, even velopments are said to have "revolu-
if it was contrary to the thesis of this tionized" how subsequent scientists
paper. thought about the universe. These
The second set of data was also se- works did not simply add to what was
lected from Baars (1986). This book
provides transcripts of interviews with already known; they displaced or rad-
17 psychologists who were on either ically revised previously held concepts,
side of the cognitive movement (i.e., added radically new constructs, and in
behaviorists and cognitivists). Of these Kuhn's colorful phrase resulted in a
17 interviews we will focus our anal- "Gestalt switch" in which scientists
ysis on what Baars called the "Adapt- perceived basic phenomena in vastly
ers (Psychologists Who Changed with different ways.
the Revolution)" (p. 197 ff.), the "Per- The term revolution once denoted a
suaders (Nonbehavioristic Psycholo- cyclical pattern of events, a recapitu-
gists)" (p. 270 ff.), and the "Nuclea- lation (Cohen, 1976). The return of
tors (Contributions from Outside Psy- Halley's comet every 76 years is rev-
chology)" (p. 337 ff.); all of whom ei- olutionary in this sense. However, dur-
ther assumed an antithetical position in ing the 17th and 18th centuries, owing
relation to behavioral psychology or to the expulsion of the Stuart dynasty
broke ties with that tradition. in 1688 and the French Revolution
In evaluating these data as evidence (1789-1795), an additional meaning
for or against the proposition that there worked its way into the vernacular
was a cognitive revolution, we will (Barnhart, 1995). Since then, the term
invoke various theories of scientific also has implied a radical departure
progress from the philosophy of sci- from, or sudden breach with, tradition-
ence. Specifically, we will employ al ideologies and practices (Cohen,
Popper's, Kuhn's, Lakatos', Laudan's, 1976). In addition, and most important,

these new ideologies ultimately sup- 1986, pp. 372-373). After these events,
plant older ways of thinking. according to the proponents of the rev-
Derived from the second meaning of olution, the complexion of psychology
the term, the expression "scientific was soon to change drastically. The
revolution" also suggests a break with theories and principles advanced by
traditional institutions and an ushering behaviorists were to be supplanted by
in of a new order (Cohen, 1985, pp. 5- those espoused by cognitive psychol-
6). In general, although not universally ogy.
accepted, the prototypical scientific
revolution denotes a period between WAS THE COGNITIVE
1500 and 1700 (Schuster, 1990; see REVOLUTION A SCIENTIFIC
Shapin, 1996, for a contrasting view- REVOLUTION
point). In 1543, Copernicus' book De ACCORDING TO
Revolutionabus Orbium Celestium (On THE POSITIONS OF THE
the Revolutions of the Celestial PHILOSOPHERS OF SCIENCE?
Spheres; i.e., a sun-centered universe) In the wake of the so-called cogni-
was the catalyst for the scientific rev- tive revolution, psychologists took one
olution in its depiction of the concep- of two major paths. There were those
tual and empirical problems of the Ar- who remained faithful to the behavior-
istotelian-Ptolemaic natural philosophy al tradition, and there were those who
(i.e., an earth-centered universe), a broke ties with that tradition, each pur-
tradition that remained largely un- suing a different line of endeavor.
challenged for nearly two millennia. However, was this breach in tradition
Eventually this assault came to a a bona fide scientific revolution, as
head. The scientific and natural phil- some maintain? To answer this ques-
osophical work of Newton marked tion, we will invoke the major theories
the eventual overthrow of Aristote- of scientific progress from the philos-
lian natural philosophy along with its ophy of science.
earth-centered Ptolemaic system of
astronomy (Schuster, 1990). Popper
The Cognitive Revolution One of the earliest philosophers of
science who provides us with a com-
The received view is that in psy- prehensive postpositivistic theory of
chology a major breach with tradition, scientific progress was Karl Popper.
the so-called cognitive revolution, oc- According to Popper (1959), scientific
curred sometime during the late 1940s knowledge develops out of "ordinary
and early 1950s (Baars, 1986; Hergen- knowledge" or "common-sense
hahn, 1997). Two particularly impor- knowledge" (p. 18). That is, the meth-
tant dates attributed to the cognitive od of trial-and-error learning, or learn-
revolution were 1948 and 1956 (Leahy, ing from one's mistakes, is "funda-
1992). 1948 marked the Hixon Sym- mentally the same whether it is prac-
posium on Cerebral Mechanisms in ticed by lower or higher animals, by
Behavior, where Lashley (1951) pre- chimpanzees or by men of science"
sented his classic paper on serial order (Popper, 1972, p. 216). Human knowl-
in behavior (Gardner, 1985). 1956 edge, therefore, is a special case of an-
marked the Symposium on Information imal knowledge (Magee, 1973). Sci-
Theory at the Massachusetts Institute entific knowledge differs with ordinary
of Technology (Baars, 1986). At that knowledge in only one respect: Errors
conference, among other highly signif- are systematically criticized, and in due
icant papers, Green and Swets present- time, usually corrected (Popper, 1962,
ed a paper on signal-detection theory p. 216).
and Chomsky presented a paper on his "Learning from our mistakes" is a
three theories of grammar (Baars, generic expression subsumed under the
philosophical tradition known as falli- fiability, or refutability, or testability, is one of
bilism (Quine & Ullian, 1970). Falli- the aims of science-in fact, precisely the same
aim as a high informative content. ... The cri-
bilism presupposes that all of our be- terion of potential satisfactoriness is thus test-
liefs are open to criticism and revision. ability or improbability: only a highly testable
By embracing fallibilism, therefore, or improbable theory is worth testing. (pp. 219-
Popper rejects the notion of scientific 220)
orthodoxy or knowledge by accretion. Therefore, science is in a state of per-
Conversely, Popper (1962) advances petual renewal, subjecting theories of
an epistemic view whereby the growth greater informative content to severe
of scientific knowledge is characterized tests and attempting to refute or falsify
by "the repeated overthrow of scientif- them in turn.
ic theories and their replacements by Let us take an example from Pop-
better and more satisfactory ones" (p. per's (1999) writings to illustrate how
215). Thus, science, according to Pop- a theory can be falsified. Taking "all
per, is fundamentally revolutionary. ravens are black" as our theoretical
The aim of science is "not to save the statement, "all ravens are black" not
lives of untenable systems but, on the only rules out the possibility of a white
contrary, to select the one which is by raven, but also a red, green, or blue
comparison the fittest, by exposing one; in fact, it rules out every color
them all to the fiercest struggle for sur- other than black. According to Popper,
vival" (p. 42). The "fittest" theories the statement "all ravens are black"
are those that tell us more about the has greater empirical content than say,
world around us. For example, they the statement "no raven is white," or
may contain "the greater amount of ''no raven is blue or green." According
empirical information"; they may be to the calculus of probability, the state-
"logically stronger" or have "greater ment "all ravens are black" is more
explanatory"' or "predictive power"' improbable than any of the others (cf.
(Popper, 1962, p. 217). the number of falsifiers of the state-
Popper's notion of empirical content ment "no raven is white"; there is just
is based on the idea that compound one). It is much more prone to falsifi-
statements tell us more than the indi- cation because of the greater number
vidual elements that comprise them. As of potential falsifiers, and hence is ra-
an example, (a) the compound alcohol tionally superior, holding the greatest
in sufficient quantities slows reaction promise of yielding profitable returns.
time and (b) slowed reaction time is In principle, finding a raven of any col-
correlated with vehicular accidents; or other than black is a potential fal-
this tells us more than either statement sifier of the theory "all ravens are
alone. Moreover, as more and more black." Should a nonblack raven (e.g.,
mutually exclusive statements enter purple) indeed turn up in our search to
into the compound, the antecedent find a nonblack raven, then the theory
probability that the revised statement "all ravens are black" is empirically
corresponds with "reality" decreases. falsified (Popper, 1999, p. 20).
