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 Say what the chart shows.

This chart shows the number of visitors TOP 10 TOURIST


 Say how the chart gives the numbers (hundreds,

thousands, millions).

FRANCE: about 80 million tourists

USA US: a little more than 60 million tourists
CHINA: a little over 50 million tourists
SPAIN: a little more than 50 million tourists
ITALY: a little over 40 million tourists
TURKEY: around 30 million tourists
UNITED KINGDOM: a little less than millions of tourists
GERMANY: a little more than 20 million tourists
MALAYSIA: more than 20 million tourists
MEXICO: more than 20 million tourists

 Say which country had the highest number of visitors. Say

which had the smallest.

The country with the most tourists was France with about 80
million tourists, and the country with less visitors was Mexico
with more than 20 million tourists

 Say which countries had similar numbers of visitors. Say

which had very different numbers.

The countries that had the number of similar tourists were

TURKEY, UK and GERMANI with around 30 million tourists in
 Say which countries you can put together into one or more

The countries that can be grouped with the same status as

Turistan are Esna and Tuquia with more than 50 million
tourists, and Turkey with the UK with 30 million tourists.
 Say which continent was the most popular (Asia, Europe,
North America).

The most polluting continent was europe with the country

of france that had about 80 million tourists in the year 2011.

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