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Math Tic-tac-toe

Complete the activity in the center. Then aim to get three in a row on the tic-tac-toe board.
This is due by Friday Math App Learning Center Story Problem

Select a math app to represent your

mathematical thinking. Show 3
Select Third Grade Math Skills. correct equations and solutions. Be
Complete 15 minutes of Diagnostic sure to save a screenshot or have a
Practice. teacher/parent sign off when done.
Create a Story Problem complete with https://www.mathlearningcenter.or multiplication equation and picture.
g/resources/apps Turn into Teacher’s purple bin.

Parent Signature: ______ Parent Signature: ______ Parent Signature: _____

Deep Sea Duel MobyMax Math Fact Fluency

Complete 15 minutes of Moby Max

Okta challenges you to a duel! Math to review concepts or
Play 10 min. challenge your thinking with new Complete 10 minutes of Fact strategies. Fluency found on Moby Max
Parent Signature: ______
Parent Signature: ______ Parent Signature: ______

Work Places Math Madness

Complete G.3 in IXL ​Mult. facts Complete 3 games or 15 minutes

for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: sorting of activity. Found on
Take a workplace game home to
teach/play a family member. es/math-madness/

Parent Signature: ______ Parent Signature: ______ Parent Signature: ______

Math Tic-tac-toe
Description​​: This interactive homework assignments gives students the opportunity to decide how they wish
to practice their math. In being presented choices, students can take ownership of their learning. Homework
is now a fun interactive assignment they get to select rather than a to-do list.

How it works​​: Students complete the activity in the center of the board. They then complete any others in an
attempt to make three in a row. All students must complete three activities for credit on math homework for
the week.
Bonus​​* Students who decide to ‘blackout’ their board (complete all tasks) are given an added bonus of extra
stickers towards their Super Improver Wall. (The Super Improver Wall is a unique piece of the Whole Brain
Teaching system I implement in class. It is a truly democratic approach to recognizing and rewarding student
improvement. Using the Super Improver Wall, students earn stars as indications of personal improvement.)

IXL Diagnostic​​ is an automatic, Math Apps ​provides different Story Problems​​ is an opportunity
adaptive assessment tool that digital apps students can use to for students who represent
provides an accurate, represent their mathematical mathematical thinking through
up-to-the-minute portrait of each thinking. We have already used pictures and words. This is good
and every student. By answering the number line tool in class to practice for understanding how
questions in the Continuous write equations and demonstrate word problems in math work.
Diagnostic, students can pinpoint solutions. It is open ended so
their current levels of knowledge in students can be creative with their
math. choices.

Deep Sea Duel ​is a double digit MobyMax ​Math​​ is individualized Fact Fluency​​ within MobyMax
addition game that gives a target for each student, based on reviews basic math facts for
number students try to reach. assessments in the program. It students in addition, subtraction,
This practices friendly number fixes learning gaps. multiplication, and division.

WorkPlaces​​ are math games we IXL G.3 ​specifically addresses Math Madness​​ is game that
play in class. This provides multiplication skills with numbers practices speed with math facts. It
student the option to teach the 2,3,4,5 and 10. has multiple levels so students
material and play at home. can choose what kind of challenge
they want for themselves.

CSS.M.3.OA.3 Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal
groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the
unknown number to represent the problem
CSS Mathematical Practices:
3.MP.7 Look for and make use of structure
3.MP.4 Model with mathematics
ISTE 6 Educator as Facilitator by giving students voice and choice in aspects of the learning process.
ISTE 5 Educator as Designer by giving learner-driven activities that recognize and accommodate learner

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