Said differently, as content increases, Of course, there are extant theories
theories become increasingly improb- in most realms of science that have yet
able (Popper, 1962). According to Pop- to be falsified. How then do scientists
per, decide what theories are superior? Us-
Thus if we aim, in science, at a high informative ing Newton's and Einstein's theories of
content-if the growth of knowledge means that gravitation as a case in point, Popper
we know more, that we know a and b, rather (1999) has the following to say on such
than a alone, and that the content of our theories matters:
thus increases-then we have to admit that we
also aim at low probability, in the sense of the The interesting thing is that the theory says all
calculus of probability. ... And since a low the more, the greater number of its potential fal-
probability means a high probability of being sifiers. It says more, and can clear up more prob-
falsified, it follows that a high degree of falsi- lems. Its explanatory potential or its potential
explanatory power is greater. ... From this evitable need for classification of psy-
standpoint, we may once again compare New- chological attributes, like every other
ton's and Einstein's theories of gravitation. What
we find is that the empirical content and the po- science. So, memory, consciousness,
tential explanatory power of Einstein's theory imagery, and the like are, in my mind
are much greater than those of Newton's. ... (even mind!) logical concepts (like
Einstein's theory is thus more risky. It may be gravity) which are useful, quantifiable,
in principle falsified by observations that do not
touch Newton's theory. The empirical content of and reliable ... just as 'scientific' as
Einstein's theory, its quantity of potential falsi- can be.... The normal citations are the
fiers, is thus considerably greater than the em- ones you know ... e.g., Skinner's Ver-
pirical content of Newton's theory.... But even bal Behavior [1957] disaster and
if the relevant observations have not yet been Chomsky's [ 1959] answer. . . . I do not
made, we can say that Einstein's theory is po-
tentially superior to Newton's. It has the greater think that exchange was all that im-
empirical content and the greater explanatory portant except Skinner seemed to make
potential. (p. 20) a fool of himself and, to my knowl-
edge, was the first time an academic
Was there a scientific revolution in psychologist showed the absurdity of
a Popperian sense? According to Pop- blinder science. I think the more im-
per, (1959, 1962, 1972, 1999) for there portant source was Donald Broadbent's
to have been a cognitive revolution qua (1958) Perception and Communica-
scientific revolution, one or both of the tion, which ushered in the information-
following would have already oc- processing concept. But most impor-
curred: (a) The behavioral research tra- tant was the Zeitgeist. Behavior is a
dition was falsified by empirical evi- shadow ... the real stuff is deeper and
dence, and cognitive models that sup- as long as that is true, or even people
planted it have yet to be refuted. In think that is true, behaviorism could
other words, cognitive approaches are ask, but not answer, important ques-
provisionally held to best reflect "re- tions about the psychology of hu-
ality" until they too are falsified. Or, in mans."
the event that either model has yet to James J. Jenkins. "People range
be refuted, then it must be shown that from rabid 'revolutionaries' to those
(b) cognitive theories contain a greater equally salient persons who deny that
amount of empirical information, and there was a revolution. ... Here is my
are thus more falsifiable and less prob- own story. ... We are all methodolog-
able than behavioral theories. ical behaviorists if we are experimen-
According to our data set, there is talists; the big change is that we are no
no substantive evidence for either of longer metaphysical behaviorists."
these. Below are illustrative responses Let us now turn to illustrative quotes
from our interviewees. (Specifically, from Baars' (1986) book. From this
these items are responses to our ques- data source as well, there is no sub-
tion "What negative empirical evi- stantive evidence in support of (a) the
dence against behaviorism do you be- refutation of behaviorism or (b) the rel-
lieve influenced the cognitive revolu- ative superiority of cognitive models as
tion?") regards empirical content.
Philip Johnson-Laird. "No decisive Ulric Neisser. "The trouble with
evidence-just a few embarrassments, Skinner is different: He just oversim-
such as cool air acting as a reinforcer plifies everything. My quarrel with
even though it caused more water Skinnerian behaviorism ... [is that]
loss." behaviorists don't try to analyze natu-
Robert Solso. "Nothing really rally occurring psychological processes
wrong with that position except in the in their own terms. ... A response is
narrow interpretation of what behavior anything you can condition; a stimulus
was. And, it seems to me, that the rigid is anything that has effects. ... It
adherence to behavior as the subject of makes human life seem banal and un-
psychology left little room for the in- interesting, consisting only of arbitrary
responses controlled by arbitrary re- ence. The first stage is immature sci-
wards, like the worst kind of wage la- ence. According to Kuhn (1970), im-
bor" (Baars, 1986, p. 277). mature science is characterized by
Ernest R. Hilgard. "I don't like his "frequent and deep debates over legit-
[Skinner's] system ... but I think that's imate methods, problems, and stan-
a temperamental matter-we just differ dards of solution, though these serve
temperamentally" (Baars, 1986, p. rather to define schools than to produce
290). agreement" (pp. 47-48). During this
Walter Weimer. "I never really stage there is no consensus and no
bought S-R psychology. ... I was agreed-upon facts or method, there
smart enough to know that there was may not be agreement on what subject
something wrong with it, because too matter is worthy of research (i.e., on-
much was either stretched to fit or left tology), and there is a proliferation of
out" (Baars, 1986, p. 303). competing schools of thought (Bird,
Noam Chomsky. "I don't think that 2000).
it is possible to explain that appeal [en- Prior to Newtonian physics, optical
vironmentalism] on either empirical or theory was like this (Bird, 2000). Ac-
rational grounds. They are seen to be cording to Kuhn (1996), during this pe-
grossly false as soon as you begin to riod there was no single universally ac-
look at them. Therefore, the fact that cepted view about the nature of light.
they have had such an overwhelming Rather, "there were a number of com-
power over the imagination is a ques- peting schools and subschools, most of
tion of interest, since they are so plain- them espousing one variant or another
ly false" (Baars, 1986, p. 350). of Epicurean, Aristotelian, or Platonic
According to Popper, in scientific theory" (Kuhn, 1996, p. 12). Eventu-
revolutions there is some consensus re- ally, however, the debates subsided and
garding what the falsifying data and these competing schools converged
experiments were. For example, the into one. Optical theory moved into the
Michelson-Morley experiment, herald- second stage in Kuhn's model.
ed as "the greatest negative experi- Normal or paradigmatic science.
ment in the history of science," is gen- The second stage in the cyclical pro-
erally taken to falsify ether theory (see cess of scientific change is normal sci-
Lakatos, 1978a, p. 73ff.). Interestingly, ence. During normal science the field
consistent with our analysis of the in- demonstrates cumulative progress
terview data and a scholarly survey of (O'Donohue, 1993). What is more,
the psychological literature, there is no normal science denotes a consensus in
consensus in our field of any empirical the scientific community, there are
data or experiment that falsified any of agreed upon facts and methods, there
the major claims of behaviorism. is agreement on what subject matter is
worthy of research, and what were
Kuhn once competing schools of thought
usually settle into a single paradigm.
Let us next turn to Kuhn's account Even though there are at least 21 dif-
of revolutionary science and evaluate ferent meanings of the term paradigm
whether there was a cognitive revolu- (see Masterman, 1970), generally
tion qua scientific revolution using his speaking it is used in two ways:
model. The most common alternative On the one hand, it stands for the entire con-
to the orthodox account of science, one stellation of beliefs, values, techniques, and so
that espouses this revolutionary notion, on shared by the members of a given commu-
is Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific nity. On the other, it denotes one sort of element
Revolutions (1962). Kuhn advanced a in that constellation, the concrete puzzle-solu-
view of scientific change, in which sci- tions which, employed as models or examples,
can replace explicit rules as a basis for the so-
ence cycles through a series of stages. lution of the remaining puzzles of normal sci-
Immature or preparadigmatic sci- ence. (Kuhn, 1996, p. 175)

This "settling into a single paradigm" Anomalies might arise due to instru-
usually occurs in the wake of "some mental or "human" error. In fact, when
notable scientific achievement" (Kuhn, such anomalies initially arise, it is the
1974, p. 460). Returning to our optical scientist who is to blame, not the par-
example, Newton's Optiks, which pos- adigm (Bird, 2000). Kuhn (1962)
tulated that light was material corpus- states,
cles, "was the notable scientific Normal science ... often suppresses fundamen-
achievement" that marked the first par- tal novelties because they are necessarily sub-
adigm in optical science (Kuhn, 1996). versive of its basic commitments ... [however],
Newton's Optiks was generally regard- when the profession can no longer evade anom-
ed as being "better than its competitors alies that subvert the existing tradition of sci-
in solving ... problems that ... prac- entific practice [the paradigm is in crisis]. (pp.
titioners [had] come to recognize as
acute " (Kuhn, 1996, p. 23). Of course, Crisis. When enough anomalies ac-
this does not mean that the paradigm cumulate, scientists begin to question
has to "explain all of the facts [that whether the dominant paradigm is re-
could confront it]"; a paradigm is only ally appropriate; the prevailing para-
required to explain those deemed most digm is said to be in a state of crisis
important by a given community (Laudan, 1977). In other words, during
(Kuhn, 1996, pp. 17-18). a crisis, blame is shifted from scientists
Paradigmatic science is largely a to the paradigm, and a "sense of pro-
conservative endeavor, consisting of fessional insecurity is generated"
"mopping-up operations" and "puz- (Bird, 2000, p. 43). At times of crisis
zle-solving" (Kuhn, 1962, p. 24, pp. there is a "blurring of a paradigm and
35-42). Both of these work to "broad- the consequent loosening of the rules
en and deepen the explanatory scope" for normal research" (Kuhn, 1970, p.
