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Friday, February 5, 2010

Applications of the US Code to the multiple state of Texas charges

against Texas whistleblower Shirley Pigott MD

As you know, I have made allegations and provided overwhelming evidence that Blue Cross
Blue Shield of Texas is guilty of racketeering with various Texas government agencies and
officials and private individuals for the purpose of retaliating against me for exposing their
criminal behavior.


When Texas Medical Board Watch suspected (and published) our belief that TMB President
Roberta Kalafut DO fraudulently claimed to have graduated from a Johns Hopkins residency
program in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the Governor's personal aide, Tony Gilman,
contacted me by email to challenge me. I referred him to doctors I knew had graduated from
there and they informed me that Johns Hopkins had no Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
residency at the time Kalafut claimed to have attended it.

Those following my whistleblower saga are requested to help me take my information to the
feds. My investigation has implicated Governor Perry, Attorney General Greg Abbott, Assistant
Attorney General Karen Matlock, former TMB member Keith E Miller, former TMB Executive
Director Donald Patrick MD JD, current TMB Exec Dir Mari Next-To-Go Robinson, most of the
current(if not all) TMB members, Texas Board of Nursing Kathryn Thomas, Wharton Couty DA
Josh McCown, WC Assistant DA Gordon Dudley, former DPS Exec Dir Colonel Thomas Davis
and Colonel Stanley Clark, current DPS Exec Dir Steven McCraw.

The most obvious federal authority is the FBI. It investigates public corruption. ...or the US
Department of Justice. It prosecutes public corruption.

A public official may be guilty of the crime of misprision of a felony if (s)he fails to take criminal
evidence, fails to investigate or fails to prosecute a crime.

Please help me clarify who is guilty of misprision of felonies and who is guilty of the felonies.
For example, Mari Robinson, Keith Miller, and Josh McCown, IMO, are not guilty of misprision,
they are guilty of the felonies. 'Misprision' of a felony isn't quite as bad, I suppose, as the actual
felony it is linked to.

We can't get the Texas Medical Board to discipline a single "bad" doctor. The TMB, an agency
of the Executive Branch empowered with the authority to enforce the Medical Practice Act, has
not kept any of the dirty doctors we've reported from retaliating against common Texans or has
it even investigated them.
Mari Robinson, Executive Director of the TMB, says the board already has the information I've
reported on Michael Jackson's alleged killer, Conrad Murray MD, who is licensed by the TMB
and practices unchallenged in Houston. The media reports that Dr. Murray administered IV
propofol to Jackson; Jackson subsequently experienced a cardiorespiratory arrest from which
he was not resuscitated. Respiratory arrest is a known and expected side effect of general
anesthetics. That is the reason they should only be administered in the operating room where
equipment and personnel are always available for complete cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

But Murray's investigation is a big secret, Robinson says, and she can't tell me what else she
knows or what efforts she is making to insure the safety of the public.

My God, if a doctor can kill Michael Jackson and get away with it, does that add credibility to my
charges that Mari Next-To-Go Robinson has committed heinous crimes?

Please call the TMB Department of Investigations to see which investigator is assigned to the
investigation. BJ West is/was supervisor of investigations: 903-786-

Please post this information on Facebook, OpEdNews, World News Net, and ProPublica;
send a press release to the Associated Press, CNN, LA Times, and the London Times: Texas
Medical Board Executive Director Mari Next-To-Go Robinson keeps investigation of Michael
Jackson's death a secret!

Texas Medical Board members, Michael Arambula, Tim Turner, and Tim Webb, all know
me personally, and have all had lengthy conversations with me. I have had tedious private
conversations with both Dr. Arambula and Mr. Turner about the crimes of Mari Robinson. The
whole TMB heard me present over a half dozen specific Mari Robinson crimes to them for which
I have personal knowledge on Feb 6, 2009. Two weeks later, with no new evidence, and no
evidence against me ever questioning the quality of my patient care, I received a notice from
TMB attorney Scott Freshour that the board was going to suspend my medical license.

On March 24, 2009, a board panel - Amanullah Khan, Patricia Blackwell, and Annette
Raggette - all biased due to hearing my Feb 6th testimony, suspended my medical license on
an "emergency" basis, based on the events of September 29, 2007.

Neither of the board's two experts in their suspension of my license would pass a Daubert
challenging the credibility of a medical expert:

1. TMB attorney Scott Freshour has thus far refused to allow Randall Moore MD JD, a board
appointed psychiatrist, to reevaluate me. Dr. Moore told me he thought it was unlikely I really
was seeing up to 14 law enforcement vehicles a day stalking me over a period of time from
September 29, 2007, to March 20, 2009, the day of my last appointment with him.

