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Sandy Zuleyma Pulido Hernández.

Young learners Adolescents Adults and older

Children often find Depending on their stage Adults can think in abstract
abstract concepts difficult of development, they can ways and so there is less
to understand. start to think in abstract need for them to engage in
terms activities.
Children are usually They have not chosen to They know what they want
curious about the world come to English’s and why they are learning.
and like learning. lessons.
Difficult to concentrate on They can lead to more or Most of adults behave
the same thing for a long less serious discipline well in class.
time. problems.
They are pleased to have Many adolescents want They have strong opinions
the teacher's approval. and need peer approval about how learning should
more than they want and take place.
need the approval of the

They learn from things Many teenagers become have good memories of
they see, hear, touch and passionate about the learning success, so they
interact with. things that interest them are worried that they will
fail again.

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