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English 101 Long Test 1 Review

Considered the greatest storage of resource materials; the “heart of learning”
Coming from the Latin word, “liber” (meaning “to peel (from the bark of the trees)”), then
evolving to the Anglo-Saxon term, “librarie” (meaning “collection of books”)
Two classifications:

 Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) ‒ Melvil Dewey (Father of Librarianship), introduced

the use of Hindu-Arabic numerals to organize library materials, mostly used for libraries
with smaller collections
 Library of Congress Classification (LCC) ‒ USA Library of Congress houses the largest
collections of printed materials for the use of Americans and Congress, considered the
world’s largest library by Guinness Book of World Records, most universities and
colleges use LCC
Card Catalog
Its structure is similar to cabinets with drawers
Each drawer is labeled alphabetically, containing cards where information about the resource
material is written or printed
Three types of cards:

 Author card
 Subject card
 Title card
Scanning & Skimming

 Scanning
o Used when looking for specific information
o E.g. looking over the index of a book for a certain topic
 Skimming
o Used to look for a main idea in a text
o Takes more time than scanning
o Does not need to be read comprehensively
 Comprehensive Reading
o Understanding the text
 Critical and Analytical Reading

© Steph Singson
o Higher order thinking skills
o E.g. Used in answering questions like, “Are you going to use euthanasia or not?”
 Evaluate and Judgmental Reading
o Evaluate and judge what action needs to be done

 Book
o Last, F. M. (Year Published). Book Title. City, State/Country: Publisher.
o *E.g. Lapuz, I. (2017). Chemistry and its Connection to Depression. Philippines:
G&S Publishers
 Journal
o Last, F. M. (Year Published). Title of Article. Name of Journal/Serial, Volume
Number(Issue Number), Page Number/s
o *E.g. Ong, I. & Min, J. (2017). The history of soy garlic chicken. Recipes From the
Motherland, 20(5), 23-132.
 *Remember to always indent

 Main verbs
o Indicate actions of situations
o E.g. I’ll show you how to do it.
 Auxiliary(/Helping) verbs
o Used together with a main verb to show its tense or to form a negative or
o E.g. Does Sam write his own reports?
 Linking verbs
o Express states of being
o Links a subject of a topic of a sentence to a noun, pronoun, or adjective that
identifies or describes it
o Verbs associated with the senses e.g. sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing
o E.g. The pasta smells really good.
 Modal verbs
o Used to express ability, possibility, permission or obligation
o E.g. You should be okay after taking the pill.
Word Analysis
Affixes are additional elements placed at the beginning or end of a root, stem, or word, or in the
body of a word, to modify its meaning.

Types of affixes:

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 Prefix
o Placed before the stem of a word
o E.g. anti- (against) is the prefix in the word antisocial
 Suffix
o Placed after the stem of a word
o E.g. –ation (condition) is the suffix in the word preparation

Learning Styles

Learning Style Description Possible Occupations

Deals with spatial judgement Engineer, surveyor, architect,
Visual-spatial and the ability to visualize urban planner
with the mind’s eye
Control of one’s bodily Physical therapist, dancer,
Bodily kinesthetic motions and the capacity to actor, mechanic
handle objects skillfully
Deals with sensitivity to Musician, piano tuner, music
Musical sounds, rhythms, tones, and therapist, conductor
Sensitivity to others’ moods,
Interpersonal feelings, temperaments, Manager, psychologist
motivations, etc.
Intrapersonal Introspective and self- Counselor, entrepreneur
reflective capacities
Linguistic Displays a facility with words Librarian, curator, writer,
and languages radio announcer
Logical-mathematical Deals with logic, abstractions, Auditor, accountant,
reasoning, numbers, and mathematician, scientist
critical thinking
Naturalistic Readily able to recognize Botanist, astronomer, wildlife
flora and fauna illustrator, chef
Spiritual Concept of spirituality as Missionary, deacon, priest,
being distinct from religiosity nun

© Steph Singson

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