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Impex Case:

Background: Early September 2012, Trans Motor Co places an order with 1 million GB assemblies
with Impex. Order is provisional and non-binding. Vishnu starts working with Trans Motors (TM) 3
months prior to releasing of purchase order for supplying the sample units to be integrated in their
car for thorough testing. Tickets raised by Impex are checked initially by AE using simulations and
testing tools build in house. If the issue is still unresolved we escalate to Development Team, who
rework and incorporate the changes in the next release.

Case so far:

Mid September, Binoy of TM reports the issue of the Glove box dampener performing abnormally
(does not close smoothly) after 400 cycles. We run simulations using apt fixtures and programs but
unable to detect any issue. We request Binoy for a vehicle fitted with our glovebox. Testing in situ
we find that the problem is indeed there, however, it is specific to TM and not other manufacturers.
AE team tries several workarounds, none of them work. As a result, escalated to DE team.

DE team believes that TM is crying “wolf” and reprioritize TM’s changes as “Cosmetic”. Binoy is
updated about the change in priority and he threatens to withdraw the order as time is of the
essence to them. In the weekly meeting when the team is informed of the potential withdrawal, Ajay
informs that Dynamic Auto Company(DAC) has placed a larger order and hence would be prioritized

When Binoy is informed of the unchanged priority, his manager escalates and writes a message to
Srini. When Srini asks Raj, he mentions that Ajay is not prioritizing TM, to which Ajay reminds Srini
that it was he who asked him to prioritize DAC.

Resolution: Ajay nominates Radha to look exclusively after TM issues.

When Radha asked about what is happening, she believes that TM’s latch is faulty while their glove
box design is fine as it works with all other vehicles. Binoy reveals that the issue isn’t in their latch
but in the dampener spring fixer which doesn’t conform to IEEE standards.

Ajay of AE team alleges lack of cooperation the reason for non-resolution to Srini; DE team informed
about the possible solution which is turned down. Problem persists in glove box fitted with TM and

A month later when Ram from the testing team runs simulation based on Binoy’s suggestion, we find
the problem no longer exists. Post simulations when further tests carried out on the rig, no issue
seems to persist.

Vishnu sends a mail stating all that he had done to mitigate the issue. A day later, Ajay from DE
storms the office accusing him of crossing his boundary.

Binoy is sad about the lackadaisical attitude of Impex and has decided to go ahead with DND
cancelling the order to Impex

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