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Analysis of organizations hiring process with focus on employment communication components
including announcing, shortlisting, interviewing and selection practices. Follow below guidelines

 This is a group project with maximum 3 person per group.

 Students can choose any organization with minimum 30 employees.
 It can be a local or multinational organization with defined HR department.
 Report must be divided in 3 sections including first part “overview of the organization
product/services, background, type of hiring processes”. Second part of report highlighting
skills/experience/attributes considered during the hiring process. Third part should include your
analysis of employment communication and its overall effectiveness with your recommendation
on improvements/conclusion after you have visited the organization.
 Students should submit the formal report with maximum word limit of 2000 words.
 Presentation schedule for each group will be shared to class representative.
 Students should submit the group members list to their respective class representatives.
 Students must base their analysis of organization based on industry hiring practices and present
their findings based on overall hiring pattern of the chosen industry.
 Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and if there is any such case will be marked F.
 Maximum 7 minutes presentation with 3 minutes question answer session will be provided to
each group.
 Late submission is not acceptable and under no circumstances any delay in presentation or
report submission will be accepted.
 Last date for submission of report is 30th April 2018. Submission will only be accepted via Slate.

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