of a paradigm (Gholson & Barker, 84). When this occurs, it becomes pat-
1985). Specifically, mopping up and ent that normal science cannot contin-
puzzle solving involve (a) striving to ue as before (Hoyningen-Huene,
bring a paradigm "into closer agree- 1993). The paradigm is said to have
ment with nature" (Kuhn, 1963, p. "drowned in a sea of anomalies," and
360); (b) attempts to increase the ac- a point is reached when the old para-
curacy and scope of the paradigm so as digm has to be discarded, giving way
to include new phenomena (Kuhn, to the formulation of a new paradigm
1996, p. 25; Losee, 1980); and (c) bet- (Kuhn, 1996, p. 90). Contrary to the
ter articulating the "paradigm theory steady progress of normal science, this
... resolving some of its residual am- replacement of one paradigm for an-
biguities" (Kuhn, 1996, p. 27).2 other is a cataclysmic event (Gholson
Anomalies and crisis. Normal sci- & Barker, 1985).
ence proceeds unabated just as long as Revolutionary or extraordinary sci-
the paradigm satisfactorily explains the ence. In the following quote, Kuhn
phenomena to which it is applied (Lo- (1962) defines what he means by sci-
see, 1980). However, "new" and "un- entific revolution: "Scientific revolu-
suspected phenomena" are often un- tions are here taken to be those non-
covered by scientific research (Kuhn, cumulative developmental episodes in
1996, p. 52). which an older paradigm is replaced in
Normal science is always faced with whole or in part by an incompatible
anomalous data (Hoyningen-Huene, new one" (p. 91). By "incompatible,"
1993). These anomalous data do not Kuhn suggests that "after a revolution
necessarily provide refuting counter- scientists are responding to a different
examples of the prevailing paradigm. world" (p. 111), making competing
paradigms largely "incommensurable"
2 Hertz's refinement of Newton's Principia (p. 102). Kuhn called this psychologi-
Mathematica is one such example (Bird, 2000). cal phenomenon a "Gestalt switch"
(Kuhn, 1996, P. 113). For example, if all influenced psychology. And-there
Kepler (who embraced the Copernican was no revolution [italics added]. Re-
view, heliocentric theory) and Brahe member that behaviorism was a rather
(who embraced the Aristotelian-Ptole- parochial American development and
maic view, geocentric theory) were by the 1950s and 1960s we simply re-
standing on a hill at dawn "Tycho sees turned to the tradition previously inter-
the rising sun but Kepler sees the ro- rupted and well represented in France,
tation of the Earth" (Bird, 2000, p. 99). England, and Germany. If there was
Insofar as one undergoes a "Gestalt any negative aspect of behaviorism
switch" when observing either per- that contributed to these developments
spective of a Necker cube (i.e., one (but never determined them) it was the
cannot assume both perspectives con- lack of attention to major social ques-
currently), Brahe or Kepler would have tions, to complex human behavior and
to wholly abandon his view and wholly to any kind of innovative theory. See
embrace the other to truly "see" what for example the dismal 'hypothetico-
the other sees (i.e., both paradigms are deductive theory of rote learning'
"incommensurable"). which totally failed to pay attention to
Was there a scientific revolution in central questions of memory; the few
a Kuhnian sense? Kuhn (1962), phys- attempts were just plain wrong."
icist cum philosopher of science, ar- Robert Stemnberg. "The major em-
gued that the social sciences were still pirical evidence was the less-than-ad-
in the preparadigmatic stage. There- equate explanation, from the cognitiv-
fore, those who claim that there has ists' point of view, of complex pro-
been a "paradigm shift" in psycholo- cessing, such as language development
gy, in the Kuhnian sense, have ignored and thinking. Chomsky's review of
this point or misinterpreted his work Verbal Behavior [1959] was taken as
(O'Donohue, 1993). However, for the showing that behaviorism could not
sake of argument and for the purpose well account for language develop-
of the present discussion, let us assume ment, and Miller, Galanter, and Pri-
that psychology consists of at least two bram's Plans and Structure of Behav-
paradigms, behavioral psychology and ior [1960] was taken as counterindi-
cognitive psychology. Assuming this cating the depiction of higher process-
much, according to Kuhn (1962, ing. Note that the issue is not quite one
1996), for there to have been a cogni- of empirical evidence. Empirical evi-
tive revolution qua scientific revolution dence does not change paradigms,
we should expect to see sufficient ev- which in themselves cannot be proven.
idence that (a) behavioral psychology ... The main issue was that people be-
"drowned in a sea of anomalies" and gan to be more questioning of what
(b) cognitive psychology moved in, goes on 'inside the head.' I don't think
demonstrating an important puzzle so- the questions you are asking are quite
lution, as well as its superiority in cop- what was at issue. The important thing
ing with most of the anomalies plagu- is that the questions changed, not the
ing behavioral psychology. answers. People became interested in
Below are the relevant responses different questions that they believed
from our interviewees that address behaviorism did not adequately ad-
these Kuhnian claims. dress. ... I see your questions as not
Anonymous. "As I have said in my quite to the point. There is not such a
paper there were a number of strands thing as evidence for or against a par-
that dictated the change in direction in adigm. Paradigms are not right or
psychology, and the major one was the wrong (as Kuhn pointed out!). Rather,
change in the cultural social back- different paradigms address different
ground which affected all fields of so- questions, and what paradigm people
cial, cultural endeavors. Events of the follow is a function of what questions
1930s and 1940s, in other fields, etc. they want answered. Behaviorism is no

more or less valid now than it was be- stand that behaviorism was a very pa-
fore. Those who want to answer the rochial event.... Apart from the Rus-
questions behaviorism addresses still sians, my impression is that the reac-
use this paradigm.... This may sound tion of the Europeans during the 1930s,
strange, but I don't really see it quite 1940s, and early 1950s when we suf-
as a shift. There are still behaviorists. fered through behaviorist orthodoxy
What changes is the distribution of ... they paid very little attention to it.
people interested in answering partic- ... Europe had Claparede, Piaget,
ular sets of questions. I still use behav- Bartlett, the Gestaltists, and Selz..... I
ioral concepts, such as various forms don't understand the hue and cry
of reinforcement, and believe they are about the 'paradigm-shift' in psychol-
as valid now as ever. But such concepts ogy [italics added]" (Baars, 1986, p.
provide less than sufficient basis for 259).
answering all the questions I have. By In light of these data, there is no
the way, the questions of cognitivism substantive evidence that behavioral
are, in my opinion, also insufficient!" psychology "drowned in a sea of
Richard F. Thompson. Not respond- anomalies." There is no evidence that
ing to any question particularly, there was a consensus that the behav-
Thompson had the following to say ioral paradigm made predictions that
about the supposed revolution more were found not to obtain. For example,
generally: "To my mind the 'cognitive in chemistry before Lavoisier's revo-
revolution' is an enormous fraud. All lutionary work in the late 18th century,
the leading cognitive psychologists to- the phlogiston theory for pneumatic
day are true behaviorists in the proper chemistry was so overwhelmed by
sense that their studies always involve anomalous data that there were almost
behavioral measures and they do not as many ad hoc versions of the phlo-
profess to believe in a non-physical giston theory as there were pneumatic
mind. The proper definition of modem chemists who studied it (Kuhn, 1996,
behaviorism is simple, one that mea- p. 70). Consistent with our analysis of
sures behavior." both sets of interview data and a schol-
Let us now consider illustrative arly survey of the literature more gen-
quotes from Baars' (1986) interview erally, there is no consensus in psy-
data. chology that behavioral theories turned
George A. Miller. "I wouldn't use to ad hoc explanations in dealing with
words like 'revolution' [italics added]. an insurmountable amount of anoma-
To me, it's not like that. A lot of people lous data.
were living in this house for a long Moreover, proponents of the cogni-
time, and then some people built a tive revolution have also neglected to
house next door, and pretty soon, a lot detail the relative superiority of their
of people moved from one house to the puzzle-solving models over behavioral
other. And the original house is still oc- approaches in dealing with complex
cupied-there are not as many people human phenomena. First, it is one
hoping to be happy there as there used thing to attempt to understand the com-
to be-but they're still there. Maybe plex (anomalous) phenomena that sup-
someday it'll be totally unoccupied. posedly "drowned" behavioral psy-
But was it a revolution? No, it was an chology. Second, it is another to pro-
accretion [italics added] (Baars, 1986, vide evidence for a paradigm that is a
p. 210). puzzle solution itself and can account
Anonymous. "There has always for some of the anomalies of the older
been a cognitive psychology of the paradigm. The first simply holds prom-
kind what we see now, going back at ise for a better paradigm; the other ac-
least 60 to 70 years, unencumbered by tually demonstrates its superiority.
behaviorism.... I think that American Given our data set and survey of the
psychologists sometimes fail to under- pertinent literature, proponents of the
cognitive revolution have produced ev- hypotheses that shield these core as-
idence for the first but not the second. sumptions from falsification, called the
This point will be taken up later in the positive heuristic (Lakatos, 1970).
paper. In sum, in the absence of sub- Whereas the negative heuristic is rela-
stantive evidence for anomalous data tively fixed, the positive heuristic is
that presumably ensnared behavioral flexible. That is, it "defines problems,
psychology, and in light of insufficient outlines the construction of a belt of
evidence for the second, there was no auxiliary hypotheses, foresees anoma-
scientific revolution in a Kuhnian lies and turns them victoriously into
sense. examples" (Lakatos, 1981, p. 116).
