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Pompe's Disease

Electromyographic, Electron Microscopic,

and Cardiovascular Aspects

Joseph M. Bordiuk, MD; Marianne J. Legato, MD;

Robert E. Lovelace, MD; and Sidney Blumenthal, MD, New York

GENERALIZED glycogen storage disease Fig 1.\p=m-\Electromyographicfindings in Pompe's Dis-

A indicates spontaneous fibrillation in right later¬
(Pompe's disease or type II glycogenosis) is ease.
al gastrocnemius muscle; B, spontaneous positive sharp
a fatal disease characterized during life by waves and fibrillation in right lateral gastrocnemius
marked generalized muscular hypotonia, muscle; C, postcontraction myotonia in right lateral
gastrocnemius muscle (Vol Cont, voluntary contraction);
plus central nervous system and myocardial D, insertlonal myotonia in left deltoid muscle; E, vol¬
dysfunction. The disease process is due to, untary contraction in left deltoid muscle, short, reduced
or at least associated with an absence of duration, low amplitude ("myopathie") potentials;
F, calibration.
alpha 1-4 glucosidase (acid maltase), appar-
ently inherited as an autosomal recessive
gene.1,2 No effective therapy has been de-
vised, although attempts have been made to
administer acid maltase to affected infants.3
This paper presents electromyographic,
electron microscopic, and cardiovascular
data from one patient with generalized gly-
cogenosis. Electromyographic changes in an
appropriate clinical setting are strongly
suggestive of this disease.
Report of a Case
The patient was anadopted white male child
whose family history was unknown. He ap-
peared to be anormal infant until age31/2
months, at mche began to feed poorly.
A chest roentgenogram obtained at this time
Submitted for publication Dec 17, 1969; accepted
Jan 12, 1970. E ·—

From the departments of pediatrics (Drs. Bordiuk, 100

Legato, and Blumenthal) and neurology (Dr. Love- -

Calibration 200 /iv
lace) (the Neurological Clinical Research Center),
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Uni-
versity, and the Department of Medicine, Roosevelt
Hospital, New York.
Reprint requests to The Neurological Institute,
710 W 168th St, New York 10032 (Dr. Lovelace).

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Fig 2.—Myocardial tissue obtained at postmortem examination approximately four hours after
death. Mitochondria (M) have undergone characteristic postmortem changes and show swelling,
vacuolation, and cristal degeneration. Orderly rows of sarcomeres (S) usually seen in human myo¬
cardial cell are not present; pools of glycogen (G) have replaced significant percentage of sar-
commeric units (black line, 1.5/i) (x 10,500).

