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Joshua Holdaway


Health 1050

29 October 2018

Quiz 5 LSD and other Hallucinogenic Drugs

1. What is LSD? LDS is a hallucinogenic drug that makes your mind think something is

there when it not.

2. Who discover LSD? Can you talk about his amazing ride on his bike, after

accidentally brushed his finger with LSD? Albert hofmann was the first one to

discover LSD after accidently absorbing a few drops into his skin. He then rode his

bike home and was seeing all different things some nice some scary. Hofmann then

crashes his bike into his home.

3. How LSD works in the brain? Neurotransmitter involved.. LSD messes with the

neurotransmitters in your brain. It can disorganised the abstract thinking of your


4. List 5 acute effects of LSD before the trip. Increased heart rate. Sweating.

restlessness . Unable to sleep dry mouth.

5. List 2 chronic effects of LSD and EXPLAIN Panic attacks. From seeing things that

aren't there. Flashbacks or trips while not on LSD.

6. Describe the 4 typical steps of a the trip on LSD, next 2 hours 1. Initial onset 2.

Injustion. 3.Opening and letting go 4. Plateau

7. List 3 drugs related to serotonin, LSD is one Cocain, Meth, LSD, Marijuana

8. List three hallucinogenic drugs related to norepinephrine Stp, MDMA, Mescaline.

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9. List 2 drugs related acetylcholine from your textbook Atropine, Ibotenic

10. List 2 drugs related to glutamate Riluzole, Memantine

11. List and discuss 5 myths or facts about LSD, from book Its actual name is lsd 25,

Created by a scientist, lasts about 12 hours, they hold a bicycle days every year. Its an


12. Who was Dr Timothy Leary? Talk about his saga in the 60’s, becoming the guru of

LSD, his problems with the law, his encounter with mushrooms in Oaxaca Mexico.

13. List 2 differences between LSD and Psilocybin? Who is more visual ? Lsd is more

obtainable, Many say shrooms are more visual

14. Discuss why Scopolamine is considered the most dangerous drug in the world

because it makes you see things that aren't there.

15. List 3 risks of taking Ecstasy of them is overheating. Fluid retention. High blood


16. Why they call them Hexing drugs Because the effects can stick with you after the


17. Why the CIA was using LSD, on regular citizens in the past? Test of mind control.

18. Talk about DMT, and explain how it is used in spiritual rituals DMT is relieced at the

time of death so religions use it to simulate death.

19. Explain how peyote is used in sacramental by Native Americans and why is legal for

some? To give them ideas on the trip.

20. Talk about PCP and the assumed existence of super-human strength. Pcp has been

known for people having superhuman strength while on this drug in may police

officer incidents where they aren't fazed by the taser or mace.

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