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Variant Rules - Stress System

Stress Threshold Gaining stress

All creatures have a stress threshold, which represents A creature starts on zero stress points, but stress can be
their willpower and capacity to withstand the mental gained in the following ways:
hardships of combat, such as grevious injury, mind- When a a creature suffers Psychic damage, that
damaging magic or a terrifying foe. Creatures with a higher creature gains stress points equal to the amount of
stress threshold are more resilient the the horrors for damage they suffer.
prolonged combat, whereas those with a low stress
threshold will easily break. Whenever a creature suffers damage from a critical hit,
A creature's Stress Threshold at first level is equal to the they also gain stress points equal to the amount of
starting hit points for their class, plus their Wisdom. When damage dealt by that attack.
a creature gains a level, they roll one hit die and add their
Wisdom modifier, then raise their stress threshold by that When a creature is in an environment where they
amount. cannot sense their surroundings, such as a creature
who lacks the Darkvision trait being underground with
no light, they gain 1d4 stress points every ten minutes
For example, a Cleric with a Wisdom modifer of that they spend in that environment.
+3 would start with a stress threshold of 11 (as
the starting hit point value for a cleric is 8). At When a creature becomes afraid of another creature, or
2nd level, they roll 1d8 and roll a 4, adding their is attacked by a creature they are afraid of, the afraid
wisdom modifier of +3 for a total of 7, increasing creature gains stress points equal to one of the other
their stress threshold to 18. creature’s hit dice.
When a creature is reduced to zero hit points, they
immediately gain stress points equal to half their stress
Creatures start with zero stress points. When a character threshold.
gains stress points, they become closer to reaching their When a creature becomes aware that an ally is killed,
stress threshold. When a creature has enough stress points that creature immediately rolls a number of dice equal
to reach their stress threshold, they must roll for an to half that ally's hit dice, of the same type, then gains a
affliction or virtue. number of stress points equal to the result.
Additionally, the dungeon master may choose for other
events to trigger characters gaining stress, such as a failed
attack at a critical time, encountering a particularly
dreaded foe, or the sight of some horror that would leave
their characters to pause in terror.


Affliction and Virtue
"Injury and despondence set the stage for heroism, or cowardice."
When a character has gained enough stress points to reach their stress threshold, roll a d100 and consult the Affliction and
Virtue table. An Affliction remains until a character is reduced to zero stress points, a Virtue remains until a character
completes a long rest. While a character has an Affliction or Virtue they cannot gain another one of either kind.
Affliction Virtue
"Reeling, grasping. Taken over the edge into madness". "Many fall in the face of chaos. But not this one. Not today."
A character that gains an affliction uses the rules that are If a character rolls on the Affliction and Virtue table and
presented here during their turn in combat. Afflictions that gains a virtue, immediately reduce their stress points by
have an affect that triggers at the start of a character's turn one third. A character that gains a Virtue uses the rules that
instead trigger once every ten munutes when outside of are presented here during their turn in combat. Virtues that
combat. have an affect that triggers at the start of your turn instead
trigger once every ten munutes when outside of combat.

Affliction and Virtue

result Affliction/Virtue Description
01-15 Irrational At the start of your turn, roll on the Affliction table and use that result for this turn. If the result
(Affliction) is Irrational or a virtue, you instead must move as far as possible towards your nearest ally, then
make a melee weapon attack against them.
16-25 Paranoid You cannot be the target of your allies’ spells, actions or abilities, such as those which would
(Affliction) result in you regaining hit points or losing stress points.
26-35 Selfish You cannot cast spells targeting allies other than offensive spells, you may not make help
(Affliction) actions, and you cannot give items or administer potions to your allies.
36-45 Abusive At the start of your turn, all allies within 50 feet of you gain 1d6 stress points. If a character
(Affliction) gains 6 stress points this way, they suffer disadvantage on their next attack roll or ability check.
46-55 Fearful At the start of your turn, randomly select one enemy creature. For the duration of your turn,
(Affliction) you are afraid of that creature.
56-65 Hopeless You cannot gain advantage on any rolls. When you gain stress points, you gain an additional d6.
(Affliction) When you lose stress points, reduce the amount lost by 1d4.
66-75 Masochistic You may not attempt to disengage from combat. Attacks made against you may reroll one
(Affliction) damage die.
76-80 Powerful You may reroll one damage die on each of your turns. At the start of your turn, roll a d4. On a 4,
(Virtue) all allies within 20 feet of you may reroll one damage die during each of their turns until the
start of your next turn.
81-85 Courageous You and allies within 20 feet of you do reduce all stress points gained by 1/4. At the start of
(Virtue) your turn, roll 1d4. On a 4, you and all allies within 20 feet of you immediately reduce their
stress points by a number equal to your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
86-90 Stalwart (Virtue) When you gain this virtue, immediately reduce your stress points by half. Reduce all stress
points you gain by half. At the start of your turn, roll 1d4. On a 4, reduce your stress points by
a number equal to your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
91-95 Vigourous At the start of your turn, heal 1d8 hit points. You add your proficiency bonus to your initiative
(Virtue) score in combat. You do not gain stress from afflicted allies.
96-00 Focused You may double your proficiency bonus on attack rolls. If the d20 roll you make for an attack is
(Virtue) an 18, 19 or 20, it is considered a critical hit. At the start of your turn, roll 1d4. On a 4, all
allies within 20 feet of you treat a d20 roll for an attack of an 18, 19 or 20 to be condidered a
critical hit.