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demonstrated cardiomegaly, and he was re¬ suggestive of generalized glycogenosis.
ferred for cardiac evaluation. The diagnosis was confirmed by analysis of
Physical examination revealed a flaccid, mild¬ muscle obtained from the gastrocnemius mus¬
ly cyanotic infant, lying in bed in a frog leg cle. The gross muscle appeared normal. Light
position and exhibiting minimal spontaneous microscopic examination revealed marked en¬
motion. Muscle mass appeared adequate. The largement of muscle fibers due to cytoplasmic
tongue was large and protruding. vacuolization. The vacuoles were PAS positive,
The heart was enlarged to palpation. Cardiac and diastase digested sections contained no
rate was 120 beats per minute, and heart tones PAS positive material, suggesting that the ma¬
were of good quality. A grade 2/6 short, rough terial was glycogen. The glycogen content was
systolic murmur was best heard at the second 16% wet weight (normal 1% to 1.5%), and
and third left intercostal spaces, along the ster¬ alpha 1-4 glucosidase was absent. Muscle phos¬
nal border. Peripheral pulses were normal. The phorylase, with and without adenosine mono-
liver edge was soft and extended 4 cm below phosphate, was within normal limits (46.4µ 1
the right costal margin. of phosphorus per minute per gram wet weight
Neurologic examination revealed markedly and 218/imol of phosphorus per minute per
decreased muscular tone without atrophy. Deep gram wet weight). Phosphoglucomutase was
tendon reflexes were absent. There were no also normal, being 29.5µ 1 of phosphorus per
muscular fasciculations. minute per gram wet weight.
Laboratory data included elevated serum glu¬ Several days following admission to the hos¬
tamic oxaloacetic transaminase of 820 Sigma pital, tachycardia and gallop rhythm developed.
Frankel unit, elevated serum glutamic pyruvic Administration of digitalis, diuretics, oxygen,
transaminase of 250 Sigma Frankel units, and and antibiotics was without benefit. The clinical
increased red blood cell glycogen of 131/ig/gm course was progressively downhill, wth the ad¬
of hemoglobin. vent of pneumonia, and the patient died at
Chest roentgenogram demonstrated diffuse the age of 6 months.
cardiomegaly and pulmonary congestion. The Postmortem examination was performed ap¬
electrocardiogram revealed sinus arrhythmia proximately four hours after death. Light mi¬
with a short p-r interval (p-r 0.09 second
croscopy, using PAS stain, demonstrated mas¬
with rate =
120). The QRS complex measured sive glycogen deposition in heart, skeletal
0.06 seconds. Diffuse increased QRS voltage muscle, liver, kidney, nerve cells of the medulla,
and wave abnormalities were present. The spinal cord, astrocytes, oligodendroglia and
tracing was interpreted as being compatible ependymal cells, peripheral nerves, and histio-
with biventricular enlargement and diffuse my- cytes.
ocardial disease. The vectorcardiogram was in¬ The electron microscopic studies of myo-
terpreted in a similar manner. cardial and hepatic tissue (Fig 2 to 4) illus¬
The clinical impression was generalized gly- trate swelling, vacuolation, and cristal degener¬
cogenosis. ation of mitochondria, with replacement of a
Cardiac catheterization was performed before significant percent of the sarcomeric units by
the patient was digitalized. There was mild glycogen and replacement of the body of the
right ventricular outflow tract obstruction polyhedral liver parenchymal cells by glycogen.
without associated involvement of the left ven¬
tricular outflow tract. These findings were not Comment
altered by an infusion of isoproterenol hydro¬
chloride. Angiography demonstrated infundibu¬
lar pulmonary stenosis and excellent right to Generalized glycogenosis is associated
left ventricular systolic emptying. with a deficiency of alpha 1-4 glucosidase
Electromyographic studies revealed a picture (acid maltase).4 This enzyme is thought to
of grossly increased insertional activity with be localized to lysosomes and, in its absence,
varying discharges of positive waves (Fig 1). excessive amounts of normal glycogen are
These often fired in crescendo and decrescendo accumulated in tissue cells.5 It has been
patterns similar to myotonia. The motor unit suggested that free cytoplasmic glycogen
potentials under voluntary control were of low
voltage, reduced duration, and often complex may be normally degraded by glycogenolytic
and fragmented. Right posterior tibial nerve enzymes, but that glycogen accumulating in
conduction was normal (35.5 meters per sec¬ deficient lysosomes may be stored, thus dis¬
ond), indicating that the disorder was not in rupting normal cellular functions.56 What¬
the peripheral nerve. The electromyographic ever the mechanism, muscular and organ
study, with the associated clinical picture, was dysfunction result from excessive accumula-

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Fig 3.—Higher power view of single myocardial cell reveals greatly reduced sarcommeric
volume due to replacement of intracellular structures with massive pools of glycogen (G). Sar¬
commeric units left are fragmented and deformed (arrows). Actual amount of tissue available
for forceful, orderly, or coordinated contraction is consequently greatly reduced. (N indicates
nucleus) (black line, 1.5µ) (X 20,500).

