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Analysis of learning:

Peta was excited to see the hand paint set up. She smiled and clapped her
hands. She sat on the table and waited for me. I asked her which colour she
wanted first. She said-‘red’. I put red colour on her both hands as she wanted.
She placed her hands on the paper and felt very happy. She said-‘five fingers’. I
asked her –‘how many fingers you have’. She started counting. I helped her to
count 1-10. After then she asked me to put more colour on her hands. I put
more colour on her hands. I asked her –“what can you do more with your
fingers”. Then she put her pointer and made a line. She said –“It’s a line”. She
also made some dots on the paper. I asked her –“Can you make a circle with
your fingers”. She said –‘yes’. She made a circle with her right hand’s pointer
and shown to me. She was very confident and focused. She made finger paints,
dots and circle on the paper and asked another paper. I gave another paper to
her. She said- ‘I want blue colour’. I gave blue colour to her. She also took the
brush. She used her thumb, pointer and middle finger to hold the brush. She
held the brush on her right hand and held the colour jar on her right hand. She
put the brush on the jar and took colour on the paper. She painted half of the
page with blue colour. Another child sat next to her. She also asked blue
colour. Peta shared the colour jar with her. Then Peta used red colour with her
brush. Then again she took blue and painted all over the page. I asked her –
‘which colour you like most’. She said –‘I like blue’. I also asked her –‘what did
you paint on your paper’. She said –‘ It’s spider man’. She also said –‘ I got two
spider man’. I said –‘Well done. You did a good job. Other room educator also
looked it and said well done to Peta. She smiled to the educator as well. Then I
asked Peta –‘ Do you know how many colours in the spider man’? She replied
me confidently- ‘red and blue’. I added – ‘you are right. Spider man has black
colour also. She said –‘yes’. Peta was excited with this experiment. She started
paint her left hand with her right hands. She painted her left hand palm,
fingers, wrists and other side.

Peta was feeling good to explore the experiment. She was sharing with her
peer. I tried to put Peta in co-operative play. She was communicating with the
educators. She was enthusiastic to explore.

Peta made some patterns on the paper with her fingers such as dots, circles
and lines. She also made her finger prints.
I followed my ITP plan to do the experience. I set up the activity after children’s
morning tea. I interacted to all of the children.

Development of Peta:

Physical development:

I noticed Peta’s Physical development as she was manipulating her fine motor
skills by printing her fingers, using brush and painting her hands.

Social development:

As she was communicating and sharing with her friends I found an example of
her social development.

Emotional development:

As she smiled to the educators she expressed her emotion.

Cognitive development:

As an example of Peta’s Cognitive development, she could make symbols like

dots, circles and lines.

Language development:

Peta used sentences to express herself.

Linked to EYLF Outcome 1.1- Children feel safe, secure and supported.

Linked to EYLF Outcome 4.1- Children develop dispositions for learning such as
curiosity, cooperation, confident, enthusiasm, creativity, commitment,
persistence, imagination and reflexivity.

Linked to EYLF Outcome 5.1- Children interact verbally and non- verbally with
others for a range of purpose.

Linked to National Quality Standards:

3.2- The environment is inclusive, promotes competence, independent

exploration and learning through play.
What next:

I will provide more colour to explore Peta’s experiment.

She manipulates her fine motor skills. She painted her fingers. I will support
her to paint her both hands.

I would like to provide the opportunity for the sensory play.


I re implemented the activity on 20/06/17. It worked well. Peta was happy to

do the activity. Peta used green colour and used the brush to do the
experience. She was also showing to her peer. She also painted her hands and
felt happy. She knew all the names of colour what I provided. The linked
outcome ……..She was engaged her to play with her peer.

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