Further Stress and Heart Attacks Monk
When a creature reaches their stress threshold and gains Stillness of Mind. As part of this ability you may use an
either an Affliction or Virtue, they can still continue to gain action to reduce your stress points by 1d8 plus your
stress points. When a creature's total stress points reach Wisdom modifier.
double their stress threshold, they must make a DC 18 Paladin
Constitution saving throw at the start of each of their turns
while at double their stress threshold. On a failed save, a Lay on Hands. You may use this ability to reduce a
character suffers a heart attack and is killed instantly. creature’s stress points instead of heal a creature’s hit
Stress Relief Aura of Courage. All creatures within range of this
During a short rest, a creature may expend their hit dice to ability reduce the amount of stress points gained by
reduce stress points instead of heal hit points. To do so, a your Charisma modifier.
creature rolls one hit die, adds their Wisdom modifier, then Ranger
reduces their stress points by that amount. Favoured Enemy. You reduce the amount of stress
When a creature takes a long rest, they reduce their points gained from enemy attacks and abilities by half
stress points to zero. when fighting your Favoured Enemy.
New Feats Natural Explorer. When gaining stress points in your
Favoured Terrain, reduce the amount of stress points
Soothing Presence you gain by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13 or higher Rogue
When a character within 20 feet of you would reduce Uncanny Dodge. When halving damage suffered, also
their stress points, they may add your charisma bonus to halve the amount of stress points you would gain from
the amount they reduce them by. that attack.
Prerequisite: Wisdom 13 or higher Eldritch Invocation. When an Eldritch Invocation
You've become accustomed to stressful situations. would affect a creature other than yourself, that creature
Reduce all stress points gained by a number equal to your also gains stress points equal to your proficiency bonus.
proficiency bonus, to a minumum of 1.
Stress and Class abilities Spellcasting. When you copy a necromancy spell into
Using these variant rules, some class abilites can have your spellbook, you gain 1d6 stress points if
effects on creature's stress points, listed as follows: necromancy is not your arcane tradition.
Rage. While raging, you gain 1d4 stress points at the
start of each of your turns. When you end your rage, you
reduce your stress points by a number equal to your
proficiency bonus plus your barbarian level.
Bardic Inspiration. A creature may roll its Bardic
Inspiration die to remove a number of stress points
equal to the number rolled plus the creature's Wisdom
Divine Intervention. On a successful divine
intervention, immediately reduce your stress points to
Druid Credits
Wild Shape. When you use your Wild Shape ability, all Created by kor-artificer, using The Homebrewery
creatures within 20 feet of you must make a Wisdom
saving throw equal to your spell save DC. On a failed Dungeons and Dragons
save, a creature gains 1d4 stress points. You retain any
stress points gained while outside of wild shape when Dungeons and Dragons, D&D, Wizards of the Coast
you take on your wild shape, and any stress points you and all other Wizards of the Coast products are
have in Wild Shape form are retained when you return trademarks of Wizard of the Coast.
to your normal form.
Darkest Dungeon
Second Wind. When you use your Second Wind ability, Images used , and the stress/affliction/virtue system are
you lose stress points equal to the amount of damage either originally from, or based on content from
healed. Darkest Dungeon (2016), which is property of Red
Hook Studios.



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