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Jobs for misguided adventurers

Heroing doesn't bring food for the table.

Henrique Taques & Julio Vitor

Worker's guide

hen you arrive in a town, you need to earn
money to buy itens, to keep yourself alive and Job tests
it's not everyday that you have that handy During your working day you have to roll how well you did
quest to earn money from and you don't feel your job, the harder the job is, the higher the earning will be.
like hunting 30 mice for Jarvin Winebrewer As mentioned before, failing the test has consequences, with
everytime you need a copper piece. This is the penalties being rolled from the commom mistakes table.
guide you need to work for money in the small The job is supposed to take 8 hours of the day, which
vilage your party is at! So get your curriculum and let's get a doesn't cout as resting nor learning new magic and creating
job! magical itens. Doing anything else during your day job
requires the necessary tests to avoid getting caught, ruled by
Types of jobs the DM. Rolling a 1 in your test is an immidiate failure and
There are many kind of jobs that can be done, choose the one worth a penalty. Beware that there are no labor rights in
that fits your character the best. Are you strong? Inteligent? D&D.
Charismatic? A talented Bard? There is a job you can do in
the city! Physical labor
The DM should decide if a certain job exists and if there is Physical labor requires tests of strength and athletics,
any NPC hiring at the moment. The job listed in the table can depending on the kind of job. They are jobs that pay less,
be changed for something of the same kind, like changing however they have a lower chance of failure.
"Carrying stones" to "Carring tree branches" and so on.
Gains and time
Physical labor
The time you work is up to the DM to decide, maybe the NPC
needs help for a week, or it can be a full-time job your DC Test Payment Job
character has. 5 Strength 1d4 coins Carrying stones
If you fail your job's test 3 days in a roll, you loose your
job. When a character looses his job of fail the test rolling a 1, 10 Strength 1d8 coins Fighting in an arena
roll a consequence in the commom mistakes table. 15 Strength 1d12 coins Bodyguard
5 Athletics 1d4 coins Delivery
Jobs 8 Athletics 1d6 coins Fisherman
There are four types of jobs, physical, intelectual, public and 12 Athletics 1d8 coins Cartwright
artistic. The gains vary accordingly to the job chosen and the
city you are in. 15 Athletics/Intimidation 1d12 coins Collector

Types of cities
Different people have different resources,
therefore will pay differently. Intelectual labor
Below you find what each kind of city pays
Although a better paying job, and sometimes informative,
Royal palace; The value is paid in gold coins. intelectual labor is harder to come by. They are also harder,
Metropolis; The value is paid in silver coins. which means the job isn't stable. You'll need inteligence,
City; The value is paid in copper coins arcane and religion to work here.
multiplied by 3.
Town; The value is paid in copper coins
multiplied by 2.
Village; The value is paid in copper coins. Intelectual labor
Anywhere smaller than a village won't have DC Test Payment Job
anough jobs nor the coin to pay for it. A bard can 10 Inteligence 2d4 coins Accounting
earn some applauses and fruits for performing, but
no more than that. 15 Religion 2d6 coins Revising sacred texts
20 Inteligence 3d6 coins Astrologer
22 Arcane 4d6 coins Potion labeling

1 Henrique Taques & Julio Vitor

Worker's guide
Public labor Consequences
Public labor is dealing with people everyday, from taking care Everybody makes mistakes, however they still have
of the sick to selling stuff. You'll need lots of medicine, consequences. The following table presents the
perception and persuation in these well paying jobs! People consequences for failing a job three times or rolling a critical
like you for working here, so if you succed by 5 or more, roll failure. After failing, the DM should roll a d100 and see what
an additional dice for you gains. are the results of such a failure.
Roll a d100 to decide the consequence.

Trabalho público
Commom mistakes
DC Test Payment Job
10 Medicine 1d8 coins First aid d100 Punishment

15 Perception 1d12 coins Security 1-9 Character is banished from the city.

18 Medicine 2d10 coins Nurse 10- Character in sentenced to 1d8 days in prison.
20 Persuation 2d12 coins Salesman
20- Character in sentenced to 1d4 days in prison.
30- Character must do community services for 1d8
39 days.
Artistic labor 40-
Character must do community services for 1d4
By far the most well paying, the most glamorous and the most
fame inducing job out there, the artistic job is also full of 50-
Character pay back 1d3 days of gains.
dangers. The artistic mistake happens when the performer
fails by 5 or more, having to roll a consequence in the artistic 100 Character is simply fired from the job.
mistake table. This happens when the artist mistakenly
compliments the beard of a noble woman, throws his knife on
the wrong target or is just really bad at his job. Rolling a 1
guarantees a mistake so big that the player recieves both
commom mistakes punishment and artistic mistakes The artistic mistake Happens if an artist fails by 5 or more,
punishment. if he fails critically, he recieves both punishments.

Artistic labor Artistic mistakes

DC Test Payment Job d100 Punishment
10 Performance 4d4 coins Music 1-9 Character hurts a beloved NPC (physically or
15 Sleight of hand 4d6 coins Card tricks
10- Character gets into a fight with a local hero NPC.
18 Acrobatics 6d6 coins Circus performance 19
20 Charisma 8d6 coins Stand up comedy 20- Character takes 2d6 of bludgeoning damage from
29 objects thrown by the crowd.
30- Character breaks something worth 2d6 in gold
39 pieces.
40- Character becomes hated in the present and
Other jobs 49 neighboring cities.
Sometimes players will have special habilities that help them 50- Character becomes hated in the city.
earn money, habilities that are not accounted for in here. 99
You can use these tables to decide what type of job that job
would fall into, and what difficulty it would be at. As always, 100 The performance is so bad it's actually entertaining,
everyone is happy.
anything outside this document is up to the DM to decide.
Players make the rules, not the rules make the players.

Henrique Taques & Julio Vitor 2

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