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Source List

Master Data
For sourcelist inforecord is must
If we want to maintain a source list a mandatory for a material we can do it in Material Master

Source List
The record contains approved vendors list for supplying material to particular plant. The source
list is a type of Master Data.

Path: Logistics MMPurchasingMaster DataSource List Maintain t Code : ME01

The source list is used in the administration of sources of supply.

It specifies the allowed (and disallowed) sources of a material for a certain plant within a
predefined period. Each source is defined by means of a source list record.

The source list serves:

 To define a source of supply as "fixed". Such sources count as preferred sources over a
certain period of time.

(For example, the fixed vendor for material 1 is Acme Corp. for the first quarter and
Zenith Co. for the second quarter of the year.)

 To define a source of supply as "blocked".

(This means, for example, that contract 123 may not be used for a certain period of time.)

 As an aid in selecting the preferred source during the source determination process.

(For example, the vendor Zenith Co. is determined as the source for an item of a
requisition dated 15th June relating to material 1.)

Create Source List

T code: ME01

Material 100-100
Plant 1000
Valid From Valid To Vendor Pur Org PPI (Supplying Fix Blk

27-05-2011 27-08-2011 1000 1000 tick

27-05-2011 27-08-2011 4000 1000 tick
27-05-2011 30-06-2011 1000 1100


In same period only one vendor can be fixed and with that fixed vendor and material
combination inforecord is must for picking prices from inforecord to automatic PO

The Source list is used for the following:

1. Maintaining a fixed source of supply

2. Blocking a source of supply

If you want to make a source list mandatory for a material you can set the source
list required indicator in the material master record of that material.

If you wish to make the source list mandatory for all materials in a plant, go to SAP

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