Every junior medical student knows that a 'test' with an unexpected result must be repeated if
it is to be valid, but TMB attorney Scott Freshour has deliberately defrauded and deceived the
public and violated the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct by refusing to allow
me to be re-evaluated by Dr. Moore. When Jeff Grass requested a re-evaluation, Freshour
said, "No; Dr. Moore is our witness."

We will appeal directly to Dr. Moore himself, who in the five and one half years I have known
him, has always reported honestly.

The TMB claims Dr. Moore's testimony is "sealed and confidential" from the public and from me,
but Keith E. Miller MD, court whore, had access to it before we took his deposition on April 23,
2009. Read it; he very specifically refers to the testimony of both board experts. Google [shirley
pigott scribd].

I believe Dr. Moore reported in his final evaluation of me to the medical board, "Dr. Pigott may
be paranoid" or "Dr. Pigott may be delusional" because that is what he told me he would have
to report. That is exactly what I would have reported had I been in his situation having access to
the same information he had.

For five years Dr. Moore followed me and verified my sanity periodically, something I found
quite useful in my role as a physician whisleblower. After 5 years of confirming the same
diagnosis repeatedly, at the end of the 5th year, he reported, "she may be delusional".
According to my attorney, Dr. Moore disagrees with the board's decision to suspend my license.

I suspect that Dr. Moore is horrified that his testimony was fraudulently used to suspend my
license. A public appeal to Dr. Moore will encourage him to say publicly that he must re-examine
me. His Fax number at Scott & White is 254-724-1747.

Dr. Moore will, I believe, because I have never found him to be dishonest, help me identify the
malicious malfeasance of Mari Robinson and Scott Freshour. These two lawyers are a disgrace
to the state of Texas and deserve to be disbarred and go to prison.

2. William H Reid MD, the second "expert" never personally evaluated me. I believe an
upcoming subpoena will confirm that Dr. Reid is a court whore for the Texas Medical Board. His
testimony was based almost entirely on Dr. Moore's inconclusive report and a doubly altered
DPS video of the events of Sept 29, 2007. More about him another time.

Robinson, Freshour, and Dr. Keith E Miller participated in driving my husband to suicide. Neither
Mari Robinson, Scott Freshour, nor Keith Miller have shown any remorse. I believe upcoming
depositions will provide the mens rea and the actus reus for murder.

These medical board employees, perhaps others, I believe, are engaged in racketeering with
Wharton County officials Josh McCown and Gordon Dudley, former Texas Academy of Family
Physicians president Doug Curran, and DPS Troopers Daniel Terronez and Alfred Ochoa. They
are doing to me far beyond what drove my husband to suicide while knowing I have a diagnosis
that puts me statistically at a significant risk of suicide. My husband had no such diagnosis.
On September 29, 2007, Trooper Daniel Terronez, who has killed violently before when he shot
a 22 year old unarmed man in the back who was "fleeing arrest", who has been the sole witness
to several high-speed, single vehicle fatalities, after telling me he was going to break into my
car and remove me by force, after hearing me respond, "you do that and I'm outta' here", while
facing oncoming traffic and hiding from Ochoa's camera, while Ochoa was shouting, "there's
traffic coming; there's traffic coming!" while observing an oncoming speeding 18-wheeler in my
lane, did knowingly and intentionally cause me to flee directly into its path by violently striking
my right rear window repeatedly and shattering it in his attempt to cause me a fatal injury.

I believe upcoming depositions will demonstrate conclusively that Terronez possessed the mens
rea and committed the actus reus for my attempted murder.

Certain people from time to time criticize my publicity of these alleged state crimes. In my
experience investigating bad faith peer review over the last six years, I have met more than
a half dozen (less than a dozen) persons who have had attempts made on their lives or who
have had friends and loved ones brutally murdered by those whose criminal acts and conflicts
of interest they have exposed. In several cases investigations were kept confidential in the early
stages. I've not made that mistake. That's why I'm still alive, I fully believe.

Periodically, I remind my readers: If anything happens to me, it wasn't suicide and it wasn't
an accident. Right now, the three people who have the most motive to see me dead are Mari
Robinson, Keith Miller, and Josh McCown.

Carol Ann Davis, who rescued me from the clutches of Wharton County District Attorney Josh
McCown, has alleged Assistant Attorney General Karen Matlock murdered her friend Melinda
Honerkamp. Carol made four phone calls to Matlock in August and has made none since.

On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 11:41 AM, wrote:


This is another section of the federal code that I think you should keep in mind.


Bill Duff


Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully
deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United

For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal,
state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of
that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending
to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within
the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement
officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting
as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race,
color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.

The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty,
depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.


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