Thus, only a research program's aux-
Lakatos iliary hypotheses are subject to testing
(Losee, 1980). Lakatos (1978b) states,
In what follows we will review Lak-
atos' (1978b) model of scientific prog- The positive heuristic of the programme saves
ress and revolutions. Lakatos replaced the scientist from becoming confused by the
ocean of anomalies. The positive heuristic sets
the Kuhnian paradigm with what he out a programme which lists a chain of ever
called the "research programme" more complicated models simulating reality: the
(Lakatos, 1981). According to Lakatos scientist's attention is riveted on building his
(1978b), the "programme consists of models following instructions which are laid
methodological rules: some tell us down in the positive part of his programme. (p.
what paths of research to avoid (neg-
ative heuristic) and others what paths Progressive program. This brings us
to pursue (positive heuristic)" (p. 47). to the third element. For a new theory
Unlike Kuhn, who suggested that one to be accepted by a program's adher-
paradigm dominates, Lakatos assumed ents, it must not only accommodate the
that several research programs exist si- successes of previous theoretical artic-
multaneously in a given field (Lakatos, ulations but also account for the data
1970). Observe, too, that Lakatos' no- that threw them into question (Gholson
tion of research program suggests a se- & Barker, 1985). A research program
ries of historically related theories rath- is said to be " 'progressing' as long as
er than an emphasis on individual the- its theoretical growth anticipates its
ories, as shown in the work of Kuhn empirical growth, that is as long as it
(Larvor, 1998). Research programs keeps predicting novel facts with some
have three elements: (a) a hard core or success" (Lakatos, 198 1, p. 117).
negative heuristic; (b) a positive heu- Within a progressing program, each
ristic; and (c) an ability to promote in- subsequent theory becomes increasing-
creasingly complex and adequate the- ly detailed as it successfully predicts
ories (Gholson & Barker, 1985). newly discovered empirical phenome-
Negative heuristic. First, the nega- na. And, insofar as a given research
tive heuristic of a research program program is progressing, its extant
identifies a hard core of assumptions knowledge base grows by way of ac-
that are not open to falsification (Lo- cretion.
see, 1980). These core beliefs are ac- Degenerating program. If a program
cepted by convention, by the propo- fails to predict novel facts, then it is
nents of a given program. Newton's said to be "stagnating" or "degener-
three laws of gravity are one such ex- ating." That is to say, a program is de-
ample of a negative heuristic (Lakatos, generating "if its theoretical growth
1978b). Altering any of these laws lags behind its empirical growth ... as
would result in the abandonment of the long as it gives only post hoc expla-
Newtonian research program entirely nations" (Lakatos, 1981, p. 117). For
(Larvor, 1998). example, in dealing with anomalous
Positive heuristic. Second, there is celestial findings that threw the Aris-
also a "protective belt" of auxiliary totelian-Ptolemaic system into ques-

tion, in the Almagest Ptolemy intro- behavior, etc., seemed to make psy-
duced the post hoc explanation of the chology scientific, which, after a dose
"equant" (Losee, 1980). An equant is of Freudian psycho-voodoo, was wel-
a mathematical device invented for the comed; but to suggest that complex
purpose of saving the appearance of (and not so complex) human attributes
planetary motions. As Cushing (1998) (e.g., speaking, remembering, and feel-
points out, the equant is an archetypal ing blue when the dog doesn't come
example of a post hoc device whose home) can be explained on the bases
sole function is to produce agreement of learning, shaping of behavior, and
between a theory and troublesome reinforcement schedules, is wrong and,
data; it adds nothing by way of theo- correctly, forgotten by cognitive psy-
retical development. chologists."
Should a progressive research pro- Anonymous. "In my own field, the
gram compete with a degenerating re- ties to a physicalistic stimulus-re-
search program in accounting for sim- sponse approach essentially prevented
ilar phenomena, then ultimately, due to any decent empirical research in mem-
theoretical superiority, it will supplant ory (e.g., recognition, free recall, etc.)
the degenerating program. Thus, ac- and the shift occurred early, led by be-
cording to Lakatos (1981), scientific haviorist icons like Carl Hovland."
revolutions are said to occur when one Let us now turn to illustrative quotes
research program, a progressive pro- from Baars' (1986) book.
gram, supersedes another that is degen- Marvin Levine. "An interesting de-
erating. velopment was taking place within
Was there a scientific revolution in conditioning theory. You're absolutely
a Lakatosian sense? According to Lak- correct that in the 1930s and 1940s,
atos (1970, 1981), for there to have rats and, later, pigeons, were the proper
been a cognitive revolution qua scien- subjects. ... Well, in the 1950s, con-
tific revolution the behavioral research ditioning theorists began to feel that
program would have "ceased to yield that promissory note was coming due.
new predictions or empirical successes They began to apply the theory to adult
[data that provide theoretical support] human behavior ... [in dealing with
... [and should those anomalies only] complex human phenomena such as
be met by ad hoc maneuvers rather memory].... It started to become hard
than introducing new theories ... then for the conditioning theorists, working
the [positive] heuristic may be exhaust- with the adult human, to insist upon his
ed and a new program needed" (Ghol- behavioristic restrictions. Too much of
son & Barker, 1985, p. 757). This pro- value was happening elsewhere [psy-
gressive program, of course, is that of cholinguistics and artificial intelli-
cognitive psychology. Such being the gence]" (Baars, 1986, pp. 233, 235).
case, then the cognitive research pro- Anonymous. "I think the major
gram must not only accommodate the problem in behaviorism was the fear of
successes of behavioral psychology but theory. ... I think Skinner, the only
also accommodate the anomalous data brilliant man among the behaviorists,
that supposedly thwarted the behavior- put it correctly-he doesn't like to
al program. have anything to do with fictions.
Below are illustrative responses That's the issue on which Skinner at-
from our interviewees. tacks theory. He attacks it on the issue
Robert Solso. "The concept that you of fictions, of making up entities. ...
could develop a hollow science with a That fear of fictions has held back psy-
less than hollow person was bound to chological theory, and that's what the
fail. The use (by behaviorists ... Skin- liberation of the 1950s and the 1960s
ner and Watson) of operational terms was all about" (Baars, 1986, p. 255).
... i.e., objective behavior, measure- According to Lakatos, in scientific
ment, contingencies, ratios, science of revolutions there is some consensus re-

garding what the crucial experiments digm" and Lakatos' "research pro-
were, by which a progressive program gramme" with his own concept, the
supplants a degenerating one. For ex- "research tradition." In relation to the
ample, in physics at the turn of the cen- former two, "research tradition" is a
tury many agreed that the Lummer- more general term. In brief, a research
Pringsheim experiments refuted Weins' tradition consists of "a family of the-
and Rayleigh's and Jean's laws of ra- ories sharing a common ontology and
diation; the progressive program to methodology [similar to, though en-
take the place of this degenerating pro- compassing a greater range of] many
gram was, of course, quantum theory functions of Lakatos's 'hard core'
(Lakatos, 1978b, p. 79). Consistent (Gholson & Barker, 1985, p. 761).
with our conclusions using Popper's According to Laudan (1977), scien-
and Kuhn's models of scientific pro- tific inquiry is fundamentally a prob-
gress, from a Lakatosian perspective lem-solving activity. And just as Pop-
there is no consensus in our field of per considered scientific knowledge to
crucial experiments that refuted any of be essentially the same as ordinary
the major claims of behaviorism. knowledge, Laudan, like Popper, main-
Specifically, regarding the behavior- tained that scientific problems are no
al program, there is no substantive ev- different from other kinds of problems
idence in our interview data or in the that arise in day-to-day life. For ex-
literature that demonstrates a failure to ample, the problem-solving processes
make new empirical predictions. Be- by which a person balances his or her
havioral journals were proficient, and finances are essentially the same as the
many articles were published. Second, aeronautical engineer who, through im-
there is no substantive evidence for a proving his or her problem-solving
lack of empirical successes that lend strategies, develops a safer aircraft.
support to behavioral theories. Third, Insofar as problems supply the ques-
proponents of the revolution have yet tions of science, theories constitute the
to impart how the cognitive program is proposed answers. Pointedly, the func-
progressing when compared to the de- tion of theories is to resolve ambiguity
generating behavioral program. Name- in the empirical data and to reduce ir-
ly, what are these "cataclysmic" data regularity-to show that what happens
that "drowned" the behavioral pro- is somehow intelligible and predictable
gram in an "ocean of anomalies"? (Laudan, 1977). In determining the ad-
And, granted that these data do exist, equacy of any theory, one needs to ask:
how does the cognitive program better To what extent does it provide satisfac-
predict these empirical findings? tory solutions to important problems?
