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NAME: Hebert Suclupe López


Usain Bolt is an Jamaican athlete. He was born in 1986 in Sherwood Content. His his
parents are Wellesley and Jennifer Bolt, owners of a store. Since an early age, while
Usain's parents worked in his store, he and his brother played in the streets of the
neighborhood, whether it was football or any sport that kept them moving.
When he reached secondary school the
looks of more coaches settled down, they
recommended him to leave other sports
aside and concentrate only on athletics.
The successes came quickly although the
technicians complained constantly about
the lack of discipline.
In 2001 he participated in the Hungarian
World Youth Championship, reaching the
semi-final of 200 meters, and he has won
the gold medal in the Junior World
Championship in Jamaica.
Usain began his professional career in 2004. Since then his career has an unstoppable
However, the glory was waiting for Usain Bolt in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, in this
"lightning" competition as they call it, he participated in three events, in which he
imposed world records and won three gold medals for the 100 categories, 200 and 4 ×
100 meters.
Not satisfied with being the fastest in the world and having reached the maximum of
fame, Bolt managed to crush the record of his admired Michael Johnson, which he once
considered impossible.
Usain Bolt, the fastest man in history so far measured 1.96 m and weighs 86 kg, is
nicknamed "Lightning Bolt" (Relámpago) and has a great fondness for music, mainly Hip-
Hop, R & B and also Dancehall Music, emerging on the streets of Jamaica in recent


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