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Sheira Neri DATE: 17/04/2023


Politics does not limit to those in power in the government. It is also about the ones who are
in the run toachieve the same power. The candidates of the opposition party question the
party on power during political debates. They intend to inform people and make them
aware of their agenda and what the present government is doing. All this is done with the
help of politics only.
And some politics are dirty Dirty politics refers to the kind of politics in which moves are
made for the personal interest of a person or party. It ignores the overall development of a
nation and hurts the essence of the country. If we look at it closely, there are various
constituents of dirty politic.
Political science And Discipline refers to the knowledge and theme of the importance and
analysis of the activity and behavior of politics. 23Political scientists seek to understand the
underlying ways in which power, authority, rules, constitutions, and laws affect our lives. Like
other social sciences, political science focuses on human behavior, both individually and
Governance is the process where by elements in society wield power and authority, and influence
and enact policies and decisions concerning public life, economic and social development
Governance denotes the use of political authority and exercise of control in a society in relation
to the management of its resources for social and economic development. ... Governance is the
exercise of economic, political and administrative authority to manage a country's affairs at all
Political ideology can be defined as a set of rules, regulations, values or beliefs that are held by a
particular individual or group of individuals that defines or rather sets the standards on how the
society should behave and present a guideline for a certain social order. With this in mind, it is
therefore important to state that every person in the society belongs or holds in his or her life
some form of ideologies (political) whose base defines the way he or she desires to view the
society as a whole, thus meeting their expectations of in the society. There are different political
ideologies that exist across the globe. However, the most common political ideologies that are
well known in the contemporary society are liberalism and conservatism. Notably, most people
in the current world belong either to conservatism or liberalism. Thus, as an individual, I belong
to middle conservatism.

Consequently, there are general issues that are considered as important when one holds the
conservative political ideology. To begin with, conservatism promotes the existence of
traditional social institutions with a minimal support for changes in these institutions. As a result,
conservatism argues that instead of imposing drastic or abrupt changes on social structures, this
should be done gradually (Vincent 56). It is also important to note that there are various forms of
conservatism that have been exhibited in the society. More so, whereas different types of
conservatism are similar in character, they have variant area of focus. In other words, whereas
they propose that the society should maintain traditional structures, they are persistent in certain
areas than in others. For instance, some forms of conservatism focus more on religion than on
any other area of social perspectives.
The different political Ideologies
Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and
equality before the law.
Element of Liberalism
individualism, political and social philosophy that emphasizes the moral worth of 2the
Freedom is to ensure respect and not just live free. All societies define freedom in their own
Reason is a word of argument can be ultilized to settle diffenrence and misunderstanding
violence and bloody strife can be avoilded.

Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of
their lives and talents.

Toleration a refusal to impose punitive sanction for dissent from prevailing norms or policies or
a deliberate choice not to interfere with beheviour with one disapproval

Political psychology aims to understand interdependent relationships between individuals and

contexts that are influenced by beliefs, motivation, perception, cognition, information
processing, learning strategies, socialization and attitude formation. Political psychological
theory and approaches have been applied in many contexts such as: leadership role; domestic and
foreign policy making; behavior in 1ethnic violence, war and genocide; group dynamics and
conflict; racist behavior; voting attitudes and motivation; voting and the role of the media;
nationalism; and political extremism.
Political scientists sometimes use the insights of psychology to analyze a president's or
voter's behavior or to explain why some people are more prone to supporting certain
governments and ideologies.

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