In sum, there was no evidence of ar- Empirical problems. Theories are
guments reflecting that the behavioral designed to solve two different kinds
program was degenerating according to of problems: empirical and conceptual.
Lakatos' (1970, 1981) criteria, nor Anything about the natural world in
were there arguments that the cognitive need of explanation constitutes an em-
research program is progressing above pirical problem. Empirical problems
and beyond the behavioral program in are thus first order problems; they are
a Lakatosian sense. substantive questions about the objects
that constitute the domain of any given
Laudan science. According to Laudan (1977),
to regard something as an empirical
Let us turn to Laudan's (1977) ac- problem, we must feel that there is a
count of revolutionary science and as- premium on solving it. Galileo's kine-
certain whether there was a cognitive matic theory that all free-falling bodies
revolution qua scientific revolution in accelerate at essentially the same rate
psychology from his model's stand- toward the earth is an example of an
point. Laudan replaced Kuhn's "para- empirical problem and, corresponding-

ly, a probable solution for that problem atosian, conceive of theory choice in
(Cushing, 1998). science as being largely governed by
Laudan (1977) proposes that there empirical evidence. However, when
are three categories of empirical prob- competing theories are essentially
lems: solved, unsolved, and anoma- equivalent as regards problem-solving
lous. Solved problems support a theory abilities within the empirical domain,
and are thus the hallmark of normal how then do scientists choose one the-
science in a Kuhnian sense, anomalous ory over another?
problems constitute evidence against a Laudan (1977) goes so far as to say
theory, and unsolved problems suggest that equivalent empirical theories striv-
lines of future inquiry. Of the three, ing for acceptance by the scientific
what is most central to scientific pro- community are quite common. He cites
gress and revolutionary science (to be the following as evidence for this
taken up shortly) is Laudan's notion of claim:
the anomalous problem. Whereas un-
solved problems can be ignored and The debates between Copernican and Ptolemaic
astronomers (1540-1600), between Newtonians
pose little threat to a given research and Cartesians (1720-1750), between wave and
tradition, when a competing tradition particle optics (1810-1850), between atomists
solves an unsolved problem, that un- and anti-atomists (1815 to about 1880) are ex-
solved problem becomes anomalous, amples of important controversies where the em-
throwing the unsuccessful tradition pirical support for rival theories was essentially
the same. (pp. 47-48)
into question. Therefore, the greater
aim of science is to convert anomalous Conceptual problems. Given the
problems into solved problems. Lau- limitations of empirical considerations
dan (1977) adds, governing theory choice in cases such
The occurrence of an anomaly raises doubts as these, Laudan (1977) turns to a sec-
about, but need not compel the abandonment of ond type of problem-solving activity
the theory exhibiting the anomaly. ... [Anom- that he calls "conceptual problems."
alies are weighed] on the degree of discrepancy According to Laudan, conceptual prob-
between the observed experimental result and lems are "higher order questions"
the theoretical prediction ... [and] its age and about "conceptual structures" (e.g.,
its demonstrated resistance to solution by a par-
ticular theory ... [i.e.,] it takes a certain amount theories), which have been devised to
of time and effort at reconciliation before one answer empirical questions at a molar
can reasonably come to the conclusion that a level. Conceptual problems arise under
theory is probably going to be unable to solve any of the following four conditions:
any given anomalous problem. (pp. 27, 39-49)
Thus, all anomalies are "cognitive- (1) When T [theory] is internally inconsistent or
the theoretical mechanism it postulates are am-
ly" weighed differently, some of biguous;
which pose a greater threat than others. (2) when T makes assumptions about the world
For example, a slight deviation of em- that run counter to other theories or to prevailing
pirical findings from their theoretical metaphysical assumptions, or when T makes
prediction is far less a problem when claims about the world which cannot be war-
ranted by prevailing epistemic and methodolog-
compared to those instances in which ical doctrines;
there is a wide gulf between the pre- (3) when T violates principles of the research
diction and empirical outcome. More- tradition of which it is a part;
over, if anomalous data remain recal- (4) when T fails to utilize concepts from other,
citrant to a theory's solution for only a more general theories to which it should be log-
ically subordinate. (p. 146)
brief time (e.g., 1 or 2 years), this is
far less serious when compared to cir- Items 1 and 3 and 2 and 4 refer to in-
cumstances in which the data have ternal and external conceptual prob-
evaded attempted theoretical solutions lems, respectively.
for decades. Internal conceptual problems. There
Empiricist philosophies of science, are two types of internal conceptual
namely, Popperian, Kuhnian, and Lak- problems. The first type of internal
conceptual problem "arises with the emerges which ought to reinforce an-
discovery that a theory is logically in- other theory, but fails to do so and is
consistent and thus self-contradictory" merely compatible with it" (Condition
(Condition 1 above; Laudan, 1977, p. 4 above; Laudan, 1977, p. 53 ff.). By
49). the statement "to reinforce another
The second type of internal concep- theory," Laudan means that the theory
tual problem arises from "conceptual in question must lend support to theo-
ambiguity or circularity within the the- ries in disciplines other than its own.
ory" (Condition 3 above; Laudan, Thus, according to Laudan, science is
1977, p. 49). In the following quota- fundamentally an "interdisciplinary
tion, Laudan provides an example (tak- structure" (p. 53). This interdisciplin-
en from electromagnetism) of what he ary structure promotes commerce
means by conceptual ambiguity or cir- among disciplines, and during these
cularity: exchanges "rational expectations"
emerge (p. 53). These rational expec-
Faraday's early model of electrical interaction tations are then used for appraising the-
was designed to eliminate the concept of action- ories. For example, it is not enough for
at-a-distance (itself a conceptual problem in ear-
lier Newtonian physics). Unfortunately, as Rob- an anthropological theory to be com-
ert Hare showed, Faraday's own model required patible with evolutionary biology, it
short range actions-at-a-distance. Faraday had must also "exploit" some of evolution-
merely replaced one otiose concept by its virtual ary biology's "analytic machinery"
equivalent. Even worse, Faraday's model-as
Hare was quick to point out-postulated "con- (pp. 53-54; see, e.g., Diamond, 1997,
tiguant" particles, which were not really contig- in which he blends biological and an-
uous at all. These kinds of criticisms led Faraday thropological "analytic machinery" in
to re-think his views on matter and force and his analysis of the history of Homo sa-
were eventually responsible for the emergence piens). Failing to import evolutionary
of Faraday's field theory, which avoided these
conceptual problems. (pp. 49-50) biology's analytic strategies into an-
thropological theory is another in-
External conceptual problems. stance of an external conceptual prob-
There are two major types of external lem.
conceptual problems. The first type of Was there a scientific revolution in
external conceptual problem arises a Laudanian sense? According to Lau-
when a new theory (T) "is in conflict dan (1977),
with another theory or doctrine which
the proponents of T believe to be ratio- A scientific revolution occurs when a research
nally well founded" (Condition 2 tradition, hitherto unknown to, or ignored by,
scientists in a given field, reaches a point in de-
above; Laudan, 1977, pp. 50-51). The velopment where scientists in the field feel
clearest illustration of this is when T1 obliged to consider it seriously as a contender
is "logically inconsistent" or "incom- for the allegiance of themselves or their col-
patible" with the "accepted" theory, leagues.... A successful revolution is ... a con-
T2 (Laudan, 1977, p. 51). For example, sequence of ... a particularly dramatic and de-
cisive encounter between vying traditions. (p.
in his book Epitome Astronomiae Co- 138)
pernicus (Epitome of Copernican As-
tronomy) Kepler's first law, which By regarding this "hitherto unknown"
states that planets move about the sun tradition as a serious contender, this ri-
in elliptical orbits, was "logically in- val tradition obviously shows im-
consistent" or "incompatible" with proved problem-solving effectiveness
the popular Aristotelian view that ce- (otherwise it would remain obscure).
lestial bodies moved in the heavens in Improved problem-solving effective-
perfect circles, at constant speeds, thus ness can be demonstrated in several
constituting an external conceptual ways. First, the rival tradition might
problem (Losee, 1980). demonstrate a substantial increase in
The second type of external concep- the number of empirical problems it
tual problem arises "when a theory successfully solves. All things being

equal, if it appears that the rival tradi- argument in Syntactic Structures that
tion is solving empirical problems at a grammar of natural language required
far greater rate (all the while leaving more power than a finite-state autom-
anomalous problems for the prevailing aton (which was equivalent to the hab-
tradition in its wake), scientists belong- it-family hierarchy); and Miller et al.'s
ing to the well-established tradition Plans and the Structure of Behavior."
