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Vocabulary List for DIPLOMA


absence advertising annoyed argue

absent advice annoying argument

absolute advise annual assistance

absolutely alarm annually assistant

acceptable alarmed anxiety assist

accept alarming anxious associate

accident alcohol apparent associated

accidental alcoholic apparently association

achieve alternative appearance attach

achievement alternatively appear attached

addition amaze application attempt

additional amazed apply attempted

admiration amazing appoint attract

admire amuse appointment attraction

advance amused approval attractive

advanced amusing approve author

advert analyse approving authority

advertise analysis approximate awful

advertisement annoy approximately awfully

basically behaviour bored briefly

basic belief boring broad

basis believe breath broadcast

begin bitter breathe broadly

beginning bitterly breathing build

behave bore brief building

calculate competitive conscious cope

calculation complain consequence council

called complaint constant courage

calm concern constantly craft

clothing concerned construct credit

coach concrete construction crime

collapse confidence consult criminal

colleague confident consumer critical

column confine context cultural

combination confront continent culture

comfortably confuse continuous cure

comfort confused contrasting curious

commitment confusing contribution current

committee confusion controlled currently

compete connected convenient custom

competition connection convince

death describe different dislike

decorate description difficult dismiss

decoration desert difficulty distinguish

decorative deserted directly distribute

deeply desire disabled distribution

defeat desperate disappoint domestic

defence despite disappointed dominate

defend destroy disappointing doubt

define destruction disappointment downward

delay determination disapproval dressed

delicate determined disapprove dull

delight determine disapproving dying

delighted develop disaster

deny development discovery

depth difference dishonest

each efficient employee environmental

earn electrical employer expect

ease electric employment evidence

easily electricity enjoyable expand

educated electronic enjoyment expected

educate embarrassed enormous express

effect embarrassing enthusiastic expression

effective emphasis entire extraordinary

effectively emphasize entirely

facility favour firm fortune

fact feature firmly foundation

failure fee fit fresh

fame fetch fixed freshly

familiar finance flood fry

fashionable financial foreign fuel

fasten find formal fully

fault finished former fund

gap gently grant growth

generate goods grateful

generation grab grow

hang heel honestly humour

happily highly horror hurt

harmless hire host

heal historical household

heavy hit humorous

ideal illness immediate inability

identity imaginary immoral

ill imagination impatient

jam job joy June

January join July

jelly joke jump

keep kill king knife

key kilogram kiss knock

kick kilometre kitchen know

kid kind knee

lab leaf line loan

lady learn lip lock

lamp leave listen lonely

land lecture list lorry

language left litre lost

large leg little loud

last lemon live love

late lend living lovely

later less long lover

latest library look low

laugh lie loose luck

law life lesson lucky

lawyer lift let lunch

lazy light letter lung

leader like level

millimetre mix morning move

million mobile phone most movie

mind modern mother much

mine mom motorbike mum

minute Monday motorcycle murder

mirror money motor museum

miss month mountain music

mistake moon mouse must

mixed more mouth

nail negative news nine

name neighbour newspaper nineteen

nature nephew next ninety

near nest next to nobody

neat net nice noise

neck never niece

need new night

obey of open other

ocean oil opinion outside

o'clock old orange oven

October one order over

office onion organize owner

officer only or own

LEVEL 2 (P – Z)

pace pension plane possession

package perfect pleasure presence

packaging perfectly plot previous

palace permanent poisonous priest

passage permit pollution probably

path personality population pronunciation

patrol petrol port proposal

payment physically port propose

peak plain possess

qualification qualified quality

real replace resource rural

rear represent respect

reduction request restrict

999religious resident rob

safely seed sense series
scratch seek sensible seriously
season seem separated swollen
section send separately

technical thigh trade treat
technique toll trail tuition
technology tournament transfer
tense tow trash
underground unemployed united urban
understand unfortunate unkind
understanding unfortunately untidy

vacant vaccine variety
vacation vandalism vehicle

wagon wealth weight widow
waitress weep whistle withdraw
warden weigh whole wrist

yawn youth


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