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Writing Correction Code – Middle School

The e
​ quipment​ did great in the match!
wc word choice ​wc

​ ever have been​ to Canada.
wo mistake in word order ​wo

They were such ​a​ nice people.

____ not necessary

I like ​writting​ t​ asks.

sp spelling ​Sp

He has a
​ te​ snails.
v wrong verb form ​V

Does he ​likes​?
va verb agreement ​va

Did you go to the cinema yesterday

p punctuation ​P

I am interested ​on​ music.

pr preposition ​pr

​ ave eaten​ an exotic meal yesterday.
T wrong tense ​T

^ missing word
It was first time I worked in an office.

// insert new paragraph

__ ? meaning unclear

I am ​mexican​.
c Capitalisation

My mother went to the movies to watch a movie about

ro run on sentence earthquakes where she saw my dad and they went to
the supermarket together to buy some milk for the cat.
Writing Correction Code – Middle School

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