may take notice and perhaps emigrate Anonymous. "If there were any con-
over to the tradition that holds the most ceptual arguments, they were not cen-
promise. A second type of "threat" is tral to the change in emphases. In gen-
when a rival tradition resolves a far eral, psychologists (and scientists in
greater number of anomalous prob- general) pay little attention to concep-
lems, the outcome of which weighs tual arguments and more to research
heavily against the prevailing tradition. and theory that is useful and produc-
Third, the rival theory might be better tive and-fun (which behaviorism cer-
able to restore conceptual harmony tainly wasn't).... In my own field, the
among conflicting theories. And should ties to a physicalistic stimulus-re-
competing traditions appear roughly sponse approach essentially prevented
equivalent in regards to the number of any decent empirical research in mem-
empirical problems either successfully ory (e.g., recognition, free recall, etc.)
solves, then this could lead to the rel- and the shift occurred early."
atively unknown tradition overthrow- Robert Solso. "The Brown-Peterson
ing the established one. paradigm was an important tool, as
According to Laudan (1977), for was the Stemnberg paradigm. Tech-
there to have been a cognitive revolu- niques in psycholinguistics also pro-
tion qua scientific revolution one or vided empirical findings that facilitated
more of the following would have al- the growth of cognitive psychology.
ready occurred: (a) Cognitive research ... I think the success and appeal of at
traditions would have clearly demon- least three 'cognitive' themes were
strated that they have solved substan- positive forces: language (Chomsky),
tially more empirical problems relative memory (Brown-Peterson, Waugh-
to behavioral traditions. (b) Cognitive Norman, Atkinson-Shiffem), and per-
research traditions would have clearly ception (Neisser, Shepard, Sperling).
demonstrated that they have solved Also, information-processing schemes
substantially more anomalous prob- (Simon, Stemnberg, Broadbent, and oth-
lems, problems that have eluded the ers) and artificial intelligence (Minsky,
problem-solving strategies of behavior- McCarthy, etc.) helped."
al traditions. (c) Assuming that cogni- Let us now consider illustrative
tive and behavioral traditions are quotes from Baars (1986).
roughly equivalent with respect to (a) Jerrold Foder. "What happened in
and (b), then the cognitive traditions the behaviorist movement was really a
would have been able to solve a greater systematic throwing out of the baby
number of conceptual problems. with the bathwater. They thought that
Below are the relevant responses the way to avoid the introspectionist
from our interviewees that relate to implications of the classical work in
these Laudanian claims. psychology was by avoiding the notion
Philip Johnson-Laird. (In response that the natural object of psychological
to the question "What were the con- theory is mental states and processes.
ceptual arguments or conceptual evi- That seems to have been a very natural
dence against behaviorism?") "The mistake. ... [Regarding the cognitive
realization that significant events oc- movement] I would pick the 1960s as
curred within the mind. See, for ex- paradigmatic, and I guess the change
ample, Craik, The Nature of Explana- was mostly in attitude. More in the at-
tion (1943); Chomsky's critique of B. titude of graduate students than of their
F Skinner's Verbal Behavior and his teachers.... But I think the picture of

conversion in general, the picture of an that the subject learned a complete

overnight shift, is really badly mislead- thought. To this, the response of the
ing. I mean, I remember talking to linguist is, OK, Professor Postman ...
some of the first psychologists that I how do you define a 'thought' opera-
knew seriously, people from Haskin's tionally? Their answer: Well, it's what-
laboratories, such as Al Liberman. ever the subject learned. And that's the
People like that had been working for end of it. The downfall of the stimu-
years and years on speech perception lus-response approach in this case is
and were never remotely tempted by simply that in order to account for the
the behaviorist story. ... It was more data, the account must be ad hoc and
like the gradual change of the center of paraphrastic of the data to be ex-
gravity and a change in rhetoric rather plained, rather than being genuinely
than a religious conversion. It is also explanatory. The theoretical terms
important to remember that although must become accordion words to such
everyone agrees on the rejection of be- an extent that everything in the uni-
haviorism and everyone is generally in verse becomes a matter of stimuli, re-
a computational framework, there is sponses, and reinforcement. And if ev-
still a lot of disagreement about the erything in the universe is a matter of
right research strategy. Witness the to- the co-occurrence of stimuli, respons-
tal discrepancy in research strategy be- es, and reinforcements, then you have
tween Chomsky and Schank, or be- a pleonastic system that explains noth-
tween Chomsky and Minsky, for that ing (a 'pleonasm' is a logically vacu-
matter. It's completely different. The ous word)" (Baars, 1986, p. 305).
bets about research priorities are en- Herbert A. Simon. (In response to
tirely different. In any science the the question "What permitted you to
breakthroughs come with somebody take this position early on in the game,
finding the right question to work on, when everybody else within psychol-
and despite all the noise and excite- ogy was constrained by the rules of the
ment, there have been relatively few behavioristic paradigm?") "I was ex-
breakthroughs of that kind in contem- posed to a number of other traditions
porary cognitive science" (Baars, in biology and in the social sciences,
1986, pp. 355, 357-358). where people were very much more re-
Walter Weimer. "The head utilizes laxed about a variety of things they
information in a way that cannot be ac- took as data and the variety of ways in
counted for in a stimulus-response-re- which they looked at it. The name of
inforcement paradigm.... As Harvard the game was to explain the phenom-
psycholinguist Roger Brown used to ena. Second, it isn't as though experi-
say in his lecture, the mind has the mental psychology has had a rich col-
ability to make infinite use of finite lection of theoretical concepts adequate
means in novel but appropriate fash- to describing complex behavior. There
ion. The linguist has been arguing for was a terrible poverty here. And if you
a decade, since before 1960, for that compare the poverty of the formalisms
point. This throws the burden of proof of S-R psychology, where you do an
on the stimulus-response psychologist S, an arrow, and an R and call that a
to come up with bigger and more co- theory, the comparison of that with the
herent units of analysis, but that tends kinds of theoretical tools you have in
to create an intolerable conflict. The S- logic or in mathematical economics
R theorist claimed as his scientific made psychology look like a very
birthright ... the fact that he is a phys- backward nation. And since I had ac-
icalist, that his stimuli are physically cess to those other tools, I couldn't see
specifiable, that his responses are why I shouldn't be using them in the
overt, observable, and measurable. The problems that I had. ... I think our
only way the S-R theorist can account [Skinner] positions are very close to-
for this sort of phenomenon is to say gether. What I think Skinner leaves out

are the very important characteristics the rival tradition are enticing enough
of the organism that condition the way to draw some scientists away from the
it has to deal with the environment. established tradition. For example,
Skinner's theory is impoverished with many scientists abandoned the theories
respect to his description of the organ- of Lamarck and Saint-Hilaire, emigrat-
ism, and it doesn't have such construc- ing over to Darwin's conceptually su-
tions as a limited short-term memory perior theory of evolution (Gould,
or an associative long-term memory 1982). Darwin's problem-solving ap-
that has to be indexed in a particular proach was superior because it rejected
way.... The problem of psychology is notions of unknown internal forces,
to explain how the box that sits on which were "logically inconsistent"
your neck can do the things it does.... and "incompatible" with popular
I don't know very many things that the views in science at the time (e.g., New-
Skinnerian doctrine explains, except ton's "Natural Philosophy"; this cre-
that under favorable circumstances, if ated an external conceptual problem
you reinforce an animal's behavior it for established traditions). And most
might continue. And a few little facts important, Darwin's problem-solving
about how the schedule of those rein- approach could be evaluated with em-
forcements affects the pattern of be- pirical evidence, whereas established
havior, for pigeons at least. But I don't traditions remained elusive to empiri-
see anything in Skinner that says any- cal testing.
thing about shaping-which is the real In light of our interview data and a
learning phenomenon. He says it exists scholarly survey of the psychological
and how you do it, but there's no for- literature, there is no consensus in our
mal theory of it" (Baars, 1986, pp. field that cognitive traditions (relative
371, 376-377). to behavioral problem-solving ap-
Donald A. Norman. "One ... reason proaches) have solved more empirical
for the gulf between the operant liter- problems, solved more anomalous
ature and the cognitive literature is that problems, or solved a greater number
operant psychologists have relied so of conceptual problems. Therefore, in
heavily on the use of animals, most of- a Laudanian sense, no such scientific
ten the rat or the pigeon. That makes revolution took place.
