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3 Kondo Lattice 641

gap between Cimp << 1 and Cimp = 1. In particular, looking at Cjmp << 1
models does not permit to realize the importance of the question of
the Fermi volume. Therefore, after a brief discussion of the RKKY
interaction, we return to the study of the periodic Kondo model.

11.3.2 Indirect Exchange

The local f-c exchange (in our case, the Kondo coupling (11.24)) polar-
izes the surrounding Fermi sea which carries this information to other
f-sites, mediating an effective f-spin-f-spin interaction [210, 191, 264,
4661. To find its pair term, let us pick out two f-shells, situated at R1
and R2,which bear the spins S1 and S2,respectively. Considering the
two-step process in which a spin-flip scattering at site R1 is followed by
a spin-flip scattering at site R2

00 00 00
gives a contribution

Collecting all terms cc J2/W is conveniently done by performing a

canonical transformation on the Kondo lattice model. For the present
purposes, it is sufficient to include the terms which couple the two se-
lected f-sites to the Fermi sea

x = xo +x1,

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