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Name : Wulan Erin Herlian Fortune

NIM : 175120601111016
Class : B3-IPM


Politics is a stage to shape the character in a particular opposition or build a

special strategy to occupy positions of power that are in society. This position can
influence participation in making important decisions related to the condition of the
community. Politics can be carried out by individuals and a group that has one purpose
and togetherness and faith in forming a stronghold. Religion is the main foundation for
human life to make people aware of their limited ability, awareness and recognition of
their limitations can make the belief that something extraordinary is powerful beyond
the ability of the human self. Religion in politics has a relationship that is very closely
related to the attitudes and beliefs and the role of all human activities in political
activities must have a normal and a law that adapts to the teachings of certain religions.
Religious beliefs can affect the act of applying the law to a nation, actions which the
people consider sinful, so the State will pay attention to it as one of the legitimacy of the
government. A number of governments around the world use teachings on a dominant
religion to give legitimacy to political power.

The problems that can arise from religious and political segmentation are the
factors of domination of a majority religion that can affect racism and legal intolerance
to a minority belief. As an example of a problem that is, the election of a leader in a
country also pays attention to the harmonization of religion adopted by the candidates
with the majority of religious conditions in the people in the country. In Indonesia itself,
the election of leaders is based on democracy, but the concept of the dominance of
Islamic religion that develops in the community as the majority religion in Indonesia
decreases the value of the election of candidates from other religions in the same
position. The case of intolerance related to politics is proof that the relationship between
religion and politics also applies in the State of Indonesia. Socialization activities by
community organizations that prioritize the value of inter-religious harmony are needed
to help the community to respect, help each other, understand each other and respect the
teachings of a particular religion without regard to minorities and striking differences
between each religion. Because the desire for prosperous life is a common goal in
defending the nation and maintaining the integrity of a country.

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