it very difficult for cognitivists. Oper-
ant experiments become quite com- Gross and the Rhetoric of Science
plex, with many different stages; and
many different technical aspects are One of the central purposes of lan-
necessary to get the animals to per- guage is persuasion (Quine & Ullian,
form. Those things leave me very con- 1970). For over two millennia, origi-
fused. I always have great difficulty nating with the Sophists (lawyers by
when I try to translate the results of an modern standards) in ancient Greece
operant experiment into cognitive and Rome, "the art of persuasion" has
terms. How would this work in the been studied formally under the phil-
world, when there aren't all these con- osophical tradition known as rhetoric
ditions? Their experiments are amaz- (Luks, 1999). In science, as is the case
ingly complex! So, there's a difference with other areas that rely heavily on
imposed by the technology, not just by rhetoric (e.g., law, education, philoso-
the theoretical insights" (Baars, 1986, phy, politics, literature), the central
p. 393). goal of the scientist is, implicitly or ex-
According to Laudan (1977), in sci- plicitly, to persuade one's audience
entific revolutions there is some con- (and oneself). "Rhetorically, the crea-
sensus as to the relative problem-solv- tion of knowledge is a task beginning
ing superiority of one research tradi- with self-persuasion and ending with
tion over another, more established, the persuasion of others" (Gross, 1990,
tradition. Moreover, the advantages of p. 3). Persuasion is necessary because
in science there are no apodictic giv- and worthy of publication. Importance
ens, no indubitable foundations, few and significance are key issues in sci-
demonstrative deductions, and no am- ence and are, again, matters of argu-
pliative inductive inferences. One is ment, judgment, and persuasion. The
rarely logically compelled to agree; view that some methods or procedures
rather, persuasion is the issue. are legitimate ways to discover knowl-
Many philosophers of science have edge is key to a science, and this issue
argued for key "underdetermination too is not a deductive affair but an is-
theses" (e.g., Kuhn, 1962; Popper, sue of rhetoric and persuasion. In psy-
1972; Quine, 1961). An underdeter- chology, debates about hypothetico-de-
mination thesis means that the move ductive single-subject designs, as well
from some point to another is not a as the use of inferential statistics, oc-
matter of logic and therefore not nec- cur, and listeners are variously per-
essarily truth preserving. Let us ex- suaded about which are legitimate
amine a few of these. Quine and Pop- methodologies to be used to best pro-
per have argued for semantic under- duce knowledge. Important consensus-
determination. That is, the move from es emerge that allow the field to move
some raw perception to some words beyond certain debates to other more
that are used to refer or describe the circumscribed issues (note the similar-
raw perception (e.g., "The cat is on the ity with the move Kuhn describes in a
mat") is underdetermined. Another discipline moving from preparadigmat-
way of saying this is that the percep- ic status to paradigmatic status).
tion does not logically entail the se- Moreover, there is no "logic" of a
mantic reference. Instead, there is al- particular experiment; rather, the ex-
ways from a purely logical point of periment is an attempt at persuasion.
view "a jump." As another example, Take, for example, the issue of whether
all laws and theories are underdeter- Therapy X is effective. The investiga-
mined by empirical evidence. Every tor needs to be mindful of reasons why
piece of copper has not been observed he or she or others might be legiti-
to conduct electricity, and thus the mately unconvinced that this therapy is
claim that "All copper conducts elec- indeed effective. The good experimen-
tricity" is not entailed by actual em- tal design allows these concerns to be
pirical evidence. This is, again, another handled in a convincing fashion. Ran-
jump whose legitimacy is a matter of dom sampling is a move designed to
persuasion. persuade those concerned with the
Thus, underdetermination theses im- claim that "The sample was biased and
ply that such moves are not matters of so therefore the results are unpersua-
logical necessity but rather matters of sive due to their unrepresentative-
persuasion. The scientist must first per- ness." Random assignment is a move
suade him- or herself that what he or to persuade those concerned with the
she sees is a correctly functioning ther- claim that "the groups might have
mometer that is actually displaying the been different from the start." The no-
value of 98.6 °F Further, the scientist treatment control condition is a move
must persuade him- or herself and oth- designed to persuade those concerned
ers that given the alternatives the evi- with the claim "The problem would
dence best supports the statement that have spontaneously remitted." (Note
"All copper conducts electricity." that all control conditions are designed
These are matters of judgment, not ne- to rule out "plausible" rival hypothe-
cessity. ses. But plausibility is not a matter of
Rhetoric is also used in key "exter- logic, it is again a matter of judgment
nal" matters. For example, through and persuasion.) The importance of the
rhetoric, scientists prescribe what em- results is also a matter of persuasion-
pirical and conceptual problems are is the magnitude of the effect clinically
worthy of study, worthy of funding, significant? Was the procedure cost-ef-

fective? Were possible iatrogenic ef- tension of plot and narrative, and se-
fects (complications caused by diag- ductiveness of content become impor-
nosis or treatment) measured and tant features of our knowledge" (p.
found to be insignificant? Did patients 157).
find the treatment to be acceptable? Each of these persuasive tasks is not
These are all matters of persuasion. Fi- isolated and independent. Scientists
nally, if the author persuades the peer work in a community, and consensuses
reviewers that these and other matters emerge due to argument. This is the
have been handled adequately, the pa- scientist's aim. Gross (1990) states,
per is published. (Also note that all To rhetoricians, science is a coherent network of
must be persuaded, not compelled by utterances that has also achieved consensus
logic, that all subjects were treated in among practitioners. ... But to say that scien-
an ethical manner.) tific knowledge represents a consensus concern-
In the examples above, each of these ing the coherence and empirical adequacy of sci-
methodological moves is fallible. De- entific utterances, that the various methods of
science are essentially consensus-producing, is
spite random sampling the sample not to denigrate science; it is rather to pay trib-
might still be biased. Random assign- ute to the supreme human achievement that con-
ment still sometimes produces groups sensus on complex issues represents. ... The
initially different in key ways. The al- truths of science, then, are achievements of ar-
gument. (p. 203)
pha level signifies the probability that
the data could have occurred if the null Let us now consider illustrative
hypothesis (e.g., that the groups did not quotes from our interview data.
differ) were true (e.g., p = .05 indi- Anonymous. "The major one [that
cates that this would be the case 5 out dictated the change in the direction of
of 100 times). Thus, one is not logi- psychology] was the change in the cul-
cally compelled to accept that these tural social background which affected
problems have been definitively han- all fields of social, cultural endeavors.
dled by these methodological moves. ... If there was any negative aspect of
Rather the scientists who design the behaviorism that contributed to these
experiments hope that these are per- developments ... it was the lack of at-
suasive, but they cannot logically com- tention to major social questions, to
pel assent. complex human behavior."
The word rhetoric often has a neg- Robert Solso. "But to suggest that
ative connotation-it is often taken to complex (and not so complex) human
mean attempting to persuade through attributes ... can be explained on the
trickery or other empty or invalid basis of learning, shaping of behavior,
means. Gross (1990) clearly does not and reinforcement schedules, is wrong.
use this phrase in this way. Clearly, the ... I think it is important to honestly
use of what are seen as "valid" and represent behaviorism not so much as
"rational" methods are warranted, as a well-reasoned approach to psycholo-
these in the usual case are highly per- gy, but as a political force which was,
suasive. However, that is not to say that I believe, repressive narrow minded,
style and other presentation aspects are and dogmatic."
irrelevant. Feyerabend's (1975) analy- Let us now turn to illustrative quotes
sis of Galileo's arguments for the Co- from Baars (1986).
pernican system used "propaganda, Ulric Neisser. "I thought it [behav-
emotion, ad hoc hypotheses and appeal iorism] was crazy. It was so con-
to prejudices of all kinds" (p. 153). strained, uptight, full of prohibitions"
Feyerabend states that it is usually the (Baars, 1986, pp. 276-277).
case that early in a theory's develop- Michael A. Wapner. "It is clear that
ment, at a time when the theory is it [behaviorism] never had the data to
drastically underdetermined by evi- substantiate its position ... it was
dence, matters of "style, elegance of clearly a moral position. It was an eth-
expression, simplicity of presentation, ical and moral position about the na-
ture of the way psychology was to be 3. Therefore, the behavioral research
done. The nature of the kinds of things tradition was overthrown due to falsi-
that could be said, and by extension, fying data.
the nature of what there was in the Why is it the case that four of the
world to be explained" (Baars, 1986, mainstream philosophies of science did
p. 325). not account for psychology's cognitive
Noam Chomsky. "[Behaviorism] revolution? There are two possibilities.
which in my view is basically a reli- First, these philosophers in construct-
gious commitment ... they have al- ing their accounts of scientific revolu-
lowed various mystical and quasireli- tions rarely, if ever, examined revolu-
gious views to enter into their theories tions in psychology. These philoso-
about people. ... They have made it a phers tended to examine exclusively
methodological requirement that you case examples in a few select sciences
have to be absolutely irrational in deal- (typically the physical sciences and to
ing with organisms in general" (Baars, a lesser extent the biological sciences).
