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Correct Matches: CHAPTER 4

➜ Personal awareness of mental activities, internal sensations, and the external


➜ The capacity to selectively focus awareness on particular stimuli in your

external environment or on your internal thoughts or sensations.

➜ A cycle or rhythm that is roughly 24 hours long; the cyclical daily fluctuations
in biological and psychological processes.
circadian rhythm

➜ A cluster of neurons in the hypothalamus in the brain that governs the timing
of circadian rhythms.
suprachiasmatic nucleus

➜ A hormone manufactured by the pineal gland that produces sleepiness.


➜ An instrument that uses electrodes placed on the scalp to measure and

record the brain’s electrical activity.

➜ The graphic record of brain activity produced by an electroencephalograph.


➜ Type of sleep during which rapid eye movements (REM) and dreaming
usually occur and voluntary muscle activity is suppressed; also called active
REM sleep sleepor paradoxical sleep.

➜ Quiet, typically dreamless sleep in which rapid eye movements are absent;
divided into four stages; also called quiet sleep.
NREM sleep

➜ Brain-wave pattern associated with alert wakefulness.

beta brain waves

➜ Brain-wave pattern associated with relaxed wakefulness and drowsiness.

alpha brain waves

➜ Vivid sensory phenomena that occur during the onset of sleep.

hypnagogic hallucinations

➜ A temporary condition in which a person is unable to move upon awakening

in the morning or during the night.
sleep paralysis

➜ Short bursts of brain activity that characterize stage 2 NREM sleep.

sleep spindles

➜ Single but large high-voltage spike of brain activity that characterizes stage 2
NREM sleep.
K complex

➜ A phenomenon in which a person who is deprived of REM sleep greatly

increases the amount of time spent in REM sleep at the first opportunity to
REM rebound sleep without interruption.

➜ Vague, bland, thoughtlike ruminations about real-life events that typically

occur during NREM sleep; also called sleep mentation.
sleep thinking

➜ An unfolding sequence of thoughts, perceptions, and emotions that typically

occurs during REM sleep and is experienced as a series of real-life events.

➜ A vivid and frightening or unpleasant anxiety dream that occurs during REM

➜ In Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, the elements of a dream that are

consciously experienced and remembered by the dreamer.
manifest content

➜ In Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, the unconscious wishes, thoughts, and

urges that are concealed in the manifest content of a dream.
latent content

➜ The theory that brain activity during sleep produces dream

images (activation), which are combined by the brain into a dream
activation–synthesis model story (synthesis).
of dreaming

➜ Model of dreaming that emphasizes the continuity of waking and dreaming

cognition, and states that dreaming is like thinking under conditions of
neurocognitive model of reduced sensory input and the absence of voluntary control.

➜ Serious and consistent sleep disturbances that interfere with daytime

functioning and cause subjective distress.
sleep disorders

➜ A category of sleep disorders involving disruptions in the amount, quality, or

timing of sleep; includes insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, and narcolepsy.

➜ A category of sleep disorders characterized by arousal or activation during

sleep or sleep transitions; includes sleepwalking, sleep terrors,
sleepsex, and sleep-related eating disorder.

➜ A condition in which a person regularly experiences an inability to fall asleep,

to stay asleep, or to feel adequately rested by sleep.

➜ A sleep disorder in which the person repeatedly stops breathing during sleep.

obstructive sleep apnea

➜ A sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and brief

lapses into sleep throughout the day.

➜ A sudden loss of voluntary muscle strength and control that is usually

triggered by an intense emotion.

➜ A sleep disturbance characterized by an episode of increased physiological

arousal, intense fear and panic, frightening hallucinations, and no recall of
sleep terrors the episode the next morning; typically occurs during stage 3 or stage 4
NREM sleep; also called night terrors.

➜ A sleep disturbance characterized by an episode of walking or performing

other actions during stage 3 or stage 4 NREM sleep; also
sleepwalking called somnambulism.

➜ A sleep disorder in which the sleeper will sleepwalk and eat compulsively.

sleep-related eating
disorder (SRED)

➜ A sleep disorder involving abnormal sexual behaviors and experiences during

sleep; also called sexsomnia.

➜ A cooperative social interaction in which the hypnotized person responds to

the hypnotist’s suggestions with changes in perception, memory, and
hypnosis behavior.

➜ A suggestion made during hypnosis asking a person to carry out a specific

instruction following the hypnotic session.
posthypnotic suggestion

➜ The inability to recall specific information because of a hypnotic suggestion.

posthypnotic amnesia

➜ The splitting of consciousness into two or more simultaneous streams of

mental activity.

➜ Theory proposed by Ernest Hilgard that explains hypnotic effects as being

due to the splitting of consciousness into two simultaneous streams of
neodissociation theory of mental activity, only one of which the hypnotic participant is consciously
hypnosis aware during hypnosis.

➜ Hilgard’s term for the hidden, or dissociated, stream of mental activity that
continues during hypnosis.
hidden observer

➜ Any one of a number of sustained concentration techniques that focus

attention and heighten awareness.

➜ A drug that alters consciousness, perception, mood, and behavior.

psychoactive drug

➜ A condition in which a person has physically adapted to a drug so that he or

she must take the drug regularly in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
physical dependence

➜ A condition in which increasing amounts of a physically addictive drug are

needed to produce the original, desired effect.
drug tolerance

➜ Unpleasant physical reactions, combined with intense drug cravings, that

occur when a person abstains from a drug on which he or she is physically
withdrawal symptoms dependent.

➜ Withdrawal symptoms that are the opposite of a physically addictive drug’s

drug rebound effect

➜ Recurrent substance use that involves impaired control, disruption of social,

occupational, and interpersonal functioning, and the development of
drug abuse craving, tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms.

➜ A category of psychoactive drugs that depress or inhibit brain activity.


➜ Chemical substances that are inhaled to produce an alteration in


➜ A category of depressant drugs that reduce anxiety and produce sleepiness.


➜ Depressant drugs that relieve anxiety.


➜ A category of psychoactive drugs that are chemically similar to morphine and

have strong pain-relieving properties; also called opiates or narcotics.
➜ A category of psychoactive drugs that increase brain activity, arouse
behavior, and increase mental alertness.

➜ A stimulant drug found in coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate, and many over-
the-counter medications.

➜ A stimulant drug found in tobacco products.


➜ A class of stimulant drugs that arouse the central nervous system and
suppress appetite.

➜ A stimulant drug derived from the leaves of the coca tree.


➜ A category of psychoactive drugs that create sensory and perceptual

distortions, alter mood, and affect thinking.
psychedelic drugs

➜ A psychedelic drug derived from the peyote cactus.


➜ A synthetic psychedelic drug.


➜ A psychoactive drug derived from the hemp plant.


➜ Synthetic club drug that combines stimulant and mild psychedelic effects.


➜ Class of drugs that reduce sensitivity to pain and produce feelings of

detachment and dissociation; includes the club drugs phencyclidine (PCP)
dissociative anesthetics and ketamine.

➜ Insomnia treatment involving specific guidelines to create a strict association

between the bedroom and rapid sleep onset.
stimulus control therapy

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