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tions of normal glycogen, and the character¬ cardial cells suggests a mechanism for this
istic clinical picture results. abnormal function. The ultrastructure of the
Newborn patients with generalized glyco¬ normal myocardium undergoes certain char¬
genosis have been entirely asymptomatic, acteristic changes which occur within three
but have usually had evidence of cardiomeg¬ hours after death. The most dramatic
aly. In less advanced cases, either cardiac change is mitochondrial degeneration with
or skeletal muscular dysfunction may give cristal deterioration, swelling, and vacuola-
rise to the presenting complaint. It is usual, tion.9 Sarcomeres show a thickening of
however, for both cardiac and skeletal symp¬ bands and loss of definition of the actin
toms to become clinically apparent by the and myosin filaments. Chromatin clumping
age of 2 months. is conspicuous by this time in the cell nucle¬
Abnormal accumulations of glycogen in us and is most prominent at the interior of
muscle appear to result in characteristic the nuclear membrane. However, the general
changes in the electromyogram.7·8 These organization of the cell is not disturbed, and
changes consist either of spontaneous, bi¬ certain conclusions regarding the mechanism
zarre high frequency discharges which are of impaired myocardial function in glycogen
complex motor unit potentials repeated at storage disease can therefore be made from
constant rate and amplitude, or of streams the studies in our patient.
of positive waves with varying frequency It is apparent that the orderly rows of
and amplitude, resulting in decrescendo- sarcomeres (the contractile unit of the cell)
crescendo patterns indistinguishable from within the individual myocardial cells are
true myotonia. The motor unit potentials disrupted, fragmented, and almost complete¬
under voluntary control are of low voltage, ly replaced by large pools of glycogen gran¬
reduced duration, and are often complex ules which significantly reduce the actual
and fragmented, consistent with a primary volume of the myofibril's contractile appara¬
muscular disorder. Thus, the finding of such tus. In some instances, the cell has become
an electromyographic picture in an infant, virtually emptied of sarcomeres, becoming
in the absence of muscle atrophy, strongly essentially a mass of glycogen granules con¬
suggests the presence of generalized glyco¬ tained by a cell membrane. The nucleus and
genosis. Infantile spinal muscular atrophy in mitochondria are apparently entirely free of
the Werdnig-Hoffmann syndrome usually invasion by glycogen, but no conclusion may
does not give such repetitive discharges of be drawn regarding possible associated mito¬
positive waves and is associated with ex¬ chondrial lesions, due to early postmortem
treme atrophy. Congenital myopathies or changes.
polymyositis dermatomyositis syndrome rare¬ It is apparent that the primary reason for
ly present with recognizable severity at congestive failure in this patient is replace¬
this age. The electromyogram may therefore ment of the entire content of the myocardial
be a useful diagnostic tool early in the dis¬ cell (except for its nucleus and probably
ease, prior to development of the character¬ mitochondria) by glycogen. The contractile
istic clinical picture. Its greatest usefulness apparatus and sarcoplasmic reticulum are
may well be in the evaluation of the very obliterated.
young infant in whom there has been a Primary myocardial dysfunction leads to
family history of generalized glycogenosis. hypertrophy and, in several cases, such
We have recently seen one such child in hypertrophy has produced outlet obstruc¬
Whom the electromyogram performed at 1 tion.10·11 The minor pulmonary gradient
month of age was identical with that report¬ demonstrated in our patient was probably
ed above, establishing the diagnosis before not hemodynamically significant and did
biochemical values were available. Also, as not increase with inotropic stimulation, as
treatment for this disorder is developed, the would obstruction due to infundibular or
electromyogram may be used to document subaortic hypertrophy. Endocardial fibro-
change during therapy. elastosis is being recorded with increasing
Abnormal myocardial performance is a frequency in generalized glycogenosis, the
striking feature of generalized glycogenosis. endocardial change being a secondary
Electron microscopic examination of myo- phenomenon.12 Our patient had a normal

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Fig 4.—Liver obtained at postmortem examination which reveals replacement of
virtually entire body of polyhedral liver parenchymal cell by glycogen. Membrane (M)
Indicated by arrows (x 10,500).

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endocardium at postmortem examination. scopic and cardiovascular studies documented
The clinical course of our patient, with un¬ that cardiac failure was due to primary myo¬
remitting heart failure, was due to myo¬ cardial dysfunction, resulting from massive
cardial failure, secondary to intracellular replacements of the content of the myocardial
glycogen accumulation. cells by glycogen.
The electromyogram demonstrated the
Summary myotonic patterns associated with general¬
ized glycogenosis. Taken in clinical context,
A case of generalized glycogenesis is pre¬ the electromyogram may be considered diag¬
nostic of this disease.
sented with specific reference to the electro¬
myographic, electron microscopic, and cardiac This investigation was supported by Public Health
physiologic changes. The electron micro- Service research giants NB 3359 and HE 05389-08.

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Examinations are not things that happen in school. They are a recurring feature of
life, whether in the form of decisive interviews to pass, of important letters to write, or
life-and-death diagnoses to make, or meetings to address, or girls to propose to. In most
of these classes you cannot bring your notes with you and must not leave your wits be¬
hind. The habit of passing examinations is therefore one to acquire early and to keep
exercising even when there is a possibility of getting around it.—BARZUN: Teacher in

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