1986, pp. 344-345). Therefore, what we found is that these
These quotations are samples taken philosophies fail to generalize to legit-
from a larger population of those who imate, but what they would regard as
were not persuaded by the behavior re- atypical, revolutions in psychology.
search paradigm. These individuals Even if this is the fork that appeals to
capture the tenor that the behavioral the reader, the point made previously
paradigm essentially trivialized the hu- still holds: Scientific revolutions in
man condition and some went so far in psychology are sui generis, and one
their own rhetorical response as to call needs to be on guard against illegiti-
it a "religion," "repressive, narrow mate inferences.
minded, and dogmatic." Rather than The second branch of the dilemma
buy into the behavioral paradigm, is that no scientific revolution occurred
these and many others became per- in any of the traditional senses of this
suaded that the cognitive research par- term. There was no falsification, no
adigm was more powerful and held drowning in a sea of anomalies, no ad
greater promise. In what follows we hoc strategies to save a degenerating
will consider reasons why this might research paradigm, and no inferior em-
have been the case. pirical and conceptual problem-solving
capacity. However, the shift still obvi-
CONCLUSIONS ously occurred. Gross's (1990) account
may shed light on the reasons behind
The shift in allegiance during the this: Many no longer were persuaded
1940s and 1950s was certainly a wa- by the power and promise of the be-
tershed event in the history of psy- havioral research paradigm. Instead,
chology. We argue that the substance they became persuaded that the cog-
of this shift is not best captured in the nitive research paradigm held more
typical accounts found in key philo- promise and power.
sophical accounts of scientific revolu- Why might this be the case? Here
tions. Thus, at a minimum, inferences we speculate. There were several fac-
such as the following are not warrant- tors, we believe. First, O'Donohue et
ed: al. (1998) have argued that the behav-
1. There was a scientific revolution ioral research tradition has a larger per-
in which the cognitive research tradi- suasive burden. Psychologists enter the
tion overthrew the behavioral research field with a folk psychology that is
tradition. much closer to the assumptions of cog-
2. Popper's account of scientific rev- nitive psychology than to behavioral
olutions indicates that the older theory psychology. Folk psychology empha-
was overthrown because of falsifying sizes the causal power and the general
data. importance of thoughts; it utilizes con-

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APPENDIX result of the 'cognitive revolution'
(Baum, 2002, p. 347).
Our reviewers recommended that we
provide quotations from prominent "Another factor contributing to the in-
sources that assert that the cognitive terest in cognition may also have been
revolution did, in fact, take place, as a tradition of revolution. ... Thus it
many readers probably have not been was that the rapidly growing interest in
exposed to such views (given their cognitive processes and procedures
training in behavior analysis). Readers was announced as a 'cognitive revo-
should note that some of these quota- lution,' overturning the recently estab-
tions were made in response to the "re- lished behavior therapy traditions"
ceived view," and do not necessarily (Poppen, 1998, pp. 30-31).
endorse that position (e.g., Skinner,
1989). "New principles of cognitive and
emergent causation supersede the older
"The recent cognitive revolution is too atomism, mindless mechanism, and
well-known to warrant review in detail. value-empty determinism ... our treat-
Emphasizing the creativity or open- ment in science of the contents of sub-
endedness of language, as well as jective experience, established by the
rules, attention, selection, construction, 1970s cognitive revolution, has its ba-
and information-processing ideas, the sis in the idea that conscious mental
individual is once again considered to states are emergent properties of brain
be a true subject" (Buss, 1978, p. 60). processes" (Sperry, 1995, pp. 7-8).
"I want to begin with the Cognitive "The most striking development-sig-
Revolution as my point of departure. nificant enough to be termed revolu-
That revolution was intended to bring tionary ... Psychology has gone cog-
'mind' back into the human science af- nitive" (Dember, 1974, p. 161).
ter a long cold winter of objectivism.
... I think it should be clear to you by "Although it is a matter of debate
now that we were not out to 'reform' whether there was a genuine 'revolu-
behaviorism, but to replace it" (Bruner, tion' in the usual sense in which the
1990, pp. 1-3). term is employed in the history of sci-
ence ... I believe it is important to rec-
"The so-called 'cognitive revolution' ognize that the advent of cognitive the-
in psychology brought about a rehabil- ories in the 1950s did mark a fairly
itation of mentalism, in the wake of the radical discontinuity, and precisely the
alleged inability of behaviorism to ac- sort of theoretical discontinuity that is
count for higher processes. Once rein- characteristic of many revolutionary
stated, the mentalistic outlook legiti- episodes in the history of science"
mized the use of several concepts that (Greenwood, 1999, p. 1).
had been ruled out by behavioristic
strictures" (Dror & Dascal, 1997, p. "The authors asked British cognitive
295). behaviour therapists and researchers
for their views on the current status of
"The battle cry of the cognitive revo- Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
lution is 'Mind is back!' A 'great new (REBT) in Britain. All agreed that
REBT had lost influence in comparison dents examine the terms or topics con-
with Cognitive Therapy since the 'cog- tained in the titles of articles selected
nitive revolution' 20 years ago" from a sample of journals published
(Trower & Jones, 2001). during the last 4 decades [e.g., Journal
of Memory and Language, Journal of
"During the middle decades of this Experimental Psychology, Psychologi-
century academic psychology was cal Review, Child Development, etc.].
dominated by behaviorists in the mold ... During the discussion, I point out
of B. E Skinner, who felt that behavior the significance of specific research
could only be seen objectively, from studies or topics and respond to stu-
the outside, could be studied with sci- dents' misconceptions" (Hassebrock,
entific accuracy. The behaviorists rule 1990, pp. 251-252).
out all inner life, including emotions,
out-of-bounds for science. Then, with "What has been called the 'cognitive
the coming in the late 1 960s of the revolution' (Gardner, 1985) is more
'cognitive revolution,' the focus of than the overthrow of behaviorism by
psychological science turned to how mentalist concepts ... it has changed
the mind registers and stores informa- what mental means, often dramatical-
tion, and the nature of intelligence" ly" (Gigerenzer, 1991, p. 256).
(Goleman, 1995, p. 40).
"Note that two styles of explaining the
"The phenomena of depression are science of mind and behavior have his-
characterized by a reversal or distor- torically been in competition: empiri-
tion of many of the generally accepted cist, centering on habit formation, sta-
principles of human nature: the 'sur- tistical learning, imitation, and associ-
vival instinct,' sexual drives, need to ation; and rationalist, focusing on the
sleep and eat, the 'pleasure principle,' projection of internally represented
and even the 'maternal instinct.' These rules. It is argued that the former has
paradoxes may become comprehensi- delivered rather meager results, where-
ble within the framework of what con- as the latter, with its concepts of inter-
temporary writers in psychology have nally represented grammar, has pro-
referred to as 'the cognitive revolution duced the solid 'conceptual cognitive
in psychology.' ... Although the shift revolution' " (Piattelli-Palmarini,
toward the study of cognitive processes 2002, p. 129).
may be regarded as a continuation of
the long dialectic between intrapsychic "Imagery came into its own again in
and situationism or the broader philo- the early 1970s during the 'cognitive
sophical conflicts between mentalism revolution.' As the limitations of be-
and physicalism, there is evidence that haviorism became apparent, scientists
a new scientific paradigm may be again became receptive to theorizing
emerging. The scientific paradigm-(in about internal events" (Kosslyn, Behr-
the sense used by Kuhn, 1962) ... in- mann, & Jeannerod, 1996, p. 1335).
cludes a previously neglected domain
(the cognitive organization)" (Beck, "The first cognitive revolution has found
Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979). its way into mainstream personality psy-
chology" (Lamiell, 1993, p. 88).
"Although most psychologists proba-
bly have a historical perspective on the "Seldom have amateur historians
paradigmatic development of psycho- achieved such consensus. There has
logical thought, many undergraduates been nearly unanimous agreement
do not. To help my students understand among the surviving principles that
the 'cognitive revolution' I developed cognitive science was officially recog-
a literature search task assigned after nized around 1956. ... George Miller
the course's second lecture. ... Stu- ... a mathematically oriented psychol-

ogist-opened the decade with a book behaviorism with its discredited reflex
that had a tremendous impact on psy- arc and, instead, called for a cybernetic
chology and allied fields-a slim vol- approach to behavior in terms of ac-
ume entitled Plans and the Structure of tion, feedback loops, and readjust-
Behavior (1960). In it the authors ments of action in light of feedback"
sounded the death knell for standard (Gardner, 1985, pp. 28-33).

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