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Acute Myeloproliferative Chronic Myeloproliferative Acute Lymphoproliferative Chronic Plasma cell neoplasm
(LF Neutropenia, Anemia, (LF: hypercellular, erythrocytosis, (LF: neutropenia, anemia, Lymphoproliferative
Thrombocytopenia, granulocytosis, thrombocytosis) thrombocytopenia, lymphoblast-
hypercellular marrow, 20% PAS (+), SBB and MPO(-))
(WHO) or 30% marrow blasts)

Essential thrombocythemia FAB L1 CLL Multiple myeloma

Proliferation of Megakaryocytes Most common childhood leukemia Most common adult leukemia,
M0 (AML minimally diff’d M5 (AMoL) LF: plt ct 1000x109L, giant plts, plt LF: small lymphoblast with Male to female ration2:1 Monoclonal gammopathy, excess
signs of matn) fxn abnormality, Leukocytosis Homogenous appearance, tdt (+), LF: hypercellular, absolute prodxn of IgG by B cell
PAS (+) lymphocytosis 5x109L, LF: BM plasma cell (30%),
Aka ¨Schilling’s leukemia¨
30% BM myeloblast homogenous, small
20% or 30% marrow marked rouleaux, inc ESR, blue
MPO and SBB (+) in 3% PV hyperclumped lymphocytes and bkgd in PBS, lymphocytes and
blasts monoblasts, auer rods, FAB L2
Smudge cells plasma cells
NSE (+)
Inc. in all cell lines Common in adults
M1 (AML wo matn) Inappropriate erythropoiesis LF: large lymphoblast with
M6 (Acute Erythroleukemia) Heterogenous appearance, tdt (+), Prolymphocytic
rance, tdt (+), PASLeukemia
(+) (PLL) Waldenstrom’s
despite dec. EPO
90% marrow myeloblast, LF: rbc ct (7-10x1012L), PAS (+) macroglobulinemia
auer rods Aka ¨DiGuglielmo’s syndrome¨ Hb (20gdL), Hct (60%), 80% B cell origin, 20% T cell origin
20% or 30% marrow Leukocytosis and Thrombocytosis LF: lymphocytosis (100x109L), Monoclonal gammopathy, excess
myeloblasts, 50% erythroid FAB L3 prodxn of IgG by B cell
anemia and thrombocytopenia
M2 (AML w matn) cells, hypercellularity LF: marked rouleaux, inc ESR,
Strongly PAS (+) CML Burkitt lymphoma blue bkgd in PBS, plasmacytoid
90% marrow myeloblast,  AB erythroid cell lymphocytes, lymphocytes and
Both adults and children Hairy cell leukemia (HCL)
auer rods, t (8:21) PAS (-)  Normal erythroid cell LF: wbc ct (50-500x109L), shift to the LF: large lymphoblast with plasma cells
v left, Philadelphia chromosome, Heterogenous appearance with Aka ¨Leukemic
t (9:22) nuclear and cytoplasmic
M3 (APL) M7 (Acute Megakaryocytic Reticuloendotheliosis¨
vacuoles, t (8:14) LF: pancytopenia, lymphocyte
30% marrow Chronic Idiopathic cytoplasm with hair-like
projections, TRAP (+)
promyeloblast w bundles CD41, CD42 and CD61(+) platelet myelofibrosis
of auer rods (Faggot marker,
cells), t (15:17), DIC Require immunocytochemical
Progressive stem cell disorder char
MPO, SBB, SE (+) staining for accurate dx
by progressive marrow fibrosis,
Only FVIII (+)
prolif of erythroid, granulocytic
M4 (AMML) and megakaryocytic precursor in
the marrow w dyspoesis.
Aka ¨Naegeli monocytic LF: Leukoerythroblastic anemia,
leukemia¨ anisocytosis, poikilocytosis with
30% marrow myeloblast teardrop
w 20% cells of
monocytic origin, auer
rods, M4E: t (16:16),

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