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My Imaginary State

Name of State:
Elements of the state
(describe your state’s territory, population, government, and sovereignty)
Territory: Near Thailand because I think it I put this country near Thailand which has a similar
type of the government then, we can easily compare which one is more successful In term of the
quality of citizens’s living.
Population: 7.5 million because I love to have a small country as it is easier to control and keep
Government: A constitutional monarch in a parliamentary democracy because I see some Europe
countries use this system and how successful they are so I think it is quite interesting to creat a
government with a modern style but also put monarch. As a symbolic

Sovereignty: Libertarianism because the government focus on individual’s right and choices.

Nation or Not?
(clearly say if your state is a nation or not, then describe why-characteristics)
It’s nation because people who live here share common history, culture, language and territory

Type of Government
(explain what type of government your state has, be as specific as possible,
then describe how this type of government can or will affect its citizens - this part can be general)
Type of government: A constitutional monarch in a parliamentary democracy

Effects (or potential effects) of the type of government chosen (at least 1 paragraph - 5
sentences): By a constitutional monarch in a parliamentary democracy, there is a continuity in
term of developing strong relationship with other country while most countries need to change
their president every four years or more or less than that. Moreover, there is a balance between
constitution monarchy and parliament as parliament basically takes whole responsibility on
political power and constitution monarchy is recognised as symbolic but no power in political.
This can prevent monarch from becoming power hungry and promote its reputation and image of
their country. On the other hand, having monarch in the country can cause the idea of inequality in
society as not every people can born to be one of them therefore it is quite special for someone to
born for that position where you can have some special treat from society and government. I feel
that, this kind of government will bring out people’s trust from having both monarch and
government together.

Type of State
(clearly say if your state is a unitary, federal, or confederal state,
then describe how this type of State can or will affect its citizens)
Type of State: Unitary
Effects (or potential effects) of the type of State chosen (at least 1 paragraph - 5 sentences):
Having unitary system, I think it is much easier to control whole country with the same principle
and discipline since the government centralized in certain structure. Moreover, this kind of state
usually tend to have smaller government instead of larger because government is able to move
faster if there are fewer navigation among groups or politicians in government. Plus, it has a
simple management of an economy. However, it can also has some several disadvantages such as
government would slowly response to country problem or it can easily loose track of local issues.
In term of the effect toward citizens, this system will ensure people that no one will have more
freedom than other people because we all use the same laws. Plus, people are more likely feel
belonging to this country.
(clearly explain how much your government follows Montesquieu’s idea of the separation of
powers and then describe how this can or will affect its citizens)
Effects (at least 1 paragraph - 5 sentences):I think my government should separate the power
into each particular categories as it will balance the appropriate power of government. This can be
divided into a legislative branch, an executive branch and judicial branch. The citizens would feel
stable in power of government. By dividing power, it would be harder for government to corrupt
or abuse the power. On the other hand, it can be disadvantage as well because dividing these
power into branches means that the more we have process, the more time we can proceed. In this
case, government move quite slow as it need to ask for a permission from national authority.
Therefore, citizens would feel stable with the government because everything is not entirely run
be someone but need to have a confirmation in order to proceed the work.
Hobbes, Locke, or Rousseau
(clearly explain if the ideas of your government are most similar to Hobbes, Locke, or Rousseau
and then describe how this can or will affect its citizens)
Effects (at least 1 paragraph - 5 sentences): My government can not be said as a one side. We
are more likely the mixture of Hobbes and Locke idea since we support the idea of democracy and
the right to against government but agree with the idea that. People are born to be immoral, and
they need to have law to punish or avoid danger event. Therefore, citizens would prefer limited
government rather than strong government.
Authoritarianism or Libertarianism (government power)
(clearly explain if the ideas of your government are more similar to authoritarianism or
libertarianism and then describe how this can or will affect its citizens)
Effects (at least 1 paragraph - 5 sentences): The idea of my government is quite similar to
libertarianism because the government basically use democracy to rule this country and monarch
is just a symbolic. This mean that the government does not have an absolute power in this country
but also giving citizens to have right to speak and live in the way they want. The government
often emphasise on freedom of choice or individual judgements and protect citizen’s right.
Socialism or Liberalism (economics)
(clearly explain if the ideas of your government are more similar to socialism or liberalism
and then describe how this can or will affect its citizens)
Effects (at least 1 paragraph - 5 sentences): the idea of my government is more likely similar to
socialism democrat. People doesn’t own the means of production but the government provide the
basic requirement of living and help poor people to access to health and welfare therefore, every
citizens will have good public services for instance, school, healthcare. Moreover, people can also
own their private property and business without interfering by government but people need to pay
high tax in exchange for welfare. This will affect people to have an average or limit in income in

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